Certifications for Mary Jane P. Bennett CD(DONA) IBCLC LCCE ECE

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Client Testimonials for Mary Jane P. Bennett CD(DONA) IBCLC LCCE ECE

Post a testimonial for Mary Jane P. Bennett CD(DONA) IBCLC LCCE ECE

Michelle Collins


We hired Mary Jane to be our doula for the second time in February 2024.  She helped us through the first delivery of our son in 2018 and we couldn't imagine doing it again without her. From the minute we signed the contract she was part of our growing family.  She would check up weekly and lend an ear to discuss symptoms and concerns after each Dr appointment.  For both births I was induced at the hospital, so we knew when it was time to call Mary Jane.  She arrived at the hospital as soon as we requested her.  She came with her Mary Poppins suitcase full of items you'd never think of for mom's comfort.  Twinkle lights, mini crockpot for warm washcloths, and a small "birth day" gift were just a few.  Mary Jane was able to connect with the nurses and doctors, adding a level of comfort for all.  She not only provided comfort for me but also support for my husband.  After the birth she stayed to help baby latch and left for us to enjoy the "golden hour".  After we were back home she followed up with a home visit.  I couldn't imagine giving birth without Mary Jane, she is an amazing support system and will be part of our family forever.



Mary Jane is wonderful! We were thrilled to have her attend our home birth and be there with us through the birthing experience. Mary Jane was always available, quick to respond, and very knowledgeable. She also did a pre labor class where she came to our home and taught us different labor positions and what to expect, super helpful! 

We highly recommend Mary Jane!



My husband and I are first time parents. We had our little one July 2023 and we were blessed beyond anything to have Mary Jane as our doula for our baby's birth, it was the best decision we made. I really liked that Mary Jane had not only many years of experience under her belt but also she is a mother and grandmother. We were so glad when we met Mary Jane for our initial meeting that she was calm, a wonderful listener and a little kooky (which we love). Throughout our time with Mary Jane she really centered the whole narrative of my pregnancy and our birth around trusting ourselves, each other and taking our time with finding out what we really wanted for our birthing experience and then building a plan of care around that. We both really love hands on learning and appreciated the value of Mary Jane’s prenatal education which was practical, fun and most importantly gave my husband the tools to feel like an equal partner in birth. Mary Jane is a patient and thorough doula in her communication with us and motherly with her care for us. She was available whenever I had questions and most of all she helped me feel connected to my body through pregnancy so that when it came to my labour I felt strong in my mind. Thanks to Mary Jane I was able to intuitively read my contractions in early labour to know when to head to the hospital where we had a short, and intense, unmedicated delivery. There were times in the final stage where my mental strength was failing and I did not think I could go on, Mary Jane was there holding my hand, massaging my back and coaching me to breathe alongside her, I was able to deliver my daughter at the last possible second the way I wanted. Since we have come home from the hospital Mary Jane has remained just a text away with little bits of advice and positive affirmations and has supported me in my breastfeeding journey which has been a hard but joyful one. I cannot say enough good things about her.

Lyssa White


I was able to book a lactation support class with Mary Jane a month prior to the birth of our son. She provided numerous supporting details, reading materials, as well as hands on practice with dolls. My husband was able to participate and gained so much knowledge to allow him to better support me during the transition from third to fourth trimester.


Mary Jane practices professionalism and creates a warm, safe space for you and your spouse. I would highly recommend her support with any lactation needs. I was late to the game with doulas and knowledge of how they can support us during pregnancy, I can imagine anyone who is able to have her as a doula is gifted with an amazing birthing advocate!



Mary Jane provided invaluable support and guidance throughout our pregnancy and birth experience. Our sweet baby was born on Thanksgiving night, and although we knew she had family in town Mary Jane made us feel like there was nowhere else she would rather be. She is warm and attentive, a wealth of information, responsive, and completely reliable.

I highly recommend her!



Our birthing experience was complete, we would not change a thing, even the difficulties. And MaryJane was a big proponent to those feelings.

We had two in person interactions with her. First was initially meeting her, setting up what was required for her to act as our doula and second was birth the real deal.

In-between those two occasions she sent us lots of information, checklists, worksheets and practical things we'd be sure to need. We set up a birthing class to prepare for labor, but went in to labor before that took place.

On day of, she proved to be supportive, caring, and a big advocate on what we envisioned our birthing experince to be. She was all that she needed to be and more.Thru a long and difficult labor she never wavered and was right in the thick of it along with us.

After baby was born she quietly packed up,made sure we had all we needed and professionally took her leave.It was a big and emotional journey, we were glad to have her with us and to reconnect with her sometime afterwards to process the event and have some closure to it felt.

She provided additional support in breastfeeding and general good positive energy towards our family and she infact feels like family.All the best for this woman and what she does!

Terran,Nicole and Uriah Bear.



I highly recommend Mary Jane and would. hire her again if we were to have another baby.

I would describe MJ as very experienced, thoughtful, attentive, flexible to her customer needs and punctual. 

I had a great experience and couldn't be happier!

- Anna

Deyanira Van Zwalenburg


This was my first pregnancy and I wanted to be prepared. My husband and I took the Lamaze course with Mary Jane, she was informative and was able to come to our home and provide a private class (we were not able to find an in person class due to COVID). Before booking the course, I kept debating whether or not I wanted a doula. After the course my husband and I thought we would be ok without one. But as the due date started approaching, I started feeling a need for a doula. After knowing that doulas were again able to enter the hospital, I asked Mary Jane to be our doula. My husband and I were so grateful to have had Mary Jane with us. She assured us, assisted us, and made us feel taken care of emotionally and spiritually. She made sure I was staying hydrated, and emptying my bladder. The important things that I forgot about while in labor. When I decided on my own to get the epidural, she helped reposition me for comfort. While I was pushing, she would feed me ice chips, would encourage me and kept me cool by fanning me and placing a cold towel on my head. She took pictures for us, pictures we will cherish forever. She even packed me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for postpartum (the kitchen had closed). My husband and I were so blessed to have had Mary Jane with us. No amount of books, videos or classes could have prepared us for what labor and birth would be like. In knowing that now, I am so glad to have had Mary Jane by my side through it all.



Where do I begin...

Today, I'm a mother of 3 beautiful children ages: 16, 13, and 11. My journey into motherhood started out 17 years ago on Maui. After I found out I was expecting, I immediately began researching how to have a healthy pregnancy. At that time, I had no idea what a doula was or how having this wonderful being present during every step of the pregnancy would impact my experience. Mary Jane was the one and only doula I contacted and I feel blessed to have had her by my side. She and I discussed what my goals were and she made sure that we communicated every step of the way. I will never forget the day I went into labor. It was just before Thanksgiving. Mary Jane was vacationing with her family and immediately stopped what she was doing to be by my side. I will always be grateful for the sacrifice she made. It was a difficult labor and when there were times I felt like giving up, she reminded me of my strength and the goals that I had made. I will never forget her dedication to ensuring I was safe and my experience was beautiful. After my son was born, she explained the importance of breastfeeding. I breastfed each of my children for 2 full years and I am proud to say that they are healthy and intelligent individuals. I attribute a lot of this to breastfeeding and the many benefits that come with it. Mary Jane will forever be a special part of our lives. From the moment we met, we had a special connection. What makes her so amazing is the passion she has for her craft and the immense love she has for her clients and their babies. You would be remiss if you didn't have her supporting and guiding you through this amazing life experience!



Mary Jane's energy synced up with ours and I knew I wanted her at the birth. We really enjoyed her Lamaze class in our home where she demonstrated the power of the breath for pain relief. I always felt that she was by my side throughout the pregnancy. As the hospital made changes for Covid-19 restrictions I knew I was unwilling to give up her help and didn't want to exclude my partner. Knowing that I needed her by my side was the main reason I transitioned to home birth. As always Mary Jane supported our choices while bringing her wealth of knowledge to help us choose the best path. For me home birth ended up being the right choice and Mary Jane was there as soon as I called after waking up in labor. I had so many little plans for early labor but in the end I woke up in heavy labor and everything else fell away as I only had one job to do at that point. Because my labor came so fast and I was a first-time Mom, I wasn't exactly prepared for the intensity and I'm so glad she was there to keep me focused and to support me through the contractions. She put pressure on my back and fed me popsicles, she supported me through questions and requests, she kept me safe as I climbed in and out of showers and tubs, she kept me hydrated and was always by my side whenever I needed anything or just wanted to talk about what I was experiencing. She works well with all doctors and nurses and has a great reputation on island because of her long history of intuitive care. She knows exactly when to jump in and when to make extra room for Papa or Doctor or Midwife. I needed extra care from the Doctor after my birth and though I hadn't planned to let go of my baby for a second as they worked to get me stable and I was feeling quite weak I had Mary Jane hold the baby and I never once worried knowing he was safe in her arms until I felt strong enough to hold him again.

Laura and Todd

The Sanft Family


Birth was something I've always been terrified of but the moment I met Mary Jane I felt way more at ease about everything. She was so kind from the very beginning and made me feel very comfortable to talk to her openly. From the very first phone call, I knew I wanted this woman to be with me during this experience. She was very knowledgable and helped us with so many aspects! Breastfeeding, massage, breathing techniques, acupressure points, and an entire way to go through birth as peaceful as it could be. She always checked in with me and reminded me of my own strength and wisdom. She was exactly what I needed when I needed it, even before I knew I needed it! She brought my husband and I to ease when we were in labor at the hospital by doing the small things, the small things that could make the biggest difference.. A warm, motherly, caring doula she was to us. I am so greatful for her and I know the experience would've been a lot harder without her. And it didn't stop at birth, she checked in with me after and came for a visit and was still concerned with our wellbeing about other problems that arised. Her compassion never ended. Thank you Mary Jane for your kindness and thank you for being the person you are. We have only known each other for a short time, but my husband and I love you already! We will definitely be sending you baby's first birthday invites.

With love,

The Sanft Family (Anastasia, Otto and Caelan)



MJ has helped my sister twice now with birth classes and most recently she was there to support my sister during her natural birth b/c I wasn't able to make it.  I trusted that my sister was in GREAT hands with MJ and I knew my sister would receive the support she needed for her birth, which my sister did without an epidural in the hospital.

During my sister's 1st birth, MJ even came by to visit right before the intense labor began and was able to give my sister advice in order to get my nephew (her son) to turn around and come out.  

I think that MJ's years of experience is invaluable and her commit to, love of and passion about every aspect of birth, including postpartum, makes her a wonderful doula.

Laurie Rutkowski


Mary Jane was a wonderful doula. Throughout the pregnancy she gave valuable information through the classes we took with her, she made each meeting a special one with her presence and acts of kindness, such as a rose, some fruit, tea, etc. She was a strong and knowledgeable part of the team as I labored. She relieved a lot of the discomfort I felt from each contraction by applying ice to my lower back, and used amazing acupressure pressure points as pain relief. I am very grateful she was my doula for my first pregnancy. It was a great experience with her by our side from the start of my pregnancy to the delivery of our precious son. All the thanks in the world go to her. 

Michelle Sylva


At 5 months pregnant I decided to look into hiring a Doula. I then found Mary on a site for doulas on Maui. I contacted her and she responded very quickly we set up a meet to go over my needs. After a 1/2 hour I was confident enough to hire her right there she was certified experienced and just pleasant to talk with. Moreover I was working on the weekends and wasn't able to take a Lamaze class she was able to provide that for me and my boyfriend even my mother. At this point I felt like I had a great support team set. She kept in touch throughout the last couple months making sure that I was ready. This made me even more confident that I chose the right doula. The day came and thanks to Mary I was ready for this exciting and scary moment. I went into the hospital around 10pm with my boyfriend by the time I was admitted. And like a superhero Mary was there by 11pm and we started our labor Journey. Mary was alert and helping the entire time even my mother said she hadn't seen her sleep. She was there monitoring and helping me my mother my boyfriend even the nurses activity when I was out of it or just sleeping. We did acupressure changing positions breathing and what felt like a few hours to me turned out to be a couple of days. The next thing I knew my daughter was in my arms and I couldn't have asked for a better birth experience. I would most definitely recommend Mary to anyone who wants the care and attention a rotating nurse staff will not give you. She took care of me so well and even though I had my boyfriend and mother there she was a different energy that helped me through the entire process. Mary was hands down someone I needed and would want for any other kids I have in the future. Her support during my pregnancy during my labor and after my birth is more than appreciated and I can't find the words to thank her. There is nothing I regret or would do differently thanks to her I didnt have any fear or real anxiety.

2000 characters isnt enough!

Diana Warren


Mary Jane was my doula for both the birth of my daughter in 2006 and the birth of my son in 2010.  She was an incredible advocate and dear friend to me and my husband through these absolutly incredible times of my life.  Her focus on my comfort before, during, and after the births was very pure.  She also provided us with a training about breastfeeding before the first birth.  Mary Jane has a kind and caring approach as a doula, and she is also flexible in her approach, offering all types of care, most of which I outlined in advance that would possibly help me.  She was encouraging as I developed my own birth plans and then supported me in taking care of myself as I worked toward implementing my visions.  While I also had wonderful midwives providing support at my births, their focus was more on the baby and the baby's health, as it should be.  I always knew that Mary Jane's primary focus was on me.  She was truly an angel, and I highly recommend her as a doula to other families.  Especially to first time mom's, if you are wondering whether you should have a doula - DO IT!  No, your husband won't be able to be as helpful as you think he will, no matter how much he wants to be there.  Mary Jane has a lot of experience at births, and she brings a confidence and level of professionalism to her work as a loving, caring doula.

Side note:  Mary Jane has been a lactation consultant and leader of the La Leche League on Maui for a very long time.  I highly recommend her for breastfeeding education and support, and I highly recommend attending La Leche League meetings.  Breast is best!! But not easy for all. :)

Jessica Caudill


Mary Jane is wonderful.  She has a calmness about her that is so comforting and nurturing.  She brings a wealth of knowledge from years of experience as a certified doula and lactation professional.  Mary Jane was my doula for the birth of my son.  She will be there for you before, during and after this precious time in your life.  Current research indicates having a doula has proven to result in less intervention in childbirth.  Nothing can compare to in home help with breastfeeding in the first week or two when common challenges arise.  Thank you, Mary Jane, for all you do, Jessica Caudill MS, RN IBCLC

Jenn Hunt


Hiring Mary Jane as the doula for my first childbirth was one of the best choices I have ever made. She helped me to feel confident and educated about my pregnancy and birth options. She was a loving rock in a time when I was nervous, emotional and needing a peaceful assuredness. She helped me to set all worries aside and focus on all that mattered - the birth of my beautiful son. Mary Jane is well-versed in the hospital protocols and is well reapected by the staff there. From my pregnancy, all the way to those new postpartum days at home, she was an amazing support every step of the way. I am ever grateful to this angel of a woman. And my children all love her just as much.

Birth Availability for Mary Jane P. Bennett CD(DONA) IBCLC LCCE ECE

= Available. Calendar last updated: 04-08-2024