Testimonial for Christine Halldorson, CD (DTI), CBE

When I met Christine I instantly felt like we were old friends and I knew I wanted her to be my doula.  Leading up to my delivery Christine provided us with a lot of informative information, great books, and showed us techniques to do together to get through labor.  She was not just a teacher but also a friend checking in on me and encouraging me.  When I finally went into labor with my son, I texted Christine in the morning saying I believe this is the day because I have been up since 2:45 am with contractions.   She said she will start getting ready to head over.  When she arrived she suggested we go for walk.  The walk was great idea and truly helped.  During the walk we just talked, shared stories and laughed.  Whenever I did have a contraction Christine would help me breathe through them and rub my lower back.  After the walk it was time to call my husband and doctors and go to thr hospital.  At the hospital Christine and my husband worked together to help me through my contractions.  During this time she motivated me as well as my husband.  I had tested positive for Strep B so I had to be on antibiotics for four hours.  Unfortunately I was fuly dilated and still had about a little less then an hour to go for the medicine to be done.  This was the hardest part.  I was told I couldn't push till the medicine was done.  I honestly believe Christine and my husband were the reasons I made it through.  She continued to encourage me and put wet wash cloths on my head.  Finally I was allowed to push and had my son in my arms.   While everyone was paying attention to my son and I was being checked Christine stood by my side.  Which was a great feeling not being alone.  I had fears from time to time about going natural but I can honestly say that Christine truly helped me have a wonderful birth experience.  I would ask for her support again.

-Nicole Pickens

August 30, 2014

a photo from Christine Halldorson, CD (DTI), CBE

Christine Halldorson, CD (DTI), CBE

Seeds of Life Birth Services

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $50


Updated 9/6/2024

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice