Testimonial for Sarah Booten

Sarah is an amazingly strong, experienced and caring person that we were lucky to have as our doula. Her life has truly prepared her for her profession -  I could tell just from our first interview that helping mothers bring their babies into the world was truly her lifes work.  She is completely committed to the idea that women deserve a positive birth experience, no matter what kind of birth you have. 

After trying for a natural birth, I had an extremely difficult labor that lasted about 48 hours, ending in an emergency c-section for a very large and transverse baby.  Sarah stayed with my husband and I for the long haul, never losing energy and doing everything she possibly could to turn our baby as well as supporting me when I was at my most vulnerable. I am so thankful to have had someone like Sarah with us in the delivery room, reassuring my husband and I, and helping me manage the pain, while all around us hospital staff came and left and changed shifts.  

I had spent my pregnancy worrying about the possibility of having a c-section and had done everything I could think of to prevent it (childbirth classes, yoga, and of course a doula, etc.).  When it became clear that our daughter was not going to be pushed out she supported me in my decision in a way that let me know everything was going to be OK. As I was brought to the OR, (no doulas allowed) she stayed with my husband who was exhausted and emotionally spent and gave him  much needed support. Did I mention that this was happening while Sarah herself was pregnant and in her first trimester? Like I said, strong! When we were finally able to bring our girl home Sarah was immensely helpful as a lactation consultant. Also, she knows her breast pumps. As a working mom this was invaluable. To this day Sarah and I have remained friends, bonded by the experience of her longest labor.

-Lisa Barcy

June 18, 2010

a photo from Sarah Booten

Sarah Booten

Life Span Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1500 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $60 to $75


Updated 8/16/2024

Birth Fee: $1500 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $60 to $75


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/16/2024

Years in practice