Anna Stone Photo

Anna Stone

Gilbert, AZ Service range 30 miles

Birth Fee


Birth Fee


Birth Doula Experience

0 years and 8 births attended

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, April 2023

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 0 to 2

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Languages Spoken

  • English

Service Area

Gilbert, AZ Service range 30 miles

Certifications for Anna Stone

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Client Testimonials for Anna Stone

Post a testimonial for Anna Stone



Hiring Anna was the best decision I ever made. This was my first baby and she was incredibly helpful as a guide to help me prepare for labor and especially during my labor. She guided me and my partner so graciously helping me to stick to my birth plan, advocated for my needs and comfort, and ensured not only me and my baby felt safe and cared for, but went the extra mile to create an overall better experience. Staying with us for over 16 hours of labor and making sure we had a good latch before leaving. I cannot recommend her enough, she made what could have been a scary experience into a beautiful one. 

Samantha Acoff


I am so blessed to have had Anna as my doula! She is the sweetest, most kind hearted woman-so who better to have by your side as you give birth? Anna was extremely helpful before during and after labor for both me and my husband, so even if you have a support person it is so valuable to have Anna as your doula! She gave me really helpful resources and tips before hand and would check in with me as I was approaching and passed my due date. Then during labor, she was so positive, encouraging, but also level headed the entire time and gave us different suggestions for labor positions that would help bring baby down and relieve some of my pain. I honestly don't think I would've been able to get through everything without her help. But thanks to Anna I was able to have the exact birth I wanted and I'm so grateful for her role in making our birth experience so amazing!



Anna was crucial in helping me achieve the natural birth I wanted. She provided valuable education to myself and my partner and was available during my pregnancy to answer questions and relieve concerns. She has a very gentle and calming presence that put me at ease during labor, and also knew exactly when to step-in and advocate for me when I couldn't for myself. She provided emotional and physical support throughout the course of labor and delivery that gave me the assurance I needed to stick to my birth plan. Anna is very passionate about birth and I was confident that she had our best interests at heart at all times. 

Birth Availability for Anna Stone

= Available. Calendar last updated: 01-09-2024