Robyn Bibb Photo

Robyn Bibb

Postpartum Family Development

Vancouver, WA Service range 15 miles


Birth Fee

$1000 to $1500

Postpartum Rate

$40 to $50

Black Doula

Birth Fee

$1000 to $1500

Postpartum Rate

$40 to $50

Birth Doula Experience

5 years

Postpartum Doula Experience

5 years

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, January 2019

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 2 births and 2 to 4 postpartum families

Postpartum limits/restrictions: I am very comfortable with pets and many housing lifestyles.

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

Special Services Offered

  • Baby-led weaning
  • Babywearing education
  • Belly binding
  • Childbirth education services
  • Cloth diapering education
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Parenting consulting
  • Prenatal or postnatal massage
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Sleep educator
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

I volunteer weekly hosting a free inclusive virtual parenting support group.

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

As a Doula it is my passion to offer mothers and their families the best support, care, and educational resources possible to guide them through this adventure of early parenthood.

Service Area

Vancouver, WA Service range 15 miles

Client Testimonials for Robyn Bibb

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We feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to work with Robyn for our postpartum care. Her wealth of knowledge eased our minds in those blurry first few weeks home with our newborn and she helped us navigate the challenges with our 4 year old and his adjustment to the new baby. We laughed and played and it was an absolute joy to have her in our space. She took a lot of the guesswork out of our days and helped us establish systems that work for our whole family.

I can not recommend Robyn enough to anyone that is considering postpartum support. 

Kara Place


Robyn was an absolute game changer for our family in the early days post delivery of our son. She not only provided critical support for me, but she also ensured my entire support network was able to contribute in the best, most helpful way possible. 
Leading up to my due date Robyn met with our family to discuss our hopes and dreams and address any early questions we had. She provided tips and guidance as we approached our delivery date- fully setting our minds at ease. 
Post partum, Robyn was my go to resource for questions, physical and emotional support, and for helping my husband and I learn and adapt to our new lifestyle and partnership. Robyn provided clear and actionable guidance based on her own experience as well as helped connect us to other resources in her network as needed. 
She cared for our little one, and our family, as she would her own and consistently maintained a calm and solution oriented demeanor throughout the occasional chaos of having a newborn. Every visit she started the session by asking "how can I help?" and even when I didn't have an answer she intuitively knew how to support.
I fully trust and admire Robyn and look forward to a chance to partner again. 

Rachel H


Our family worked with Robyn as a post partum Doula for a number of weeks after we had our little girl. Within a matter of days, my husband and I were referring to her as the "Baby Whisperer." Not only was she incredible with our baby — she seemed to have a supernatural ability to read the baby's cues, calm her down, and get her to sleep — but she was also an incredible source of warmth and knowledge and care during a time when we needed it most. She helped the family as a unit, intuiting ways to step in when we weren't aware of what we needed. We'd most certainly recommend her to any expecting family. 



Working with Robyn was an absolute joy! We hired her as our post partum doula for the first 3-4 weeks of our daughter's life. She has the most calming demeanor and is incredibly knowledgeable on all things baby, breastfeeding, bottles, name it! We felt so supported and at ease during what would have been a very jarring first month. She worked daytime and overnight shifts, all the while walking us through everything from sterilizing bottles to sponge baths for our newborn. She even held a "training" session with my parents and siblings to show them the proper way to hold our daughter, change her diaper, feed, etc. My family loved her!

Not only does Robyn clearly love children and cares for our daughter deeply, she provided me with so much post partum emotional support while I had many challenges breastfeeding. She also had many resources for us when we were looking for lactation consultant and post partum therapist. She supported us in all of our parental goals and was a wonderful shoulder to cry on. I highly recommend Robyn and am happy to call her more than my friend!



I would 100% hire Robyn again, and I would highly recommend her to family and friends looking for a doula.  This was my second birth, I had it at home, and I am so glad I had Robyn by my side. I interviewed 5 doulas and from our first interaction I felt the most comfortable with Robyn. She is very calm and caring which was important for me.  She also did a great job of including my husband in our prenatal visits.

The night I went into labor, Robyn was there to keep me calm and knew exactly what to say and when, to get my focus back on my breathing.  Everytime I tell my birth story I say “and thank god Robyn was there”. 



Having a baby during a pandemic certainly came with many challenges. At the beginning of my pregnancy, hospitals were not allowing doulas. We found out the policy changed just a few weeks out from my due date. My sister, mom of two, told me if I would follow any one piece of advice, it would be to hire a doula.

We just had enough time for one in person visit before since we booked her so late in the game. Robyn was so professional and put us nervous new parents-to-be at ease. Robyn was such an asset to have there by our side in the hospital. My birth did not go according to plan (do they really ever?) She helped me to feel as comfortable as possible with positioning and massage. She had such a calming presence. She was right there cheering me on and helping count during pushes which helped tremendously get me to the finish line. She helped explain procedures when the nurses didn't. I think the biggest benefit of all though was the support she gave my husband. Because of covid, it would have all been on his shoulders to support me through labor and delivery when normally we would have moms and sisters there to help too. Knowing that he could relax a little with her there taking care of me helped me to relax a little. Even if we weren't in a pandemic, her value goes beyond measure. We are so glad we hired Robyn!



Robyn has been a gift from the caring-for-mothers-and-babies gods. We didn't have a postpartum doula with our first child, and after encountering some postpartum depression, I decided to be more proactive with our second child and line up some help. From the very first conversation with Robyn, it was clear how dedicated she is to her work. She is the defintion of loving unconditional care - always asking after my and my husband's physical and mental wellbeing, proactively tackling things in the house that need to get done and, above all, caring for our baby in such a wonderful way that we can actually relax and enjoy the help. We've jokingly called her Mary Poppins, but in a way, she is - she has a whole roladex of parenting tricks and has given us such great advice and guidance, not only for our infant but also for her older sister, our three year old. She has helped keep our house tidy and organized during a time when it should be anything but that. And she has fed us SO well - helping with meal prep, (I never realized how much of a gift having someone else chop your vegetables for you is until it happened), cooking dinners on nights when we need the break and making the most delicious snacks and sandwiches when I've forgotten to eat or haven't had a moment to myself to make something. She anticipates my needs, is there when I need to talk, vent or cry and has the least judgmental demeanor of anyone in the baby care world I've encountered - something mothers new and old could use in those early months of raising a newborn. Robyn is the best doula, and I cannot recommend her more highly. Our family will miss her terribly when our time together comes to an end.

Jennie Hagen


Robyn was so amazing to work with! Her presence during my pregnancy and birth was grounding, warm, and centering. Her massage and calming voice kept me present and helped me move through intense contractions. She was able to predict my needs for things like food and keeping hydrated and made sure those needs were met. My midwife and family all commented on how impressed they were with her knowledge, presence, and helpfulness. I can't recommend her highly enough!

Emily Wineland


Robyn is a gem of a person and an absolute joy to work with. I couldn't have asked for a better post partum doula experience. Robyn's calming presence was exactly what we needed during the transitional period of having a newborn and from the minute she walked in the door, I felt like I could finally relax. One of my primary goals with my second pregnancy was to have a positive breastfeeding experience. Robyn was reassuring when I doubted myself and her pragmatism was refreshing when I was sleep deprived and hormonal. It was lovely to have someone with caring hands and expertise to look after my new bundle so I could take some moments to myself. I always looked forward to the days Robyn came and I'm certain my newborn did too - she is a baby whisperer!

Bria Lin


As I neared the end of my second pregnancy, I had to start considering what my 5 year old daughter might do while I was in labor. She expressed an interest in being there when her brother was born, but I didn't want her dad to be responsible for supporting and taking care of both of us on his own. When I learned that sibling support doulas are a thing, I knew this is exactly the kind of help our family needed for it to be a positive experience for everyone. 

When I first met Robyn, we immediately connected. Her warm, upbeat personality put me at ease, and I knew my daughter would enjoy being around her as much as I did. From the moment that Robyn arrived at our house on the day baby boy joined us, she had my daughter occupied and entertained. This gave me the room to labor without worrying about anyone or anything. It gave my husband the space to focus his attention on supporting me when I needed it, and my daughter was able to participate in the process as much as she wanted and had a companion well versed in answering questions in an age appropriate way. Robyn was a crucial part of my "birth entourage," and I am so thankful to have had her. 

Olivia Resnick


Robyn is an extraordinary human being and an incredible doula. Roybn assisted me in the birth of my second child. My first pregnancy, birth, and postpartum was traumatic and I really wanted to reclaim the whole birth experience. Because of my past trauma, I was definitely fearful and hesitant and knew that I needed a special kind of person to help me through this next birth. Thankfully, I found Robyn.

Robyn is incredibly down to earth, knowledgeable, humorous, respectful, and intuitive. She eased my fears, helped me find my voice, laughed along with me, and knew exactly what I needed. She just got me. 

She knew exactly what I needed throughout the birth process - it was as if she read my mind. With her support, I didn't just get through an unmedicated birth, but I crushed it and loved every moment of it. Robyn helped me to reclaim the birth experience, but even more important was because of her support I left the experience so empowered and confident. 




Sindia Padilla


Robyn is amazing! She is a hub of knowledge and was a great resource and support for our family. I learned a lot about childhood development and baby care from her. Robyn was also great at walking us through what finding childcare might look like. What I love most about Robyn is that she exudes an open, nurturing vibe which made it easy for me to talk to her and trust her with our baby. She is an excellent cook and makes a mean chilli, too! Robyn truly became another member of our family. I can't thank her enough for all the times she snuggled our baby, nourished our bellies, and filled our home with her positivity. We miss you! 



I can't say enough good things about Robyn! I was concerned about how I would fare when I came home from the hospital, so I met with Robyn several weeks before my due date to talk about post-natal care. She was warm and kind, and a wealth of knowledge about all things post-partum. She called and texted a few times before my due date, just to check in, and let me know that she was available for advice or as a listening ear 24/7. We arranged for her to come to my home a few days after I returned from the hospital, and I'm so glad we did- I met her at the door, half dressed, tears running down my face, frustrated and exhausted. She swooped me up and listened to me talk and cry for the next few hours. She was a true life saver. Then she taught me all about how to feed my baby, sterilize bottles- she even taught me about infant development! She unpacked my hospital bag, organized the baby's dresser and changing station, and did the dishes, all while taking care of my little one while I napped. We repeated this talk/cry/nap routine several times over the next few weeks- she even spent a night taking care of my baby while I got my first full night's sleep in weeks! I owe Robyn a huge debt of gratitude- she gave me exactly what I needed during a very difficult time- even when I couldn't articulate exactly what it was I needed. I am forever grateful to her, and I highly recomend her to any woman needing a post-natal doula.

Jessica McKeveny


Our time with Robyn as a postpartum doula was enjoyable, helpful, and most of all gave me a sense of relief. She is full of tips and tricks to make all situations with baby easier, I learned alot. Not only did I learn but Robyn was just really nice to talk to, maternity leave can be isolating. She was amazing with my baby, gentle and caring. I would highly reccommend her! 

Megan R


Robyn helped us with overnight and daytime postpartum care, and we are so grateful! Her presence is calm and reassuring, and she shared many super helpful tips that have really improved our experience of parenting. She is warm and intelligent and wonderful to be around, I would highly recommend her as a doula! 

Rozie Lindsay


"I didn't know what to expect when I signed up for a postpartum doula. All I knew was that I was having trouble getting out of my pajamas before 2pmand was going batty waking up every three hours to feed my twins, pump, make and clean bottles and try and fit in laundry once in awhile. Robyn walked into my front door and asked what would help me. That day it was a walk and laundry. Somehow, she managed to reorganize and separate all my twins' clothes and create a system to keep them tidy... all while she watched the babies while I got to shower and recuperate. Amazing in its own right.  In addition to getting a bit of respite in that moment watching her in action reassured me that twin momming CAN be done, it just takes practice, and strong role models, like Robyn.  She never critiqued or judged me at all, which made her easy to talk and be real with.  When we walked, I was able to relax enough and ask the questions that I never felt I had the mental space to address: How do my husband and I keep a sane, somewhat tidy household while ENJOYING eachother and not feeling like every interaction is addressing the chore list, how do I return to intimacy, when do I start feeling that "Mama love" connection with my babies? 
Robyn gave me theoretical and practical answers that we explored together (turns out having a million clothes and blankets just means you'll do more laundry!). After she left that day and after the next visit, I felt a newfound sense of perspective and weightlessness. One step forward in my Mama journey.  Months later, I am still referencing her tactics and advice, and her services are my new go-to shower gift for expectant families. 

Birth Availability for Robyn Bibb

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-26-2024

Postpartum Availability for Robyn Bibb

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-26-2024