Mindy Bates Photo

Mindy Bates

New Life Doula Services and Childbirth Education

Platte Center, NE Service range 100 miles I am not opposed to driving just as long as you remember it may take a little longer to reach you when your time comes!


Birth Fee


Birth Fee


Birth Doula Experience

10 years and 26 births attended

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, April 2013

Type of practice: Partnership with 1 other doula

Clients per month: 0 to 4

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Some Home Births

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Childbirth education services
  • Parenting consulting
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

I have been a volunteer with Youth For Christ, Teen Moms in Columbus and the Columbus Rescue Mission. My Bachelor's degree is in Social Work. I find much of my work to support, educate and empower women in their birth experience to be similar to my work experiences as a social worker. I began my involvement with women giving birth a few years back as I met women in my church who were in need of support. Then later as my daughter was beginning her family we began doing some research into resources that were available to women in the Columbus area and found it to be severely lacking. It was when my daughter was then expecting her second child that I first learned about Doulas. I attended a DONA workshop in April 2013. In May 2015 I continued my education by attending an ICEA Childbirth Education training. I am excited about beginning to offer childbirth education classes in the Columbus area. I am employed full time with Columbus Public School therefor my availability is limited somewhat to weekends, vacations and summers. However, my daughter also attended the Doula training with DONA and went on to later become a certified professional midwife (CPM). She is willing to serve as my back-up if I am not available.

Fee Details

I do not want my fee to be an obstacle in receiving Doula services. It is my desire to be of service to teen mothers, single mothers or others in difficult situations. The birth of a baby is a blessing! Please talk to me about your situation and possible payment options.

Service Area

Platte Center, NE Service range 100 miles I am not opposed to driving just as long as you remember it may take a little longer to reach you when your time comes!

Client Testimonials for Mindy Bates

Post a testimonial for Mindy Bates

Alicia Blumenthal


Mindy was a wonderful help and a blessing during my 3rd son's birth.  She was a vital part in me being able to carry out my birth plan -- naturally, without medications, and I wanted to spend some time at home before heading to the hospital.  I called her the morning my water began to break and she was at my house within 2 hours and hung out with me all day just talking me through things and keeping me relaxed.  When I eventually decided to go to the hospital,  Mindy would remind me of my options so I could make informed decisions on what I wanted to happen.  She showed my husband some ways he could help ease my contractions pain and be a part of the process.  As things progressed, she always kept a calm tone, reminded me how "short" this moment in time really was, and talked me through my contractions.  She was such a vital role in making this the smoothest birth I have had.  

Merry Hanson


Mindy was a lifesaver when I went into labor with baby #4! I deliver in Lincoln, and I had to travel from Columbus after my water broke in the middle of the night. Mindy met us on the way to Lincoln and left her car at a gas station so she could ride with us and help me through labor while in the car. What a huge blessing that was!!!! My husband was free to drive while she kept track of my contractions, rubbed my back, and calmly comforted me through each contraction. She helped me remember to breathe deeply, and she helped keep me calm when I hit transition (which started before we reached the hospital). By the time we got checked in at the hospital, I was dilated to 8, and she contunued to help me through the rest of labor and delivery. She was so attentive to my needs and my comfort. I am so thankful for the way she helped us through that car ride!!!

Talecia Pinkney


Mindy was absolutely amazing! She traveled all the way to Omaha to assist with the delivery. She arrived a lot sooner than I expected and her timing could not have been more perfect! Once she arrived that's when my contractions started to become unmanageable and she used a used a variety of techniques that made it feel as though I wasn't having contractions at all! Once we hit the transitional stage Mindy was very supportive by helping me find the right position to put less pressure on the area that had  pain in. Once it was time to push my son was out in three or four contractions!  Mindy made my fist childbirth experience a wonderful one I would not have been able to mange the pain drug free without her. I will forever be grateful for her support throughout this experience! I definitely recommend her to all in the area!!

Allison Smith


Mindy was very helful throughout my labor. When I was going through pain she helped me to think of my baby girl that was on her way out, which helped me through it greatly!! She had a ball for me to sit/ lean on during my labor and she "massaged" my back during contractions to help with the pain. She also helped to remind the doctor that I wanted delayed cord clamping for my daughter when they were about to cut it. My birthing experience went almost exactly as planned and Mindy was a very big part of everything that went right.

Birth Availability for Mindy Bates

= Available. Calendar last updated: 09-08-2023