Patricia Alatriste Photo

Patricia Alatriste

Modern Mama Doula Services

Phoenix, AZ Service range 40 miles I am willing to travel a reasonable distance. I wouldn't want to be two hours away and not be able to support you.

Birth Fee

$1600 to $2400

Postpartum Rate


Birth Fee

$1600 to $2400

Postpartum Rate


Birth Doula Experience

12 years and 750 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

10 years and 75 families served

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, September 2018

Type of practice: Independent contractor with a doula agency

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Belly binding
  • Belly casting
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Photography - Birth
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • TENS units rental

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

I offer a few different packages. Basic package includes unlimited talk and text, prenatal visit, labor and birth, photography and lactation support right after birth, optional postpartum visit. I offer packages that include child birth education, lactation and postpartum care. We have a team of 15 to best support you in any need you have. Message me with any questions to go more into detail of what I offer. Educating and empowering families to have the best birth experience possible.

Service Area

Phoenix, AZ Service range 40 miles I am willing to travel a reasonable distance. I wouldn't want to be two hours away and not be able to support you.

Certifications for Patricia Alatriste

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Patricia Alatriste

Post a testimonial for Patricia Alatriste

Claire Lipman


Our birth story was lovingly guided by my spiritual sister and doula Patricia at Modern Mama Doula Services from Modern Mama Doula Services in PHX. She created and protected the safe space Alex and I wanted to bring our daughter into the world in, whilst working within my home and then hospital during a pandemic. She brought me back to my body every time I felt scared or out of control and nurtured a place for my husband to comfort me during one of the most physically difficult challenges of my life. We brought Isla into the world as a team, as I had dreamed (for me that meant unmedicated), and safely (for her and I: minimal tearing/medical intervention). I won’t call it “working” with her, it was like having an extra backbone throughout my pregnancy, birth and now post-partum. They didn’t ask me to write this, I just would encourage everyone who is curious to meet a doula and if you’re lucky enough to be in PHX to see Patricia and the team! Thank you ladies, thank you Patricia ????????



When I risked out of my midwife's practice at 27 weeks because I found out my son was going to need surgery shortly after birth, I felt like my world was falling apart -- my pregnancy, my birth plan, my son's health, my own health... In despair I looked for a doula in Phoenix, but was certain they wouldn't be able to attend a hospital birth due to Covid. The first one I found was Modern Mama Doula. Patricia called me back that same day we had an amazing conversation that lifted me out of the depths of my fears. She understood our unique situation and kindly drove to our home 2 hours away for our prenatal appt.  She literally went the extra miles for us!

We ended up renting an Airbnb in Phoenix at 35 weeks to be close to my providers. I went full term and gave birth at 39 weeks 3 days. Each week that went by, Patricia was my rock and continually checked on me and answered all my panicky texts and calls. If I didn't have her I would have fallen apart. When I would get reports from different providers she would debrief with me and help me gain perspective. Every time I got off the phone with her I felt safe and confident.

With her support, I was able to  get off the induction meds and labor naturally and have the unmedicated natural birth that I had prayed for. It was beautiful and one of the best moments of my life. It would NEVER have been possible without Patricia who is a gift from God to our family! I will never forget how she stood beside me grabbing onto me and reminding me how strong I was and what I came to do for my son. Her presence was humble yet powerful.

I should also mention that I ended up purchasing the package that came with a lactation consultant, placenta encapsulation and a postpartum doula. This was a life saver. I cannot say enough good things about Patricia and her team. Whether you are having a home birth or high-risk hospital birth or anything in between, you will be in the best hands!

Kalea Currie


Patricia with Modern Mama is the BEST! She was the absolute best choice I made for my VBAC. We met before I officially decided to have a doula and I instantly felt our connection, I knew she was the perfect doula for us! She came to our house a few weeks prior to the big day to help practice labor techniques, she walked us through everything and thank made sure both my husband and I were comfortable and confident. Then during labor and delivery, WOW what a difference she made, emotionally and physically she was everything I needed and more. 30 hours of labor and she was there every step of the way. She also took absolutely stunning photos that I will treasure forever. I am so thankful for Patricia and the support she gave us! Highly highly highly recommend a doula for labor and delivery, the extra care and support they bring is incredible.

Bethany Hall


Patricia has been with me for both of my births and it's the best decision I've ever made. She is so incredible and I can't imagine going through another birth without her! She kept me calm, helped me focus, and gave me the encouragement I needed. She also checked in on us after the birth and I'm so grateful for all her support!



I am so glad that I found Modern Mama during my pregnancy. Being a first time mom I had a lot of anxiety about birth in general, especially during the time of covid19. When I realized that even my mother would not be able to support me at the hospital, my husband and I decided to hire a doula to support us. I am so thankful that we did, and I would encourage everyone (even not during covid) to hire a doula! Patricia was awesome!! She is so knowledgeable and her calm, relaxed personality and expertise helped me feel so confident and ready. She worked with us to prepare for birth and parenthood during my pregnancy and was just a text away if I had any questions or concerns. When I labor started Patricia supported me via text and phone calls during my early labor and then met us at the hospital where she immediately worked her magic. Her massage and counter-pressure techniques kept my labor progressing and helped me so much in handling each contraction. She also was awesome with the hospital staff, helping them too so that everything went smoothly. My husband was able to take a nap while I labored because I was so well supported by Patricia. I am so thankful for Modern Mama doula and specifically for Patricia helping me achieve the natural hospital birth I was hoping for. Furthermore she took amazing photos of my baby's birth that I will cherish forever.

Krystle Gray


Patricia is truly the BEST Doula there is!!! I cannot say enough good things about her, but here go a few: 1. This was my first birth experience! She was truly my greatest support system, strength provider, helper, encourager & comforter!! 2. In addition to a 42wk pregnancy, that began in hopes of an all-natural birth at a birth center, it ended just as needed to be with a C-section at the hospital. When I was transferred, we were sent 1 doula BUT gratefully ended with Patricia ??????????????? She truly was a gift from God & answer to prayer (no joke)! We had never met her prior to walking into our room & I’m just beyond grateful the majority of my laboring was with her! 3) She exudes PEACE, STRENGTH & truly has the best hands for massage & COMFORT when in the worst of pain! 4) She captured pics of my lil family throughout the most special moments (but so behind the scenes that I didn’t even know until later)! 5) Patricia gave us the perfect space we needed following birth, but didn’t at all leave us hanging. She followed up w us to see what we needed & how she could help in the perfect time! Which meant so much to me because I was dealing with Post-Partum almost immediately after giving birth & coming home (which I wasn’t aware of until later). **If you are even considering a doula, I wouldn’t even question it, reach out to Patricia asap!! You will be beyond thankful for her! I most definitely will have her for my second birth!** Hands down, you’re the greatest of the great.... Thank you Patricia ??!!!!

Nicole Smith


Patricia was more than I could have asked for in a doula. She was my calming force, my advocate, and one hell of a masseuse! I was so lucky to have her coaching me and supporting me in the most important and special moment in my life. It was so nice to have someone with me that was so versed in everything that can unexepectidly happen and get her advice and wisdom when things didn’t go as planned. She was even there in the wee-hours of the night postpartum when I was losing my mind trying to get my little to latch. She came over the next day to help and not judge my difficulty and frustration. She checked in often and supplied encouragement, advice and love. Thank you, Patricia for sharing your gift with the women of the world. I love you so much!

Megan Falk


I am so thankful for Patricia’s support that it is hard to know where to start! I met Patricia by chance. My doula was sick, and Patricia was working as her backup. Having never met her, I didn‘t know what to expect when she arrived at the hospital. She was perfect. She jumped right in (my labor progressed pretty quickly) to help me feel calm, collected, and safe. I really felt like Patricia was there with me. She seemed to know her way around the hospital, and was familiar with some of he nurses and doctors we were working with. Most importantly, Patricia offered me her shoulder to cry/bite/scream into when it felt like my husband didn’t really know what to do for me. She helped me feel like I really accomplished something special by successfully having a VBAC- I left the hospital feeling confident and happy about how everything went. It would have been easy for me to feel defeated (for example, disappointment that I got an epidural when I wanted to avoid one) but Patricia helped me reframe everything and really see the beauty in that day and what we accomplished by bringing our little boy into the world. And honestly, with all the hormones fluctuating and whatnot, new moms are exhausted and sometimes need a little help in seeing the big picture! I know I did. It wouldn’t have been the same experience without Patricia. If we end up having more kids, we will be hiring her again. She had a whole bag of tricks, from essential oils to massages, that she brought to the hospital and were wonderful, but it was her presence and emotional support that impacted our birth experience the most. Also, Patricia did a great job at keeping my husband feeling suported, as well. Patricia, thank you sincerely for everything you’ve done for our family!

Diana Riemer


I would highly reccommend! Patrcia makes sure that she and the rest of the staff are on the same page as your birth plan. She was so supportive of what your idea birth plan is. Everything she did made me feel more at ease from back massages, to walking around hospital, to chit chatting to calm my nerves. I look forward to using her for baby #2!

Maria Martin


All of the planning I did on my own paled in comparison to the value of having Patricia by my side when I was in labor. I benefited so much from her knowledge, experience, and all of her previous births. I planned on a non-medicated, vaginal delivery.  The moment Patricia stepped in the room I regained confidence that my ideal birth was still possible.
Patricia dropped in when I was admitted to the hospital to check in with me. She arrived knowledgeable of my birth plan, and she took the time to talk with me and my husband to clarify what we were told by hospital staff. She was the first person who we met that day who really listened to us. Patricia was professional, she understood and translated the hospital jargon, and she advocated on my behalf without me even needing to say a word. More than all of that Patricia was kind, she was compassionate, and she transformed a tense hospital room with her bright and calming energy.
I still don’t know how or when Patricia photographed and videoed my daughters arrival. I remember her standing over my shoulder repeating works of affirmation in my ear, but somehow she also captured once in a lifetime photos of my husband catching our daughter. I didn’t know how special those images would be to me – and I can’t wait to show them to Emilia one day. Patricia guided us through my daughter’s first latch and she stayed with me until I was settled, until she answered every possible question we had and we were ready. When Patricia left the hospital room I knew I was so grateful for the role she played in my daughters arrival, and I had no idea how much I would rely on her support for the entire first year.
I know that my non-medicated, vaginal delivery, and my daughter’s safe arrival was in large part due to Patricia being by my side, helping me and encouraging me exactly the way I needed to hear it.

