Britana Uppinghouse Photo

Britana Uppinghouse

Be You Birth Services

Everett, WA Service range 50 miles Varies by Client - please contact for specific service areas!

Birth Fee

$900 to $1500

Birth Fee

$900 to $1500

Birth Doula Experience

1 years and 8 births attended

Doula Training

  • Simkin Center for Allied Birth Vocations (DONA-Approved Workshop), December 2022

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 0 to 2

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

Special Services Offered

  • TENS units rental

Training Documentation


Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

I am flexible on the fee and willing to take low budget clients if we are a good match and the home and birth locations are convenient **PLEASE CHECK SPAM FOLDER IF YOU DO NOT HEAR FROM ME WITHIN 48 HOURS OF SUBMITTING A MESSAGE THROUGH DOULAMATCH. THANK YOU!**

Service Area

Everett, WA Service range 50 miles Varies by Client - please contact for specific service areas!

Client Testimonials for Britana Uppinghouse

Post a testimonial for Britana Uppinghouse

Savannah Butler


Being first time parents with previous miscarriages and little family near by, Britana filled every role and the ones we didn't know we needed. We literally could not have dreamed up a better doula than her!! She was there with us through EVERYTHING, never making us feel like our questions were silly or that we had too many (we had a lot). Her passion for helping couples bring new life into this world is unmatched. She is able to be whatever you need without needing to be promoted to do so, she reads your energy/the energy of the room and goes into action seamlessly. We truly are so grateful to have been able to have Britana by our side during the most important, transformative, and beautiful time of our lives. Forever grateful for your presence.

Liz Jenson


My husband and I can't say enough about how wonderful our experience was with Britana!  This was our first baby so the entire process was new to us.  Britana met with us twice before the birth to go over everything, provide education, and make sure she fully understood our birth preferences/plan.  She was very supportive of what we wanted our birth experience to look like and when things started to shift from our "plan" during the labor/delivery process due to medical circumstances outside of our control, Britana was vital in helping us process information, ask the right questions, and then ultimately, stepping back to allow my husband and me to make the decisions that were right for us.  She supported us during a very difficult labor and stayed by our side the entire time.  She has also been wonderul postpartum - checking in and giving advice/support for my emotional and physical healing.  We definitely recommend Britana to anyone looking for a birth doula!  Her passion for supporting mothers (and their partners) as they go through the miracle of bringing a child into this world is contagious!  She was meant for this role.

Allison O.


I chose Britana to be my doula because she is a powerhouse. She didn't have any personal experience with VBAC, but she went through every resource she had to be able to support me on that journey. When i had a health scare and ended up going with a C-section she was always there holding my hand both figuratively and literally. She is the one who will advocate for you to the doctors and will speak up with any questions you don't even realize you have. She really helped me to have a beautiful and connected birth, and I really wish I could have had her with me for my first!

Mariah Foster


My Husband and I asked Britana to be our Doula at week 28 of my pregnancy and I wish we had asked for her support even sooner! If you are looking for a caring and dedicated doula to support you through your pregnancy journey Britana is the right fit for you. She provided excellent prenatal, birth and postnatal support and education. I really appreciated the time she dedicated to teach me how to advocate for myself as a first time mom, it was very valuable during my labor experience. Britana is very professional but makes you feel as if she’s more like your close friend and truly cares about your well being.

Nicole C


Where to begin about Britana Uppinghouse and why to choose her as your doula? I am her younger sister, so you may be thinking this review could be skewed or biased. However, I am a realist and due to our history growing up, I can look at the relationship with her as a doula without rose-colored glasses and speak it how it is. For my first birth, I was fortunate to have all the family members I love there. I believe every woman’s hope is to have their Mom at their own “delivery” to support them. But I was lucky enough to have Britana as well. She naturally stepped in to assist me and my mom. She checked in on us and my husband’s needs, took meaningful and respectful photos (I am very modest and do not like photos that expose everything), maintained phone battery levels, water levels, room cleanliness and nurse satisfaction - all without being asked to do so.For my second birth, I asked Britana to be the main support role since my mom wouldn’t be able to be there this time. From the moment I asked her, she embraced the role. She planned and packed my entire birthing go-bag, including things I would have never thought to put in on my own. She even made homemade postpartum soothing pads. The birth itself happened so fast that Britana hardly made it in time, but when she did, the doctors mistook her for my midwife (who did not make it in time...that’s how fast the birth was!) because the moment she walked in the room she took charge of the situation and my needs. She remained that steady force of support for the next rest of the day until she could tell my husband and I were all settled and comfortable with Baby. I am the type of patient who struggles to express my true feelings or needs in a fast-paced medical setting. Britana naturally assesses situations and can determine what needs to be done based off what she knows you prefer and being in-tune to what may be your true feelings in the moment.



For the birth of our second daughter I knew we could use the extra help and support for our home birth. When I heard Britana was studying to be a doula, I did not hesitate to reach out immediately. And boy was that the best decision I could have made!

Britana showed up full of energy, love and gentle support. She was exactly the calming and supportive presence we were wishing for during labor! She is incredibly thoughtful and does not miss any details to make labor as easy as possible.

Thank you for all of your love and support to bring Naia into this world Britana ??



For the birth of our second daughter I knew we could use the extra help and support for our home birth. When I heard Britana was studying to be a doula, I did not hesitate to reach out immediately. And boy was that the best decision I could have made!

Britana showed up full of energy, love and gentle support. She was exactly the calming and supportive presence we were wishing for during labor! She is incredibly thoughtful and does not miss any details to make labor as easy as possible.

Thank you for all of your love and support to bring Naia into this world Britana ??

Birth Availability for Britana Uppinghouse

= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-24-2024