Testimonial for Donna Rigert

From the start, both my husband and I knew that we wanted a natural birth. Everything I read about natural childbirth, especially in a hospital setting, said to hire a doula. I am a pretty determined individual and have a very supportive husband so I wasn't completely set on hiring a doula. Then, we took a tour at a hospital and I left in tears from anxiety (and hormones of course). So around 31 weeks I contacted Donna. I have read this in her other testimonials, but it truly was like catching up with an old friend. She made me very comfortable and gave back the confidence I'd lost on that hospital tour. Donna is the perfect mix of a modern personality with old school beliefs in a woman's ability to birth her child naturally. Her supportive and positive attitude, along with her experience, is exactly what we wanted, and what I needed, at the birth. When she met us at the hospital, it was such a relief to see her smiling face walk into that tiny triage room!

During my labor, she made sure my husband was fed, and used multiple avenues to helped me relax. She ran out for cohosh that our midwife recommended to help naturally move labor along. When contractions got more intense, Donna talked me through the first doozy and literally helped me find my voice. This moment made her worth every penny folks. My husband has told everyone we talk to about the birth that he'd recommend a doula, particularly Donna, to anyone and couldn't have imagined going through it without her.

Another one of those “worth every penny moments” happened while I was pushing (for close to 3 hours). Yes, my body knew what it was doing and I was pushing my baby down, but her few tips towards the end REALLY taught me how to push to birth our little angel. And on top of all of that, we have beautiful photos we would have never had without her that I will always treasure. I will not hesitate to hire Donna for baby #2 one day!

-April Duda

September 25, 2013

a photo from Donna Rigert

Donna Rigert

Doula Donna Denver

Birth Fee: $1600

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45


Updated 8/17/2024

Birth Fee: $1600

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/17/2024

Years in practice