Rebecca Reed


I met Patricia for the first time while she was rubbing my feet. I was 37 weeks and one day pregnant and I would go into labor the next day. I labored for 28 hours but after trying everything and only getting to 2 cm, we transfered to a hospital from a birth center. I was scared and exhausted. I met Patricia for the second time in the hospital room where I would deliver my son. I will never forget the way she came into the room- she moved about like this was her living room, diffusing oils and putting things were she wanted them, but she also had tremendous report and respect for the doctors and nurses already in the room. Patricia gave me the greatest gift I could have asked for during my labor, she empowered me. She reminded me that even though there was so much happening that was out of my control I was still the one calling the shots, this was my body and my birth. When it came time to deliver my son Patricia was in the middle of the action, but she struck the most perfect balance between being at my side and yet giving space to the others in the room. She would slow things down for me by explaining anything the nurses or doctors said I didn’t understand. Patricia is so well versed in this business that she was also able to provide me alternatives that the nurses did not mention. When my son finally came, he had the cord wrapped around his body which made it difficult for him to breath and his whole body was purple. My husband was able to stay close to our baby and go with him to the NICU, but I had to remain in the delivery room. Patricia held my hand, stroked my hair and wiped my tears while the midwife stitched me up. Her care for me and my family did not end when we left the hospital however. Over the following weeks she and I would talk on the phone every few days about breastfeeding PP healing and mental health. I am indebted to the love and care that Patricia provided myself and my family through the birth of our son!

Jacquie Kennedy-Dudo


Patricia was our doula for the birth of our first child, 7 months ago. I can honestly say that I don’t know what we would have done without her.
Patricia was great from the moment we met her, she listened to the needs and wants for our birth from myself and my husband. She asked detailed questions we hadn’t thought of previously to ensure that all bases were covered.
When we went into labor she was just a phone call away and responded immediately to whatever needs we had. When we arrived at the hospital we only had an hour or so before our son arrived. During that time Patricia did an excellent job, soothing, coaching, and photographing in addition to anything else that we may have asked from her. Patricia does an AMAZING hip squeeze, it brought so much relief. Her photography was beautiful - I say that wholeheartedly as I really didn’t think I would ever look back on those photos but I do so often, I am grateful she was there to capture the moment for us.
Following the arrival of our son she was there to assist in the initial latch and feeding session. She also followed up on lactation and postpartum care in the weeks following delivery.
Without Patricia, I can honestly say that our labor story would have been completely different. She helped keep us calm, cool, and collected so we could truly enjoy the miracle of birth.

Tasha Marie Kaup


My birth story is one I had not expected from the time I found out I was having not one but two babies. It changed my whole birth plan then and there. I was no longer going to be birthing at a birthing center as I had planned but a hospital in the O.R. I was able to stay with the birthing center and birth with a midwife and doula through them. I had zero idea what to expect from a doula. Honestly now knowing how much support she was I would have called her to come sooner. My husband and I had already been through the rodeo of birth together once unassisted. I had thought oh cool he will have back up if needed. I had no idea how much more Patricia would be to us. She was there to hold my hand as my husband left with my twin b to the NICU. She photographed every special moment during the delivery. Including one of my all time favorite pictures of my son smiling right after coming into the world. She talked to me often over the phone, let me vent my frustrations, she was a rock when my world felt upside down. My only regret is the fact we are done having babies and I won't get the opportunity to use her services again.

Melissa Espino


Patricia and I went to grade school together, we didn’t hang out as much as I would have wished for now knowing the kind of person she is. Thankfully we found each other on social media and kept in touch that way. I found out she was a doula when I was expecting my first child, she reached out to me to let me know that she was there for me if ever I needed any help or had any questions.
It had to have been around midnight when I first reached out to her by text, I was so embarrassed that it was super late but I was in major need of help. I had spent the whole day in pain with what I’m sure was Mastitis (clogged milk ducts) this ladies is more painful than giving birth by far! I spent the whole day crying not knowing what to do, by midnight I couldn’t take it, I wasn’t able to sleep, lay down, I have the chills, etc. It was the worst pain I had ever experienced. Patricia right away called me and I explained to her what was going on. Here we are at midnight talking about massaging boobs and all other types of remedies she suggested id do. It had to have been not even thirty minutes later after speaking to her that I was RELIEVED. She was SO helpful and I couldn’t of been more appreciative! The next day and few days later she checked on me making sure I was feeling ok. Since then (five years ago) she is still my go to girl for ANY questions, issues, etc. for all my pregnancies, pre and post.
She is so knowledgeable making it super comfortable and easy to confide in her.
She loves what she does and it shows and I love that about her. She’s a great mother, friend, and doula. No need to look nowhere else, she has everything and more that you’d look for in becoming your doula!

Danielle Seitters


It was one year ago that you walked into my hospital room and changed my entire birthing experience. Our plan was a natural birth in a birthing center in a prescott, our reality was my water broke at 30 1/2 weeks and our ideal birth was out the window. I had spent 10 days praying for my baby who would be born too early, I prayed for just a little bit of a chance to natural birth in a hospital setting, I prayed for you and I didnt even know you. You walked in to my room for the first time 9 hours before we called and said it was time and I couldnt have prayed for a more perfect doula for my labor. You understood what I wanted, you understood what I was feeling and you helped my achieve a natural birth even though a Lot of people told me it wasn’t possible. I love you for all the support you gave me that night and as I think about how beautiful my labor was I know it was because of all your support. Thank you for saying yes and taking on a challenging birth at the last minute. My Family is internally grateful for you!!

Michelle Holt


I was planning to have a natural labor at a birthing center, but I had to be induced when it was discovered that I had low amniotic fluid at 41 weeks pregnant. Getting that news was incredibly terrifying to me. My husband and I went home to wait for a call from the midwife before heading to the hospital. That’s when Patricia called us. I hadn’t realized the birthing center was going to provide a doula. Now that I know the events that played out over the next day and a half, I am so grateful that we specifically had Patricia as our doula.

As any good doula, Patricia was very encouraging as I was in labor. She helped with positions and applied counter pressure. She was there to talk to when I needed it, which helped alleviate my fears. We were too busy to take pictures, but she made sure to capture some good ones with our camera.

The thing that makes her stand out from the rest is that when I had to have a c-section, she made sure she was in the room during the procedure. When my son was born, she helped with breastfeeding right there on the operating table. While I didn’t have the ideal birth, Patricia ensured I didn’t also lose out on breastfeeding my son. She was so helpful through the entire process. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without her. I know who I’ll be calling when I’m expecting again.

Olivia Conley


Patricia supported us completely throughout our pregnancy, during the birth of our daughter, Florence, and during the first few weeks of my postpartum experience. As first time parents, we had a lot of questions even after we completed our birth class. Patricia answered all of our emails, text messages and phone calls incredibly promptly. It was SO nice to have an expert to talk to during pregnancy, labor, and early breastfeeding days – it stopped me from getting carried away on Google!

I had a planned, hospital delivery and Patricia made sure that it was as comfortable as possible. She was our advocate throughout the experience, she brought comfort measures to the hospital (snacks and essential oils, etc) and she massaged my legs once I got the epidural. She reminded my husband and I to rest before pushing despite our excitement. While we really liked our doctor and nursing staff, there were so many interruptions during labor. Patricia took the time to explain, in great detail, every part of the process, what various staff members were checking on the monitors, what each medicine was, truly everything about the process. I think that without Patricia, I would have been overwhelmed with questions and I would have been left confused. Instead, I never had a moment of uncertainty throughout our daughter’s birth; Patricia stayed with us throughout labor, during our daughter’s birth and visited us the next day in the hospital as well.

Once we were back at home, Patricia provided breastfeeding support in person and via text message and phone calls. Again, I am so grateful I was able to ask her questions instead of asking Google! Her willingness to drive to our house to check up on us in person meant the world to us, and ultimately helped to boost our confidence as new parents.

She also took pictures during our birth and we were so thrilled to have them later! They were also much more beautiful than I could have hoped for.

Noelle Clark


Patricia was my doula for my twin pregnancy and birth. As a first-time mom, I had no idea what to expect during the birthing process. Patricia came over to my house a few times, and met with myself and my husband. We discussed every possible option/outcome and went over how to deal with my fears. When the day came, Patricia met me at the hospital and was very encouraging and supportive. She helped me feel less afraid of being at the hospital. I did have an epidural, but she did not make me feel bad for doing so. i do think that she is partially to credit for helping me to avoid a C-section! After the twins arrived, she helped make sure they were nursing well and that we were all settled. She even paid a house visit a few days later. I highly recommend Patricia due to her kindness and expertise!

Missy Anderson McCorkle


Patricia was our doula for my first pregnancy which resulted in first trying to turn him since he was breech and then a cesarean. It was so wonderful to have her support even in a hospital setting (which wasn’t our plan). She was my advocate to the doctors and nurses and per my request wouldn’t let them continue to do unnecessary tests that were invasive. She was there from start to finish and I can’t imagine my birth without her.

E. J. Valinski


This testimonial may be a little different as it's coming from a father's perspective. I have a son from another marriage and was present during his delivery so the birth of my daughter wasn't my first experience with childbirth and, since I'd "been there, done that," I wasn't too concerned with enlisting a doula this time. However, it was Julia's (my wife) first time and I fully supported the idea of having an additional resource for her. I didn't realize at the time how much Patricia would end up being there not only for Julia but for me and our newborn daughter too.

Leading up to the delivery day we attended birthing classes and practiced techniques on relaxation, concentration, and overall ways to "get through it" but when you're partner is actively in labor remembering what you learned isn't always easily remembered. Thankfully Patricia was there from the beginning and kept us focused.

Having Patricia there also allowed me to concentrate on my role of supporting my wife with attention that was not distracted from everything else going on in the room. She helped us navigate childbirth at each turning point, helped us to recall and employ the skills we learned together in those classes. Patricia always seemed to know what we needed before we realized it ourselves.

Patricia's support did not end when Emma was born. She stayed with us for some time after the delivery to ensure that all three of us were doing well before she left. She also followed up with us a week or two after to see how we were transitioning from hospital to home as new parents.

I would not hesitate to ask Patricia to be our doula again. I can't imagine having the same experience without her.

Alyssa Belanger


My name is Alyssa and I have two kiddos one 5 year old little girl and a 9 month old little boy. I was lucky to have a Doula for my first child and adored her but she became a midwife and was unavailable to be my doula. I thought there was no way of me finding another Doula that was going to be as amazing as my first. Lucky me I found Patricia :). I was not your ordinary women looking for a natural childbirth. I knew I wanted and needed an epidural. I also knew I wanted and needed some additional support. Patricia right off the bad was AMAZING. She was attentive and supportive right off the bat. She came and met my little family and I knew right away she was the perfect fit. She truly cared and honored what type of childbirth I wanted. My first birth was a very stressful and overwhelming experience. My second was the complete opposite and that was all due to Patricia. My water broke around midnight and we decided I should probably head to the hospital. Patricia met us there with a huge smile on her face. She massaged my back, made me do some laps around the hospital to keep the baby coming and set the tone for a peaceful birth. I eventually got my epidural and Patricia had some calming music and an oil diffuser for the most relaxing nap I have ever taken. Yes a nap :) I was able to rest for a few hours until it was time to push. It was such a beautiful and calm environment to not just give birth in but to meet our son. Words can’t describe the gratitude I have for Patricia. She will always have a special place in my heart for all of her love and support. She followed up with helping me breast feed and checked in on my frequently. You and your family would be so lucky to have her as your doula and extended family member.

Courtney Greene


I was due with my first baby and had always been terrified of child birth. Thankfully we found Patricia towards the end of my pregnancy and hired her as our doula. She put us BOTH as ease. We went into the tail end of my pregnancy feeling so relieved knowing she would be with us.

My labor started over a weekend and Patricia kept in constant contact with me. By Monday, I had suspected my water broke. She went with me to see the midwife, and the midwife confirmed I was leaking amniotic fluid and it was time to go to the hospital.  Once we got there, my labor wasn’t progressing super quickly, so the doctors were recommending Pitocin. Patricia knew my wishes to have no interventions, and helped me advocate for this. This allowed my husband and I to focus and share those labor moments together without extra and added stress of doctors trying to bully us. It was a LONG night, and Patricia was there to keep me as comfortable as possible every step of the way, I honestly wouldn’t have gotten through the hours without her. She kept my room comfortable and relaxing with LED candles and diffusing lavender oil.

Fast forward to the main event – she pulled off some awesome multi-tasking skills coaching me, supporting my husband, and snapping some AMAZING birth shots with her camera. She stayed after my daughter Kinsley was born and helped me latch her for the first time. She captured amazing moments of my very proud step son meeting his new baby sister for the first time. Those pictures are beyond priceless! I love that I have those to look back at and to show to my daughter someday.

Patricia’s support and encouragement from the weeks leading up to my delivery and during my labor/delivery were priceless. She checked in on me after birth and even came to see us once we were settled at home. My family cannot thank Patricia enough for everything she did for us! You will not regret hiring Patricia!

Alethia Patocs


Patricia was my doula for my second son! I've had a significant amount of experience with doulas with my first son and Patricia exceeded my expectations in every way.

My son was a vaginal breech birth and it was a very intense experience. Patricia helped me stay calm and focused. I barely spoke during labor but somehow she just jumped in and knew exactly what I needed and did it without any instructions from me.

I was very nervous going into this birth because I didn't feel like I had a support system. From the time Patricia arrived and through the entire birth experience I never once thought about my support system because she was right there. She provided verbal affirmations and physical support tirelessly. I remember distinctly having intense back labor and Patricia physically supporting me through that. I don't recall ever even telling her about it but she just knew.

I thought that her role ended once my son was born but she continued to be there for me even following his birth. She called me frequently to check in and provided recommendations regularly for each of my concerns. I felt so cared for and safe both so important through the birth process and in those early weeks. She truly brought so much comfort to me during a very difficult time for me.

Jessica Le


Hello my name is Jessica and I recently had my second child in June. My goal for this birth was to be VBAC and thankfully my husband and I were blessed with a wonderful support team that included Patricia at our side.

When the time finally arrived for our son to make his debut, I called Patricia and in her sweet calm voice she reassured and guided me as to what to do. When we felt it was time to go see our midwife at our birth center, Patricia was right there with us. While in labor Patricia helped me get through my contractions with massage and focusing on how to breathe into my contractions. She also helped us get into different positions to help baby and I, and kept our atmosphere calm and panic free.

With nearly 12 hours of laboring, sadly my labor was not going the way I hoped and I still had not dilated at all. My midwife gave us several different options which included going the hospital. My husband and I were beyond exhausted. I wanted to be done and I wanted to see my baby. Patricia talked me through everything answered all our questions and let me know that whatever I decided she was there for me. She wanted me to feel empowered in my decision and to do what I felt is best for our family.

I chose to go to the hospital and on the way there I decided that I would do another cesarean. Patricia was with us at the hospital and walked my husband through what was going to happen during the surgery. The awesome part was that she was able to be in the operation room with us. She not only spent the entire day helping us bring our baby into the world she also helped document the entire day with beautiful pictures. If my husband and I decide to have another baby we would love to have Patricia by our side again. Patricia is nothing less than wonderful!

-Forever Grateful, Jessica Le

Leah Rafal Widdes


My labor went nothing as planned. I was induced a day before my due date. I knew nothing about different induction methods, as I was planning to have a natural and unmedicated labor. Patricia was there for my husband and I for all 36 hours of labor. She answered so many questions, explained so many different induction methods, and really helped us thru the process each step of the way. Without her, we would have been lost throughout. My delivery ended in a c section, which was completely unexpected. Having her there allowed us to still have a positive birth experience. We even have beautiful pictures she took as well, that we can look back on whenever we want. If you’re wanting some extra support, both physically and emotionally, Patricia is an amazing choice.

genevieve Martin Del Campo


On February 23, 2016 I gave birth to my beautiful son. Since he is my first child, I had no idea what to expect or reference when it came to labor pain. I had every intention of trying to give birth naturally however, I didn't want to completely commit to that. :) When I went into labor, Patricia was available by phone, even though it was about 3AM and it wasn't long before she was at my house helping me through contractions. As the contractions became more intense, Patricia was talking me through them, helped me breathe through them, and found pressure points to help ease the pain. I even remembering sharing a special moment with her as I realized that I would be meeting my son VERY soon.

When it was time to go to the hospital, she never left my side. Knowing that she has a family of her own, I was truly grateful that she remained by my side. As contractions got worse, Patricia kept her hand under my back to apply pressure to the pressure points to help me through the pain. I still don't know how she kept up the strength to do that because baby and I were not light. :) Even though I could no longer hold out with the pain and got the epidural, Patricia stayed at my side until it was time to push.

Because of Patricia, I was able to see my son being born as she suggested a mirror be help up. I feel my labor and delivery went smooth BECAUSE of Patricia. Her energy and voice were so soothing during moments of chaos and I truly believe I was able to get through it all because of her. Even after delivery, she stayed to help me begin my nursing journey. She helped my son latch on right after birth because Lord knows, I could barely keep my eyes open. :)

I am truly blessed and grateful to have had Patricia there for me during labor, delivery, and after delivery. THANK YOU!!! :)

Genevieve Martin Del Campo

Olivia Gordon


My wife, Ashley, and I wanted a holistic approach to bringing our little girl into the world. We managed to take ALL of the classes and read ALL of the books but nothing was more important during labor than Patricia.

We made our way to the hospital and called Patricia. She was in constant communication with us during the early labor process. She knew we wanted this time and privacy together for as long as possible in the beginning and she was just awesome in respecting that but also assessed the situation play by play. We had previously met with Patricia and she was not only aware of our birth plan but she knew our personalities and our fears about labor. We both felt immediate comfort when shr arrived.

This is absolutely no exaggeration when we say - we have NO idea what we would have done without her. Deciding to use a doula was the absolute BEST decision in our birth plan and worth every penny spent. Honestly, we would have spent even more for the care we received. Patricia stayed with us at the hospital almost 24 HOURS!! Patricia was perfect at communicating with the staff what our wishes were so we did not have to repeat ourselves or use anymore energy. We had no local friends or family in Phoenix so Patricia was our provider, and our comforter. Patricia had previous hospital experience and was able to continuously re-position Ashley and actually helped turn the babyface down. She helped alleviate Ashley's nausea with peppermint oils, kept her comfortable (even when Ashley did not know what she wanted) and helped Ashley maintain her dignity when your body is not your own anymore. I have no idea what I would have done without her reassurance, nurturing, knowledge and professionalism.

Patricia took pictures during and after labor. Patricia followed up with us via text, call and an in home visit to make sure birth mom, baby and myself were doing well. I cannot adequately express what a blessing Patricia was to our family.

Julia perry


Patricia attended my non-medicated birth, forceps assisted, birth of my daughter in June of 2016. I had wanted a natural, non-medicated birth, but didn't want to be far away from interventions if they were medically necessary, so we hired her through Babymoon Inn for a doula assisted hospital birth. I started having labor pains on Sunday night, and they got stronger throughout the next day. Patricia was in contact with me throughout the day on Monday and into the evening. She counseled myself and my husband on when to go to the hospital, and when we arrived she was there to greet us, armed with a backpack of essential oils and other birthing supplies. Being a first time mom, I was very nervous about the whole experience.

Patricia was right by my side for the nest 18+ hours, coaching me through every contraction, guiding me and my husband through different laboring positions and generally helping to reassure me. She told me over and over again how strong I was. She rarely left to take breaks, yet gave my husband and I moments of bonding time alone when we needed it. I always called her back because she had this calming way of coaching me through contractions that magically made the pain bearable.

When my water broke, it was Patricia who noticed the meconium in my waters and notified the nurse. When the time came close to push and forceps were necessary, she guided me through the pain. She was holding my hand, legs throughout the delivery while at the same time taking the most amazing birth photos!  She made a home visit two weeks later, assisting on my breastfeeding journey.

Giving birth with Patricia was as invaluable as having a translator and guide in a foreign country. She was there like a tour guide, explaining each process and helping us communicate our needs to the hospital staff.
She truly has found her calling! No matter what kind of birth you have, medicated or not, you should choose Patricia as your doula!

Kishia Blackburn


We met Patricia through our birthing center. She attended our first birth, the birth of our son in 2016, and even though I hadn’t met her before my labor, she made me feel very comfortable right away. She was such a big help during delivery. She was calm, soothing, and just what I needed to stay focused. When you’re in the midst of trying to push your baby out you can sometimes get distracted by the pain and lose focus or get discouraged, but Patricia was excellent at reminding me of my goals in a soothing, loving way. Postpartum, about 3 days after giving birth, Patricia called me to see how I was doing. I was struggling with breast feeding, latching, engorgement, and really cracked nipples. She came right over to help. That was huge for me as a new mom, as it was just my Hubby and I trying to figure it out. I had no idea what I was doing, and as a first time mom you know we can put so much pressure on ourselves to get it right..I was an emotional wreck! Patricia was so reassuring and comforting, and encouraging! She brought fresh aloe from her garden and showed me techniques of how to get my son to latch. My husband and I were completely comfortable with her and appreciated her so much during that time.
I also want to mention, I had to be transferred to the hospital after birth for hemorrhaging. My Hubby and newborn were left at the birthing center, while I was whisked away in an ambulance. My Hubby was pretty traumatized, and Patricia was the one who hung back and helped him get my tiny son dressed for the first time…Get loaded into the car seat for the first time and drove with my Hubby to the hospital. There’s no words for how grateful we are to her in those moments. Thank you Patricia.

Emily Stanger


Patricia's support truly enabled my husband and I to relax, be present, and embrace the birth of our first child.  We are incredibly grateful and couldn't have asked for a more perfect person to be with us as we welcomed our son into the world.

After 6+ days of labor, I was completely exhausted and transferred from the birth center to the hospital.  When Patricia arrived, she immediately jumped in to squeeze my hips and apply counter pressure on my back.  Her hands were miraculous - I didn't know it was possible to have that kind of pain relief (and was wishing she had been with me for the past 6 days!).  She made my husband and I feel completely at ease and led us through the choices we had with the hospital birth.  We both felt secure and confident knowing that we had her as an advocate.  She knew what to ask the nurses for to make me more comfortable (more pillows, different positions, etc.) and took time to explain all the charts and beeping and hospital procedures.  My husband and I would have been completely lost without her --- and when you are 6 days into labor, it is not the time to feel lost!  Her presence allowed my husband to get some of his first solid rest in 6 days, as he felt more comfortable about my security having her there.  As I pushed, it seemed like the doctor relied more on Patricia than his nurses - yes, she's that good!  She gave me immediate advice to help my son latch, and she continued to support us over the next two weeks to lead us on a successful breastfeeding journey.  As my husband and I reflected on the experience, we honestly don't know what we would have done without her.  AND to top it all off, she managed to capture the most beautiful photographs of labor and birth that we will treasure forever!

If you are birthing in the Phoenix area, DEFINITELY contact Patricia.  I don't plan on birthing any more children without her!

juliette villela


I found out about Patricia Alatriste through a friend and thankfully I did, because of her I’ve become more confident and stress free about my breastfeeding journey. I was having latching issues and cracked nipples and she pretty much came to the rescue. Love that she’s extremely patient and hands on and she makes you feel comfortable, its like talking to a friend. She’s truly amazing!

Mallory Murray


Patricia was the most amazing doula. I had a fairly long labor at a birth center that ended with me being transported to the hospital as my labor wasn't progressing enough. When I got to the hospital my labor began progressing very quickly and I remember feeling incredibly overwhelmed by the bright lights and all of the people giving me instructions. I couldn’t focus and I didn't feel like I could catch my breath. All of a sudden I heard this amazingly calm voice in my ear, guiding me through my breaths and coaching me through the most vital moments of my sons delivery. After my son was born I looked around and asked who the angel was that had helped me when I needed it most, and it was Patricia! The birth center had asked her to meet us at the hospital for some extra encouragement, and even though I hadn't met her before that moment, she had read my energy perfectly and knew exactly what words I had needed during that vulnerable time. Thank you Patricia for helping keep me calm leading up to the most pivotal moment of my life, the moment I met my sweet son.

Megan Tyra Cummings


Having a Doula really makes all the difference.
We loved having Patricia with us at the hospital. She gave me the knowledge and courage I needed to make the best decisions. She really took the time to get to know us and to thoroughly go over our birth-plan, so she could better understand the best ways to help.
My favorite thing about having her there was how she helped us communicate better with the nurses and other hospital staff. 
She really made the whole process so much easier on us for the 50+ hours before the baby came. I really appreciate how much she was there for us during that long stretch; even when she must have been so tired and sleep deprived, she was still always mindful of our needs and thoughtfully pro-active in making sure they were met.
She was also great at helping us prepare in the weeks leading up to the hospital check in, as well as following up with us frequently after we were home.
I don't even want to imagine what that weekend would have been like without her acting as our wonderful guardian angel.

Mary Parot


Our experience with Patricia was a blessing. I would have never imagined how beneficial a doula could be had I not had one myself. We called Patricia and asked her to meet us in the AM as we thought we'd have our baby by early afternoon. This was not the case. Nearly 24 hours later, Patricia was still by our side. We had an opportunity to get to know each other while we waited for the big moment. She got me (and my husband) through what felt like a never ending labor full of the toughest contractions imaginable. In addition to the care she provided, she was able to read the different situations throughout the day and react to them appropriately and professionally. I look back now and know the support, care, and nurturing Patricia provided both my husband and I assisted in bringing our beautiful baby into the world. Thank you again Patricia.

Stacy Bentley


I always wanted to have a natural birth and when things didn't go as planned we had to go to the hospital and plan to deliver our little one there. Patricia met us there ASAP and we felt at peace and so comfortable with her! She made us feel so calm and made me feel so much stronger in the delivering process! I am truly thankful for all of her help.

After the delivery she stayed with us the entire night till early in the morning and I remember her being so excited for us! She answered all of our questions and whenever I still have questions, she follows up with me that same day! We are truely blessed and so grateful to have her with us through this amazing journey! Thank you for everything??

Ariel Rosen


There would be no way for me to adequately describe how incredible Patricia was as my doula. From the moment I met her, I felt a sense of inner calm knowing that she would be there for me during me birth. I remember when I called her on the phone and told her that I was in labor and she was SO excited! I truly do not think I could have succeed in having a natural birth if Patricia was not by my side. She helped with everything from massage, to holding my hand, to getting essential oils when I felt sick, to multiple times just merely reminding me to breathe, because believe it or not, in those moments, I actually needed a reminder to even breathe! She remained calm, loving, and focused during my entire labor and birth. She is so skilled and knowledgeable. She was essential afterwards as well, helping me to establish breastfeeding and providing care for my baby. If I were to have another baby, I would never consider doing it without Patricia by my side! I am eternally grateful for her love and care.

Jhessika Sahagun


Patricia was our little angel sent from heaven, babymoon inn in this case, I had planned my birth with a doula and it was the best experienced ever, since I had all the support, courage and confidence that Patricia projects when she appears and stays with you making you feel strong and loved, we will always be thankful for all her dedication, love, time and support, best doula ever in the world??

Audrey Ives


My husband and I both wanted a natural, unmedicated delivery for the birth of our first child. I wasn't completely comfortable with a birth center birth, so we decided on a hospital birth assisted by a doula. We had the opportunity to meet with Patricia a handful of times beforehand; to get to know her and tell her what we wanted for labor and delivery. She is very genuine, friendly, and easy to get along with. Every meeting felt just like a conversation with a good friend; which was so wonderful given the personal conversation that comes along with birth plans, pregnancy, and postpartum care - not to mention the fact that she is going to be with you during labor and delivery when you are completely vulnerable. She was a lifesaver on the big day! I was in constant communication with her from the moment labor began, and when things started to pick up and get more intense, she came to our home to help me labor. Through every stage, she was always able to offer suggestions for different positions and relaxation techniques (oil diffusers, massage, hot water, etc.) And through it all, she made sure my husband was as involved as possible. My husband and family agree that she was a positive influence, and everyone was grateful she was there. I honestly don't know how I would have made it through without her; her constant reminder to 'keep breathing' and remain focused was exactly what I needed to push through those really intense moments. I was able to have the birth that I wanted for my son and take away happy memories from the whole experience. Patricia kept in touch after delivery as well; numerous phone calls to check-in, as well as a visit to my house to discuss the labor and delivery and life with a newborn. I would highly recommend Patricia to anyone looking to hire a doula! She has a wealth of knowledge about the whole birthing process and a true passion for what she does! I am so grateful to her for being such a wonderful part of our birth story.

Rhandi Lee


Patricia was invaluable during my labor and delivery. I had to deliver in the hospital and she was sent over by Babymoon Inn. Immediately she was very thoughtful and sincere about learning what I needed or wanted out of this birth. She made me very comfortable by bringing an oil diffuser and snacks. She was truly amazing, supportive and very knowledgeable, I just wanted to pick her brain! She visited me daily for close to a week. During my labor she was there right away, and it happened quickly! Without her applying pressure to my lower back, it would have been a pretty tough experience. She was so calm while coaching me through contractions and pushing. Following delivery she was there's talking to me as a friend and educating me. Patricia knows a lot about breastfeeding and helped me during my hospital stay (baby was in NICU) and followed up often once I got home. I truly appreciated her being on my 'team' and felt very taken care of. Without Patricia and Babymoons support, my experience would have been a nightmare. I am so grateful!

Rhandi Lee

Valerie Jennings


I was planning a birthing center delivery and was very excited about this since my first delivery was at a hospital and was slightly disappointing.  Unfortunately my son had a condition that prevented us from delivering at a birthing center and had to deliver in the hospital.  While this was not the original plan, the birthing center provided us with a doula as well as our midwife.  This is when I met Patricia.  We met once in the office prior to delivery, but since I had preterm labor, she visited quite often at the hospital too.  I was blessed with her care and she took the time to communicate via text or phone anytime I had that random question.  The first time we were at the hospital she had lots of ideas for position changes and a calming effect.  But that time labor stopped and we were sent home.  The day of the actual delivery was so fast that she barely made it to the hospital.  I was fully dilated and waiting for her arrival to push, she walked in right when pushing started.  I was grateful she made it, but delivery was so fast there was no need for positional changes and getting through it all.  She stayed after and helped assist with pericare and breastfeeding.  Even though I had previously breastfed it was very helpful to be reminded of tips and positions for breastfeeding.  After the hospital discharge she called to see how things were going and offered advice again.  I would highly recommend using Patricia!  We had recently relocated to the area and had no family around.  It was very nice to have someone during the delivery and throughout the pregnancy that I felt I could trust and genuinely cared about me.  Thank you Patricia!

Birth Availability for Patricia Alatriste

= Available. Calendar last updated: 04-24-2024

Postpartum Availability for Patricia Alatriste

= Available. Calendar last updated: 04-24-2024