Testimonial for Nicole Chambers

Nicole was an easy choice because of her background in counseling and her calm holistic approach to the process. I have a history of anxiety and I knew that I needed someone who would be strong and uplifting in those exhausting moments when you just feel like giving up. During our prenatal meeting Nicole was excellent at answering any of the questions me or my husband had and helped us finalize a birth plan that felt right for us.

Nicole helped me remain sane when i went over my due dateand reminded me that 40 weeks wasn’t an expiry date. The day of my delivery I had been sent to the hospital to do a checkup to make sure everything was ok with baby.. After several hours at the hospital we knew that everything was not looking good for our little one and we most likely would not be leaving. Nicole kept in constant contact with me the whole day and let me know that at any time she could be there. When the word “cesarean” started being tossed about my eyes welled with tears and my heart sunk. Literally the first thing we did was call Nicole and she was there within a half hour. The whole reason we had chosen Nicole was for her sincerity, compassion, and understanding and at that moment it was exactly what I needed.

Nicole stayed with me right up until I went in for surgery and helped to keep me calm. As soon as the birth was over Nicole met us in the recovery room and helped me with latching our little girl for the first time. In the days and early weeks to follow she checked in on how we were doing and was even up for answering those late night texts when I had no idea what to do. . Nicole’s support throughout my pregnancy was incredibly valuable. I’m so glad we did our research and chose to bring a doula on board. Even though our birthing plan did not go as expected, Nicole was exactly what we needed during our cesarean. She was empathetic, compassionate and has a true passion for what she does.

-Chandra Walters

May 23, 2014

a photo from Nicole Chambers

Nicole Chambers

Ridge Meadows Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $45


Updated 7/7/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/7/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice