Jessica Fontaine Photo

Jessica Fontaine

Better Together Birthing, LLC

Dunedin, FL Service range 25 miles Will travel an hour radius from Dunedin.


Birth Fee


Birth Fee


Birth Doula Experience

2 years and 20 births attended

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, February 2022

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 5

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth
Must be attended by a midwife.

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

From the time you hire me through to your postpartum, I am available for you to call or text for support, help answering questions, and finding resources. During pregnancy, we will have prenatal visit where we go over your birth plan, talk about comfort measures for labor, discuss breast feeding (if applicable), and go over postpartum plan. From the time you are in active labor until 1-2 hours postpartum, I will be by your side to support you physically and emotionally, as well as help advocate. Once baby is born I can assist with initial breastfeeding. Within the first week of baby being born, I will have a home visit with you to check in on you and baby, talk about more in depth expectations of postpartum, help with any questions you might have, and offer additional breast feeding support.

Service Area

Dunedin, FL Service range 25 miles Will travel an hour radius from Dunedin.

Certifications for Jessica Fontaine

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Jessica Fontaine

Post a testimonial for Jessica Fontaine

Taylor McClow


I prepared everything i could for myself and my body to be ready, but the best thing i ever did was have Jessica at my birth as my doula
Jessica was kind and our personalities really played well together and i knew from the first moment i met her that this was going to be an incredibly empowering birth for both of us.
jessica let me ask questions, she also asked questions and she made sure we were on the same page about my birth plan. 
Jessica met with me a a couple of times during pregnancy and about a month before she really studied and made sure she was aware of my birth plan so my birth could be carried out in the way i wanted, when and if i couldn’t speak for myself. she also came to my home post partum and checked in on me.
jessica was prompt and responsive when it came time for that big day. she was communicating with my partner and was quick to arrive at the birth center following our arrival. she was patient, calm and kind. 
In the 6 hours that we were together during my final stages of transition and active labor, jessica made sure i stayed moving. she assisted me in changing positions,  she gave me massage, put me in and out of the water in the shower and tub, gave me water. i remember jessica reading my birth affirmation cards to me and reminding me how close i was to meeting my beautiful little girl. i think we cried together at one point, in pure bliss and joy that this was happening. 
the best thing jessica did for me was remind me to breathe. this still does not go unappreciated. she was still so kind and patient with me. 
jessica - this was a powerful experience for the both of us , as i know this was a first for both of us. and you rocked it.
i speak so highly about you and still feel the sentimental value of having you at my birth. 
it’s taken a year to form the words of how much having you meant to my partner and i. 

Jennifer McFadden


Jessica was recently my doula during my hospital birth. I am very thankful for her being there. It truly helped during my labor and delivery! Jessica was incredibly supportive, encouraging, caring, gentle, and helped me into a variety of positions to help ease labor and delivery. You can feel her passion of being a doula as she helps support you and be there for you during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum. She truly helped make my birth calming and all I envisioned it to be. If you're looking for a doula who is kind, easy to talk to, knowledgeable, passionate, and comforting...Jessica is the doula for you! 

Julianna Hirsch


I'm so grateful I had Jessica as my doula for the birth of my third child! She is incredible and I honestly don't know how I got through my other two births without her! She is an incredible listener, kind, supportive, funny, and incredibly intuitive. I found Jessica doing things - like changing the Pandora full of commercials or bringing me a cool cloth or applying counter pressure - without me even needing to ask. They were the perfect things in the perfect moments. I felt so supported, so seen and so heard during my pregnancy and especially throughout my labor it made my birthing experience everything I could have dreamed of! 10/10 reccomend Jessica! 

Birth Availability for Jessica Fontaine

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-08-2024