Jackie Prescott Photo

Jackie Prescott

District Doulas

Arlington, VA Service range 20 miles


Birth Fee

$2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate


Availability Remarks: We enjoy building relationships with our clients. We work with many families to find the best provider and hospital that would aline and support their specific birth goals

Birth Fee

$2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate


Birth Doula Experience

15 years

Postpartum Doula Experience

10 years

Birth Doula Certifications

  • Madriella Doula Network - Certified Labor Doula

Postpartum Doula Certifications

  • ProDoula - Certified Postpartum & Infant Care Doula

Doula Training

  • Birth Arts International, October 2015

Type of practice: Partnership with 2 or more doulas

Postpartum limits/restrictions: I am only offering limited overnight support at this time.

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
We have had wonderful experiences working at Primer Birth Center and Birth Care.

Attends home births? Any Home Birth
We loved working with home birth midwifes and would be happy to talk through the many local options with you!

Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Aromatherapy
  • Belly binding
  • Childbirth education services
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • TENS units rental
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Fee Details

1/2 of the fee is due at the agreement signing. Remaining balance due at 36 weeks. HSA payment is available. We will gladly provide a detailed invoice to submit to your inc. for reimbursement.

Service Area

Arlington, VA Service range 20 miles

Certifications for Jackie Prescott

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

Report any issues or concerns with certification images.

Client Testimonials for Jackie Prescott

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Jackie was with me for my first VBAC back in 2022 and she was the reason I made it through 13 hours of labor so of course it was a no brainer that I wanted her for my second VBAC just shy of a month ago. 

This labor was much quicker, thankfully, with active labor lasting 3 hours and pushing for only 27 minutes after having inconsistent contractions for the 16 hours prior. Labor finally started after doing an inversion and one round of the Miles Circuit. Jackie was in the loop the entire time and gave me suggestions on what to do to help get labor going in a more consistent and progressive manner as well as suggestions to take the edge off and get some sleep if labor did not progress once the sun went down. 

She arrived at the birth center about 15 minutes after my husband and I did and immediately started helping me cope with contractions as they were pretty intense and would only start to increase in intensity. Since she was with me the last time, she knew I was dilated to a 7 upon arrival to the birth center while my midwife thought I was no more than a 3! When it was time to push, I got into the bathtub and Jackie helped me handle the strong and intense contractions. She also kept me hydrated and brought out the peppermint oil when I was feeling nauseous, which helped SO MUCH. 

I am forever grateful that I had two amazing VBACs and that Jackie was with me and my husband for both of them! My husband was skeptical about having a doula but after our first birth with Jackie he admitted she was fantastic and asked if she would be with us again this time. I will recommend Jackie to anyone and everyone who asks for a doula in the area! Thank you Jackie, from the bottom of our hearts! 



Jackie was an incredible doula so supportive and amazing I used her for both of my births.

She was so calm and steadfast and was exactly what I needed in stressful situations. She was loving and supportive but also made sure that I could advocate for myself. 

All the staff at GW new Jackie and she was clearly respected which was so helpful. I could not recommend her more. She listened to me and my partner throughout and made sure we had the best possible experience. 



We knew that working with a doula would help us be better prepared for birth, what I didn't realize is how transformational it would be to work with Jackie and District Doulas. I can't imagine having gone through my pregnancy and birth without them. Even just after our initial consultation call with District Doulas, the initial fear that I had around birth turned into excitement for the birthing process, which is why we decided to have them be part of our support team. It was the best decision we made during pregnancy! Their workshops and birth hours were a wealth of information and we appreciated that the workshops were hands-on and in-person. They know the hospitals and providers in the DC area well and they helped us change our hospital to one that was a better fit for us. Thanks to them, by the end of my pregnancy, I felt confident going into labor knowing that I had the information and support to advocate for myself and my baby. My husband also felt better equipped to support me. They are also an amazing support in post-partum. We cannot recommend Jackie and District Doulas enough. They not only care about their clients and birth, but they also work to advocate for better birth experiences at area hospitals.



The ENTIRE experience of working with Jackie and DD was so empowering and I changed as a person (and will be a better mom) because of working with them.

At 36 weeks, I had an expected issue arise and was sent to the hospital. What ensued was a very stressful 12+ hours of feeling pressured by our doctor to make decisions we weren’t comfortable making. The doulas shared their expertise and loads of peer-reviewed research to help inform our decision making. They equipped us with very relevant information so that we felt confident making decisions. This helped me to avoid an unnecessary induction. 

2 weeks later, I went into labor at home. I was able to spend nearly 24 hours in the comfort of my own home. My husband stayed in touch with the doulas to get advice throughout the labor experience and I credit all of their support to stay confident during labor, find ways to deal with the pain, and to really see labor as a partnership between myself & baby. As soon as Jackie arrived at the hospital, I felt a sense of calm & confidence. She has a wealth of knowledge and built a great rapport with my care team so everyone was in sync and aligned. I felt so held. When it came time to push, I was fairly scared that I wouldn’t be able to do it but Jackie (and our nurse Naomi) formed a great team with my husband to coach me through pushing and deliver my daughter after only 40 min of pushing. It was an incredible experience and I will remember it forever.

I am so grateful that Jackie will be a part of my daughter’s birth story. Jackie was also available in the weeks after my delivery to help answer questions and she was very attentive. I will probably forever get teary-eyed when I think about my daughter’s birth and how I was able to achieve my birth goals with the help of Jackie. If you’re at all considering a doula for your pregnancy and birth, look no further. They are the BEST of the best.



Jackie was such a wonderful support before/during/after the birth of our second child. During my labor (at GW), her instincts for what my husband and I might need were spot on and her calm, gentle suggestions were very productive in advancing my labor. After the birth, she stayed with us for a while and coached us through everything happening, which allowed my husband and I to relax and more fully enjoy our first moments with our baby. Her advice then (and her text support afterwards) helped us successfully navigate our time in the hospital and at home.

During my pregnancy and the postpartum period, Jackie--and the whole District Doulas team--provided tailored support that was very sensitive to our specific concerns (for example, around juggling child care needs for our first child when welcoming our second) and decision points (for example, around induction). The advice offered was always practical and nuanced and helped us make decisions we felt were right for us.

Because I had a relatively fast, uncomplicated, unmedicated first birth, my husband and I hadn't been sure about whether to use doula support for our second. I'm so glad we did. My second birth progressed similarly, and Jackie's support was invaluable in helping us approach everything calmly and confidently.



Jackie was an amazing constant support during my labor. I couldn't have continued to cope and make it through my unmedicated birth without her. The emotional support from having her there was what I needed I think as much as anything. I'm very happy that she was my doula and helped me have the labor and birth I had hoped for; I feel so positively about my birth experience.

The District Doulas offer a great package: I was impressed that beyond the labor support, they offer workshops and classes, lactation support (sooo valuable for me in that first week postpartum), and offer direct contact through your pregancy for questions and advice. I wish I had hired them earlier in my pregnancy than I did!

Alexandra Mitjans


Jackie was by far the best decision of my pregnancy. As a foreigner living in the US and being a first time pregnant, I had more questions than answers. Jackie (and the District Doulas team) have been by far the best decision I took during my pregnancy. I have felt supported prior to labour, during labour and after labour.

They have a lot of knowledge on the field, they know and help you navigate the providers' strenghts and weaknesses, they are very strong both in the practical and emotional dimensions of pregnancy and labor. They empowered me and my husband along the whole process and Jackie was key during my delivery. She came home and supported us during our first hours, and then also came to hospital and stayed until the very end. She also came home during postpartum and has been an incredible support ever since.

I cannot recommend Jackie enough. I seriously don't know what I would have done without them...

Thank you Jackie!

Diana Tello


I recommend Jackie 100%! I am extremely grateful for Jackie's support during my pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Jackie's support, care, patience, and determiantion during labor and delivery was outstanding. I don't know what I would have done without her. We worked on my birth plan and she knew exactly how to help me. She supported me on every contraction, helping me get to a very advanced stage of labor, from a safe space at home. My husband and I are extremely thankful for her willingness to help and come home even when I was COVID positive when my labor started. She wasn't able to come to the hospital with us because of the hospital's protocol, but she stayed connected throughout the whole labor, until our daughter was safely born through a vaginal birth and everything was fine. She was 'on our side', supporting us when doctors were coming with questions and recommendations on what to do next. Plus, she kept answering our questions after our baby's birth. We felt we were making the right decision at every step, thanks to Jackie. Can't thank her enough! 



We cannot say enough good things about our experience with Jackie.  When my water broke at 6am on a Saturday, District Doulas were in touch by phone and text every half hour for all of my questions and with helpful suggestions to progress labor.  Jackie joined us at the hospital when I was about 5cm dilated, and right as Jackie arrived, the nurse shift changed, and our overnight nurse was not very experienced.  It was so great to have Jackie there to advise on best next steps, help me with positioning and, frankly, help the nurse (with the blood pressure cuff, the fetal heart rate monitor, etc.). Most importantly, my body stopped progressing at 9cm (where I sat for 5-6 hours) and my cervix swelled, and the doctor was pretty abrupt/cold about suggesting that it was time to consider a C section -- something I really wanted to avoid if possible.  At this point, Jackie politely asked the doctor to step away so we could discuss as a family, and I very much valued her experience and opinion as to whether we could try anything else to progress the last cm. Jackie told us that it was possible the baby's head was coming down a bit crooked, which could be causing the swelling and lack of progress, so she suggested we take a few more hours and do some intense positioning work to try to work the baby straight. Jackie then sprung into action, and she and my husband (who had to help hold my weight since I had an epidural) had me in every position imaginable (think runner's lunges, child's pose with the bed inverted, etc.). A few hours later, I had progressed to 10cm and was ready to push! I completely credit it all to Jackie; I would not have been able to have a natural birth without her, as I likely just would have deferred to the doctor. Beyond the birth support, it was also great to have Jackie and District Doulas during pregnancy and after birth as an additional resource to ask questions. They are always incredibly responsive and knowledgeable.

Danielle Winston


Jackie is such an incredible advocate! She advocated for evidence-based medicine even when our physician was acting against it. Unfortunately, we had a terrible OBGYN on the day of the birth (don't use Bloom....) and he was INCREDIBLY rude to her. She handled it with grace while still making us feel supported. I think his rudeness came from his inability to answer a question she posed given that his recommendations were not following typical protocol. Jackie's guidance was invaluable to us when we dealt with one of the hardest days we have ever been through. I honestly don't think you will ever find a doula as knowledgable about statistics and research studies regarding labor and delivery as she is. We would without a doubt recommend Jackie and District Doulas!!

Katherine & Kermit


We had a really positive experience with Jackie and I definitely recomend working with her. It was great to have her with us thorugh my whole labor. Jackie was able to work with me on varoius laboring positions that I think the nurses just don't have time for and just generally make sure that our wishes were respected through out our fast moving labor.

Jackie also came to our house a few days after we got home to check in on us and help me with breastfeeding and pumping. It was both useful and nice to have someone check in on how I was doing after the birth.




10 out of 10

Jackie was on point through every step of the process. We got to the hospital around 3 am and Jackie was waiting for us there. From that point on she was in complete control of the situation throughout.

- She got us through check-in and security lickity-split, which is pretty crucial when your wife is delerious and just vomited all over the ground on her way inside

- She significantly helped during labor including truly beneficial advice about adjusting positions based on her observations

- When my wife's placenta was not out after 30 minutes and the hospital team wanted to start a procedure to remove it, Jackie helped push back on this long enough for it to come out on its own around 40 minutes after birth

- She was there 100% of the time versus the midwife (who was also great), but had several other patients and rooms to cycle between and was absent for the majority of the labor

- She knew the system inside and out, helping us know we could ask to leave after 1 day (which we did), and helping enforce our birth plan (no male doctors/nurses in labor room, no offers of pain medication)

If we are fortunate to have more children we will 100% be asking Jackie to be our Doula again.

Emilie and Sergio


Jackie and the District Doulas team were so amazing leading up to and during the birth of our daughter, and have continued to be an incredibly valuable resource and support group in the months afterward. We have relied on them for so much and they have always been there for us. We are so, so grateful for them.

My husband and I were both a bit anxious, not knowing what to expect during pregnancy and L&D, not to mention postpartum, but we felt so empowered and informed after meeting and learning from the DD team in the months leading up to our birth. Working with them was definitely one of the best decisions we made during our pregnancy. I only wish we had started our classes with them sooner!!

Having Jackie at our birth helped us feel ready for the biggest moment of our lives so far. She helped us make informed decisions and explained everything to us as it was happening. She was our advocate and a wonderful support person to have in the room with us. I don't have a birth to compare it to, but I know she improved our experience by a mile. I can't thank her and the DD team enough for everything they did for us!

Monica and Josh


We are so grateful to Jackie and the team at District Doulas for making our birthing experiences so positive. We recently gave birth to our second and worked with Jackie both times.  She was such a comfort, source of guidance and care throughout both pregnancies, providing me with support and resources when complications arose. I had a scheduled induction for my second, and Jackie really set the tone, pace, and strategy. I felt very prepared going in for the induction, and Jackie was incredibly helpful to me and my husband throughout. She helped me understand every choice, stick to my birthplan, and provided me with so many comfort and support measures throughout. She was such an essential part of my birth team, and I am so happy to have had her with us throughout the experience! 

Annie Koslow


Jackie was such a saving grace during my pregnancy and L&D. From the moment I connected with her, she was available to guide me and help me through my concerns. I had a high risk pregnancy due to a blood-type incompatibility, and while she was not familiar with it (most MFMs are barely familiar to put it in context), she was thoughtful and helped me proceed on the safest path possible for my baby and me. 

Throughout my pregnancy, Jackie and her team hosted monthly birthing hours about the birthing process, interventions, introducing the baby to an older sibling, and many more topics. She was extremely responsive via text, phone, and email. All of this led to a decrease in my prenatal anxiety knowing that I was in excellent hands with Jackie. 

During L&D, Jackie helped me with pain relief strategies and with advocating for my desires to the medical team. She was the one guiding me through breathing and pushing during the delivery. I will forever be grateful that she was part of my birthing team. 

After the birth, Jackie checked in regularly and came to my house two weeks later for a postpartum check-in. She truly cares and wants her clients to have a wonderful birthing experience. I will definitely be reaching out to Jackie again for any future pregnancies. 

Barb and Danny


Our friends have asked us the single best decision we made about our birth plan that we'd recommend to others, and our answer is always the same: hiring District Doulas. Jackie and the District Doulas team have been the most-valuable resource we could have posssibly asked for. It's hard to imagine our experience as first-time parents if we had not had them by our side.

From the first call with the DD team and accessing the resources they provided, we knew we had found a team who was caring, thoughtful, experienced, flexible, knowledgable, and non-judgemental. We learned information from them we never knew we needed, and they answered every question we posed at any time. We quickly learned to lean on them to prepare us for labor and parenthood.

Our daughter was induced three weeks early; as soon as we made that decision (and even as we were considering it), Jackie was our guide and confidant through the process up until and after birth. She made a stressful and scary induction process mangeable and understandable, not just giving us a road map but also navigating us through every turn. We communicated with her consistently for days in whatever method we chose, and then once she joined us at Sibley her tips and advice helped shorten and ease the active labor process. And when complications arose after the birth, she helped mother and father both -- advocating for us, answering our questions, and helping out however she could. From the major tasks like helping us making important clinical decisions to the smallest ones like packing up our stuff and bringing it to recovery, Jackie was there at every step.

The District Doulas team tell us they were "always our doulas" and have urged us to continue using them for questions and needs, and it was hard for us to believe they truly meant it until we took them up on it. They've reamained by our side since the birth and have been invaluable.

We cannot recommend them highly enough.



Jackie and The District Doulas, were wonderful. The District Doulas as a team provided so much education to prepare for and understand the birthing process. I learned so much from the monthly classes.

Jackie was amazing in the pre-labor meeting -- she helped me clarify what I wanted for my birth plan, and made sure she understood my birth preferences. She supported me based on what were the right choices for me.

During the birth, Jackie went above and beyond. She was integral and by my side through the labor. She helped me reposition myself in ways that helped the baby's position and heart rate, and also made me comfortable. She coached me through the pushing expertly and with lots of cheering on. She and the midwives worked well together as a team. She stayed with me post birth for a longer time than planned, to support me when I needed it. 

Jackie truly is an expert in all things birth and labor. She has so much experience and it really shows with just how skilled she is in teaching about labor and in supporting through labor. I would recommend Jackie without reservation to anyone in need of a doula. 

Anna Dvonch


Jackie was invaluable to us during our birthing day (my daughter's Birth Day). She came to us highly recommended by a friend of a friend and I'm so happy that I was able to hire her before she was booked up during my birth month. 

Throughout my pregnancy I took most of her prenatal classes they had on zoom. Those videos were key and helped me have a deeper understanding about birth pysicologically. I really valuded Jackie's pragmatic and unbiased perspective about birth. She provided us acurate evidence without judgement helping guide you with whatever decision you need to make about your pregancy and birth. This is key when picking your doula. I felt comfortable with Jackie 100%. There were times during my pregnancy where I had doubts whether or not I should take what was offered to me (cervical checks, or cervical sweeps) and her guidance + prenatal class helped guide me through my doubts and eventual decision.

During my birthing day she was able to join my partner and I at the hospital within 15 minutes of her calling her on a holiday!! As soon as she was there her calm and knowledgable demenor immediately put me at ease as I was attempting my first unmedicated birth (after 1 c-section and 1 medicated & instrument assissted birth) and I was already in active labor! We are so thankful for her because her attendance during my birth was instrumental during the low intervesion birth I really wanted. 

We HIGHLY recommend Jackie. 




Sitting down postpartum to think about even where to start a review for Jackie was a challenge in that she really made my pregnancy, birth experience and postpartum as positive as it could be. She was always avaible and I knew throughout my pregnancy I would have someone to as a resource to ask questions to. 

I truly don't believe I could have gone through the birth without her. She was an advocate for me the entire time and really helped me in decision making and understanding what would be right for my personal circumstances. Without Jackie present at the birth it would have been a daunting and frankly much scarier experience. The trust I was able to have in her was that even more than that of my healthcare provider. 

My husband and I also took the classes with district doulas which I would highly recommend. They helped us prepare ourselves and our home for our new addition. Their postpartum visit was also so valuable in my breastfeeding journey. 

I could not recommend Jackie more to anyone in the area considering a doula for their birth experience. 

Sherry Fam


There arent really words to express how much we love and appreciate Jackie and her amazing suppor for BOTH of our births. With our first, she coached us through the whole labor process and  helped us prepare for and know what to expect during labor and delivery. When she walked into the hospital room i instantly felt better, and she was abel to get me in the right positions to relieve a lot of physical pressure in my lower back. Her support and coaching was not only extremely helpful to me, but my husband kept saying "thank God for Jackie!" He felt so much better knowing he could just be present with me and that i was being supported by both him and Jackie but that (in his words) Jackie actually knew what she was doing. I dont think our birth experience would have been remotely what we wanted without Jackie's support and coaching, she truly is amazing and such an encouraging presence! 

For our second, I had to be induced which was really stressful. Jackie talked with us and helped us understand our options throughout the whole process. She came to the hospital as soon as i felt i needed the extra support (more emotional than physical at that point) but she also encouraged me to get rest, and prepare physically and mentally for the next several hours of labor. Even though it was a much different experience from my first birth, having Jackie there to keep me mentally grounded in what was happening was necessary for my sanity and my focus. Aside from the various positions and helping me listen to my body, she coached me through each surge and helped me and my husband navigate all the questions and interventions throughout the process. After birth, Jackie was amazing in helping me postpartum with nursing, ensuring a good latch and talking through our baby's needs. She continues to answer all my questions and support me and my husnabd on this journey for a second time. I wouldnt be where I am in my motherhood journey without her. 

Kendall G


Jackie is a rockstar and helped make me one on birth day. She is a seasoned pro at all things prenatal, labor/birth, and post partum. She is very professional but also knows how to connect on a personal level. This was my second unmedicated birth with previous rapid chaotic birth, birth trauma, pregnancy loss, and ppd/ppa. On day of, I could tell Jackie was ready for action as soon as she stepped in the room. She was cordial but assertive with staff especially since the hospital did not have a midwife available. But they already knew and loved her because she has worked their many times before which I believe is essential for the hospital staff/doula/patient dynamic. She even gently nudged my partner and mother on how to help me. My labor stalled when I got to the hospital and I was nervous but she got it moving quickly. She was there for every curve and helped center me for a all the highs and lows. She reassured me, coached me, and ultimately helped me see the finish line when I was certain I couldn't do it anymore. My anxiety began to skyrocket and she helped me through it all. Jackie was integral in the emotional, mental, and physical aspect for this nervous mama and I truly believe I couldn't have done this without her. She was essential in making this experience what I needed it to be while also a healing one from my last.

She also was very accommodating and quick in getting to me for a Pp visit as I was struggling with breastfeeding.

I should also mention that Carolyn and Michelle at District Doulas we're amazing in prenatal period. They answered every question and concern and have amazing classes and resources to set you up for the best possible experience. 

Thank you so much ladies! You're amazing! 



My husband and I could not be happier with our decision to go with District Doulas. The entire experience - from the prenatal classes, to their communication throughout my pregnancy, and especially during my labor and delivery - was exactly what we were hoping for when we decided to pursue a doula as part of our care team. We can honestly say that Jackie was a huge part in making sure that we had the type of birth that we had planned for. Jackie is patient, thoughtful, and knowledgeable, and spent nearly 24 straight hours by my side as I labored both at home and at the hospital. The entire District Doula team seems to know all of the care providers throughout the DC area, which made my labor and delivery feel that much more personal. I am very grateful for Jackie's work and would recommend her and District Doulas to anyone seeking a doula. 

Paul V


My wife and I can't say enough good things about Jackie. She's been our doula twice now, through two very different births. Jackie possesses a rare balance balance of evidence-based thinking and incredible emotional intelligence and empathy. You often have the feeling she's more up to date on things than your midwife or OB might be, though should would never say it. She won't make decisions for you, but will make sure you have the tools to make a decision -- and to know that there is a decision that can be made. 

Our first birth was slow and required an epidural, and Jackie stayed extra hours and helped my wife push through to a natural birth. Our second birth was faster, and unmedicated, and Jackie was right there with us, providing the perfect support, including in the most physical meaning possible. And when complications arose requiring our kiddo to go briefly to the NICU, while my wife needed attention, Jackie was there to keep us levelheaded and connected. 

Plus, her home visits are incredible crash course in newborn parenting -- worth the price of admission on their own! We truly couldn't imagine having gone through my wife's pregnancies without Jackie. You'll feel the same too, we promise.



I **highly** recommend working with Jackie! My husband and I learned SO much from her and the District Doulas team throughout our pregnancy, making us feel more confident during labor, delivery, and postpartum. There were many decision points throughout my labor that likely would have felt totally overwhelming if Jackie wasn't there to help us slow down, talk through all of our options, and decide on the choices that made the most sense for us. I also appreciate that she was very familiar with the staff at GW. She helped us to advocate for a specific doctor during delivery, which made me feel like I was in excellent hands. I am eternally grateful for her calm presence, knowledge, guidance, and emotional support. It truly meant the world to me during what otherwise would have been a really physically and emotionally challenging labor/delivery. Thank you, Jackie!!! 



Jackie was wonderful and I don't think I would have delivered as I intended without her. I was dealing with high blood pressure and needed to go in early to induce. Jackie and the whole District Doulas team was very communicative and shared excellent info to help me make timely and informed decisions about my care while at the hospital. When contractions got intense, she massaged my back and advocated to get me the wireless monitor so I could take a shower, which was very soothing during the most painful stage of labor. She was by my side gently encouraging me through the hardest part and she gave me confidence to push through and deliver. She was also very helpful during our post partum consult. She answered all our questions and also provided local resources for new and second time mom groups. This pregnancy and postpartum was trickier than my last. Having Jackie and District Doulas in my court really helped me (and Baby and Dad), and I would recommend them to everyone. 



I can’t say enough to recommend Jackie. Even the nurses at the hospital mentioned what a great doula she was! As a first-time parent, I had so much anxiety about labor and delivery and I was so glad to have Jackie with me every step of the way. When my water broke early in the morning, she got on the phone with me right away and helped calm my anxiety and focus me on what I needed to do. At the hospital, Jackie knew where I stood on my approach to pain management and interventions, and she helped me navigate each decision I needed to make. After delivery, when the hospital staff was focused on getting through their checklist and not as attentive to the holistic needs of our family, Jackie proactively advocated for us. In the very disorienting time after an emergency c-section, I was so grateful to have her recognize what we needed, distinguish the boundaries of medical necessity, and speak up to make sure we had the best experience possible. Especially as a first-time parent, I wouldn’t even consider repeating the process without her!



We had a wonderful experience with District Doulas and specifically with Jackie as our main doula for the delivery. Carolyn, Jackie and Michelle are extremely professional, experienced, kind, and with a true passion for what they do. We really enjoyed learning from all the online classes they offer as well as additional resources recieved. They are always available via text or phone call which was reassuring. Being first time parents and recently relocated to the DC area having knowledgeable professionals recommend the appropriate hospital was invaluable. I ended up having the natural birth I was hoping for and couldn't have done it without Jackie's support, Dostrict Doulas preparation, and her comforting touch throught the final stages of labour. She's a wonderful coach, very intuitive and resourceful with the approach she takes with each individual. Thankful to have such a wonderful team be part of one of the most meaningful moments in our lives. Thank you. 

Stephanie Hernandez


Jackie joined us at the hospital for our scheduled c-section and she was wonderful. She was our advocate in the pre-op and post-op rooms. She joined in the discussions with the nurses and doctors to help make sure our wishes were recognized and they didn't steamroll us into doing something we weren't ok with. She also helped out afterwords helping our new baby to latch for the first breastfeeding attempt.

I'm still in touch with her now 5 weeks postpartum if something comes up and I want to ask her a question. She is lovely and if we end up having another child we will definitely plan on working with her again!

Jehan K.


I would without a doubt recommend Jackie for anyone interested in having a skilled, patient, and knowledgeable doula by their side during labor.  Jackie helped us navigate numerous decisions during our labor -- and did so with our wellbeing and safety at the forefront of her mind.  She was a steady guiding hand throughout the labor.  She advocated effectively for us with doctors and nurses and really helped to create the birth experience we were hoping for.  Jackie clearly brings tons of expertise and empathy to the job and without her we would have been lost.  I could not recommend her more highly.



Without hesitation, I would recommend Jackie as a doula for any friend or family member. Jackie was a wonderful and calming presence the day of my first son's birth - especially as we navigated COVID restrictions that made the experience a tad more stressful. The day I went into labor, it was so great to know I had someone to call and walk me through what I was feeling and what it meant for next steps. I had anxiety about how painful birth would be and thought I would need the doula there with me as I went through labor at home. I ended up waiting to have Jackie come once I was in the hospital, and I believe that the classes, the preparation, the one-on-one time with the doulas, and the phone conversations with Jackie gave me confidence that I could get through the pain and labor at home with my husband and then go to the hospital for an epidural when it was really time. It was exactly what I wanted! It felt reassuring to have Jackie there at the hospital to answer questions, give me guidance, talk to the nurses when I had a few issues, and be there for the magic moment my son arrived! She knows exactly how to read a room and to understand what you may need in the moment. Thank you so much, Jackie, for making childbirth a very happy memory for me, Tony, and Carson (despite a little pain I've already forgotten!)

Leandra Brown


Working with Jackie was an incredible experience! I couldn't have gotten through labor without her. She was so calming and really made me feel at ease with every step of the birthing experience. We were in constant contact from the start of labor to the end. She also followed up with me afterward to see how me and the baby were doing. I experienced a few issues during labor, but she kept me calm the entire time. She constantly reassured me and gave me the motivation I needed. My son’s heart rate began to drop as I was pushing. When I heard this, I started to panic. But Jackie looked me in the eyes and calmly said, his heart rate is dropping, we need you to push him out. And on the next push, he was out.I will never forget that moment and seriously could not have done it without her. I 1000% recommend Jackie! You need her at your birth!



Do yourself a favor and hire Jackie and the ladies at District doulas for your birth. This was seriously the best money we have ever spent. The whole process was wonderful and working with District Doulas was a breeze. All of their built-in education classes got us mentally prepared and allowed us to be all our questions answered.  These ladies are in your corner from the moment you sign with them to well after your birth. While I know that all of the team at District Doulas would have been wonderful to have at our birth and I would have felt happy and in good hands having any of the three ladies (all three of them are knowledgeable, personable, and just lovely people). I have to especially thank Jackie. I don’t think our birth outcome would have been possible without the presence of Jackie. It was a very long labor (57 hours if you’re counting) and Jackie was there with us for almost a full 48 of those hours. She was constantly problem solving and looking for ways to help us have the outcome we were hoping for. Whether it was actively doing positioning work with me or being a translator and bridge for our medical team, Jackie was our ace and we can’t imagine the birth without her. Her knowledge and expertise kept us calm when things didn’t go as planned (which happened multiple times) and she constantly helped keep us from getting overtired or overwhelmed. She was an amazing cheerleader with the perfect balance of strength and kindness. Birth was honestly the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. It taxes you emotionally, physically, and spiritually on every level of your being. Without Jackie’s presence, it would have been a much harder, more daunting mountain to climb. I will be forever grateful to Jackie for being my Sherpa and mentor through the whole process. For the gentlemen out there. As my husband says “I’m so glad we got a doula”. Do yourself a favor and hire these ladies.



My husband and I are so thankful for Jackie. I woke up in active labor at 3am and she immediately responded to my text and we spoke on the phone a little while later (she very patiently waited for me to give her a call while I handled my almost 2 year old son who woke up and was having a meltdown). She recommended I get into the shower and see if the water helped me cope since the contractions were already 2-3 minutes apart and lasting 1.5-2 minutes. She said not to stay in the shower too long since things seemed to be pretty intense and that she was heading to the birth center since she had a bit of a drive to get there (1.5 hours). She arrived around 5am and met/waited with my midwife and my family and I arrived a little while later. Jackie immediately came to greet us and helped me get through a contraction on the steps on the way to our birthing room. Jackie never left my side and my husband refers to her as "the one that was with you the whole time." She helped keep me calm when I felt like the contractions were too much, she had the gentle birth app on after confirming I wanted it, took pictures, made sure I had water, honey sticks, and electrolytes. She also helped me change positions and do rebozo as the midwifes suggested to help get baby to come down, which was not easy and took a longgg time. Her emotional support was invaluable during my labor since my husband was busy with our 2 year old and I know he is so thankful that she was there supporting me when he wasn't able to. She also held my son postpartum while I ate and got settled and he just slept in her arms peacefully. My husband was apprehensive at first about hiring a doula but I know he is very happy that we went through with it. Thank you so much Jackie, I would have never been able to make it to the finish line and push out my giant baby without you! 

Carina L


Jackie was our cheerleader during a 30 hour birth marathon and we couldnt have done it without her! Her expertise, calm, patience and compassion were out of this world, and put us at ease, gave us confidence and was critical to us having a positive and joyful experience. As our post partum doula and lactation consultant, we relied on her more than expected - she is always available to jump on a call, answer questions, calm our fears and concerns. I believe that for a succesfuly breastfeeding journey, it was indispensable to have her consistent and dedicated support (esp in the face of so much conflicting advice from hospital staff, pediatrician and other parents), as somebody that knows us, knows our baby, and brings a world of expertise and commitment to an evidence-based practice to her work. 

Gabriela M.


Jackie has helped us at the births of all three of our children, and every time she has been absolutely incredible. The births all have been different - inductions with and without epidurals, a frantic, labored dash to the hospital for the one in between - and Jackie has always known exactly the kind of reassurance and support to provide before, during, and after.  She is calm, calming, and extremely knowledgeable about not only the birthing process but also navigating the whole hospital experience.  During this most recent birth, Jackie was irreplaceable in helping me focus on the feeling of what my body was actually doing, when the doctors only wanted to focus on the number of centimeters.  I know that this is what helped me relax and take charge of the feeling that it was *definitely* time to have that baby.  (And, sure enough, as soon as the doctors left, they had to be called right back in again.) 

When we had our first baby we weren't sure about whether to get a doula, but having Jackie there made the whole process so much more accessible that I'd never dream of having a baby without her there.  It was so nice to have someone there, not only in the delivery room but also before and after, to check in with about big and little questions.  Jackie also has an uncanny ability to know exactly when to step in.  She always makes sure to make my husband a part of the process, with enough direction to be helpful but not so much it feels intrusive.  We cannot recommend her enough. 

Kathryn W


Jackie was my doula for my third birth, and I wish I’d used District Doulas for all my births!  I found the prep classes to be invaluable.  Even as a third pregnancy, I learned so much and felt better prepared than my previous two births.  I loved being able to watch the videos anytime and found them to be a great way to get to know Jackie, Michele, and Carolyn and to reinforce what mattered most to me for my birth.

I appreciate the doulas’ priorities of making the birthing individual feel empowered and on helping us think through what we really want for ourselves and our babies.  I felt very secure knowing they were there to advocate for my personal preferences throughout pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

My birth went very differently than I ever imagined it would.  When I was faced with needing a c-section to keep me and my baby safe, Jackie helped me work through that very difficult decision, shared her own birth experiences, and reassured me that it would be okay.  In a really intense situation, she helped me stay calm and feel good about my decision in a way that none of the providers could.  I can’t imagine facing that situation without her support.  As my birth shifted from a natural labor process to an epidural labor and then a c-section, Jackie had the tools to support my labor and my emotional state at every turn.

Jackie’s support postpartum was also essential.  She gave helpful suggestions for daily newborn challenges I was facing and connected me to valuable resources for that time period, including a wonderful therapist to help me process my unexpected birth outcome.



Having Jackie as part of our birth team was the BEST decision we made! We hired Jackie and her colleagues early in my pregnancy, and she and her team were phenomenal resources. From offering wonderful classes on a range of issues to responding to all of my prepartum questions, Jackie was professional, kind, and incredibly knowledgable!

On the day of our son's birth, Jackie played a key role in making sure that my birth preferences were honored as much as possible. Not only did she bring a calm, caring presence to our delivery room, but she also helped us advocate for ourselves. When I look back on my birth, all of the positive parts (making an informed decision on when to head to the hospital, staying calm with twinkly lights and essential oils, staying calm when my OB was stressing me out, enjoying a wonderful golden hour breastfeeding with my newborn, etc.) are thanks to Jackie!

I'm a few weeks postpartum now, and Jackie has continued to be a fantastic resource, helping me identify ways to make breastfeeding better, answering questions about newborn care, and more. 

THANK YOU, Jackie, for making our pregnancy, birth, and postpartum time much less stressful that it otherwise might have been! 



Jackie was beyond incredible.  She was very present with us throughout our entire labor and extremely knowledgeable.  She put both of us at ease with her calming presence and guided us through the labor process, one step at a time.  I had quite a difficult labor and don't think I could have made it through without Jackie's guidance, knowledge, and encouragement.  Although labor was difficult, our birth experience was an incredibly positive one, thanks to Jackie.  Even after the birth, she was such a helpful resource, especially in the first couple weeks of my daughter's life.  We had debated whether to get a doula or not, but now looking back on it, it could not have been a better decision to have Jackie with us.  Jackie was also incredibly helpful for my husband, and he could not have thought more highly of her.  Ten stars for Jackie!!



Jackie was absolutely incredible during my VBAC attempt. She was always available when I needed her either virtually or in person. The trainings were so helpful throughout and I learned a lot. She took the time to get to know myself, my family and what I wanted exactly did this second birth. When she arrived at the hospital, she helped my husband and I with every little thing. Either explaining what the doctors meant, my choices, how to do a certain position, what to expect, and we tried for several days. Even though I ended in a csection again, I was thankful and so glad I tried to VBAC. That attempt wouldn't have been possible without Jackie there. I would've been so lost and frustrated. Having a doula is necessary and I highly recommend it to all. Either for your first birth or your second. They are truly amazing! 

Ariel B.


Jackie is amazing and I couldn't have asked for a better doula. She made both my husband and I feel so supported and taken care of. I had some complications after a natural birth and the support, guidance, and comfort she gave was unmatched. I had always thought of having a doula for labor, but you may not realize how critical a doula can be for any after labor complications! You can really tell how knowledgable Jackie is and in control of the room. I would recommend Jackie to everyone- you are in amazing hands.



We will forever be grateful for how the District Doulas team guided us throughout our pregnancy. I was a pretty miserable pregnant lady, but having our doulas a text or phone call away (and seeing them regularly in the classes they offer) made me feel so much calmer throughout my pregnancy. When labor began, Jackie helped me stay comfortable at home for longer than otherwise would have been possible and was such a calming and supportive presence in the hospital. And a bonus I did not expect - she took photos of my husband and I (and our new baby) that I'll always be grateful to have. We'll absolutely be coming back when/if it's ever time for kid two.

TO BIRTH PARTNERS, my husband would like to add:

OK partner. They tell me you're on the fence about whether you'll see value from hiring a doula. But here's how it's going to go down. The labor's going to start. Well, she's going to think the labor started - you're really not going to be confident, because what do you know? She's going to be freaking out about whether she's OK and whether she should go to the hospital and whether this is really it or not and PLEASE do something to make it hurt less. You're going to call the nurse's line at the hospital. You're going to wait on hold. When you get through, they're going to tell you just wait and see how things go and come in when you're ready. This will be profoundly ambiguous. You will try some massage you read in a book and read her some stuff you read online. She will still be in pain and worried. And then the doula will arrive, and tell her with the authority of someone who has been there through hundreds of births that she is going to be OK. And she will tell her just the right positions to stay in and advise on when to go the hospital and help her with feeding when she gets home. I promise you, in all those moments, you will absolutely positively have seen the value in hiring a doula. Also, the classes were really informative.



I am so grateful for the support Jackie and her colleague Michele provided during our pregnancy and birth. We had a number of challenges, including a stressful delivery that was 12 weeks early. Jackie was so responsive and caring. She was by my side for every step of the birth and made sure the doctors and nurses were aware of my preferences and concerns. I truly cannot recommend her more highly.



Where do we even begin? Jackie is so dear to our family after all we’ve been through together! (Her care felt so special- like the lengths you’d only to go for family…..And to think she does this multiple times a month for all types of mommas… she is amazing!)

Jackie supported us through our entire pregnancy, but was most impactful during birth and postpartum. During birth, Jackie took care of everything I could’ve needed before I even thought to ask for it and encouraging my husband in his role too. Her voice is so soothing and she was able to be rational and encouraging when both my husband and I were overwhelmed.  She wasn’t afraid to jump in wherever needed without needing to be asked (which I totally appreciated!)

Postpartum was hard. Like really hard. And Jackie was there at every moment we needed her. I called her in the middle of the night, texted around the clock, and she came to to house multiple times to provide care for us. Jackie was not just a doula she was our biggest cheerleader, advocate, educator, inspiration, servant, placenta encapsulator, lactation consultant, and truly felt like family in those joyful yet difficult days. I want to have Jackie on my birth team for every baby to come! She is incredible and so so selfless.



Jackie and District Doulas were absolutely wonderful start to finish. I couldn't have gotten through the process without them, or sure wouldn't want to. They are so knowledgable and professional. They are always quick to respond. During the birth Jackie took charge and helped me and my husband through the hardest parts. I am so grateful for her help getting us to the end. I would highly recommend them for any new mothers to be. The classes and training are also excellent!



My husband and I are so glad we decided to use the District Doulas team for the delivery of our first baby. Although we had another doula from the team for our delivery, we would've felt equally comfortable with Jackie there as well. We had our prenatal appointment with her and she was extremely professional, warm, and informative. She answered all of our questions and helped to put us at ease for the labor and delivery process. 

I reached out to Jackie postpartum for her lactation consultant services because I was having some difficulty breastfeeding following my son's tongue tie removal. She came to the house and immediately was able to help my son get a better latch. There is so much stress when it comes to breastfeeding struggles, and having Jackie there gave me such a feeling of relief and support. Since then I've been able to reach out with and questions or concerns and she gets back to me right away. 

I highly recommend Jackie and the District Doula team! They are incredible!



Where do I even start?! I could not have had the amazing birth experience that I had without Jackie. She was available 24/7 leading up to delivery and when I thought my water broke, she was the first person we reached out to. She advised us on how to proceed and sure enough, contractions started 12 hours later. After 24 hours our labor has not progressed and we were feeling so defeated and ready to head to the hospital for induction medications but instead she suggested she come over and we could try some positions to engage the baby. After feeling my belly, she knew exactly what the problem was and worked with doing various positions which I can only describe as magic! Within an hour, I was having major contractions and she suggested it was time to head to the hospital. She stayed in the back seat of the car with me and literally held the puke back while I experienced major contractions and "transition." Sure enough, I arrived at the hospital at 8cm dilated and our son was born a little over an hour later! This was exactly the birth scenario I was hoping and praying for and there was not a second I thought I couldn't do it, all thanks to Jackie. She was so unbelievably encouraging and helpful - to both myself and my husband! Thank you so much, Jackie! 

Lindsey Gove


Jackie was a true godsend during labor and delivery.  Nothing went as planned as I was induced at 36.5 weeks.  Jackie made my husband and I feel empowered behind choices, and helped to remind me, as I waited for my husband, that there was no rush to make a decision when it came to my body and that I was entitled to ask to wait for my husband to move forward.  Jackie was virtually present for my many hours of active labor and although she was unable to be physically there due to COVID, I felt she was with me every step of the way.  Jackie helped me to understand decisions I was making through out the process, to understand how to push, and stuck around after my birth to make sure all was okay and that I was able to bond with my baby.  There is no way I could have gotten through my labor without Jackie and I am forever grateful for her help, knowledge, and support.  Jackie completed a follow up post-partum visit afterwards and it really helped to complete the circle of a completely unplanned labor.  She provided advice about our beautiful baby boy and about continued support in the community to connect with other moms who gave birth around the same time as me.  I can't imagine how my labor would have gone without Jackie, and am so glad I don't have to!

Ellie Stevenson


We used Jackie as our doula for the birth of our second daughter.   It was the best decision I've made - Jackie was incredibly helpful and knew so much - not only related to the birth itself but also the weeks after the birth.   Despite the COVID restrictions, she was fully there for me during early labor - I felt truly supported.  And during labor when I was in the hospital and she couldn't be there (because of the hospital's restrictions) she was in constant contac with my husband.  Most impactfully for me, though, was the post partum assistance she provided.  She encapsulated my placenta and came over several times to help me with nursing and healing questions and general baby questions.  She was so supportive - I was in a vulnerable place and she offered complete relief with her suggestions. I felt that with both my daughters, the post partum period is the time that I needed the most support, and Jackie went above and beyond.  She was flexible, understanding, knowledgeable, compassionate, and comforting (importantly).  As one example, I had crippling headaches from the epidural but I didn't know it was from that. I texted Jackie and she knew immediately that that was what I was experiencing and she suggested I contact the doctor and told me some tools to cope and what I could potentially expect.  She also came and did a weighted feeding when I was nervous that my baby was not getting enough milk/not gaining weight.  I cannot recommend Jackie highly enough. 



Choosing to hire a doula for the birth of our first child was one of the best decisions my husband and I ever made. Jackie and her partners were recommended to us by our good friends who were also having their first child. The two of them talked about how invaluable it was to have Jackie with them throughout their pregnancy journey and into parenthood. From the beginning, I was scared about everything related to pregnancy and childbirth, added to that was the anxiety of the pandemic.  Before working with Jackie I was not someone who was comfortable advocating for myself, but she encouraged me to talk to my doctor about how I was feeling. Jackie also prepared my husband and I to push for our choices during the labor/delivery process, so many things we never would have known!

When the time came to meet our little one, we were not scared. We like to describe it as having all of the answers to the "test" ahead of time. We knew what to expect and what to do. Jackie was not able to come into the hospital, but she labored with me at home. While we were at the hospital, Jackie was checking in and communicating with my husband during and after the birth. My husband and I both felt supported while Jackie helped us remain as calm as we could be during it all. 

Once we brought our baby home, Jackie continued to answer questions that we had in those first few days/weeks. We feel so lucky to have her to talk with when we are unsure about things, or just need some reassurance or support about newborn care and life as new parents. 

We honestly cannot imagine going through all of this without her, and we cannot recommend her enough. If we have another child, we already know that we will not hesitate to have her guide us through it all again. 

Jessica Yurcheshen


Jackie was amazing! During our prenatal appointment, she answered all of our questions and provided insights that prepared us for a birth at Washington Hospital Center. We went over my birth plan. Throughout my pregnancy, she responded to text messages within minutes. When my water broke, she was at my house within a few hours to help us think through next steps. The next day, my husband and I labored at home with the help of Jackie. We stayed in communication through text messages and phone calls. When surges got too intense for me to cope on my own, she arrived at my house, instantly making me feel at ease and more relaxed, making the surges more bearable. I labored at home until the pushing stage and left the house 40 minutes before my baby was born. Thanks to Jackie, I had the birth that I had planned.



Working with Jackie was the best decision we made in planning for the birth of our first baby. We had a lot of questions and issues toward the end of my pregnancy and having Jackie and her partners available to us was truly invaluable. They were constantly on hand to talk through whatever came up and to help us navigate challenging situations.

Having Jackie at the hospital with us was amazing - she worked seamlessly with all the doctors and nurses at GW and lifted our spirits after several challenges during labor and delivery. We can't imagine going through this process without her.

Jackie is extremely knowledgeable, compassionate and has such a calming presence/view on the birth process. I would recommend Jackie a thousand times over!

Aviah Altman


Jackie, and the delivered doulas team, were instrumental in our achieving our VBAC!  I could write a novel but see below into pre, during and post birth. 
Pregnancy: no matter the question- they always had an answer or a resource (chiro, podcasts, etc) to help set me up for the best chance at achieving my VBAC. One moment I will never forget: walking out of my provider of 10yrs, completely deflated at 36 wks when suddenly they were no longer supportive of a VBAC... for no real reason. I called Jackie and immediately she guided me in the process of switching practices to one that was more encouraging of the birth we ultimately experienced. 

Birth: They guided me to understand which of these feelings were active vs. pre-labor (esp because all these feelings were completely foreign to me). Jackie helped us advocate for ourselves and when she physically arrived, it was like having a fairy g-dmother:  She knew exactly what I needed to do and when, encouraged me along the way, gave me tools to cope with discomfort. Jackie was 100% a catalyst to make this happen for us. 
Post Partum: beyond breastfeeding support and guiding me through getting my daughter's ties released, this post partum brought more mental gymnastics than last time. During one of her postpartum visits Jackie reminded me that just because it's hard, doesn't mean we have to suffer. She helped me normalize the thought of speaking to someone and I can say with confidence that as I write this review while my 12 week old naps, my veil is lifted and that is in large part because of the support I received from this team. 

If you've made it this far, you'll see it goes without saying that Delivered Doulas are an invaluable team or, as I have said to my friends, "probably the best push present you can ever gift yourself." 

Maegan Daniels


I highly recommend Jackie's services! She helped relieve a lot of the stress felt about doing things perfectly while she maintained an upbeat attitude throughout. 

Due to COVID restrictions, I tried taking advantage of the online workshops and virtual support offered as much as possible. I felt much more prepared to get through all 'four trimesters' with confidence because she was always eager to answer all our questions and concerns. While in labor, I found some of the Miles Circuit positions more difficult to get correct but her patience and positivity helped make it easier to manage. She didn't leave until things calmed down and I felt more settled. She later came to the house when I was having issues with lactation and provided way more insight than expected. Overall, the extra support she gave was well worth the investment! 

Kate Angel


I cannot speak highly enough of Jackie or give her enough praise. She provided such a calming and knowledgeable presence throughout my labor and I cannot imagine having gone through the process without her. I think the best endorsement I can give her actually came from my husband - he wasn’t fully sold on the idea of a doula, but went along with it because he knew it was important to me. Then when he was talking to friends after our daughter was born he told them that next time he would absolutely use Jackie again! We both found her to be absolutely invaluable!

When I went into labor, Jackie was responsive and attentive both via text and by phone. Before Jackie joined us at the hospital, I was ready to abandon our plan for an unmedicated birth but with her support and coaching I was able to labor without medication for many more hours. Each time something from our birth plan went off track (and by the end, everything had gone off track), Jackie was so helpful by discussing our options and providing her insight and experience to allow us to make the best informed decision for us and our baby. She worked with me through contractions, helped me get into different positions to help with pain and trying to move the baby around, and was incredibly attentive throughout the whole process. 

Jackie and her colleagues at Delivered Doula were amazing assets and resources throughout my pregnancy. The workshops they offer provide an amazing breadth of information about so many topics, and they were always there to answer questions and provide support. Thank you all for being so amazing!!

Megan S


Jackie was an amazing support person leading up to and during the birth of our daughter. My husband and I gained a ton of knowledge through the workshops offered by Jackie and the Delivered Doulas team leading up to her birth. Collectively they have a lot of experience and first hand knowledge. With their education and support, my husband and I felt confident leading up to our daughter's birth. Their education was complete enough such that we did not feel the need to enroll in any additional child birth or newborn care classes. In the final weeks of my pregnancy, Jackie was available 24/7 to answer questions and responded really quickly to all of my concerns. Our daughter ended up being late and I was induced; Jackie provided all of the information I needed to know about induction in order to make informed decisions. Jackie was also present during my induction once I went into labor, and provided excellent comfort and support during labor and birth. I can't recommend Jackie enough- she was invaluable support to me, my husband, and my daughter during birth!

Oscar C.


Jackie’s knowledge, compassion, energy, and support were truly invaluable to my wife and I. It’s quite hard to come up with the exact words to describe our journey and memorable experience with Jackie and her equally compassionate Team. We had the privilege to have her for my wife’s labor and delivery session in mid-September and we honestly couldn’t have imagined our delivery without her support and encouragement.

She was not only knowledgeable and super supportive, but she consistently went out of her way to answer our unexpected questions and helped us feel secure and motivated towards our magnificent journey. I’ve mentioned this to her before, but I felt that she was like an "angel" delivered to us from the universe. I’m SUPER grateful to have crossed paths with her and would recommend her to anyone who’s looking for that same support and encouragement. Her encouragement, help, and direction is truly priceless! xo

Steisi Mileiva


It was my first labor and delivery experience. At first, my husband and I did not consider having a doula. While chatting with a friend/colleague who recently had their baby boy, Doula Jackie come out highly recommended! We reached out to her and then discovered the Delivered LLC Doula team.

We had Jackie for our labor and delivery. She was a phenomenal support during active labor and pushing in the hospital’s labor and delivery room. She was my bedrock during those terribly difficult hours. Without her by my side, I would have not been able to go unmedicated. She also took precious photos and videos. Throughout the process, she worked very well with all the midwives and nurses. In between those painful moments, I remember saying “Jackie, please help me ...” and she comforted — and reminded me at the same time — that yes of course everyone in the room was there to help me.

It did not stop there, Jackie checked-in via text when we were in postpartum room at the hospital, she answered multiple questions we had upon our return home with the newborn, she came in for one postpartum visit to check in with breastfeeding and other questions, and she (and Michele/Ashley) responded to my various confusions on handling the newborn even after that one postpartum visit.



My husband and I are so glad we chose Jackie and the Delivered Doulas team! We came late in the game (36 weeks pregnant ) since we had just moved to the area a bit unexpectedly. It had felt like adding one more decision in the midst of all our transition was too much.  Yet as I anticipated my birth experience, I knew I wanted to be able to advocate for myself. I often feel rushed at prenatal appointments and knew that I didn't want my "birth experience to happen to me" as Ashley, another doula on the team, had said. I wanted to look back and know that I had made the best decisions for myself and my baby. So we jumped in head first, participating in most of the virtual classes to gain as much information that we could. I started to feel empowered and loved learning all that they shared. Jackie, Michelle, and Ashley are very passionate about what they do and it's contagious! To make a long story short, I ended up having a C-Section and a bit earlier than planned because I went into labor over a week before it was scheduled (we found out at 28 weeks that my daughter was breech). I ended up choosing to not have anyone join me at the hospital due to the quick nature of the delivery. Yet the contact I had with them over the phone/text was genuine and full of celebration that our baby had arrived safely! Afterwards, Jackie came and visited us at our home twice, eager to meet our daughter and equip me with lots of helpful tools for breastfeeding. While my birth experience didn't go as I had planned, I believe that having Jackie and the DD team provided the care, support, and practical knowledge that I needed to navigate the changing circumstances before, during, and after delivery. 

Abby Moyer


My husband and I have nothing but positive feedback to offer regarding Jacqueline and the team at Delivered Doulas. My labor and delivery took many unexpected turns--including from starting as a planned c-section, to pivoting to a long and challenging labor, to returning ultimately to a delivery by c-section. During the entire process, I felt respected, encouraged and comforted by the two amazing doulas who accompanied by during the process, Jacky and Ashley. Though my labor and delivery were not easy, I am so thankful that I was able to feel emotionally well and supported through the entire process, including through my postpartum period. I am 100% certain that I would have had a completely different and radically more negative experience were it not for the powerful support and accompaniment provided by Jacky and Ashley, and am SO glad I made the decision to have a doula at my birth, and that the doula was part of the Delivered Doulas team. Before hiring a doula, my husband was supportive of the decision because he knew it was important to me, but after the birth experience, he claimed the decision as the best choice for him as well--he really benefited from the supportive and empowering presence of the doulas, too. It was a gift to our whole family and made our birth experience a holisitically positive one for us. Wishing all expecting parents the best, and highly recommend Jacky and Delivered Doulas as the doulas to accompany, empower and support you during the sacred time of labor and childbirth. 

Sam and Damion


It's hard to come up with the right words to fully explain how amazing our experience with Jackie was. I couldn't have imagined my birth going any smoother thanks to her guidance and care! From the moment we met her until I started he labor process, Jackie made herself available to talk me through things every step of the way and graciously answered all of my 3,000 questions and calmed me down if I started to become concerned. Every week we were given an opportunity to jump on a zoom call that covered various topics surrounding the birth process and her knowledge and experience helped me navigate the process of being a first time mom in the middle of a pandemic!

Once my water broke she stayed in touch with me and my husband and met us at the hospital. We actually switched providers and hospitals the day I went into labor to ensure that Jackie could be allowed in the hospital (our original hospital was not allowing doulas due ot COVID) with us and it was the BEST decision I made. She helped me through getting my epidural which took way too many tries by the anesthesiologist, and helped me calm down after a bad panic attack. She advocated for me when I was still in pain after my epidural and and did everything she could to ensure that I had the birth that I wanted. 

Once getting home from the hospital we were having some issues breastfeeding. Jackie made herself available to come see us and help me nurse and gave me excellent referrals to an IBCLC and pediatric dentist. If it wasn't for her I would have most likely given up on breastfeeding all together. She was the only one who saw his lip and tongue tie! My pediatrician and everyone at the hospital said differently. Turns out he did have both and once they were corrected we are having no issues!

I could go on and on about all of the wonderful things Jackie provided for me and my family but you should just go ahead and hire her yourself! You will 1000000% be so happy you did. 

Jocelyn and Mitch


Without Jackie’s knowledge, compassion, energy, & support our birth wouldn’t have been the positive, empowering experience it was. Not only did she bring that energy to labor and delivery, but to all of the weekly & monthly virtual meetings we’d had leading up to the big day. My husband & I were amazed with the depth of her knowledge on seemingly all things labor, delivery, baby, breastfeeding, post-partum.

Because of COVID, we hadn’t met her in person before she showed up at our house, but as soon as she arrived we were at ease & felt like reinforcements had arrived. I was afraid of the pain, longevity, & all the unknowns; Jackie helped me reframe it as a natural and normal thing. My husband was nervous he wouldn’t know what to do to help me through it. When our hospital’s policy was only to allow one support person, my husband suggested it be Jackie as he felt like she would be the one to better assist me. Luckily by the time we were at the hospital, the policy allowed for two support people. Jackie guided him through actions he could take to be the best partner possible. Whenever we were at a crossroads & wanted to know our options, Jackie easily explained them with the pros & cons. She made us feel informed & not judged for whatever decisions we made.

She met us at our house around 3AM on Wednesday morning, went to the hospital with us at 9AM, & stayed with us until a couple of hours after the birth Thursday morning = about 30 hours total. No doubt she was tired too but she constantly gave off an excited & caring energy as if there was nowhere else she would rather be. She left as we were prepped to go to post-partum & STILL took our call when we had a follow-up question about 20 minutes after she left.

She checked in regularly to see how we were doing & if we had any questions. When we’re ready to have another kid, we will hire Jackie again.



I can’t express my appreciation and gratitude for Jackie’s presence at our birth! My sister in law asked me a few days after we got home from the hospital if I would have a natural, unmedicated birth again and the first thing I said was, “not without a doula!” Jackie was a crucial element in having the beautiful and empowering birth that I had!
I had very bad, constant back labor and if it was up to me alone I would have been at the hospital at 5am but Jackie helped my husband set up a position series in our home that allowed me to relax and rest and then when Jackie joined us at our home she provided a few more positions that helped my pelvic floor relax and get me further along. We ended up arriving at the hospital at noon and I gave birth at 2:15pm woah! 
The wild thing about our experience is that I never met Jackie in person before our birth but it made no difference, I felt 100% comfortable and safe in her presence. We hired her doula team right before the pandemic and then everything went virtual. Her team at Delivered LLC went above & beyond supporting their clients with weekly zoom sessions covering a huge array of pregnancy, labor & delivery, and postpartum topics and even some birth stories of other clients. I LOVED these sessions and wow am I very informed now! 
Jackie is exactly what both my husband and I needed. She was strong when I needed her to be direct and extremely comforting and consistent when I needed her to get thru a tough contraction. I felt pretty out of it once we got to the hospital (I was fully dilated) so Jackie was able to connect with the hospital staff and share my needs and birth preferences while my husband was always by my side, holding my hand. 
She is everything you would want in a doula and more. Don’t hesitate to connect with Delivered LLC- they are amazing! 



We couldn't be happier with our decision to work with the team at Delivered. We are first time parents who were very anxious about pregnancy and delivery during COVID 19. Even without in person support leading up to the birth, their team regularly checked in with us, provided extremely valuable information about both the birthing process and COVID updates, and helped us feel part of a caring and nurturing community of parents navigating this difficult time together. Their weekly check ins, monthly birthing classes, and resource packet helped calm our nerves about birth and feel very prepared for what was to come. 

We don't even have adequate words to express how valuable Jackie was to our birthing team. She answered calls and texts within 10 minutes, provided calm, compassionate, and helpful tips over the phone, and when she arrived at our house in person to help us labor before the hospital, she immediately helped both of us feel comforted, empowered, and provided me with needed techniques and comfort measures to get through, all while gently helping stick to my birth plan. With her help, I arrived at the hospital fully dilated and ready to push. And even her virtual advocacy helped me get a needed pain intervention once at the hospital. 

We couldn't recommend Jackie and the team more highly. The combination of experience, enthusiasm, comfort and support make them joys to work with and helped make our first birth exactly what we were hoping for. 



My husband and I are very happy about our decision to work with Delivered Doulas for the birth of our first. He was born mid April so due to COVID they were not able to be with us in person but we still really valued the support. They provided weekly check ins and support discussions for families expecting during this uncertain time, which were very valuable and comforting. And during our delivery we had constant access to Jackie through a portal so we never felt alone.

As a group they are committed to educating you about all of your options and support you to achieve the birth experience you want. The information they provide on pros and cons to approaches and interventions is all well researched and judgment free.

Jackie was fantastic and her support was invaluable. Between COVID and an unexpected induction at 38 weeks, I was very stressed and Jackie was able to keep me feeling calm and confident. Once I was being induced she helped me advocate for myself and the experience I wanted which allowed both me and my partner to feel much more confident and in control. Her post partum help was also great. She helped me be successful on my breastfeeding journey.

If you’re on the fence about working with Delivered Doulas, don’t be! You won’t regret working with them.



I am so happy with my experience with Delivered Doulas and with Jackie specifically. Jackie provided the calm, confident support that I was precisely looking for during my vaginal, unmedicated birth and in my first few weeks as a first-time mother. The prenatal workshops hosted by Delivered Doulas were extremely helpful to prepare for the birth and postpartum period. Somehow through just a few interactions before the birth, I felt I could trust Jackie’s judgement and experience, which gave me great confidence going into labor. During the delivery, Jackie’s steady presence and tips helped me manage my pain and keep me and my husband focused and confident that I could labor on without medication. Jackie has also been an invaluable source for breastfeeding advice postpartum, which I credit in great part for being able to establish an adequate milk supply and allowing my preemie baby girl to more than recover the weight she lost after birth within two weeks. In sum, I couldn’t have asked for a better doula experience!



Deciding to work with Jackie was the best decision we made in preparing for the birth of our first child.  We were on the fence about whether to use a doula and decided to late in my pregnancy due to some concerns I had with my medical practice. Luckily, Jackie was available for a late addition and met with us immediately to walk through all of our concerns and to lay out initial questions we needed to decide for our birth preferences.  She taught my husband several tricks to comfort me during contractions, and walked us through exactly what would happen during labor/delivery.  Jackie empowered me to make the decisions I wanted in an environment, time, and industry that often makes it seem women have no choice.  Leading up to delivery, Jackie was always available and immediately became a trusted sounding board after weekly doctor visits. She also helped me figure out how best to arrange a possible induction based on the doctors' on-call schedule, which would have been terribly overwhelming to do alone.  I went into labor a week before induction was necessary and the labor/delivery is where Jackie's support was most essential.  My goal was to labor at home for as long as possible before going to the hospital.  This wouldn't have been possible without Jackie.  She was an incredible resource for my husband and reassured us every step of the way.  We would have gone to the hospital several hours earlier than needed without her.  My husband was able to ease my pain with what Jackie had taught him until she arrived and was on the phone with him throughout the day.  She was by our sides at the hospital too, which removed stress from the arrival, check-in, and labor so that we could focus on my comfort.  Her presence and experience was incredibly calming, steady, and reassuring and made the whole experience go as smoothly as it can.  I would highly recommend working with Jackie. 

Anna A


Jackie was an integral part of the birth of our daughter, and one that we will be forever grateful for. From our first encounter through postpartum support, she was a calming, knowledgable, nonjudgmental, and ever-helpful presence. She immediately put us at ease in our first meeting and was willing to answer endless questions (often by text message in the middle of the night) throughout my pregnancy. She helped guide us to create a birth plan when we didn't always understand every eventuality during labor and birth. 

We ended up having a very different birth than we expected—our hospital was on diversion, so we spent several hours of labor wondering where we would end up. Jackie took the lead in helping us figure out what our next steps were and coached us effectively and with compassion by phone. She knew when to soothe and when to take control, giving us directives when the time came that were firm but never pushy, and never raising alarm. When we finally did arrive at the hospital, our baby was in distress, and although we were with a practice that tries as much as possible to avoid a C-section, that was the immediate (and urgent) recommendation. (We are so lucky, and grateful, that our daughter came out healthy and fine!) From the minute we arrived at the hospital, Jackie helped us manage my labor pains as well as the quick decisions necessary, and then once it was clear we were headed for the OR, she did what she could to make our lives easier, including parking our car and helping us get settled in our postpartum room. 

After our daughter was born, Jackie has remained available by text for advice, help, and referrals, and she provided overnight postpartum care so we could get some sleep. Her presence was a source of continuity and calm in a chaotic, transitional time. I would recommend her to anyone thinking of hiring her.



We cannot recommend doula Jackie highly enough. She was a big reason we had the birth we wanted. When the nursing staff at our hospital was experiencing high turnover, Jackie stepped in to provide some continuity and help us through our fast-moving natural birth. She helped with positioning for my wife to get the baby descending, used counter pressure to ease some of the pain, and gave me suggestions on how to help during the labor. She was a calming and centering presence in an otherwise chaotic environment. It was like a bonus to have a lactation consultant as a doula as she was key in helping the baby latch properly for breastfeeding.

We interviewed three doulas and felt a connection with Jackie. We appreciated her evidence based philosophy and that she was open to assisting no matter what type of birth we wanted or ended up having. In addition to her birth doula services we attended her birthing class and found it extremely useful. We also hired her for some post-partum night services when the baby wasn’t sleeping, and even just one night of 6 straight hours of sleep helped immensely.

We will definitely hire Jackie again if we have another baby!

Andrea Davenport


Hiring not only a doula, but Jackie as our doula was one of the best decisions we made. She served as a labor coach for a nervous first time mom and dad, who gave us the extra support you don’t get from the hospital, nurses, and doctors alone by the mere nature of busy maternity wards. 

With Jackie as my birth coach, she helped me create a informed birth plan based on her knowledge about the many medical aspects of labor and delivery. She also addressed  any concerns that arose during the course of my pregnancy via email, texts, phone calls, and in person. 

Her ability to provide comfort with pain-relief techniques including breathing / relaxation techniques, massage, and laboring positions was what appealed to us as essential for our birth experience. Jackie also encourage participation from and offered reassurance to my husband or as he puts it “helped him help me”.  She also worked as an advocate for me without getting in the way of medical staff in order to remind me of the specific desires for my birth to allow me to focus on the main goal-baby. 

After birth, she helped me with the breastfeeding process which can be particularly daunting and is not as easy as  everyone may make it seem. 

I also chose the extra benefits and skills she offers-placenta encapsulation and attended her Gentle Birth birthing class. 

She also was essential when our birth planned changed from a vaginal delivery to a cesarean. She was my support partner during an unexpected situation to walk me through the medical process, helped me feel included during the surgery, and was an emotional support during a difficult medical procedure. She even captured the moment with pictures of baby. 



Jackie helped us through my wife's labor and as a night doula for several weeks thereafter. I cannot imagine how we could have gotten through the experience without her. Jackie is reliable, smart, knowledgeable, and, above all else, trustworthy. In the frantic, joyous weeks after birth, we got lots of conflicting advice, as I'm sure everyone does. Jackie, with her years of experience and deep substantive knowledge, helped us sort the wheat from the chaff. She earned our trust. She was wonderful with my wife and with our baby. I couldn't more highly recommend anyone to help you. 

Amee Parbhoo


Jackie was such a pleasure to work with and made our birth experience as first time parents a positive and empowering one. 

We met with several doulas early in our pregnancy and were having trouble finding someone we thought was a good fit. We met Jackie through a referral from a friend and were immediately struck by her confident, calming presence and her overall approach to understanding our wishes and patiently answering all of our questions. 

We met with Jackie two times leading up to our son's birth and both times Jackie did a great job demystifying the childbirth experience and providing us with practical tools to use during labor. Once we went into labor, Jackie guided us to labor at home (one of our birth wishes) and was readily available when we needed her.  Jackie met us at the hospital and was there every step of the way -- from triage and labor to making us our son latched post birth!  She helped me relax through painful contractions, gave my partner tips and advice to support me, talked through any decisions we had to make, and made sure we felt informed and confident in the decisions we had to make. 

Post birth, Jackie came to our house one week after we gave birth to talk through the many questions we had with a new baby.  She helped correct breastfeeding positions, talk about feeding schedules, and even showed us how to use our carrier for the first time.  We texted with her with questions and she was always available as we needed it.

Jackie was amazing to work with and we can't imagine having had such a smooth and positive birth experience without her!  We will be calling her again for our next child!






We loved working with Jackie! From the start she was very educational and thorough. We decided to use a doula for the birth of our first child because we had no idea what to expect from childbirth, and I had heard great things from friends who have used doulas. My husband and I chose Jackie because we liked how she also brought a science and research perspective to the practice. Jackie answered all of our questions from the time we hired her, and also provided the information for us to make our own decisions. The night I went into labor, she communicated with us and reminded us of different techniques which I believe helped my labor progress faster. At the hospital, Jackie worked very well with the hospital staff and helped us advocate for our needs. Overall we recommend!

Robin Overby


Jackie was a tremendous resource in planning for labor and through a delivery that did not go as expected during which she was a calming and reassuring presence. Throughout my pregnancy and labor, Jackie worked with me and my husband as partners, always making specific efforts to include him in discussions and in preparing him for labor. When my labor turned towards a c-section, she provided emotional and practical support to my husband to strengthen him in his ability to support me.

