The Birth Collective | doula, photo, placenta, CBE Photo

The Birth Collective | doula, photo, placenta, CBE

Tacoma, WA Service range 40 miles


Birth Fee

$1800 to $2400

Birth Fee

$1800 to $2400

Years in Operation: 4

Type of practice: Collective

Clients per month: 12 to 16

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

Fee Details

Birth doula services including professional birth photography $2800 (active military discounts available), option to add on newborn photography childbirth education & placenta services available. Payment plans available. HSA/FSA cards accepted. The Birth Collective consists of 3 experienced and professional doulas, having attended over 1300 births! We would love to chat with you about your upcoming birth, go over our doula/photography/educational services, answer your questions and see if we would be a great addition to your birth team.

Service Area

Tacoma, WA Service range 40 miles

You are viewing all 3 doulas.

Birth Fee: $1800 to $2400


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2800


Updated 9/6/2024

Years in practice

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2800


Updated 5/31/2024

Years in practice

Client Testimonials for The Birth Collective | doula, photo, placenta, CBE

Post a testimonial for The Birth Collective | doula, photo, placenta, CBE

Brianna Stenstrom


I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible support Sarah and The Birth Collective provided throughout my pregnancy, labor, and postpartum journey. Their deep knowledge of pregnancy and childbirth was invaluable, offering us guidance and answering our endless questions with patience and expertise. I ended up having Sarah as my doula. Sarah showed immense compassion and genuine care throughout my delivery. She created a calm and nurturing environment, always listening to our needs and providing comfort during the most intense moments of labor. Her encouragement and positive energy gave me the confidence to trust my body and embrace the process. Even after birth, she continued to be a pillar of support, offering advice, reassurance, and practical help. Our experience was so much richer and more empowering thanks to her presence, and we are forever grateful for the care and support Sarah provided.



The best birth prep you could invest in is hiring a doula. Bree was there for us when labor was beyond painful and had a tens unit ready to help distract the pain. She was a calm guide for me and my husband when we had our first child and felt overwhelmed by all the new changes physically and mentally. Bree and the team were always available by text leading up to the birth date,  and even after. Instead of wondering if something was normal or not, it was reassuring to ask questions and get immediate responses from a team of women who's career is about supporting pregnant and laboring women. In the hospital Bree was a voice of calm and helped to provide advice in the moment on pain relief options that made the most sense for when I was entering active labor. When all the nurses around me were bit pushy or forceful, Bree was able to speak up when I was too exhausted to even think to ask questions that were in my best interest and the baby's. I'll never forget that she and my husband tag teamed to let me squeeze their hands to the point where I'm surprised there were no broken bones when I needed it the most. Not only for myself, but she wsd also was supportive guide for my husband, teaching him what to do in the moment at the hospital. The prepartum meetings we had both in person and online were more helpful than the all day paid class I had taken with the hospital. This team is very realistic and experienced and it's the type of support that every new and nervous mom needs by their side. If we have a second I really hope that Bree or anyone in The Birth Collective group is available again to be by my side.

Dana Farrell


When I found out I was pregnant, my birth vision was to go unmedicated and with as little interference as possible in a hospital setting. I also wanted my husband to be as present as possible by having someone there to take the fear of the unpredictability of labor away from him. Enter, The Birth Collective!

A fantastic trio, these ladies made me feel seen and heard about my wishes for birth. When the big day finally came, I knew I would be happy with whoever showed up to my birth.

Austin's arrival was uplifting and she immediately jumped in to help me make my sure labor lasted at home as long as possible. She timed our arrival to the hospital perfectly and I was able to labor comfortably in the hospital room and give birth the exact way I wanted to. She was my cheerleader, advocate, and all around support for both myself and my husband. He had to watch me go through the most intense hours of my life and Austin supported us the entire way. She also did all of this while taking the most AMAZING photos of our entire experience. I will cherish those photos for the rest of my life and I can’t wait to show them to my daughter and tell her about her entrance into the world.

If you’re on the fence about getting a doula, I’ll help with your decision by telling you to hire this wonderful team. Not only did I feel like I had an expert in the room with me, I also felt like a had a good friend who wanted my birth to be exactly how I envisioned it. No matter what kind of birth you’re hoping for, these ladies will support you through every stage whether it goes perfectly or totally imperfect. They almost make me want to do it all over again (almost!)

Every time I look at my little girl, I think about Austin; and that my happiness around my little one’s birth was because of her. I couldn’t have done it without her!



The women of the Birth Collective were professionals from the start while simultaneously feeling like a warm hug in all of my interactions with them. I appreciated all the birth prep they provided and the ability to reach out to them to ask questions before and after birth made the entire process manageable. Specifically, my birth experience with Sarah was one of empowerment, positivity and transformation. I had wanted an unmedicated birth, and without Sarah, I would have gotten the epidural due to an unpredictable labor scenario. She was a constant source of affirmation and helped my partner through the experience in a very kind and involved way. I felt we were both active participants in my labor and she was a true guide through it all. I feel incredibly lucky to have gone through the experience with her by my side, and would recommend her as a doula ten times over. 

Jessica Khoshnood Garvey


Anyone who can afford a doula should get one, and The Birth Collective has the best of them! I loved my experience with TBC. Throughout my pregnancy I knew I could ask them anything and get a response that I trusted. Whereas asking the midwife could take a day or two to get a response, TBC answered within hours.

The resources they shared were thorough and all encompassing. Towards the end of pregnancy, my nightly ritual would be to read through the material. Even though this was my second pregnancy, some information was new and all of it helped me build my confidence in a med-free birth. I was still nervous but knew I’d have another advocate and coach to support me through it.

As usual, labor didn’t go like I expected and was so relieved when Bree finally got there. I remember locking eyes with her when she got to the delivery room and knowing things would be ok. She has a calming and assertive presence. She told me what to do and I trusted my body to do it. Even after delivery, talking through what happened with Bree and asking questions helped me process it all and made me even more grateful.

The pictures were just the cherry on top! I find myself looking through pictures often and remembering what a great experience and happy memory it all was.

Thank you, Bree, and TBC, for helping me welcome my second baby into the world! Wouldn’t have changed any of it.

Jessica Khoshnood Garvey


Anyone who can afford a doula should get one, and The Birth Collective has the best of them! I loved my experience with TBC. Throughout my pregnancy I knew I could ask them anything and get a response that I trusted. Whereas asking the midwife could take a day or two to get a response, TBC answered within hours.

The resources they shared were thorough and all encompassing. Towards the end of pregnancy, my nightly ritual would be to read through the material. Even though this was my second pregnancy, some information was new and all of it helped me build my confidence in a med-free birth. I was still nervous but knew I’d have another advocate and coach to support me through it.

As usual, labor didn’t go like I expected and was so relieved when Bree finally got there. I remember locking eyes with her when she got to the delivery room and knowing things would be ok. She has a calming and assertive presence. She told me what to do and I trusted my body to do it. Even after delivery, talking through what happened with Bree and asking questions helped me process it all and made me even more grateful.

The pictures were just the cherry on top! I find myself looking through pictures often and remembering what a great experience and happy memory it all was.

Thank you, Bree, and TBC, for helping me welcome my second baby into the world! Wouldn’t have changed any of it.

Jessica Griffith


I have never cared more about writing a review. In fact, this is probably one of maybe a handful of reviews I’ve ever taken the time to write! Hiring Austin, Bree and Sarah was the best decision we made for our entire journey of starting our family and if I could gift anyone reading this anything it would be that you would have zero doubts about hiring them for your own pregnancy/birth! I hired TBC after experiencing two back to back losses with my previous pregnancies in a desperate attempt to have SOME kind of additional support this time around and didn’t even really understand what a doula is and does. It ended up being the difference between feeling totally alone and anxious trying to navigate pregnancy/birth and feeling completely supported and comforted knowing I had an incredibly knowledgeable and experienced TEAM of doulas I could call on at any moment for their guidance. These wonderful ladies talked me off numerous unnecessary ledges I had somehow found myself on as I clung to my hope for my sweet girl making it into this world. Austin ended up by my side for a 49 hour labor/delivery and I truly believe she is the sole reason we made it to our ultimate goal of a vaginal delivery. I would have been absolutely clueless as to how to navigate the labor I had without her and my husband and I heavily leaned on her guidance with complete confidence as we had to make decision after decision trying to coax my baby girl along. Icing on the cake is the incredible photos Austin took during labor/delivery. I honestly hate having my picture taken but I hardly ever noticed and was so surprised to see everything she captured and I’m so grateful she did as they are now my most cherished pictures/memories. We are moving to GA this year otherwise I would 100% hire TBC for every pregnancy we are blessed to have going forward! 

Mollie Murphy


Sarah was my doula for my first birth in August 2023. It was a FAST, unmedicated labor and I was so grateful Sarah was about to get there in time given my total labor was only around five hours. I was past transition and already pushing when she got to my house - as you can imagine we were a little panicked about making it to the birth center we planned to have our baby at. The minute Sarah got there she calmly and confidently helped us navigate the decision process, while also offering some much appreciated counter pressure for me which immediately offered so much relief! We ultimately decided to drive to the birth center and I was so happy we did. I had the water birth of my dreams! She offered guidance or advice when I needed it while pushing out my baby, but also was able to just sit next to me and hold space for me as I brought my baby earthside. Her confidence in my abilities bolstered my own confidence so much. 

She also helped me during postpartum as I navigated some early breastfeeding challenges. Her kind words and house visit was so so appreciated and so helpful.  I had such a positive birth experience and can't wait to give birth again with her support!! 

Jodi Charity James


Bree Minter from The Birth Collective was my doula and she made all the difference in the world.  I had a long induction which resulted in little baby girl being in a sunny side up position.  Bree arrived within 2 hours of us calling her and was able to tell the position of the baby was off due to the pattern my contractions were making.  She quickly assessed the situation and right away started spinning the baby by putting me in different positions.  Each position felt amazing and I was able to rest in each one and get some much needed sleep.  After about 4 hours of working with her, I had dilated from a 6 to a 10, baby girl had moved into the correct position and I was able to start pushing!  Having never given birth before, I really had no idea how to push.  Bree did an excellent job of giving me cues and was such a great instructor.  She brought a lot of positive energy to the room and really helped everything go smoothly!  Our little baby girl arrived safe and sound via vaginal delivery!  Had Bree not been there to spin the baby and coach me in pushing, things could have gone very differently!  I am forever greatful to her for the beautiful birth experience and highly recommend her for anyone having a baby, new or experienced Moms! 

Shinora Bookhart


This was my second time using The Birth Collective. Austin was my doula this time around. I started having contractions but they were far apart and inconsistent. At some point though I had to vocalize through them. I texted Austin to let her know that contractions were far apart and inconsistent but I couldn't ignore them and needed to vocalize. She told me to let the midwife know and in the meantime she would come to me. When she arrived she set me up with the TENS unit (my favorite thing to distract me from the contraction pain). Then it was time to head to the birth center. 

At the birth center Austin was hands on and encouraging the entire time. I have to say I thought I didn't like being touched during labor but it didn't bother me at all. She applied counter pressure and even let me lean on her. She smelled nice too. 


I was having a difficult time giving in to the contractions and she reassured me over and over again that I was safe and my body and baby knew what to do. Without Austin I think I would have handled it a lot o worse than I did. She is amazing and she amazing photos of my birth story. Thank you so much for being supportive in my birth space. 

Shinora Bookhart


This was my second time using The Birth Collective. Austin was my doula this time around. I started having contractions but they were far apart and inconsistent. At some point though I had to vocalize through them. I texted Austin to let her know that contractions were far apart and inconsistent but I couldn't ignore them and needed to vocalize. She told me to let the midwife know and in the meantime she would come to me. When she arrived she set me up with the TENS unit (my favorite thing to distract me from the contraction pain). Then it was time to head to the birth center. 

At the birth center Austin was hands on and encouraging the entire time. I have to say I thought I didn't like being touched during labor but it didn't bother me at all. She applied counter pressure and even let me lean on her. She smelled nice too. 

I was having a difficult time giving in to the contractions and she reassured me over and over again that I was safe and my body and baby knew what to do. Without Austin I think I would have handled it a lot o worse than I did. She is amazing and she amazing photos of my birth story. Thank you so much for being supportive in my birth space. 

Caroline Asbell


Wow! We highly recommend The Birth Collective. They have been helpful and informative from start to finish. We had Sarah as our doula and could not have been more happy. We weren’t sure we’d hire a doula but are so glad we had their knowledge and support for the birth of our first baby! My labor and delivery was fast and intense but went amazingly well thanks in large part to Sarah’s help. She knew exactly what my husband and I needed. The photos were a wonderful addition as well. We had a great experience!

Nicole Russell


We hired a doula sort of late in our pregnancy after realizing we would probably need some additional support for my first birth, unmedicated at a birth center. From the moment we met with The Birth Collective we knew they were a perfect fit. They seemed so knowledgeable and supportive and had a lot of experience compared to some other doulas we met with. My birth plan quickly changed due to things out of our control and I had to be induced at a hospital at 38 weeks. Bree was there for every step and we absolutely couldn't have done it without her. She helped fill in all the information gaps for us as our plan continued to change. She provided comfort, encouragement, and even laughter when needed. When my birth ended up with a c-section and I was exhausted and defeated she helped us feel better about the direction it had turned. We will absolutely hire the birth collective again for our next because the peace of mind they provide is worth every penny!



I knew I wanted to hire a doula after the experience I had with my first born. During my consult with TBC they really put my mind at ease, answered all my questions, and encouraged me to go for my VBAC. I knew before I even got off the zoom call that they were the ones I wanted by my side. Their response times to my text messages all throughout were so quick, no matter what time (at the end, I definitely texted at some odd hours), they always had words of encouragement to lift me back up and put me at ease during times of uncertainty and frustration. They are such a wealth of knowledge! They walked me through advocating for myself to get therapeautic rest after I was going into day 7 of prodromal labor.  They knew how to troubleshoot my babies position based off my answers to a few questions, gave me positional exercises to help get baby rotated and in optimal position for labor. They knew how important it was to me to have my redemptive HBAC, and made sure I knew it was just as important to them that I have the birth I want. When active labor FINALLY came, I got Doula Bree, and let me tell ya, she was a key component to my successful HBAC. She came with her tool bag ready to get me through, and she gave me the tough love I needed to break that mental barrier. There was a point in labor when I started to spiral, and Bree stopped me in my tracks, used that “mom voice” we all know and snapped me out of it. When pushing time came she worked with my midwife to switch me into different positions to get my babies head over my pubic bone. Bree knew I wanted a water birth, so after I made it through the thick of pushing, her and my midwife worked together to get me back in the birth pool to bring my baby earthside. Let me not forget the support she gave my partner at my birth as well, we both needed Bree and she went above and beyond for us. When I tell my daughter her birth story, Bree and The Birth Collective as a whole, will forever be part of it.

Alisha Peterson


When I reflect on my birth experience, without a doubt Sarah and The Birth Collective are a big part of helping things go as smoothly and positively as possible. From the time of our first zoom call to get to know each other, I was impressed with how much time they took to explain things and answer my questions. With my first birth, I had a solo doula and it was apparent (and true to the end) that having 3 doulas as a team was a huge plus for quicker, more efficient communication. We had our in-person meeting around 30 weeks and once again, I was impressed with the amount of knowledge they all had and how they made my husband and I feel confident and prepared. The huge binder full of pregnancy, labor, and delivery content was also incredibly helpful! Leading up to my birth, I was admittedly an anxious mess. I was almost 42 weeks and never expected I'd be pregnant that long and feared I'd have to get induced. All 3 doulas were quick to text me back after my questions and updates leading up to labor which helped reduce my stress and anxiety. When I decided I'd go in to have our midwife my break my water finally, Sara met us there at the birth center promptly. Even though I had not spent a lot of time with her until then, she already felt like a friend. She was right there by my side but also gave enough distance so that my husband still felt really involved. I appreciated her suggestions for position changes and all the encouragement when I felt like I couldn't do it anymore. I have no idea how she manages to capture such beautiful pictures (most of the time I forgot she was taking pics!) while still being such an advocate and source of comfort. Forever grateful for her and TBC!

Kayla Prill


The first thing I tell people who ask me about my birth experience is, “I had a doula!”

This was our first baby and even though we are well into our 30’s, we were CLUELESS. We read books, and took classes, and joined online groups but the best choice we made was to hire TBC.

We had a chance to meet everyone on the team and would be been lucky to have each of them, but can’t imagine doing it without Austin. Austin was calm, knowledgeable, and as a bonus has a sense of humor! She helped me focus, and physically helped with contraction pain by providing lots of tricks and support. By the end of a 30 hour hospital labor she and my partner were the dream team—helping me feel confident and not want to give up.

We are hoping to be lucky enough to have another child in the next year or two, and I will 100% be asking The Birth Collective to be apart of that experience again ??

***also say YES to photography, they will end up being incredibly special pictures (and you may not remember much of it until you see them haha)

Sydney Moran


I knew a few people that previously used a Doula, and each of them said it was a service you would not regret having, they were SO RIGHT. I reached out to a few other providers, but none of them seemed like a match until I met the ladies at TBC. I was immediately drawn to their humor, their straight forward attitude towards the realities of birth, and how they all had children of their own which made the choice easy.
I was told I have borderline high BP, which would result in me having to be induced around 38 weeks. Doula Sarah has a wealth of knowledge she shared on her Instagram stories all about induction. Everything you might need to know or discuss with your provider. It helped that situation feel a lot less scary.

Doula Austin joined us at the hospital. She was the calming and strong presence I needed. She helped us voice our opinions, reminded us to take time when we needed it, and also asked questions to the providers that I wouldn’t have even thought of. She helped my husband know what to do, where to be, and how to support me. Also, the pictures captured of us welcoming our daughter are my FAVORITE and irreplaceable, I’m so glad we did them. Doula Austin being at our birth made a significant difference and she’ll forever be apart of our story.

On top of all of this, they were answered any question I had throughout my pregnancy and postpartum. Also, the placenta pills and tincture were a huge game changer for me - personally I felt amazing and more balanced right away when I took them. So thank you Doula Bree for the badass work you do and making that possible for me.

If we are blessed with another child, I’ll be letting TBC know right away so I can have their support again. Thank you Doula Austin, Sarah, and Bree we feel so thankful to know you and want you to know the work you do is so impactful and spectacular, even when you’re dead tired from back to back babies.




It's very hard to put into words what it means to have these three amazing, powerful badass women on your side through pregnancy, birth and postpartum. I ended up needing a medically necessary induction, and after being admitted to the hospital, the midwife pushed medical interventions to get my labor to go faster. Sarah was in the hospital for another birth and stopped by our room She encouraged us to speak up for what we wanted instead of letting the midwife push us around. We could have very easily folded under pressure to do what the midwife wanted; instead, we felt empowered in our decision in a situation where things felt very out of control. 

As time passed, it became clear it was go time and Bree came in with a calm head and poise that set us both at ease. Her knowledge in coping, counterpressure and positioning is what I attribute my fairly quick induction to. She commanded the room and held our nurses accountable when they started interventions without my consent. Having Bree at my birth felt like finally having someone who has your best interests in mind, that is incredibly knowledgeable, has your back, and will do anything to make sure everyone in the room respects what you want your birth to look like. Bree knew exactly what to say to help me get through my labor when the exhaustion was getting to me. She was also so much help for my husband, guiding him in providing counterpressure as well as making sure he was doing okay throughout the labor. When it was finally time for our daughter to make her entrance, Bree took the most beautiful pictures that we will cherish forever!!

We had a lot of unexpected things happen during our pregnancy that made things look so different from what we planned; the one consistency we had throughout was the support of Sarah, Austin, and Bree. Hiring The Birth Collective was the best decision we made in our pregnancy. We can't thank them enough for everything they've done for us and our family!

Gina Paulson


This is our second birth using Sarah as our doula and I'd hire her again in a heartbeat! I've been lucky enough to have two natural & quick child births and with this second delivery, Sarah actually got me into active labor and was such a guiding light through the delivery. From the moment I had my first contraction, she was in touch with me checking in. She offered to come over and run through some positions to encourage my body into a more active labor and get things moving (which I was so ready for!) and it worked! At the hospital she was who I looked to with questions and leaned on for support. You definitely want someone who you can feel comfortable around, unafraid to ask questions or just be vulnerable with and she has that presence. She also somehow captured amazing birth photos for us!? I told her I didn't even see her taking photos because I felt like she was at my head supporting me the whole time- somehow she did it all, went above and beyond! Can't recommend her enough! 

Rei Tao


Our beautiful baby girl Alaia arrived on August 5th, it was one of the most special days of our lives. Being first time parents having doula Austin there has definitely helped ease our mind, and made the birth experience as positive as possible.

Sarah, Austin, and Bree were super responsive to text messages during my entire pregnancy, no matter what time I texted them, they would always respond within minutes. During my 38 weeks visit, I was sent to triage due to high blood pressure, and was recommended to be induced for labor that day, Doula Sarah jumped on a call with us to discuss the risk and benefit of induction, as well as the odds of the high blood pressure was due to preeclampsia. Eventually we decided against induction. I am so glad that Doula Sarah was a part of this decision making, 3 days later, baby girl arrived :). 

I had painful back labor, Doula Austin was calm and knowledgeable, she switched me into different positions to help the baby turn. Also highly recommend hiring a doula even if you are getting an epidural. At the hospital Doula Austin helped me switch positions to help labor progress, asked doctor and nurses questions that we could not even think of, and most importantly was always our biggest advocate and patiently explained any procedures doctor suggested to us along the process and make sure that we are making decisions that is the best for our circumstances. 

Cecelia Zenger


I had such a special experience with the Birth Collective doula team. I am in the military and my husband and I were apart for the first five months of our first pregnancy. Needless to say, I felt I had an additional family of people invested in my well-being and the baby's wellbeing. I was able to text them any time of the day and day of the week with questions and updates. They always responded promptly with information and support. Their support for the birth was monumental. My labor to birth was 50 hours long and they were with me the entire time. I will always cherish the photos and video of the birth and was tremendously helped by the placenta encapsulation. They made this pregnancy and birth such a special experience and I feel more comfortable having more children because of their support. Thank you so much. You'll always be a special part of our lives and our baby's life. 



I am beyond grateful to have had Austin, Sarah, and Bree on my birth team. I ended up switching care providers at nearly 39 weeks pregnant and I know without a doubt I would not have achieved the birth experience I had without them. Their support throughout the entire pregnancy was crucial, but was specifically so so important for me through those challenging decisions at the end. They helped me to advocate for myself and make the decisions that were the best for my family. I came away from what could’ve been an incredibly stressful last few days of pregnancy feeling strong, powerful, and at peace. I had the birth of my dreams- not because everything went according to plan, but because Austin, Sarah, and Bree made sure my voice and preferences were heard and followed. I can’t recommend these women enough. If my husband and I decide to grow our family again, The Birth Collective will be my first call!

Amber Morris


Hiring a doula was something I knew I wanted after giving birth twice without one, but I had no idea how much I would need these three amazing women.
Towards the end of my pregnancy I went overdue, which I did not expect and was not prepared for. The support that I received during the very difficult and emotional time of waiting for my body to go into labor was what got me through each day. Each doula not only offered advice but the reassurance that I needed. During labor Sarah was there every step of the way. She supported me through each contraction and offered much needed advice throughout labor. During delivery things didn't go as planned and baby was a little stuck. When he came out he needed some help before he started crying. While my midwife worked on him, Sarah was my rock. She gave me a shoulder to cry on while keeping me as calm as possible and explaining everything that was going on in that moment. I never felt like my baby wasn't okay and that was all thanks to her knowledge and being able to tell me exactly what was happening. I could never thank Sarah enough for her support not only in that moment but through my entire labor. Her calm presence made all the difference and thanks to her I had an absolutely amazing labor and delivery. 

Abigail Dewald


I'm so grateful that The Birth Collective was with me through my pregnancy and birth of my baby girl. After a previous pregnancy loss, I knew that I wanted to have more resources and be more supported and informed in my 2nd pregnancy. At different times in my pregnancy, Sarah, Bree, and Austin all helped me and supported me. Austin was my doula for labor and delivery and she was incredible. In a hospital full of people who are pushing and rushing you to make decisions, having someone there to allow you space and offer judgement-free guidance is so important. I ended up going against my original birth plan in literally almost every way, so I was nervous but Austin never judged me or made me feel bad about changing my mind. Austin was also able to help my husband be the best birth partner he could be, and of course the photos... I am so glad I have them. My daughters birth was wonderful, but a huge blur, so I am really grateful that I have photos to remember it forever. Thank you so much. ??

Hayley Murray


I have so much admiration, respect, appreciation, and love for Bree, Sarah, and Austin. The knowledge, resources, experience, and skill sets they have collectively are incredible and all of it is reflected in how they show up for us. They stand in our corner like they've known us forever and support, as in our choices, our bodies, our questions, and our concerns. They show up and give 100%.

Bree was our doula for this pregnancy and it feels surreal to know that someone I have only spent a few hours of my life with will forever be a part of our story. Our daughter will know her name like a warm hug, the same way I do. She brought about a badass, stern, take-no-shit presence while also being calm, unbelievably helpful, supportive, and just who I needed in my corner. I believed I could do it and I did and I really do believe that had everything to do with Bree, as well as Sarah and Austin.

I cannot fully express the extent to which my life changed the night our daughter was born. Many times in my life, I was taught to feel like my body was broken and that feeling dug deep when our oldest came because of my pregnancy and labor with him. The very second our daughter showed up I felt powerful, badass, confident, capable of the hardest things, cared for so well, and all of the things I want my own daughter to feel as she grows. Every negative thought I ever had about my own body and mind completely vanished and it's remained that way, 5 weeks postpartum.

Our world is better because these three ladies are in it doing exactly what they are doing now. They show up and believe in our bodies like no one else. They care for you, your body, and your baby/babies, explain everything thoroughly, ask you what you need while you’re in labor, recommend different things to help with the positions of you and baby, as well as the pain, and sincerely just feel like a peaceful presence lifting you up throughout. So much love for these ladies.



My experience with TBC was so wonderful, from the first phone call to the postpartum home visit and everything in between. I’m so grateful for having Bree with me at the hospital. I knew I was in great hands when my husband and I met them in person at their office. I really liked how they, at the meeting, talked through the labor progression and explained what I could expect – from my body and from them – in a fun, calming, reassuring way. They give you a binder full of helpful information at this visit, and I enjoyed reading through it and found it very helpful. I could go through the remainder of the pregnancy knowing I would be supported throughout the labor process.

This was my first baby, and since I was considered ‘high risk’ I needed to give birth in a hospital. I found it very calming to have Bree there with me and my husband. I felt so held, listened to, and cared for, and I loved how gentle she was. I knew she had my back. This baby was posterior, so Bree had me do a bunch of different positions to try to get baby in a better position. She had me try eevverything, and for that I’m so grateful. When the baby was finally out, Bree even stopped a nurse from taking my baby to do measurements before ‘golden hour’, so baby and I could get this very important, sacred moment together. I also really appreciated that she brought various tools such as a TENS-unit, and a speaker so I could listen to nature sounds to stay calm.

And the photos.. I love having these amazing picture memories of the whole process! I barely noticed her taking photos. The postpartum visit was also very lovely; talking through the whole experience was exactly what I needed then. I could cry, I’m so grateful and happy we got to have Bree there with us (and afterwards). To anyone thinking about hiring The Birth Collective, rest assured you will be in great hands. Thank you sooo much Bree, Sarah & Austin!

Ann Hoag


(2/2) I was worried that I was going to exhaust my coping mechanisms too fast & that I wouldn't be able to endure the lengthy labor that I had been told to prepare for. Turns out that I had started labor at 6cm dilated & had essentially gone straight into transition! No wonder things felt so hard right away! Bree was able to reassure me that I was doing well & that everything was as it should be. She helped me identify when I should change up coping mechanisms & when I should move into the birthing tub. She also made sure that I was drinking fluids regularly & provided help with the TENS unit (something I didn't even know I would want!). I also didn't know that I would find Quease Ease useful, but Bree did! Thank God for her toolkit & her experience!

Another part of Bree's support that was important to me was her reassurance that my partner's behavior during labor was "normal"/common. She helped me not have to worry about him in addition to the labor! She also made sure that he ate & was ready to help me when I needed him. When I needed to be transported to the hospital after the birth, Bree stayed with my partner & helped him to get himself & the baby ready to follow me to the hospital. She then followed my partner to the hospital & continued her support of us there.

Last, but not least, THE PHOTOS. Words are not enough to describe how much I treasure the pictures captured by Bree. What a gift to see the look on my partner's face as he saw our son for the first time. What a gift to see the first moment that our son entered the world.

I could go on & on about TBC, but the takeaway message should be that it's priceless to have someone in your corner, cheering you on, no matter the circumstances. I cannot recommend TBC & Bree enough for this role. How crucial to have someone you connect with & can trust for such a vulnerable & important time in your life!

Ann Hoag


(1/2) I highly recommend Doula Bree Minter & The Birth Collective, & consider them to have been an invaluable part of my pregnancy & birth experience. From the first Zoom call interview with Bree & Sarah, to the postpartum home visit & birth debriefing with Bree, every part of my experience with them was phenomenal. From the very beginning, I felt like I had friends in my corner, who would respond to any text question I had with useful information & unbiased advice, without judgment. It was beyond helpful to have close access to knowledgeable people, when sometimes other providers are more difficult to contact or receive information from. The relationship with these doulas felt more personal & connected than one might with more conventional healthcare providers.

In addition to having an indispensable wealth of knowledge & experience available at (almost) all times, one of the other most helpful parts of having The Birth Collective on my team was when I experienced PROM. After 24 hours of attempting to induce labor after PROM, Bree came all the way to my house in Tacoma from Enumclaw to help me with a three balances circuit, bring a TENS unit over, & to offer emotional support. The next day, with the help of Bree's castor oil shake recipe & her recommendation of the Lavonne circuit, I was able to get labor started & achieve the home birth I wanted!

Of course Bree's support during the birth itself was crucial! She was in her car & en route to me within 9 minutes of my partner calling her. One of the most important parts of having her there, was the perspective she was able to offer me about how far along I was at each stage. As a first-time birther, I didn't know how things were "supposed" to feel & I was worried that I wasn't coping well because everything felt much harder, much sooner than I had anticipated. (Continued....)

Ann Hoag


(1/2) I highly recommend Doula Bree Minter & The Birth Collective, & consider them to have been an invaluable part of my pregnancy & birth experience. From the first Zoom call interview with Bree & Sarah, to the postpartum home visit & birth debriefing with Bree, every part of my experience with them was phenomenal. From the very beginning, I felt like I had friends in my corner, who would respond to any text question I had with useful information & unbiased advice, without judgment. It was beyond helpful to have close access to knowledgeable people, when sometimes other providers are more difficult to contact or receive information from. The relationship with these doulas felt more personal & connected than one might with more conventional healthcare providers.

In addition to having an indispensable wealth of knowledge & experience available at (almost) all times, one of the other most helpful parts of having The Birth Collective on my team was when I experienced PROM. After 24 hours of attempting to induce labor after PROM, Bree came all the way to my house in Tacoma from Enumclaw to help me with a three balances circuit, bring a TENS unit over, & to offer emotional support. The next day, with the help of Bree's castor oil shake recipe & her recommendation of the Lavonne circuit, I was able to get labor started & achieve the home birth I wanted!

Of course Bree's support during the birth itself was crucial! She was in her car & en route to me within 9 minutes of my partner calling her. One of the most important parts of having her there, was the perspective she was able to offer me about how far along I was at each stage. As a first-time birther, I didn't know how things were "supposed" to feel & I was worried that I wasn't coping well because everything felt much harder, much sooner than I had anticipated. (Continued....)

Marie D


So glad we worked with the Birth Collective! I needed all the support I could get as a first time mom new to the area. They provided a wealth of resources and helped connect me to local folks in the birth community. Support during labor was just what I needed. Highly recommend!

Jessica Tartaglia


I cannot say enough good things about this incredible team of doulas. My first labor experience (pre-doulas) was a traumatic experience that ended in a c-section with complications. I knew I wanted my second to be completely different. I heard about this team through a friend and I could not be more grateful that I did. I had my mind set on an unmedicated vbac. All three of these wonderful ladies were beyond supportive and excited about the direction I was headed. Despite the vbac consult that filled me with fear and made me want to change my mind, Doula Austin called me and re-strengthened my mindset. The birth of my second child was exactly what I had hoped for. It was the most beautiful, painful and powerful experience of my life. Doula Bree was there every step of the way providing not only me, but my husband the techniques and strategies to get us through each contraction and push. I know that without her, I would not have had the experience I had. I felt like a GD superhero after it all! I don't think there is any feeling more empowering and I owe it all to this team. These women don't just help birth children. They are encouragers, educators, counselors, and so much more. And on top of it all, the birthing photos Bree took were amazing. I was hesitant to get them but I'm more than happy I did. They are so raw and real and allow us to relive the moment time and time again. I'm so thrilled that I can carry this experience and the incredible birthing photos with me for the rest of my life. 10/10 would recommend any day!



I had a wonderful experience working with this group for the birth of my first child. I first learned about the incredible work that doulas do while I was completing my Obstetrics training in Physician Assistant school years ago. I hoped that working with a doula would allow my medically trained brain to nurture the emotional part of birth as well as help my non-medical husband through the birth process.
I found The Birth Collective online and was drawn in by their positive reviews. Minutes into meeting them during our virtual intro meeting, I knew I would be comfortable with any of the women attending my birth. I appreciated their evidence based perspective and their acceptance of any and all mother's birth plan wishes. They supported my decisions for a hospital birth with medication.

Sarah attended my birth at Evergreen Hospital. She is a wealth of information, a positive force and passionate about birthing!

I'm grateful for her easy going yet always supportive presence during my birth. My birth plan did not go completely as hoped; but Sarah comforted me through her sense of humor and her anticipatory knowledge as I went down a road of a medically indicated induction. In the end, I completed a vaginal birth, and I absolutely credit Sarah's knowledge of birthing positions at making this happen. My medical team identified that my son was malpositioned in the birth canal. Sarah helped get my body into specialized birthing positions that ultimately moved him into an OA position and out!

Thank you Sarah for the amazing photos of my little guy immediately after birth. I cherish these more than I ever thought I would.

Highly recommend that you hire this group for an empowered, educated birth with endless support!

Sarah Hathaway


I feel like I can’t put into words how much I loved my time with The Birth Collective and especially Doula Austin. I have to preface by saying I’m generally an anxious person and a serial google-everything person. I wanted my pregnancy to be as joyous and stress-free as possible and they gave that to me. They were available to chat and ease my mind everytime I had a question or worry. They will educate with facts, be kind, and make you feel understood and heard. Sometimes that’s all you need!  Once baby made it earthside, I left the hospital feeling like I had the dreamiest, most perfect labor and birth ever. It took a few days to look back and realize my labor and birth had the potential to be absolutely horrific. It was far from what I planned, there were complications with my epidural, and I pushed for a few hours which ended with vacuum assistance. With all that in mind, Austin made me feel like I was in control the entire time, like everything was absolutely okay and normal. For an anxious mind, that is tough to do! She kept me informed so I always knew what to expect and I was truly stress-free the entire time. She made me feel like a beautiful, powerful, rockstar in the most vulnerable and trying moments of my life. Between directing different pushing positions, educating both my husband and I, we had lots of laughs and conversations. She also took photos and let me tell you, if you’re on the fence, this is your sign! Get the photos!! My husband was skeptical and now can’t imagine not having those moments documented. He feels so thankful that he could be present with me instead of having to worry about taking photos. Most importantly, having Austin take photos meant he could actually be in the photos (and those photos are my absolute favorite!) To sum it up, she’s magic and The Birth Collective will be my first call when it’s time for baby number two!

Laura Anthony


My husband and I were recommended a Doula from our midwife since this was our first baby we were having at the birth center. Like others that have reviewed we both weren't sure what the roles would be or how the process would go at the birth. From the zoom call to the in person meeting these ladies were so educated, professional and put us both at ease I was so thankful especially being nervous as a first time mom. The binder they provide has so much important information about everything that could be offered in regards to a birth, tips for your partner, stretches for you and so much more. Sarah was our doula for the birth and she was so calming, positive and made me feel empowered through the entire birth! I am so grateful for the birth pictures she took as well. I wasn't sure I would want these because I am conservative but looking at them takes me right back to that moment in time, so many happy tears shed I can't imagine not having them!  She did amazing capturing the most special time in our lives. As someone who did not know about doulas I am beyond fortunate  to have had Sarah's support and to have an amazing team help me along the way in my pregnancy and birth. If you are on the fence don't be! Know they will be there for you and advocate for the birth you want no matter what! 

Kylee Wood


I had never even considered hiring a doula until my midwife had required one being present because I was a first time mom. After hearing multiple people recommend the birth collective, I decided that I needed to see if they would be a good fit for my birth team. 
From that first zoom call with Austin and Bree, I knew that I wanted TBC to be part of my team, and loved the idea of knowing that either Austin, Bree, or Sarah would be present at my birth. The amount of information that these women were able to provide to my husband and I about what to expect with labor but in a fun, not scary way was totally what we needed. With my anxiety running high towards the end of my pregnancy, I felt more at ease being able to update TBC after all of appointments, ultrasounds, and nonstress tests. 
Although my baby came so fast that I wasn't able to make it to my planned birth center birth, and instead was accidentally born at home unassisted, there's so much that I would not have been able to do without Bree. To start, she suggested I used the brewers diet when my baby and myself were measuring much smaller than we should have been. Within a week there was a noticeable difference. She was also the first of my birth team to make it to my house after my baby had been born, and provided support during my postpartum period. My baby also had lip, tongue, and buccal ties that were preventing him from being able to latch to myself or a bottle. Bree was able to provide suggestions on how to feed him, where to get his ties fixed, and where to get help from a lactation consultant. I don't think we would be where we are in our breastfeeding journey without her help. 
Even though I was successfully able to have my baby without needing the support, I would hire the birth collective again if we have a second baby. They are worth it!

Katie McRae


This is the absolute best investment in your experience for you and your partner that you can make. It is worth every single dollar, and this team made it super easy to use our HSA. This group of ladies are so professional and experienced, but also hilarious, real life human beings that I genuinely feel lucky to share energy with. We were so lucky they were recommended to us from multiple families in the area and we were able to work together. If you’re looking for a good indicator, go check out their Instagram @thebirthcollectivepnw for seriously funny educational videos, fantastic birth photography, and to see what they are all about. Bree was doula for our birth, but we would have been LUCKY to have any of these ladies. Bree was an absolute badass rockstar who knew my husband and I’s wishes, had a bunch of different techniques to support us, coached us through, and advocated for us to the providers. She gave excellent advice before, during, and after and was our biggest cheerleader. It gave us such relief knowing we had an expert on our side during this exciting time, especially when we were so far out of our normal element. The team was so fast to respond from our very first inquiry, the months leading up to birth, and after. Bree encapsulated my placenta and delivered it the day after we got home and it made all the difference in my postpartum mental health. Our birth photos came a few weeks later and they were amazing at telling the story of our birth. It wasn’t something I would have invested in on its own, but was so thankful to have that piece. Couldn’t be happier with our experience and cannot recommend hiring this team enough!!

Lizzy Smith


You always hear that no one’s birth plan goes exactly how you hope and for us that was true. In fact, due to circumstances outside of everyone’s control, we had an emergency c-section and I went under general anesthesia. I missed the birth of my baby and his first cry. And my husband sat outside the OR scared and worried about what was happening to his best friend and baby he thought we’d be meeting in a very different way. But one of the things that brings me the most comfort, aside from the obvious fact that our precious baby was safe and healthy, was that our doula Sarah was sitting right next to my husband, talking him through what was happening and advocating for us every step of the way.  Everything moved so quickly and we were in no position to process what was happening so knowing that someone who knew us so well was right there by our side and taking care of us was a godsend. I am forever grateful that Sarah was there that night. In the weeks following our birth, all three doulas continued to provide support and having Sarah come back to our house and process everything with me made a world of difference. She will always hold such a special place in my heart.

And aside from supporting us during our birth, all 3 of our doulas were an amazing resource throughout our entire pregnancy and postpartum journey. Whether it was answering a random question in the middle of the night, providing reassurance during an overwhelming moment, bringing humor when we needed it most or just cheering us on, Sarah, Austin & Bree were steadfast in the support, guidance, and love they poured out. It’s clear that they love what they do and are such experts. We truly couldn’t have asked for better people to walk this journey with us. I can’t even count the number of times my husband and I said, "Thank god we have our doulas.” We brag about them to everyone we talk to and will absolutely use them in the future.

julia anderson


Working with Austin, Sarah and Bree was the best — and as fate would have it — the only consistent part of my pregnancy. Since the moment I hired them at 8 weeks pregnant until I delivered, they supported me and my husband unequivocally. The office visit was incredibly detailed and they left no stone unturned  in trying to get to know my husband and I and our wants and needs and were available for any and all of my "is this labor or anxiety" texts (and trust me, I had a lot!). When my whole family tested positive for covid at 37 weeks pregnant, I expected them to cut me loose or suggest they attend my birth virtually but they were unwavering and calm in their dedicated support. They were so important to me, that when the hospital's covid positive rules would have forced me to choose between my husband or my doula, I refused to choose and instead, transferred care to a midwife and home birth at 38 weeks because the fear of being without a doula far superceded any anxiety I had had about giving birth outisde of a hospital. 

The morning I went into labor happened to be during the Seattle ice storm and Bree carefully, but surely, made it to my home where she didn't miss a beat. Her calm, but strong support during labor really carried me through to a successful, unmedicated home birth — it is not something I ever really thought I could achieve, to be honest! But Bree helped guide me and made the mountain feel . I am truly so grateful for hers, and Austin + Sarah's, support throughout pregnancy and beyond  —  I would (and have!) wholeheartedly encourage any birthing parent to partner with The Birth Collective for an empowered birth experience! 

Kristin P.


My choice to hire a doula was largely inspired by the desire to be surrounded by people who would echo and amplify my voice while in the hospital. I'm a single mom by choice, so I needed to find a way to not feel like I was walking into the unknown all by myself.  

Hiring the ladies at TBC was like hiring a guide for an incredible adventure. They helped alleviate fears, reduce anxiety, answer questions, and head off the downward spiral of panic.  Doula Sarah was there for my birth and she was an absolute CHAMPION.  She was right there when it came to helping me stay calm, make important decisions, and to support me in my most vulnerable and least graceful moments. 

I'm so glad that I made this investment in myself. It made such a difference when it came to, not only surviving but, thriving through my birth experience.  I look at my birth photos regularly and treasure them. I also got the placenta encapsulation and I feel like it made a huge difference for me. 



I worked with The Birth Collective PNW for capturing photo and video of my second home birth. Working with them was such a delight - the zoom meetings were super helpful (I live on Vashon) and the texting was communicative and reassuring along the way.

The night of birth Austin was a miracle-worker in getting to me and her presence was delightful. Then... HOLY SMOKES the photos and videos. HOW on earth it's possible that she got that many stellar photos and videos I have no idea. I think she is testing some new tech for prosthetic extra arms. I couldn't be more in love with these images and the videos she crafted bring me right back to the best night of my life.

Her work makes it possible for me to savor the beauty and strength and challenge and magic of that night over and over again. I love sharing it with my family, friends, young son who assisted during the birth, and I can't wait to share these with my newest baby, my little partner who we captured his entrance for. Thank you thank you thank you! I can't recommend working with these talented women enough. They are truly a gift to birthing people. <3

Leilani Davis


Hiring this team of doulas was hands down the best decision we made in my birth journey. They supported us through my pregnancy journey, helping me track information from my midwife and eased my anxiety by cheering me on and being a voice of reason when we chose to move forward with natural induction. That being said, when my time finally came - Austin went above and beyond. Labor didn’t exactly go as planned and I ended up needing a hospital transfer from the birthing center we were at. Austin truly advocated for both me and my partner. When a rude/pushy nurse started yelling questions at me (while I was having a contraction), Austin calmly stepped in asked the nurse to give us a moment and then took the time to explain our options clearly and allowed us to have our space to discuss and make a decision together. She was such a peaceful presence and both me and my husband agree that we don’t know what we would have done without Austin. I highly recommend this doula team, every single one of these ladies are a dream! They were so helpful. I am forever grateful to Bree for encapsulating my placenta - I was very skeptical at first, but decided to give it a try and I’m so glad I did. It made such a difference in my postpartum recovery and turned a skeptic into an advocate. And lastly the pictures Austin took are absolutely amazing. A lot of what happened that day was a total blur, but these images tell a beautiful story or the hardest but most beautiful day of my life.


Amberly L


I'm so thankful to have connected with The Birth Collective for our second born! The doulas were so caring and great listeners from the time I first reached out in my second trimester, to our pre-birth meeting, to the baby's delivery and our postpartum visit.  Talking through my own experiences, concerns, hopes and expectations really helped me prepare for my delivery.  All three doulas were wonderful to work with. Austin was the one present at my delivery and she gave very practical coaching  that helped everything go smoothly and was a great advocate and support person. Overall, The Birth Collective was just so supportive and intuitive in helping me pursue my baby's delivery the way I envisioned and hoped. Thank you!!



I feel so lucky to have had the support of the Birth Collective, and Bree for my second birth! I had a significant amount of anxiety during my pregnancy (Advanced maternal age and previous dramatic and traumatic premature birth).  Sarah, Austin, and Bree provided me with lots of information non-judgmental listening, and support which eased my anxiety. My second birth was a scheduled induction, and I wanted to give birth without pain medication. Bree talked me through what to expect with different induction scenarios and advice on how to get more comfortable in the last few months of pregnancy.

Bree showed up at the hospital while I was in labor with her “spa bag” filled with a ten’s unit, hot stones, a fan, and other magic to help ease my labor.  Labor was hard and fast, and Bree was my cheerleader and coach! I am so thankful to have a happy healthy baby girl and that I was able to labor through and not need pain medication. Thank you for giving me the gift of an empowering birth experience. I wish all mamas were able to have a doula like Bree by their side!

Sarah Gladics


I had a wonderful experience with Doula Sarah. When our exciting day came, she was there to support from the early hours of labor when we weren’t sure what to do. Through the ups and downs, many hours and multiple trips to the hospital, Sarah listened, advocated, comforted and celebrated with us. I will say this 1,000 times, I could not have gone through labor and childbirth without her! It doesn’t matter what type of birth you want (or end up having), this group of Doulas are committed to you and your family and the safe delivery of your amazing little human. We won’t hesitate to work with them again if we have another baby.



We had a great experience working with The Birth Collective. The whole process was wonderful. They are all incredibly welcoming, thorough and so knowledgeable. From our first communications and meeting they made us feel comfortable. They really took the time to get to know what our wishes and desires for birth were, and I felt like they were a great resource for my husband and I. Knowing that they were available 24/7 for any questions was so comforting and helpful. Bree was our doula and she was absolutely amazing. I was so glad to have her to talk with on the day I went into labor. I’m positive that having her so readily available to chat with about how I was feeling and my contractions was the reason I made it to the birthing center in time! She was a calm, encouraging presence during labor. Her attentiveness to all the details and her compassion and kindness were invaluable before, during and after. I felt so cared for, and having her there allowed my husband to focus on baby and I that much more. I am so glad we had the opportunity to work with TBC, I can’t recommend them highly enough!



I had a lovely experience working with The Birth Collective.  Sarah, Austin, and Bree were very knowledgeable and quick to respond to questions and offer reassurance.  I ended up with a very fast labor, but Sarah was there for the last stage and provided steady guidance and support, both to me and to my partner.  She also took the most amazing photos of my birth.  I wasn’t sure initially that I would want the experience documented, but I’m so glad I did.  Highly recommend.



I always knew that I wanted to hire a doula to support me through my birth. I am forever grateful I gave myself the gift of hiring the Birth Collective to be by my side as I went through the most transformational experience of my life. Doula Bree was everything I could have hoped for and more. She was calm, strong, compassionate,  flexible and had a great sense of humor, something I really value.  Bree carried my wishes forward and listened to me as my needs evolved. My circumstances of where and who my doctor was changed last minute - having Bree there as my constant through it all kept me grounded, focused, feeling supported and loved. I chose to have my placenta encapsulated and Bree got it to me a few days after my birth so I could begin taking them right away. I also loved that Bree came to my home for my postpartum visit to talk through the entire birth experience so I could remember and get clarification on my birth story. To me that was priceless. The entire Birth Collective team is fantastic and I cannot recommend them enough!! 

Sarah T


Highly recommend The Birth Collective! As a first time mom, I wanted to go as natural and unmedicated as I could. From the first meeting with TBC they helped to advise me on the right location for my birth to support my goal and when I ended up having to change providers at 30 weeks, they helped recommend a wonderful midwife group. They were always available for questions and helped me think through my birth plan to set me up for success.

When the time came, Bree ended up being our Doula and she was amazing! Both my husband and I cannot thank Bree enough for her help and guidance during our daughters birth. I ended up having to be induced which was not in my plan due to high BP. Due to the BP most of what I had planned for birth was not supported by the hospital staff due to risk. Bree helped my husband and I find the right support at the hospital and had alternative ideas to help with pain management when I couldn’t get in the water. I ended up successfully having an unmedicated birth and couldn’t have done it without Bree. She helped coach and talk me through when the pain became too much. I also loved that a couple weeks after the birth we all sat down and debriefed on everything that happened. The photos and that meeting really helped me fully understand all that took place that day and made my birth experience something positive to look back on.

Bree and TBC were such an integral part of our birth story. I highly recommend to make them apart of your birth team! I know if we end up having another we will use them again.

Megan Tibbetts


Working with these gals was nothing short of a great experience. I knew things would be difficult with my husband deployed and had always wanted to use a doula with my first but wasn't able to. With my second child I knew I just had to take the leap and I was not disappointed. From the moment I connected with them, and beyond, everything was handled with care and kindness. Any question I had, or worry, was answered fast and reassured me throughout my pregnancy. I couldn't imagine having had our beautiful boy anyway else. Austin was amazing during the birth with her calm and reassuring voice reminding me to breathe. From the use of something as simple as a TENS unit to the fan to subtle reminders that I'm doing great Austin was on top of it. This birth experience was amazing and I know I wouldn't have been able to accomplish it the same without the collective and Austin by my side.



My partner and I interviewed a couple different doulas in the area, and the thing that really stood out to us about TBC was their evidence based knowledge, the partnership between the three doulas, and the support we would receive throughout pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. I was a FTM and wanted an unmedicated hospital birth. Regardless of what kind of birth I wanted, I know TBC would have supported, informed, and empowered me! I did a lot of my own homework to prepare for an unmedicated birth, however they provided emotional, and physical support we didn’t even know we needed! So much of the research I did on labor and birth also disappeared from my brain as soon as the contractions started so it was great to have Bree there to tell us what’s going to happen next, what different types of birthing positions to try, and the pros and cons of what options we had. All this and more eased my anxiety around birth. Once we were at the hospital, Bree was an amazing advocate for us with the staff. I cannot imagine our birth story without Bree and TBC! Since bringing our baby home, I've also reached out to TBC with questions. This has been helpful since this is our first baby, we don’t know what’s normal or not regarding the baby, postpartum care, or breastfeeding. We will also cherish the photos we received during our labor and birth! Everything happened so quickly, so it’s great that we have photos to look back on to truly remember how we brought our baby into this world!

Marianne P


These ladies are worth their weight in gold! We had such a good experience with The Birth Collective. This was my first baby and as someone who wanted to try for an unmedicated birth I knew I wanted a doula from the get go. My husband was a little harder to convince, but after our initial meeting with Bree and Sarah, he was onboard! They were so kind, professional, and knowledgable. As a couple who really had no idea what to expect, it was just a relief to know that when the time came, we would have experienced support to help us through. And that was so true! Doula Bree attended our birth, and she was amazing! She was an excellent coach, a compassionate shoulder to cry on, and always had one more trick up her sleeve! When labor stalled, Bree was very helpful in talking us through our options. Ultimately, I was able to have an unmedicated birth and Bree was an indispensible part of that journey for both my husband and I. And just a side point about the photography. Initially, I was not big on the idea of being photographed during my labor, but my husband told me to just let them do what they do and see what happened. I never ever felt that the camera was invasive and I loved the photographs! You will not go wrong if you hire The Birth Collective. They are truly birth masters!

Ashlee Wetherbee


I am so happy that I made the decision to hire The Birth Collective to help support me during my pregnancy, birth and postpartum. They were able to address all of my questions fast as well as provide suggestions when needed. I felt comfortable knowing that I had someone with so much birth experience by my side. I also had piece of mind that one of the three would be at my birth since they rotate. I had the pleasure to be supported by Doula Bree. Bree has such a warm loving personality and a fantastic sense of humor. She makes you feel immediately comfortable in her presence. My labor had complications and ended up being the complete opposite of what I had desired and been planning for. Bree was so helpful helping my husband and I fill in the gaps of what happened as well as explain things that the hospital didn’t really have time to do. She has provided so much support as well as additional resources that I needed postpartum. I truly don’t think I would be as well as I am today without her care. Bree definitely took the extra step to assure I felt supported in a time of need. I would hands down recommend the collective to anyone and will use them again if I decide to have another child.

Whitney Card


When we started looking for a doula, The Birth Collective was recommended to us over and over again. After our experience with them, I can see why! Austin, Bree, and Sarah are all so wonderful. They were kind, warm, friendly, helpful, and encouraging from the moment we met them. During my pregnancy they were always willing to answer any questions I had or talk me through any concerns, and they were responsive and available whenever I needed them. I ended up going almost a week past my due date and experienced a couple "false starts" to my labor, and they were patient and kind when I reached out to them even when it ended up being nothing. 

As I got closer to my due date, I struggled with some anxiety about the birth, and Bree took the time out of her own busy life and schedule to talk me through that and encourage me. 

Austin ended up being the one on call when I did go into labor and she was fantastic. Things moved really fast and were very intense by the time she got there, but her calming presence (and her TENS machine) were so helpful. She took beautiful photos, cared for me in the immediate postpartum period, and tag-teamed with my husband to provide me with the support I needed with some struggles after my baby was born. She also went above and beyond in supporting our family when I ended up in the hospital 6 days postpartum with an infection. 

All three of these ladies are knowledgeable, experienced, kind, encouraging, and supportive - everything you could possibly wish for in a doula. They make an incredible team and I can't recommend them highly enough!

Ashley Condict


The birthing world is so lucky to have these 3 wise women. Doula Sarah, Doula Bree, and Doula Austin serve their clients and families with pure love, experience and support as all three of them have a broad knowledge of pregnancy and birth. If there was ever a sign to work with a doula or hire then for birth photography/videography this is that sign. My family and I are eternally grateful for this experience and for the way they supported us during our pregnancy and for the work that was done during our birth. All 3 doulas were on call 24/7 and always there to answer any questions we had and in very punctual manner. I never had to wait any length of time for a response from any one of them. They stayed in communication with us and ensured us of exactly what we all needed to do to make sure our desires were reflected in this experience. Once labor began I let them know things were happeneing and that I would stay in touch. I reached out unsure of where labor was taking me but we ultimately decided to meet at labor and delivery. I ended up having a precipitous birth so thank goodness we all made it just in time to bring this baby earthside. Doula Austin was the one on call for our birth and she did a beautiful job at holding space for us and capturing our birth in the most organic and raw way. Our birth images and video far exceed our expectations and reflects all of our desires. Thank you for all that you did for our family and all that you do in the birthing community.



I am so glad that I found the Birth Collective!  Early on in my pregnancy I was given a crushing diagnosis for the baby I was carrying.  She had anencephaly.  My partner and I decided to carry her to term, make as many memories together as we could in the short time we had and then meet her face to face to say goodbye.  I had early on identified a few options for birth support and most importantly a birth photographer as this would be hello and goodbye.  Capturing our birth was a top priority.  Due to my other plans falling through, I found myself with no Photographer and surprise my daughter was coming a month early. I had also heard horror stories from other moms in my support group, where their doula never showed up for their birth.  Which as you can imagine for any mom that's devastating. Lucky for me Sarah, Bree and Austin all met with me on short notice.  So when I went into labor within the week, they had my back.  With just one phone call Bree was there at the hospital to greet us.  She was there on standby at a moments notice. She captured so many special moments, I didn't even notice her taking any pictures which really tells you how non intrusive she was in the moment.  The pictures were precious and captured the experience in a way I will always cherish.  She took so many picture and her style of photography was excellent.  Her presence itself was such a gift.  She was the right amount of everything you would want in a doula!  Your doula is such a big part of your birth experience, I feel like I lucked out with stumbling upon the birth collective.  When I think back to what is the only time I had with my daughter, I feel Bree was the perfect person to capture those moments.  I would recommend this group to anyone!  Especially to any mamas carrying a child who's time will be brief, you won't be disappointed going with this group of doulas! 



Due to another doula becoming unavailable in my last few weeks of my first pregnancy, I contacted The Birth Collective at 36 weeks. They were wonderful about working with me despite being in the last couple weeks! I got to meet all of the doulas before I went into labor and I felt at-ease with all of them. But when Bree showed up during what turned out to be transition, she made a HUGE difference. I immediately felt more comfortable, knowing that she had tools to help me cope. In labor, my brain couldn't process information normally, but she was able to guide me through my contractions in a way my brain could understand. She taught my husband and sister how to help me with counterpressure, which was incredible. The TENS unit she brought was so helpful, and she really helped set an atmosphere of calm and encouragement . My only regret is not calling her sooner -- not because I couldn't cope, but because  I loved having her there so much! I couldn't recommend her more highly.  The Birth Collective was easy to work with, professional, and really informative. I'm so glad to have had a chance to have them alongside my birth! 

Ashley Davis


We hired the birth collective suuper early in pregnancy, like 6 weeks along! I knew I wanted a doula and loved that I would know all potential Doulas at my birth. I met with Austin and Sarah and immediately felt super comfy even over zoom

Throughout pregnancy they were there with any questions and/concerns especially towards the end as I got needy and they were always very quick to reply!

The day my water broke I texted in to let them know, I wasn't contracting at the time and was told to go home and rest for a bit and to start the miles circuit if things weren't picking up when I woke up, and sure enough they weren't!

Austin was on call for me and continued to check in as I tried to get contractions started. She guided me through all the things and talked me through my options in the middle of the night. I told my husband when it was time to ask her to come over and she arrived shortly after and said we should probaly get going. I felt very safe and comfortable knowing Austin was there and providing me with different comfort techniques (the TENS machine was my jam!)

Once we arrived at the birth center Doula Sarah happend to be the one to come in for them so I somehow got both Sarah and Austin at my birth. It was so calming to have their presence in the room and their reassure when I needed it. When it was time to push baby girl out they encouraged me and gently reminded me to breathe and when and how to use my breathe to push her out.

They were there for me equally as much during postpartum and answered so many questions. The postpartum visit they offer was so beneficial and fun for me. Bree brought me my encapsulated placenta a few days after delivery also and was so kind and explained all the things to me.

Austin took the most amazing photos and video of our birth that are so special.

All three are truly the best, and now I just need get pregnant again (in like a year ????) so I can see their faces!



I am so happy we hired The Birth Collective for my second son's birth!  

We hired the birth collective in the middle of a move from Seattle to Tacoma --unsure of what city let alone what hospital I'd be birthing with. Both doula Sarah and doula Austin helped immensely with that decision; inquiring about my wants and needs and offering non judgement knowledge and support. 

I decided to birth with the Midwifes at St Joe's and was supported by doulas when my main midwife abruptly left the practice! Three doulas to text and help navigate the complexities of seeing multiple providers in a practice was SO helpful. I was in pursuit of a low-to-no intervention birth and I knew they'd literally have my back.

My experience of doula Austin's labor support was phenomenal; she is steady, calm and really grounding.  I went into labor on my first sons birthday (some birthing magic for you!) and we met in labor room at the midwifery birth center.

She provided invaluable support to my husband and I over the next intense few hours until my son arrived. I was supported with counterpressure in the tub, warm cloths, cool cloths, verbal support and reminding me this intense power was coming from within. Somehow she also stepped back to take gorgeous photos.

My husband and Austin worked together to support me; at one point I said "I miss you" to my husband as I rotated away from the edge of the tub to start pushing. It was going fast! My husband scrambled to get his trunks on but struggled to find them- Austin turned to him and said "just get in"; and that moment (and the photo of it!) is one of my favorite moments in life; I am so thankful for that.

You won't regret hiring this trio! So grateful I found the dream team. 

Melanie Sikes


The Birth Collective doulas are truly amazing. They offer support during pregnancy, birth, and after. I got to have both Austin and Bree at my birth and they were both so comforting and helpful. I will always be truly grateful for their love and support during the most life changing experience. My labor/birth was very long and presented many challenges. Both doulas had knowledge and tricks that I would have never known and some that my doctors and nurses didn’t even know! No one should have to birth without a doula… and these 3 are truly the best.

Jessica Gehle


One of the first things to do when you find out you're pregnant...hire The Birth Collective! I knew early on in my first pregnancy I wanted the support of a doula. I didn't realize I'd also be gifted lifelong friends and a community alongside the best birth support. My labor and delivery experience was like nothing I could've imagined. Austin (and our bonus doula Sarah who happened to be at the birth center!) was there to support me and my partner through the twists and turns along the way. Austin helped me navigate the progression of my labor, problem solved when we needed to do something different, acknowledged my hard work, and created space for us to feel all the feels of birth. By the end, I felt we were exchanging words without saying anything--a lovely connection that will forever be a part of my baby's birth story. The Birth Collective brings a wealth of knowledge, a sense of humor, compassion, and kindness to their practice. 



I wholeheartedly recommend The Birth Collective, and truly can’t express enough how amazing they are! I had a number of difficult circumstances in this pregnancy, and they were always there to offer support, advice, and to encourage me.  While their support throughout my pregnancy was amazing, it pales in comparison to how invaluable they were during the start of my labor and how phenomenal Austin was as the doula during my labor and birth.  My labor did not go as I hoped, and they were the most encouraging and empowering, helping me process my emotions, while still holding true to my ultimate desire to have a VBAC. I can share about all the techniques Austin had to help me throughout my labor and her incredible knowledge and skill, but what I want to highlight is how in tune she was with me and what I needed in each moment, especially emotionally.  Austin was this beautiful, calm, reassuring presence that I desperately needed.  There were several times during this labor that my baby had decels and when the team of nurses came in to help, and several times it was mentioned that another c-section may be needed.  This is where Austin was worth her weight in gold!  She was not only incredibly reassuring, but she calmly explained EVERYTHING that was happening.  At times when I would have spiraled because of my fear, Austin calmly reassured me and helped me process and understand what was happening. I am so, so grateful to her for the role she played in my labor and birth.  In the end, I had my VBAC, and I can confidently say that Austin was a HUGE reason for that.  She was my cheerleader, and her level of knowledge, experience, and calm presence was incredibly reassuring throughout.  (And wow- my birth photos are incredible!) I am so very thankful for her, and would absolutely recommend The Birth Collective. 

Mallory Hollan


1,000/10 would recommend! Our experience with the birth collective was all around fantastic. Bree attended my birth and I honestly don't know how we would've gotten through it without her. Initially, we weren't exactly sure how a doula would be "worth it" in a hospital birth setting. The initial meetings with the doulas helped paint a clear picture of their role. Bree's help during the birth was outstanding, but I was also pleasantly surprised with how responsive the shared "doula line" was for texts before and after labor. Also, having the L&D photos is so special. If you're on the fence about the investment, don't be- it's worth it! I can forever remember my first birth experience with fondness (and it was not at all an "easy" birth story), and that is invaluable to me! 



I could not have been happier with the support I received from these lovely ladies.  They were incredibly professional, knowledgeable, and responsive from day one!  This was my first birth, and it gave me such peace of mind to know that they had my back.  Doula Austin supported me during labor and delivery, and she was absolutely amazing.  I'm 100% positive there is NO WAY I would have achieved my goal of an unmedicated birth without her help.  Her tips for pain management and her encouragement along the way were so so helpful.  While giving birth was by no means easy, I'm incredibly proud and satisfied with my experience, and that is largely due to her support.  Highly recommend - you won't regret hiring this team!



Sarah was absolutely amazing and exactly what we needed to help support us in the birth of our first baby. She was supportive, attentive, and incredibly helpful in the weeks leading up to labor, during labor, and now in postpartum life. The investment is worth every single cent. I would not have had the birth experience I wanted without her. I would recommend Sarah and her team at The Birth Collective to any momma in search of a doula in a heartbeat.

Ashley Hooper


I absolutely loved my birth experience with Sarah and Austin! Austin jumped in for every contractions and guided me through my labor so easily. The quiet encouragement and the hands on counter pressure helped so much, and it freed my husband to just be there for me (without worrying he wasn't helping enough!).
The video Sarah made for our birth is absolutely wonderful and I cry every time I watch it, she did such a good job with it.
I would without a doubt hire them again and will be recommending them to all my friends! 



Being our first baby, we had no idea what we were doing and what to expect. After doing research and interviewing different doulas, we decided to hire The Birth Collective. It was easily the best decision we made. Sarah and Austin made us feel welcome during our first meeting and supported throughout my pregnancy. Whenever we had questions or concerns, they quickly responded and gave us the information that we needed.

We had a scheduled induction which Sarah attended. Sarah made sure that my husband and I were supported the entire time. She helped explain what was going on and helped us with pain management. After our birth, Sarah helped us with breastfeeding and made sure we were fully taken care of before she left.

Bree did our placenta encapsulation. When she dropped off the capsules, she explained dosage and answered all of our questions throughly.

When we received our birth and newborn photos, we were speechless. Sarah captured our birth and baby girl beautifully. She has an eye for detail and produced amazing photos of the biggest day of our lives.

I cannot say enough about these wonderful ladies. My husband and I can’t imagine our birth without the support of our amazing doulas. These three ladies made our birth a great experience and we can’t thank them enough.

Stefanie Ervin


I just love these ladies! They really have all the bases covered when it comes to all the pregnancy, Labor and Delivery and even postpartum care.

I contacted the team when I was ready to hire a doula. They were quick to respond and set up a virtual zoom meeting to go over everything and see if they were a good match. I pretty much hired them right then and there. They made me feel comfortable and welcome.

Upon hiring and initial deposit they immediately sent me their group number that I could use at anytime to ask questions or keep them posted about how pregnancy was going. They sent me a questionnaire packet to fill out all my details so they could have a better understanding of the birth I had envisioned of having.

I had on prenatal meeting where they came to my home and we talked all things birth. I felt comfortable and confident that they would assist me in achieving my birthing goals on the day I was to deliver.

The day I went into labor they were in constant connect responding almost instantly to each text I sent (I’m more of a texting person). Once I was heading to the hospital one of them was too.

Upon arrival to my room Sarah was there and ready to get down to business. My birth was super quick and so was sarah with all her coping methods and words of encouragement. The added plus was that she was also my birth photographer. I don’t know how she did it all so effortlessly but she did and I had an amazing experience.

In the days that followed I hired additional services such as placenta encapsulation and newborn photos. It was so nice to have those things come straight to my door and for Sarah to be so patient during our newborn photos.

10 out of 10 would hire the three of them again!

Brittney Dahl


All birth deserves to be supported and that’s exactly how these ladies treat you. I went into my pregnancy with a lot of leftover fear and trauma from a miscarriage directly before it, and with that, came some uneasiness about birth that I’ve never experienced before. Austin and Bree justified my feelings, offered support, and a listening ear. They completely eased my mind. Going in to my birth day, I was confident having them there, and wouldn’t have even known I previously had fears. They made sure I got everything I wanted from how I wanted my labor and birth to go, to certain photos I wanted to make sure were captured. They made me feel like I had a best friend at my birth that I’ve known my entire life. They worked like the absolute dream team with my midwife and made our birth so cohesive. Our birth would not have been the same without them and I hope they know they’ve forever impacted our lives. Hiring The Birth Collective PNW will be one of the greatest things you ever do for yourself and your baby!



Sarah was everything you could ever dream of in a doula!  My labor threw me a lot of curve balls despite it being my 4th baby... she had so much birth knowledge that I felt so guided and supported through each phase and wave.  When things stalled, she knew how to help me progress.  When my back labor became unbearable, she had the tools to help me through the pain.  She took lovely photos too <3.  While this baby was my last~ if I were to have another I would love to be cared for by the Birth Collective again.

Pharez Freeland


I seriously cannot sing my praises loud enough about the amazing experience we had because of our Doula Bree and all 3 Birth Collectivee Doulas! My labor plans needed to change at the last minute and I was scared to say the least. Once labor started and Bree stepped in....all my fears went away! Not only is she incredibly knowledgeable but she's SO FUN! We listened to music, watched my dvr recordings, and had great conversation all while being supported through the pains of labor! She helped me make informed requests and get into positions that ultimately saved my birthing experience. She was also an amazing support for my husband and really helped ease his nerves and give him rest.

To top it off, she came to visit us post birth, and it was so nice to have time to sit and talk out post partum fears, worries, and things to look for during this newborn time. 

We were fortunate enough to meet all three ladies and have some contact with each of them via text, phone, in person support throughout my pregnancy; and I have no doubt that my experience would have been the same no matter who showed up that day. If you're on the fence about a doula, hire these ladies and let them show you why having one is a must!!! I can't wait to have them support us in future births!

Casey Thornton


As a first time mom hoping for an unmedicated birth, I knew having a doula would provide a huge support during the birth experience. Austin and The Birth Collective team gave me more than I could have imagined! From coming to my home in the third trimester to help prepare me for whats ahead, comforting and encouraging me during the birth process and continuing to provide me with resources and support post birth, they really go above and beyond. During labor and delivery specifically I will never forget Austin holding my hands, rubbing my back and showering me in the tub. She helped me focus on breathing techniques and was always speaking words of encouragment. The photos Austin took are my favorite photos I have ever seen. The raw emotion captured and the love between my husband and I are something I can now look back on for the rest of my life. If we decide to have another child in the future, I know I will want the Birth collective by my side.  

Gina Paulson


I hired the Birth Collective for my hospital birth. Being my first birth, I wanted extra support and also wanted my husband to feel supported as well during the labor. I can't speak highly enough about my experience with these ladies. From their in home visit during pregnancy to answering all of my texts and the care I received during labor and after- I felt very supported and confident the entire time having them by my side. We had Sarah at our actual birth, she was so great with giving me space to breathe while also stepping in when I needed it to help me through contractions and labor. Would hire them again in a heartbeat. 

Brea Fyke


When we hired Austin around 6 or 7 weeks pregnant, I had my sights set on a VBAC. I knew we needed Austin to help us accomplish that goal and I didn't waste any time getting on her schedule. With my first baby, we didn't have a doula and I wound up in a fairly traumatic emergency c-section. I was committed to this birth going differently. At about 8 weeks pregnant, in the ER, we found out we were having mono/di twins and suddenly our hope of a VBAC went out the window. Austin was still committed to helping make this birth much better than the last and stayed with us to support us through a crazy pregnancy with lots of risks. She also walked us through what a scheduled c-section looks like, so that we felt more comfortable when the time came. The last c-section was truly a blur, we still felt like first timers. She was in the OR when our twins were born and took the most phenomenal photos that we will cherish forever. But also, she stayed right by me checking in and letting me know what was going on throughout surgery. Which, in the moment, felt like the most necessary and vital role for her. The OR for 36 week twins can be chaotic and loud. Everyone rushing around to do their part and meanwhile mom is just laying there cut open and wondering what's even happening, when it will be over, and how the babies are doing. Having Austin bend down to tell me she was still with me, while my husband was with our babies, meant the world to me. Somehow it felt like Austin was right where I needed her without me even saying a word. I will be forever grateful for her being part of this birth and couldn't imagine it another way. If you're debating a doula, let me tell you that Austin was worth every single penny and made this experience so special. Hiring her will be one of the best decisions you will make for your family. I promise.

Katie Lowder


Our birth could not have come close to what it was, if not for Austin and The Birth Collective. I couldn't have done it without her! I'd recommend their services 1,000 times over. 

Austin stayed in constant communication with me throughout early labor (starting at 11 pm and going through to 6 am the next day), and didn't hesitate to join us in person as soon as we wanted her too. Once joining us, she stepped right in and began providing pain relief and emotional and physical support. She started administering the TENS unit, and had suggestion after suggestion for new positions and modes of pain relief to try. It helped the time fly and got me further and further along in my labor without the need of pain medication. I ended up having a 26 hour natural birth, and again I could NEVER have done it without her assistance. The birth photos she took are beautiful, and capture so many special moments. We don't even feel the need for newborn photos now. 10 out of 10, and I'll be recommending her/The Birth Collective to every soon-to-be mama I know!



TBC is the dream team of the doula world! All 3 were extremely accessible for guidance and support through the whole process which is impressive given the nature of their job. My goal for this birth was to achieve an unmedicated VBAC. I feel so lucky that Austin (VBAC certified) was present when I went into labor. This was physically and mentally one of the most challenging experiences I have ever endured. After 20+ hours of labor, I hit a mental wall. I started to doubt myself and veer away from my birth preferences. Austin laid out my options, reminded me I still have choices, but also gave me the strength and confidence that I could do this. Somehow, she and my amazing husband helped me to get the rest my mind and body needed to stay on track. After 24 hours, I am SO happy that I delivered my beautiful, healthy son via successful VBAC without medication-a lofty goal that I honestly could not have done without Austin's support. If I could choose one word to describe how I felt about my birth experience, it would be EMPOWERED.

My husband says: “Austin’s presence allowed me to keep my energy focused on providing emotional support through words of affirmation and positive reinforcement. She ensured that I was always able to be involved and she coached me on how to assist with different labor progressing and pain management techniques, i.e. positioning, TENS unit (“a total GAME CHANGER” in my wife's words), etc. I can’t emphasize enough that I could not have done it without her help.”

Somehow, Austin managed to capture the whole experience through photography. I wasn’t sure how I would feel seeing myself in this raw, primal state, but they turned were very tastefully done! I will forever cherish these beautiful photos.

If you are on the fence about hiring a doula-do it. If you want not 1, but 3 of the best doulas in the PNW, to join your birth team-reach out to TBC NOW. You won’t regret it.

Haleh and Ryan Mckeller


Sarah & Austin -AMAZING! I'm so grateful they were with me every step of the way through this process to birth our beautiful baby girl. Both of them were so attentive and responsive, & honestly during this time of upheaval in our country - made me feel human by just being here, in human physical form whereas other doulas were not willing to appropriate that kind of support. Especially for the post partum visit. Sarah & Austin were in constant contact with me through my 4 day labor! Since the hospital only allowed one doula & one support person, Sarah was there helping me every step of the way through my labor. They provided a ton of important info for us before labor. They respected & attended to my needs and birth plan. I ended up hiring them last minute (in my 3rd trimester) so I didn't have the opportunity to have them through my whole pregnancy, but they were there when it counted the most. Very kind, compassionate, understanding, reassuring, & responsive. Also, Sarah came back and took newborn pictures for us after baby girl was born and they were wonderful! After several awkward interviews with other doulas, and one failed hiring attempt, Sarah & Austin were a God send to us in the last hour. I would recommend their services to everyone I know who's pregnant & having a baby. They have tons of knowledge, & they were so responsive even with seemingly "dumb" questions that this new mama had. Questions about what kind of breast pump to get, how to wash a baby bottle (I know, right?!). Being a brand new mom who's never changed a diaper before, it was a blessing to have their continuous support. Even after birth, they've been a shoulder to lean on through some of these rough, new phases of motherhood & post partum. It's obvious that this is their calling, not just their occupation. You can tell the difference when it comes to people just doing this for the money or someone who truly cares. Hire them!!!

Rachel Watlon


We recently had the pleasure of working with all three ladies from the Birth Collective! We originally met with Sarah, who has a great calming energy about her, which is exactly what we needed as first time parents! Although we were very excited to have Sarah as our doula, our baby had other plans and decided to arrive a couple weeks late! Austin stepped in and helped us navigate through a stressful labor, while capturing some awesome pictures along the way. We were so glad to have her! I decided to encapsulate my placenta as well, which Bree handled. She was very friendly and informative about the process. Sarah also came to take newborn photos, which turned out so well! This is a great group of ladies who really care about their clients and it shows!

Birth Availability for The Birth Collective | doula, photo, placenta, CBE

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-07-2024