Testimonial for Christine Halldorson, CD (DTI), CBE

From the moment I met Christine, I knew she was the right person for my birth experience. I was nervous and unsure about my feelings towards having a natural child birth and Christine made me feel empowered and strong enough to follow through my with my birth plan. After our first meeting and instantly clicking, we set up our two final meetings for later in my pregnancy. This alone was reassuring that she was a strong support system for me and my husband. At both meetings, she explained how she would assist us during my birth and again empowered me even further to follow through with my dreams of a natural child birth. Even beyond these meetings, Christine made me feel I could reach out to her at any time with any questions or concerns I had. When my due date came closer, I frequently would contact Christine with questions, worries, excitement, and concerns and she would always promptly respond. When I went into labor at 12:30 am, I knew I could reach out to Christine and she would respond right away. She came to me quickly and calmly. From this moment on, I can truly say she is one of the biggest reasons I had the labor I worked so hard for. Christine didn't only feel like my doula, but she felt like my best friend and mother all wrapped up in one. I remember making eye contact with her numerous time through painful contractions and her gaze, with or without words, always calmed me and reassured me that I could do this. When it came time to go to the hospital, her presence was even more necessary. In moments of feeling like I couldn't go on, Christine always made me feel like I could be strong and continue on. And I did.. I labored for 21 1/2 hours and pushed for 3. All without any medication or induction methods. Things ran so smoothly and beautifully and I know a big part of that was because of Christine. I will forever be grateful to her for how she helped me have the birth of my dreams.

-Casey Guild

June 22, 2014

a photo from Christine Halldorson, CD (DTI), CBE

Christine Halldorson, CD (DTI), CBE

Seeds of Life Birth Services

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $50


Updated 9/6/2024

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1800

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice