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Examples of Nearby Active Doulas

If you are looking for a birth doula near Durham North Carolina, here are a few to consider:

Birth Fee: $1600

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice

Here is what a client named Kaye has to say about working with Emerald:

I worked with Emerald Doulas during my pregnancy, at my hospital birth, and postpartum. My pregnancy and childbirth educators were Delmar and Meredith who are both extremely kind and knowledgable. I was so glad to have their calming, reassuring perspectives. Meredith ended up being my birth doula. I would not hesitate to work with them again in the future. It was so helpful to have an informed advocate with me who was aware of my birth plan and the good (and not so good) reasons for straying away from it. Postpartum, I worked with Abigal, who was a wonderful nurturing presence in those sensitive first few weeks. They came to my house weekly for 4-hour shifts to give me a break with the baby, prepare me delicious, nutritious meals, and to help me catch up on minor chores. Everyone deserves this kind of care postpartum! Highly recommend!

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1875

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 4/8/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice

Here is what a client named Barbara Siqueira has to say about working with Joanne:

Quando engravidei pela primeira vez, eu não pensava em ter doula. Porém, conversei com algumas pessoas e percebi como o parto lá  (EUA) era diferente do Brasil, com menor vínculo entre paciente e médico. Então, procurei uma que fosse habilitada em Calm Birth, pois eu praticava e ainda pratico meditação. 
No nosso primeiro encontro, a Joanne me disse que meu parto poderia ter a intensidade que eu escolhesse, inclusive, poderia ser a experiência mais profunda da minha vida. Em uma só conversa eu senti tanto carinho e dedicação, que já saí dali decidida a contrata-la. E ela superou todas minhas expectativas. Durante a gravidez tivemos longas conversas, ela sempre tão sensível, me ajudou muito e me passou tranquilidade e segurança. A massagem dela é maravilhosa, recomendo também. Ela me apresentou o método Calm Birth que foi maravilhoso p mim. Na hora do parto, ela estava lá. Na minha casa, ao meu lado.. fomos relembrando tudo o que nós (eu e meu marido) tínhamos aprendido. Durante o parto ela foi atenciosa e se manteve atenta com o que as enfermeiras faziam. Ela foi essencial. Eu me lembro do olhar dela me passando força e confiança. Em determinado momento, meu bebê desencaixou e, se não fosse ela, não sei o que teria acontecido. Ela usou técnica e experiência, me mudou para varias posições, amarrou o lençol da minha barriga, mexeu pra lá e pra cá e, na próxima vez que médica voltou, o Marco estava encaixadinho de novo!! 
Hoje somos amigas e conversamos muito durante a minha segunda gravidez, que foi aqui no Brasil. Ela é uma profissional incrível, que nasceu para ser doula. Me sinto abençoada por ter encontrado ela na minha vida! Recomendo e assino embaixo. 

Birth Fee: $800 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $40


Updated 4/5/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice

Here is what a client named Libby & Cory has to say about working with Meredith:

Meredith was an invaluable support in our recent pregnancy. In our prenatal sessions, they walked us through evidence-based information to help prepare us for birth that was tailored to our particular medical situation and birth goals. They always made both of us (the pregnant person and the partner) feel included. As I got closer to my due date, it was such a relief to know I could text them to see if symptoms I was experiencing were normal, and they always responded quickly and with practical, useful suggestions. That became extra true when I unexpectedly went into labor a teeny bit early-- it was great to have their support and advice as I labored at home, and even better to have their calming presence and advocacy once we went to the hospital. We loved working with Meredith and would recommend their services to anyone!