Testimonial for Kimberly Sebeck

(Kimberly Sebeck's rebuttal to client testimonial posted on 1/1/15. Part 1) I carefully considered whether or not to post a rebuttal to this Ms. W’s bad review but after thought have decided to. I believe that most conflicts come from misunderstandings and can be worked through if both parties wish to resolve the issue. I received a text on New Year’s Day from Ms. W that struck me as odd, asking me to clarify my position with her as she had no communication from me since she paid me, which in my mind and records was untrue. However, emotions can run high in pregnancy so I chose to immediately phone her to allay any fears or miscommunication rather than use text. I attempted to listen to her feelings that we had not had any communication since she paid her deposit for me to be her birth doula. I asked if she’d read the documents sent and upon asking was told I was turning the “blame” on her. I’d hoped to clear up the miscommunication and see if she had read the docs sent to all of clients outlining my role. I send a contract, intake form, and a FAQ doc detailed in how to reach me, that communication is vital and important and I am never being bothered if someone wants to talk or has a question. The same forms I have sent for years to clients and there is zero reason to think this client was treated differently than the hundreds of other satisfied clients. I never received the forms back from her even though I’d received an email response that she had gotten them. The conversation quickly went downhill as her voice raised. I said I felt I was failing at this conversation and she said you are a failure. I paused and asked her how she would like to proceed. I was told that she’d “like to call it a day”, to keep the deposit, she would hire another doula and hung up on me before I could respond. The phone call was 4 min long and I feel that is a very short time for resolution to occur.

-Kimberly Sebeck

January 01, 2015

a photo from Kimberly Sebeck

Kimberly Sebeck

Knoxville Doula

Birth Fee: $2950 to $3250

Postpartum Rate: $45


Updated 8/20/2024

Birth Fee: $2950 to $3250

Postpartum Rate: $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/20/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice