Lauren Kilisky Photo

Lauren Kilisky

Doula & Birth Photographer

Burlington, WA Service range 60 miles I serve Whatcom & Skagit county primarily.

Birth Fee

$900 to $1500

Birth Fee

$900 to $1500

Birth Doula Experience

3 years and 10 births attended

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, March 2021

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 2

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

Special Services Offered

  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • Miscarriage support
  • Mother blessing celebrations
  • Photography - Birth
  • Prenatal & postpartum fitness services
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

My intention as your Doula is to support you in achieving your desired birth experience regardless of how baby enters the world. I want you to feel safe, supported, and informed as you navigate your pregnancy, labor, and birth. I will be there to support you and your family every step of the way as you prepare and embark on the transition of welcoming a new family member. This includes 2 prenatal visits, continuous support on the big day, and a postpartum visit. I also offer maternity, birth and newborn photography. Feel free to reach out with any questions or to schedule a zoom call to see if we are a good fit!

Service Area

Burlington, WA Service range 60 miles I serve Whatcom & Skagit county primarily.

Client Testimonials for Lauren Kilisky

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Lauren was a very caring, kind, responsive and respectful doula. She helped keep us informed along with keeping doctors informed of what we wanted for our birth plan. Thank you for being another tool in our bag, another person to help lean on not only for myself but for my partner and another sounding board. 



Lauren was an absolutely necessary part of our birth team. Prenatal through birth and postpartum she is well informed about obstetric support and care. I thought of myself as a modern woman who, empowered by books, the internet, and the wisdom of mothers in my life, thought I was prepared for the unexpected. My birth experience showed me just how much my partner and I relied on her knowledge and expertise of the childbirth process. In my third trimester Lauren was a guiding light when, despite our most thoughtful efforts and idyllic birth plan, we were asked to go against the plan out of concerns for my health. It was an unanticipated and sudden change that I did not know how to handle or prepare for. However, Lauren was by my side and available for all my needs, day or night. She was a phone call away to help settle my anxieties and concerns. Her compassion, empathy, and optimism gave me the strength to embrace the obstacles I was met with. Due to Covid-19 protocols, our preferred birth location only allowed one support person to accompany the mother. Although Lauren wasn’t able to be physically present during my labor, she gave me her unwavering support virtually through video calls. We borrowed a hospital tablet and Lauren created a Zoom meeting where she shined as a remote/virtual doula. Lauren and my partner advocated for my choices, which allowed me to focus my energy towards laboring. When doctors and nurses suggested medical interventions, Lauren promptly informed us about procedures, pros and cons, and other available options. She was a calming presence throughout the whole 30 hrs of labor and during the most challenging part of my labor she used guided imagery to comfort and center me. Lauren has a natural affinity for empowering women through their journey to motherhood. Her support of me as a Mother has been incredibly amazing and ceaseless. Lauren is an extraordinary doula and I could not have imagined this experience without her.

Jeanette Wickell


I would first like to say that Lauren generously donated her doula and maternity photographer services to us through the fantastic Buy Nothing group. Lauren was consistently very communicative and available if I had a question or concern, especially as I got closer to my due date. She met with us twice ahead of time to discuss the scope of her practice and gave us lots of resources for positions during labor and other helpful information. During my labor (which was originally planned for a birth center but happened in the hospital), having her there was really reassuring for me. The hospital doctor was pushy and had her own agenda regarding my birth - but Lauren helped me feel confident to push back and helped me retain agency over my birth process as much as possible. She was very supportive with my husband as well, showing him how he could best help me be comfortable and to help labor progress. One of the more unexpected things she did to help was have Honey Stingers on hand, because after I gave birth my blood sugar was in the basement - those things were awesome for quick energy! We met on Zoom for a postpatrum consult and again offered more resources and ideas for recovery for me. She also gave us a really sweet gift basket, including lactation cookies and an Indestructible book for my baby. 

Overall, I found Lauren to be very supportive and kind. She's easy to talk to and listens well. She has a darling daughter of her own and her love for babies and mamas is so evident. Even though my birth didn't go as I had envisioned it, having Lauren there was a big comfort for me and my husband. 

PS - she is a gifted photographer and we love the maternity photos she took for us! She also does newborn sessions! 

Danielle Headings


Lauren was such an amazing help and support. I didn't officially have her as my doula, but she was really there for me. Offering to pick up food, words of encouragement and even checking in with me leading up to the birth. 

she did my birth photos and I'm really glad I chose her to do them. She really captured the moments so well. I love being able to look back and relive the experience because in the moment you don't always remember what is happening. 

Lauren is such a sweet kind and thoughtful soul. I've known her for 5 years and the birth of my son reconnected us and I'm so thankful it did. 

Birth Availability for Lauren Kilisky

= Available. Calendar last updated: 11-06-2023