Testimonial for Anne Wallen, CLD, CLDT, CPD, CPDT, CLSE, EpiDoula

I had the most wonderful experience with Anne and am so very thankful for her.   I asked her to join me at the hospital and she was by my side the entire time, completely focused on me every moment.    She has such a calming personality and presence and her being there was soothing to me.   She used different techniques to help me through the contractions that made a tremendous difference in how I managed the pain.   This was my 3rd birth but first natural and I had never experienced transition or birth with no medication and she was very comforting to me during that time, encouraging me emotionally and helping me through the physical part.   She was very professional and and tactful in being my advocate with the doctors, carefully and skillfully walking the line and respectfully integrating all roles - physician's, nurses', mine, and her own.

When my baby had to go to the NICU, my husband was able to accompany him while Anne stayed with me.   I experienced some bleeding and clotting complications and Anne was with me during the painful procedures, helping me to manage the pain and reassuring me.   She truly has a such a sweet and calming presence, while at the same time being confident and strong in what she does.  She has the perfect balance.

I walked away from that birth with just what I had hoped for - sweet memories a natural birth.   Anne begs to differ, but I know I couldn't have done it without her there.   I would have either given in to the pain or the fear but she kept me grounded and encouraged my heart.

She is also so very knowledgeable about infant care and has given me much advice on many things from nursing, to colic, to baby sleep.  She is always gracious with my calls and questions.  She loves what she does and is so good at it.   I would recomend her wholeheartedly!

-Erika Pfluke

January 21, 2014

a photo from Anne Wallen, CLD, CLDT, CPD, CPDT, CLSE, EpiDoula

Birth Fee: $2775 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $70


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Birth Fee: $2775 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $70


Years on DoulaMatch


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Certified Doula
Years in practice