Testimonial for Elysia Douglas

My husband I were intent on having a wonderful and calm water birth experience to welcome our second child.Upon meeting Lysia at our midwife's office at a Doula meet and greet I immediately noticed her calm and matter of fact demeanor. She impressed me with her knowledge, but more so her interest in my ideal birthing experience. We talked in depth about what I thought I needed and despelled any myths or fantasy that might set me up for failure. My husband (who was secretly terrified), was put to ease after our in home visit prior to birth. Lysa went over natural pain relief techniques, showed use her doula kit, and even went over the birthing chant I found. We discussed my at home plan and packed my hospital bag together.

Unfortunately, I went into preterm labor at 33 weeks and was put on bedrest. Lysa was extremely supportive offering to come to the hospital or visit our home. She reminded me daily that it was about the health of the baby and myself. What I truly appreciated was the constant contact and willingness to share information.

When I finally did go into labor, at full term and my labor pains were unbearable I distinctly hear Lysa's voice telling me to rock on all fours. When the water was humid and seemingly suffocating in the birthing pool I remember Lysa fanning me and pressing cool rags to my head. As I felt the baby crowning and thought I would faint from exhaustion and pain I remember Lysia whispering," It's almost over, bear down." It seems so trivial, but it was those little things that helped to make our birthing experience beautiful and serene. Plus she took nice photos.

Weeks later at our in home postpartum visit I couldn't help but feel like I was being visited by a good friend. A very knowledgable friend, with a calming aura. And as we reviewed the birth and the following events it solidified the fact that we couldn't have done it without her.

-keisha atwater

November 19, 2013

a photo from Elysia  Douglas

Elysia Douglas

Atlanta Family Doulas

Birth Fee: $1750

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 7/2/2024

Birth Fee: $1750

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/2/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice