Testimonial for Nicole Chambers

When I called Nicole I was early on in my second pregnancy, but I knew I wanted to work with a Doula because of my desire to have a VBAC with my third baby. My twin sons were born by emergency C-section.  I felt that my husband and I would need all the support we could get through my labour and delivery, to best our chances of having a VBAC. When Nicole first visited us, she was very warm and friendly. She told us about herself, and the details of the services that she offers to expecting and labouring parents. She also shared many resources with us about VBACs which was helpful. The next two visits before labour we spent a lot of time sharing with Nicole our ideals and feelings about what we wished for and expected for the labour and delivery of our daughter. Nicole encouraged me to write down my pain management plan, so that I was clear on what I wanted and so she and my husband could refer to it during my labour.

My labour started at about 4:30am, and after being in the bath for about 15 minutes, we decided to go to hospital, and asked Nicole to meet us there. Contractions were long, and coming fast and furious already.From the moment we met in the parking lot until after Alisyn was born, Nicole was there for us. She helped my hubby help me, she did massage to help ease the pain of contractions, made sure I drank water, helped me find positions, asked questions of the doctor and nurses to clarify any comments made, took great photos for us, and explained clearly what was going on in the room, and who everyone was. When things were not going exactly as planned, she came right to me, looked me right in the eyes, and said what I needed to hear to calm myself down, and stop freaking out.

As I reflect on the experience now, I know that having Nicole there for us made all the difference in having a safe, happy and healthy VBAC delivery of our baby girl. We are very grateful we had Nicole on our side.

-Angela Fennelow

January 19, 2015

a photo from Nicole Chambers

Nicole Chambers

Ridge Meadows Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $45


Updated 7/7/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/7/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice