Testimonial for Shelia Kandeler, CD(DONA)

My husband and I had the pleasure of meeting Shelia when she was auditing our birthing class. We got to know her over the 8 week course and knew at the end that she would be a great match for us as our doula. Shelia is very calm, caring, well-spoken, and knowledgable. Her knowledge spans from conception, pregnancy, labor and birth, to breastfeeding and infant/childcare. These traits, among many other positive ones, translate so perfectly into her being an excellent doula and made her a valuable resource before and after birth. She helped us create a clear, concise birth plan that we ended up being able to follow very closely.

I developed preeclampsia in my 37th week and was induced. My induction was quite long and arduous, so it was so amazing having her there as support and comfort not only for me but my husband. After my epidural things got pretty foggy for me as I was finally able to rest for the first time in days; Shelia stayed by my side and advocated for me when I was either resting or too tired to do so myself. Our birth was a really wonderful, positive experience and Shelia had a lot to do with that. In addition to her role as a support person, she took some VERY beautiful candid photos of our family after our son was born. We treasure these images so much and will so forever. She also wrote a timeline and birth story that we love to read and reflect upon.

After my son was born we discovered pretty quickly that he was having difficulty latching, which could have led to some serious breast feeding difficulties. At our first home visit after his birth she helped put us in touch with an amazing lactation consultant that helped us right away.  And Shelia has continued to be a valuable resource of knowledge ever since.

-Brytt Gregory

February 22, 2015

a photo from Shelia Kandeler, CD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $50


Updated 8/8/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/8/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice