Rebecca is a thorough, conscientious, sweet and wonderful human being who is full of grace and has a great sense of humor. She is passionate about babies and birthing and is a font of knowledge that belies her youthful presence. It was a great comfort to me that she is also a mother and could relate directly to the experience of birthing and the post partum process.
As my doula, Rebecca was a grounding source of suppor for my 2nd baby. I had prodromal labor (that was progressing my dilation) for weeks, that for whatever reason didn't seem 'to catch.' She patiently calmed me through it, checking in periodically to see how I was doing and letting me do most of the checking in so as to alleviate the "when is baby coming' pressure I was feeling from everyone else in the world including myself! We even went to the hospital one evening when the contractions got close together, but ended up getting sent home. While the nurse was somewhat condescending (as if I don't know what labor pains feel like) and made me feel like an idiot, Rebecca was lovely and continued to remind me that I was in fact knowledgeable about my body and the process, and that I was doing all the right things and that I was following my Dr's orders of going to the hospital sooner rather than later.) Rebecca's style of offering advice, is truly to offer up information and she never suggests anything with 'shoulds' -- which I really appreciated. She also helped me find a knowledgeable accupuncturist (who was also midwife).
When labor finally occurred it was SUPER speedy (2hrs) and Rebecca's presence was exactly what I needed. She was jovial when I needed so that I could remain present and connected; and quiet/ calm/ serene when the process required my concentration. During the more intense parts of my labor, Rebecca worked seamlessly with the hospital staff and was literally hands-on, providing massage and verbal support.
-Jennifer Chang
March 05, 2015
Rebecca Belenky Doula Services
Birth Fee: $3000 to $4500
Postpartum Rate: $50