Deanna Dawson-Jesus, CD, CLE, CBE Photo

Deanna Dawson-Jesus, CD, CLE, CBE

Birthing Babies - Doula Services

Danville, CA Service range 100 miles I'll travel as far as my client is comfortable.

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate

$60 to $75

Availability Remarks: As previously mentioned I currently only provide daytime postpartum services. Please contact me for details and pricing as I do offer payment plans and sliding-scale options.

Birth Fee


Postpartum Rate

$60 to $75

Birth Doula Experience

20 years and 285 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

7 years and 23 families served

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, October 2015

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 2 births and 1 to 2 postpartum families

Postpartum limits/restrictions: Non-smokers I'm a "Days" postpartum doula. I will happily work between 8:00 am to 11:00 pm I do not do general housework, I will do small chores related to the baby (i.e. baby's laundry, dishes, etc.).

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth
I am happy to travel where-ever the client needs me.

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Aromatherapy
  • Babywearing education
  • Belly binding
  • Belly casting
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • Cancer patients and survivors
  • Child passenger safety technician services
  • Childbirth education services
  • End of life doula services
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Henna belly designs
  • Hypnosis for birth
  • Infant massage education
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Mother blessing celebrations
  • Parenting consulting
  • Photography - Birth
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Stillbirth and infant loss support
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

*Past Co-Leader ICAN of SF East Bay *Co-Founder and past board member of The Mt. Diablo Doula Community *Founder of The Birthing Babies Breakfast Club, a social networking group for Perinatal Professionals in the SF Bay Area *Founder/Mentor/Trainer at Birthing Babies - Doula School

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

Please contact me for details and pricing as I do offer payment plans and sliding-scale options. I offer three Birth Doula Packages-Essential, Premier, and Concierge. As I am a Doula Mentor/Trainer, I have access to Doulas that can fit any budget if I'm not able to accommodate you. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any reason.

Service Area

Danville, CA Service range 100 miles I'll travel as far as my client is comfortable.

Client Testimonials for Deanna Dawson-Jesus, CD, CLE, CBE

Post a testimonial for Deanna Dawson-Jesus, CD, CLE, CBE

Brittany G


Deanna was our post-partum doula for our first birthing experience, she supported us four of the first six nights we were home with our daughter. From our first conversation with her we were impressed by her compassion for supporting families with the birth of their children. As first time parents we were looking for someone to help us with the transition home with a new baby. Our goals in working with a postpartum doula were to let Mom focus on getting some sleep in the first few days (important for many reasons including reducing chances of depression) and have additional support for breastfeeding and basic baby care. 

The first few days home were the hardest and Deanna made our transition easier. She provided lactation support and feedback on breast feeding strategies, sitting with Mom while she fed during the night to provide guidance and encouragement. She also specifically supported and encouraged Dad with various calming techniques, building both parents’ confidence and comfort with our baby each day she was here. And her wonderful personality helped us relax from the anxiety of being new parents.

We appreciated that Deanna was flexible with our schedule and felt she went out of her way to help us when we asked her to change the amount of time she was supporting us. 

Before working with Deanna, we were unsure about the necessity of having a postpartum doula. Now we would highly recommend it. Overall, having Deanna’s support during the first week home ensured a smoother transition to being parents, physically and mentally. Deanna’s support not only allowed us to get more sleep the nights she was here, but also helped ease our early concerns and questions and built our confidence. We would recommend working with Deanna to anyone who is considering a postpartum doula especially first time parents. 



Since having my baby, my number one recommendation to all pregnant friends is to get a doula - if possible, Deanna specifically. My husband and I were so glad to have her on our team during pregnancy, labor, and delivery! I am a type A and plan-oriented person, and felt very reassured by her very detailed birth plan and evidence-based resources for decision making. I really appreciated how supportive Deanna was in the decision-making process and never felt judged for any questions I had or decisions I made. During labor and delivery, I had a very long induction where she was invaluable in helping keep me comfortable and reminding me to eat, drink, and rest. I also had a very long pushing phase - Deanna’s coaching made me feel strong and capable, and I was able to avoid a C-section (I don't know if I could have done it without her!). After baby was home, she helped connect us with various providers (who were also excellent!) to work on breastfeeding issues and a tongue tie. If you’re on the fence about a doula, or unsure about the cost, please let me assure you that she is 100% worth it, I can’t say enough good things about her!! I can't imagine our birth experience without her!



Having Deanna as our doula was a choice my partner and I were very happy we made. She was with me through my labor, even though she was virtual (COVID hospital policy would only allow one support person), she was as strong an advocate for me as if she were with me in person. She also worked with us postpartum, took very good care of my baby and I. She cooked us delicious meals, was very kind and reassuring. I would recommend Deanna to any of my friends and family expecting a little one.

Darlene Overzet


I can honestly say that if I had it all to do over again and could only pick one person to be in the delivery room with me, hands down it would be Deanna Dawson-Jesus!!!   She was the only person I focused on anyway as she guided me thru all the necessary steps to the delivery I dreamed of.  Deanna’s confidence, calm energy and experience allowed her to know exactly where I was every step of the way. She gave subtle yet very effective cues for breathing that helped tremendously. She made sure I drank ice water between every contraction, which was super important due to the extremely limited time I had between each contraction.  I had no clue what anybody else was doing in the room since I was so focused on her amazing guidance and demeanor.  My daughter is now 11 but I’ll never forget the amazing support of Deanna. She was my single-person dream team the whole way! ??.  Much love forever ??

Peter McMahan


Deanna is an amazing doula.

We hired her after we moved cross-country and became pregnant in a place without much of a support system. She met with us numerous times before delivery and helped us think through what we wanted from the birth process. Her insightful questions and genuinely open-minded attitude allowed us to understand what we hoped for from our pregnancy and birth. Deanna was remarkably good at listening to us and offering information and advice that we didn’t even know we wanted. Her in-home visits were a pleasure—even our dog was always excited to see her.

Due to some health issues, we needed to adjust our birth plan on the go. In the hospital, we were faced with some difficult decisions. Deanna provided a calm voice, allowing us the space and support we needed in the moment. She was absolutely attentive to what we needed moment to moment, being present when we needed help and knowing just when we could use some time to ourselves.

Also, she pushed her knuckle into my back during a contraction and it magically relieved all my pain. Seriously, she is some kind of wizard.

Katherine Ann


Deanna is a natural when it comes to listening to parents and tailoring her approach in a way that truly supports their wishes for their pregnancy, labour and birth. She provided us with a wealth of information and resources from reliable and varied sources that in turn helped us discover our own goals and wishes for a successful pregnancy, delivery and postpartum period. She prepared us for things that we didn't even know we should prepare for, which brought us peace of mind and a sense that we were active participants in our pregnancy, labour and delivery.

Deanna made us feel as though she was there for us whenever we had questions or concerns. She helped us not only to relax about, but indeed look forward to labour and delivery. She prepared us for different eventualities while remaining always optimistic about our birth plan. While we had hoped for a spontaneous labour, we ended up inducing at 42 weeks. Deanna worked with us to prepare for the induction, and during labour knew how to help me labour through the contractions and guide my husband in ways that he could best support me. Deanna was also skilled at keeping us informed of what was happening every step of the way and how it related to our birth plan. We also greatly appreciated the way in which she worked as a team with our medical providers which I strongly believe resulted in our getting the best medical care possible given the circumstances. While ultimately our boy was brought into the world via cesarean, I do feel that working with Deanna helped me go into the operating room with a sense of joy, gratitude and optimism rather than fear and disappointment.

I would recommend that any expecting parent who is considering working with a doula meet with Deanna. She was a great fit for us, and because she truly follows her birthing philosophy "Your birth, your way", I imagine that she would be a great fit for many others.

Sabita Chettri Pandey


I am not much of a reviewer or writer but I am compelled to write about Deanna. This was my first pregnancy and my husband and I were totally newbies who had no idea about childbirth and delivery. We do not have much family here and rely wanted someone to help us through this situation and hence the decision for hiring a doula. We interviewed a few doulas but when we met Deanna, our search ended. What made a very strong impression on us was her extensive knowledge about childbirth and related topics. We would ask her all sorts of questions and she always had the answer. She was extremely helpful and supportive throughout the last few weeks of my pregnancy, on the day of delivery and even post pregnancy. My husband and I strongly feel that the most important day of our lives would not have been the same without Deanna. She was there with us throughout my 24 hour labor which ultimately resulted in a c section. For those first time parents let me tell you that the hospital staff are not constantly there with you in the labor room and come only when called or to check on you periodically. In between those visits? You are likely to feel lost and helpless and that's when you will realize the importance of a doula. Deanna and her shadow doula Megan were also very helpful post pregnancy guiding me through breast feeding and post partum challenges including baby blues. What more can I say about Deanna....just meet her and you will know!

Daisy Alatorre-Holden


Doulas are so special. If you are considering a doula - please do yourself a favor and get one. I knew that I wanted a doula but didn't realize how much I would come to lean on Deanna for her knowledge and support. Having her be a part of the birth has made for the most amazing birth story. From early on I relied on Deanna to ask engaging questions that I didn't even have the clarity of mind to think about as a first time mother, I tried my best to avoid over-reading so as to make the pregnancy and birth my own experience. Deanna helped with pain management solutions while pregnant and trying to maintain an athletic regiment. She helped me think about the environment that was right for my family and welcoming our child. She also encouraged my husbands involvement and at the same time made it okay for him to take breaks when he needed. It's difficult to explain but imagine going through one of the most terrifying moments because you don't know what to expect and there a plenty of emotions stirring. Deanna was the beacon that helped charter through those emotions, physical demands and provided a loving hand.

I'm grateful and know that you will be to.

The Holden's

Iryna Novosyolova


I'm really happy that Deanna was my doula. She is extremely supportive, and she supported me in my any intention. Deanna is knowledgeable doula, and she guided my husband and me in my pretty much rough labor and delivery. Also, she is a nice person who I was very comfortable with during my 3 days (!!!) labor. I would highly recommend her. Thank you,m Deanna!

Michael Dailey


My wife and I first met Deanna through meet the Doula night at Day One Center in Walnut Creek. She also came highly recommended from a friend of ours whose birth she assisted. We immediately had a good feeling about her. Deanna was very helpful in walking us through the process as well as getting us to completely think through the type of birth we wanted. There was both a gentle motherly as well as authoritative presence about her and this was something that both my wife and I wanted in a Doula given that this was our first child. My wife was looking to have a completely natural birth and Deanna was extremely supportive in this. She made herself fully available through phone, texts, and emails anytime we needed her. When my wife went into labor, Deanna met us at the hospital and was actively present through the entire exhausting 14 hour labor. In fact, when my wife wasn't dilating as well, it was Deanna's quick thinking and extensive knowledge in labor positions that turned the tide and prevented my wife from needing Pitocin. An hour later, my wife gave birth to our beautiful daughter and all naturally without any drugs, which is exactly what she wanted. Deanna also followed up with us for several days by phone to check on us as well as through a follow-up visit. It was during this visit that she presented us with our daughter's "Birth Story"; a comprehensive narrative detailing our birthing process from meeting Deanna through to the birth and including our first words to our daughter. It was absolutely beautiful and something we will always cherish. We would highly recommend Deanna for ANYONE who is interested in the assistance of a doula and we will definitely use her again for our second.

Emilia Breton


Shortly after we found out that I was pregnant with my daughter we decided to hire a doula to help us. From the moment that we hired Deanna she showed her commitment to helping us navigate the unfamiliar waters. She gave us a wonderful packet including a list of questions about how we wanted our birth to go many of which I had not even thought about. When I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes I was crushed and lost, Deanna was so supportive and helpful it really set my mind at ease. When I finally went into labor Deanna was with us every step of the way. I had made the decision to labor at home as long as possible. Deanna stayed with my husband and I through it all and her bag of comfort tricks kept me comfortable and calm. When we got to the hospital it was almost time for me to give birth. Deanna sat with me and helped to keep my husband and I calm and focused. She explained what was going on around me and was an amazing oasis of calm in the middle of a crazy situation. Once my daughter was born she stayed with us until we were all settled and ready for her to leave. Deanna was instrumental in making sure that I had the birth experience that I wanted. Deanna is one of the most knowledgeable individuals about pregnancy and birth I have ever meet. If I am lucky enough to have a second child I will defiantly be hiring Deanna again.

Dawn Morrison


Deanna Jesus is an amazing Doula. I feel that because of her help- I had a fabulous birth. She was very thorough and made sure to help us try to achieve the birthing experience that we personally desired. I almost went in to the hospital too early several times, but with her help I was better able to understand what was going on with my body and to go in at the right time. She made me feel comfortable at the hospital and she was great with the nurses. During my birth she helped me with positions, comfort and breathing techniques and cleaned after me. This allowed my husband to truly focus on me and what I needed and to encourage me. Afterwards my husband was honest that he originally really didn't understand why we needed a Doula - but that he now realized it was the best thing we had ever done- and best money ever spent. Deanna followed up with me afterwards and helped with nursing, etc. I have recommended her to all my friends. If you hire her you will be in very loving hands! I can't say enough about her!

Ingrid Yen


I found Doula Dee in September 2011 when I was about 33 weeks pregnant after realizing that I wasn’t going to have the support and assistance I needed at my hospital. Hiring her for my delivery and start of motherhood was the best thing I could have done for myself and my baby. Deanna went through every minute of my 50+ hours with me. She was great at teaching my husband how to provide the special things I needed through such a vulnerable process. She helped me search inside about what was important to my birth experience and taught me so much about what it could be… She was like a mother to me and gave me knowledge, confidence, courage, a big hug and a shoulder to cry on. She knew when to back off so I can have space to “deal”. She was more than a doula. She cared for every single mother-to-be as an individual. Each birth experience was like the first one to her and she cherished every single one of them as if it was her own. Deanna has a very magnanimous and compassionate personality and she ALWAYS went above and beyond what was called for to help the new mom. Having gone through what I went through, I HIGHLY suggest every first time mother to have a doula. And if you are lucky enough, Doula Dee as yours.

Kirstie Pickles


I found Deanna late into my pregnancy (about 36 weeks!!) after my first doula didn't work out. I had planned a hypnobirth and taken hypnobirthing lessons and didn't feel confident that my original doula could support a hypnobirth. My hypnobirthing instructor gave me Deanna's contact details and as soon as my partner and I met Deanna, we knew she was the right person to be present at out daughter's birth. We appreciated her down to earth nature, her calm and reassuring presence and also her experience of hypnobirths. I had a wonderful, empowering birth that was the most amazing experience. Deanna helped shape that experience and for that I will be forever grateful.

Shan Elder


I met Deanna while attending the HypnoBirthing Training at the Nurture Center.  it did not take long for my husband and I to realize that Deanna would be the perfect asset to our birth.  She helped me and encouraged me while I labored and birthed my son completely natural and unmedicated.  She is kind and gentle and easily fit right into our comfortable setting.  I only wish I would have used her for my daughters birth as well.  Since I had gone through Doula training that same year, I did not think I would need any athoer assistance other than my husband.  If you are in the same predicament, take my advice, GET DEANNA!!!!  

We are eternally greatful for her help and she will always cherish that special day with us.

krista snyder


Deanna was an amazing support before, during, and after the birth of our daughter Audrey.  She is an excellent source of information and a fabulous teacher.  During the birth, she explained everything that was happening and coached us through making decisions.  She was also there 100% to help me through the labor process.  When labor began to get intense, Deanna talked me through one contraction at a time and helped me to stay grounded and relaxed.  Our birth ended in an emergency c-section, but Deanna stayed with me in the recovery room while my husband stayed with our daughter.  She followed up by visiting us in the hospital the next day and helped me with breastfeeding and made sure that we were all doing well.  After going home, I had a really hard time with bresatfeeding.  Deanna came to do a home visit and was a great help and support to me.  She even left the dinner table on Thanksgiving to help coach me through a difficult night with bresatfeeding.  I can't recommend her strongly enough!  She is cariing, compassionate, and supportive.  I can't imagine having gone through my birth experience without her!

Eric Hsu


 She was our doula for our first child (June 2005) and second child (May 2008).  She was supportive, kind and knowledgable. This was particularly important for the first child... labor lasted 26 hours!  I still remember her walking around the oak tree with us at the hospital. She had lots of ideas for us for keeping the process going and keeping the mother's morale up. We don't plan to have more kids, but we recommend her highly to anyone who asks.   

Lauren Woll


Deanna assisted at the birth of my son in 2008. From the day we met her, we benefitted from her exemplary professionalism and broad experience. She was very clear and flexible about how she could help us, including methodical birth planning and lactation education. She remained cheerful, positive and creative throughout a long labor, and helped us maintain our vision of the birth even as we had to adapt to changing circumstances. She showed us many valuable skills, from pre-birth posture and massage tips to pressure points that relieved pain during labor. I recommend Deanna unreservedly.

Ellen Rigsby and Eric Hsu


 My Husband Eric and I hired Deanna as our Doula for the birth of both of our children.  Deanna helped us through every step of our process deciding how to prepare for the birth.  Deanna helped me through a 27 hour labor, and supported me through my decision to do the labor and birth painkiller-free.  Because I was throwing up a lot, most of the labor was in the birth center at the hospital (Kaiser Walnut Creek).  She helped me stay comfortable, working with the staff to let me change positions even though I had a fetal monitor on most of the time.  She brought me ice, spelled my husband so he could get some rest, and coached us through the various stages of my labor.  She also stayed with us for over two hours afterwards so that Eric could run an errand and we could settle in with the baby.  Afterward, she brought us a "birth story," a written account of the birth along with the names of the nurses and midwives who helped us become parents.  

While preparing for the birth of our second child, I wanted a more structured way to get through labor, and we studied hypno-birthing with Deanna ahead of time.   For this labor, Deanna was finishing another birth, and Stacy Hatori, one of Deanna's back up Doulas, came to the hospital to help until Deanna got there, and because my labor was so quick, she ended up being there for the birth.  She was wonderful too. Deanna arrived soon after.  They were a great team, and while I don't intend to have any more children, if that changes, I would want Deanna and her team there to support me.  I came to her wanting a natural child birth, and while she did a lot to educate me about hospital procedures to prepare me for the unexpected, she followed my birth plan to the letter, and supported my decisions in the hospital.  Deanna is kind and generous with her time.  I cannot recommend her more highly.

Annie Hood


Deanna was a wonderful doula!  My husband and I felt supported and advocated for during our entire labor, as well as pre and post-partum.  Deanna's positivity and good energy was unflagging, and she definitely helped me cope with pain of labor.  She was an incredibly valuable member of my birth team, and if I have another child in the Bay Area I will hire her again.

Birth Availability for Deanna Dawson-Jesus, CD, CLE, CBE

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-10-2023

Postpartum Availability for Deanna Dawson-Jesus, CD, CLE, CBE

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-10-2023