Testimonial for Isabelle Peabody

Isabelle was our doula for the birth of our son in May. She proved to be an instrumental part of our experience and was worth every penny! Our birth preparation included taking the Bradley method birth classes which prepared us for my husband being my primary birth coach. Isabelle was receptive of this approach and during our L&D was able to provide a tremendous amount of support to not only me but my husband as well. My labor progressed quickly after my water broke at 3am. By 6am we made it to the hospital where I was already at 5cm and deep into active labor. Isabelle arrived shortly after we did and immediately jumped in. She not only helped my husband get me situated in the tub but she also moved our car, grabbed our bags and started to give the nurses the run down on our birth plan while my husband was helping me work through contractions. As labor progressed she did a wonderful job of massaging my back or letting me drape over her during contractions. Our midwife confirmed our son was OP so we tried many positions to spin him. The intensity grew very quickly and was extremely powerful. Isabelle helped my husband with massage, suggesting new positions and providing wonderful words of encouragement during the most painful experience of my life. After 9.5hrs I had progressed to 7cm but had been working through transition for over 4hrs. At the next check the midwife discovered my cervix was very swollen and it was clear we were no longer in the safe zone for a natural delivery. I got the epidural to help my body relax and even after this Isabelle was a great sounding board and stayed with us during the down time. And then during pushing she was a great cheerleader! Overall Isabelle was exactly what needed to help us have a positive birth experience and we highly recommend her. Her calm, kind, and dedicated attitude was exactly what we needed and she is a truly a gifted doula.

-Alli Scott

July 20, 2014

a photo from Isabelle Peabody

Isabelle Peabody

Warm Ways Doula Care

Birth Fee: $2000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Updated 5/31/2024

Birth Fee: $2000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 5/31/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice