Calgary, AB Service range 50 miles
Birth Fee
$1000 to $1250
Postpartum Rate
$40 to $45
Birth Fee
$1000 to $1250
Postpartum Rate
$40 to $45
1 years and 3 births attended
1 years and 11 families served
Type of practice: Solo practice
Clients per month: 1 to 2 births and 1 to 3 postpartum families
Postpartum limits/restrictions: Non-smoking homes
Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
Attends home births? Any Home Birth
Volunteer Treasurer of the Calgary Doula Association.
Calgary, AB Service range 50 miles
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Post a testimonial for Lauren Stromner
We started working with Lauren a few weeks postpartum and are so glad we did. Knowing now what a doula can do- and particularly how knowledgeable, supportive, and caring Lauren is- I wish we had had her help sooner! From the moment Lauren walked in, she was always doing something; she is hardworking and it's obvious she really cares about the people she works with. I was especially grateful for the way she was willing to problem-solve and think through things with us. We really valued her opinion. We were also so grateful for the overnight visits, which helped our whole family get a better footing in the earliest weeks. I would absolutely recommend Lauren to anyone!
Lauren is an absolute pleasure to work with! She is very generous with her knowledge and experience. I immediately felt comfortable around her and had no reservations asking 'potentially dumb" questions or her perspective on different topics related to childbirth and child-rearing. I love that Lauren is open minded, non-judgmental and can easily interact with expecting moms from different backgrounds, cultures, ages and different life journeys. I highly highly recommend Lauren to anyone looking for a doula!
Lauren helped us with both day and night support for our two colicky twin girls. She helped with breastfeeding, as well as the extremely difficult naps at the time. One of our girls could only nap while being worn and walking. Lauren would both help us get the one twin to sleep in the crib and then would walk the other while my husband and I could get a very much needed break! In addition to that she would regularly be our knight in shining armor after we had battled with the girls in the afternoon to stop screaming. She would walk in the door, and very calmly take the angrier of the two babies and they would almost immediately calm down. It was magic and she truly got us through the worst of it while handling both babies. I would recommend her to my family and friends, she is a phenomenal doula and we are so grateful for all of her help!
Lauren was a wonderful part of my pregnancy and post parfum journey. I had considered getting a doula for quite some time but didn’t end up getting one until the very end of my pregnancy. She helped me work towards the birth that I wanted and helped me preserve my decisions during labour. She made me feel a little more human in a situation that can take some of that away from you. She was a great support after the birth of my babes too and was always a warm friendly face.
Lauren provided our family with postpartum support after we had twins. She was warm, caring, attentive, and very competent in supporting us with the care of our boys. She has a calm presence and was a very welcome addition to our home. We would absolutely recommend her to other parents. Thanks Lauren!!
Lauren was extremely attentive, dedicated, and invested in us having a successful delivery. It was a long process and she stuck by our side the whole time, which made such a huge difference. We are so happy with how everything went. I would highly recommend Lauren to anyone looking for a Doula!
= Available. Calendar last updated: 11-19-2024
= Available. Calendar last updated: 11-19-2024