Testimonial for Vanessa Flanders

Vanessa was Amazing! I honestly cannot even begin to say how much of a difference it made with this delivery compared to my first. My first was not a very happy experience which lead me to search for a doula in the first place. The first time we met with Vanessa she helped us choose our hospital and my midwife. She also gave us tons of information that I would have never had known about. Every time she met with us was a great experience and we learned so much about birth, babies and what we wanted. The day of my delivery she was at my house very quickly to help with early labor. Told us when to go to the hospital and followed us there. My goal going into this delivery was to go as long as I could without an epidural and I actually didn't even end up getting one at all and I KNOW I could have never been able to do that without her. She was completely supportive either way if I wanted one or not but she made it so much easier to get through it for me without having one. Because of that my Recovery was amazing. I was up and walking around right after birth and got to enjoy special moments with my daughter that I had missed out on last time with my son because I was stuck in bed because of the epidural. Vanessa was the perfect amount of help and support for my husband and I and made our birthing experience so much better than it would have been without her. I didn't even have to give our hospital our birth plan and everything was done the way we hoped for because she was there looking out for us. She also took pictures during and after birth and captured incredible moments that I would have never remembered along with keeping a timeline of everything so we would have that to remember everything later. I would tell anyone that asked to definetly use a doula weather its your first child or not and would with 110 percent confidence recommend Vanessa to all my friends and family. She went so above and beyond then just any support person! Thanks again Vanessa!

-Sarah Eide

June 29, 2014

a photo from Vanessa Flanders

Birth Fee: $1800 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $60


Updated 9/5/2024

Birth Fee: $1800 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/5/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice