Testimonial for Nicole Chambers

My wife and I hired a midwife (which was a great experience) to oversee our birthing process and I didn’t think we needed a doula, but this was largely because I didn’t realize what their role was. However our birth plan was thrown out the window after a conversation with the doctor and our midwife during a checkup after our overdue baby girl was being induced. Now our doula, Nicole, brought tons of wonderful resources to our pre/postnatal meetings, but for me this was the most important involvement in our birth. As my wife looked at me for answers that I couldn’t provide her with, Nicole stood in the hospital with us and was there every step of the way. She provided a calm, patient and empathetic third party perspective. And we had created such a trust with her that I knew she had my wife’s best interest at hand. She was a rock that grounded me during the most amazing, traumatic and chaotic day or my entire life. As I was getting prepped for the cesarean, I didn’t have any regrets, because I knew between the 3 of us we had tried everything to avoid it. I was calm because Nicole stayed with my wife as our Midwife was reading charts and talking with doctors and overseeing all of the many tasks that go on leading to birth. You can imagine how busy a midwife or doctor would be while they are deciding and/or preparing for a major surgery. While this was happening Nicole explained to us what was happening; she reassured us that everything possible was being done. And during this moment having her with us was valuable beyond money. I highly recommend people research what a doula is and why their role in the birthing process is so important. We will certainly use her again in the future and I believe it would be the best money spent for anyone going through birth for the first time.

-Scott Walters

May 22, 2014

a photo from Nicole Chambers

Nicole Chambers

Ridge Meadows Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $45


Updated 7/7/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/7/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice