Heather Pereira Photo

Heather Pereira

Stork Contrast Doula Services

Chicago, IL Service range 50 miles


Birth Fee

$900 to $1100

Postpartum Rate

$25 to $30

Availability Remarks: Available up to 3 nights a week for overnights for 10 hour shifts. Also available during the day for food prep, newborn care, and recovery support.

Birth Fee

$900 to $1100

Postpartum Rate

$25 to $30

Birth Doula Experience

1 years and 5 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

1 years and 12 families served

Doula Training

  • Doula Trainings International , September 2023

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 2 to 5 births and 2 to 3 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Full spectrum doula services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Fee Details

Having served as a gestational surrogate twice Heather understands the financial burdens associated with having a baby. Having a compassionate doula present at your birth can be invaluable though so she strives to price her services so they are accessible for growing families. She looks forward to serving all types of families with inclusive, evidence-based, and compassionate care.

Service Area

Chicago, IL Service range 50 miles

Client Testimonials for Heather Pereira

Post a testimonial for Heather Pereira

Brittany R


Heather is absolutely amazing. My midwife connected us via Facebook. I am a first time mom, and was looking for all the postpartum support and care I could get. I didn't really know what to expect because I have never had this kind of care before. I had a challenging pregnancy in terms of how I felt physically, and it became hard to cook meals for my family. I knew I would need meal prep help after adding another child to the mix. Not to mention help to get the added sleep! Heather has exceeded my expectations. She is a FANTASTIC cook. All of the recipes have been SO delicious. She takes wonderful care of my son, I get sleep, and the meal prep help makes my life so much easier. She is compassionate and kind- always willing to have a conversation and uplift your spirits if you need encouragement. She is timely, which is very important to me. She is reliable, honest, and trustworthy. She is knowledgeable and helpful when it comes to breastfeeding and anything that may help you or your child function optimally. I am so happy I took the chance and hired Heather. It has truly added to our family and has made this transition more smooth. Hire Heather as your postpartum doula. It will be a decision you will not regret!

Liridona Veliu Ashiku


From the moment we met Heather, just two days before the birth of our daughter, it felt like we had known her forever. Her personable nature instantly put us at ease during what could have been an overwhelmingly stressful time.

We were caught off guard by our daughter's early arrival, leaving us with little time to go through our entire birth plan. But Heather stepped in magnificently. Her support was unwavering, and her presence at the hospital within just two hours was nothing short of impressive.

Heather's thoughtful gestures, like bringing in a smoothie, which hadn't even crossed our minds, to ensuring I had my long-missed sushi before delivering, demonstrated her exceptional attention to detail. This foresight was especially appreciated considering the late hour of our delivery, when finding food would have been a challenge.

Her ability to balance "nature and science," as we had hoped, was remarkable. Heather worked seamlessly with the medical team, allowing us to focus entirely on the birth without any concerns about coordination. Her informative yet respectful approach meant our wishes and concerns were always at the forefront.

Heather is more than just a doula; she has become a dear friend. Her reliability, warmth, and ability to blend professional knowledge with personal care make her an extraordinary choice for any expecting family.

We wholeheartedly recommend Heather to anyone looking for a doula who goes above and beyond. Her presence made our birthing experience as smooth and comfortable as possible, a gift we will always cherish! :)

Lisa N


Heather is quite literally the reason our family exists. When my husband and I learned that I couldn't carry children, we were matched with Heather, who had sought out to be a surrogate. She ended up carrying a baby for us *twice,* three years apart. Our sweet boys call her "Auntie Heather" now, but she is so much more than that. She is the true embodiment of what it means to be compassionate, loving, and humble. She knew *so* much more about pregnancy, labor/delivery, and newborn care than we did, and she held our hands (both literally and figuratively) as we embarked on this journey together.

I was blown away by Heather's ability to remain even-keeled in the natural stress of it all, to share her wisdom in unassuming ways, and to always lead with what made *us* feel most comfortable in any given situation. Her maternal insticts shined through, and her calm presence was such a gift. I am so excited that she has become a doula, as it is the most perfect fit for her natural strenghts. Any family who includes her as part of their birth story is going to be so lucky to have her! 

Birth Availability for Heather Pereira

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-07-2024

Postpartum Availability for Heather Pereira

= Available. Calendar last updated: 07-07-2024