Testimonial for Kim Turton Palmatary

I cannot convey how grateful I am for all Kim's help during my labor. She was nothing less than amazing. My husband and I wanted to have someone with us that could help us through birthing our first child. Thanks to her my husband and I have nothing but a posiitve memory of the birth and truly feel that it was an amazing day. I was hoping for a fully natural birth and was also hoping to spend most of my labor at home. Kim helped achieve both of those things. My labor was fast (whole thing under 8 hours). Kim helped my husband massage me and comfort me through my contractions, and helped reassure my husband that thigns were normal and progressing as they should. She took a detailed and careful record of what was happening. When she said that we should start to head to the hospital I was a little nervous about it (I really didn't want to spend hours there before delivering). Had I been on my own I think I would have delayed further. Luckily Kim was there and given her experience felt that it was really time to go. She was right: a little over an hour after our arrival at St Pauls, our daughter was born. Kim was the one who rushed to get the nurses and doctors when my water broke and I felt the urge to push. Kim was there to give my husband enough confidence so he could help catch the baby when she "came out" (also here I have to say my doctor was amazing too and open to him helping in that way). Kim was the one to make sure that I was ok and that my husband was an active participant and not left out. Kim was the one to make sure that our wishes were being respected. She was also great with help breastfeeding - much better than the nurses!

Kim made all the difference for both me and my husband. I recommend Kim without any reservations whatsoever. She was open to our wishes and I feel that with any couple, she will be respectful of their wishes, supportive and active in helping them materialize, without ever being dogmatic.

-Chloe Tergiman

March 29, 2015

a photo from Kim Turton Palmatary

Kim Turton Palmatary

My Doula Birth

Birth Fee: $1450 to $1750

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45


Updated 7/27/2024

Birth Fee: $1450 to $1750

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/27/2024

Years in practice