We decided to hire a douhla for the birth of our first child because we wanted someone to help guide us in preparing for delivery and then to be in the room with us during labor. As neither of us have experience with labor and delivery, it  made sense to us to have a real-time resource in the room during the event. We met with Jackie and were instantly impressed with her. Through her experience, she has developed a demeanor that is professional, warm, and knowledgeable. I entered pregnancy with specific thoughts about how my labor and delivery would go, and Jackie managed to help me broaden my thinking and learn to accept that there would be factors that I could not control (which proved to be invaluable when labor arrived). We attended Jackie's birthing class in addition to our private douhla sessions with her. During both, she provided helpful, practical explanations of labor and delivery and demonstrated comfort techniques to use.

Jackie helped us to labor at home, and then when things began to move quickly, and unexpectedly, at the hospital, Jackie was there to explain to us what was going on, to remind us of our comfort techniques, to continue providing hands-on comfort support, and working seamlessly with the hospital staff. After delivery, Jackie swiftly began skin-to-skin for my baby and me and helped establish our baby's first latch. 

In short, Jackie is a wonder and we consider her a blessing to us!





As a first time mom, I really wasn't sure what to expect with having a baby and wanted someone to guide my husband and I through everything. Jackie was absolutely perfect for this! She helped us decide what we wanted, what to expect, and cleared up any misconceptions we had heard about the birth process. This made my husband and I feel empowered and much more ready to take everything on how we wanted. I ended up with an induction and Jackie was able to guide us through what they would be doing and what to expect. She was great calming support especially during the hardest and scariest part of labor for me (the pushing!) and helped everything go much smoother. Doulas are amazing for what they do, and Jackie was made for this job! She was always available, responded quickly, and was on call at any time of the day if we needed her. I am so thankful and grateful for all of her help through this life changing experience. I highly recommend Jackie as your doula, you won't be disappointed! 

Stephen Chakerian


This review is from the perspective of the husband which I hope will be of value to readers. I recommend Jackie a million times over. She was fantastic throughout the whole pregnancy. The day the labor started, things progressed surprisingly quickly and during the early hours (too early for our midwife and Jackie to be on the scene) I was completely overwhelmed. When Jackie arrived she was like a miracle worker. I can’t in a million years imagine having done the experience without her and my wife feels the same. If we have another, we will 100% be working with her again. Jackie had the perfect temperament for the whole experience, from our first meeting to baby being born.

Also, if you’re considering having a midwife and a doula, I can attest that they serve completely different purposes and it’s totally fine to have both, especially if you’re home birthing like we did.



We are so thankful to Jackie for helping us bring our second son into this world.  We were able have the birthing experience we desired with her knowledge, encouragment and coaching.  She was intergral in providing comfort techniques throughout the labor and keeping me "in the zone" mentally.  She was also acutely aware of how my husband was doing and provided him with encouragement and tips to help keep me comfortable and relaxed.  She knew exactly what we both needed at each step along the way.  She is a great listener, takes initiative without being intrusive and remains calm and professional throughout the whole experience.  We cannot say enough good things about Jackie.

Anne S.


Jackie is a fantastic doula who my husband and I highly recommend.  At every turn during pregnancy and throughout the birth, Jackie's support, encouragement, and knowledge were invaluable.  In our two meetings with Jackie prior to the birth, Jackie helped us prepare for possible and likely decisions we would need to make before, during, and after our son's birth and helped us develop our birth goals.  When we were faced with some of these decisions, we felt well equipped to ask questions of our medicial team and informed and enpowered when making decisions.  As issues came up during pregnancy, Jackie was always able to send us additional information and resources and was available by phone and text to talk through things as they came up.  Jackie's support during our son's birth was incredible.  We ended up having a long birth with several complications, and Jackie was a calm, soothing presence each time things got stressful.  She was with us in the hospital for nearly 24 hours--coaching, supporting, and doing whatever was needed for both my husband and me.  She even packed up our room while I had an emergency c-section and was waiting in our new room once I returned from surgery, when she helped my son latch for the first time.  (She's also a lactation consultant!). My husband and I can't recommend Jackie highly enough and would without question hire her again in the future.

Kathryn Wooten


We didn't know what to expect when hiring a doula, but afterwards my husband said "I would have paid ten times more for Jackie. We wouldn't have been able to do it without her!" Her calm and confident demeanor helped us through a pretty crazy unmedicated birth experience. We had no idea what to expect, as we are first time parents, and Jackie guided both of us throughout the entire experience. If you are on the fence about the need for a doula with baby #1, I say go for it 100%. We will definitely be contacting Jackie again if and when baby #2 shows up ;)



Jackie was our back-up doula, and both my husband and I wish she had been our primary doula! Jackie seemed to know all of the hospital personnel, and I wouldn't have been suprised to find out she did, after learning that she has over 15 years of experience working as a doula, and has 5 kids of her own. She provided amazing support during the last leg of my labor and particularly to my husband since I had to have an emergency c-section and he was unable to be in the OR. Jackie advocated for us to the hospital staff, calmly translating our questions/ desires to them (when we were emotionally unable to communicate). She also liaised with one of the L&D nurses to make sure we got pictures immediately after the birth. My friend had Jackie as her primary doula, and she worked very closely with my friend during the pregnancy to make sure my friend was well prepared for childbirth (my doula wasn't so helpful and I wish I had had that support during pregnancy, too!). 

Stephanie Gilkes


Jackie was absolutely amazing and I cannot imagine how we would have done it without her! We interviewed 3 doulas and Jackie seemed the most experienced, agreeable with our needs/wants, and also relaxed! We just felt a great connection. Jackie went through the birthing process and things that could happen. We had quite a few complications come up during labor. Luckily we were never panicked as we mostly already knew the answer and knew what to expect. My husband was quite reluctant about the need for a Doula, but in the end he was very happy that we had Jackie. She put him at ease and helped us both to feel empowered to be in control and be relaxed. We cannot day enough good things about Jackie... she’s the best in our book! Hopefully she will be able to deliver our next bundle as well! 



I found Jackie on this website, doulamatch.net, one sleepless night in my 40th week of pregnancy. I was very uncomfortable and ready to give birth. So I wrote her in the middle of the night and received a very warm email back from Jackie the next day. She was very up front with what she could provide me with in the way of assistance at that time. As I had no experience with doulas, and none of my family and freinds had used a doula, I didn't really know what to expect or if I really needed one or wanted one, especially in the delivery room. So I hesitated and then my delivery day came.

Next I had a newborn baby who didn't sleep much and cried a ton and I was a new mom with absolutely no baby experience and felt like a complete failure...a tired, complete failure.

So we brough Jackie in for an interview, and ask soon as she took our Vivian in her arms, and the way our baby girl seemed to enjoy Jackie, I knew we were in the right hands (literally and figuratively!). Soon, Jackie was showing us how to care for our precious baby, and I really can't say enough how Jackie helped to transform me from a nervous person with a baby to confident and capable mom. I watched how she did things, how she treated my girl, and she talked with me about all my questions and I grew to really enjoy learning as well as spending the time with Jackie, who is a very sincere and wonderful woman. I certainly grew calmer knowing that she was in our corner! And also concerned not just with the baby's well being, but mine also, as mom and baby's well being are equally important.

Bringing in a doula, and Jackie as your doula, will help guarantee to make motherhood as special as it should be, with both mom and child being nurtured to ensure a thriving family.

Should I be blessed with another child, I will certainly be calling in Jackie to help me with the next pregnancy through to post-partum assistance.



Jackie was an exceptional and important part of my pregnancy and labor/delivery journey last year. 

I am so glad my husband and I chose Jackie to be a part of my pregnancy and labor/delivery journey. Her positivity, straightforwardness and knowledge calmed any fears or unknowns we had throughout the process. I greatly appreciated her humor and honesty. She was always available to text and for calls, happy to help navigate the oddities and unexpected occurences of pregnancy with me. Her wealth of information was a huge boon to us throughout the pregnancy as well. 

Importantly, Jackie encouraged me to advocate for myself and ask my doctor any and all questions I may have had. While my delivery was not what I had originally hoped for, Jackie was there every step of the way, and now, months later, she continues to be a source of information and, most appreciated, support.



I would recommend Jackie wholeheartedly as a doula. My husband and I initially were skeptical about the use of a doula. We interviewed a few doulas who made me feel insecure about my choice of hospital, OB practice, and openess to an epidural. When we met with Jackie, she immediately put us at ease. She came to our home for an interview and listened carefully to our desires for our daughter's birth. She told us that she would help us achieve the kind of experience we wanted, whether that was a natural birth or C-section, with or without drugs. After I passed my due date, we discussed inductions and what to expect. Jackie provided handouts and helpful tips about labor, induction, and the logistics of getting to the hospital, and being armed with that knowledge was reassuring as we waited (and waited!) for our daughter's birth.

I ultimately was induced and the induction took a long time --over 2 days. Jackie was a great support by phone and text as we discussed with her the doctor's assessments. She offered some helpful guidance as we waited in the hospital (e.g., she mentioned we could ask the doctor if I could eat real food and take a shower since the induction was taking so long - a real treat after a day in the hospital with no progress!) She talked us through the options when the induction was stalling to better inform our discussions with the medical staff.

When my water was broken and labor progressed, Jackie joined us at the hospital and immediately made the room a calm place with softer lights, lavender, and a peanut ball for better positioning. Jackie interacted seamlessly with the medical staff and was respectful - without overstepping - when she made suggestions about different positions for pushing. Her suggestions and support made the actual delivery go quite smoothly. She also joined us at home a few weeks postpartum to check in on us and offered some great tips about breastfeeding and burping. I'd absolutely hire her again!

Benjamin Stewart


Jackie was an indespensible member of our birth process; I cannot imagine the birth of our first child without her. Jackie was proactive when we needed it, and kept us calm in the storm of increasingly complicated pregnancy information.

I believe Doulas are integral for new parents, and I cannot recommend Jackie enough!

Lauren Weinstein


Jackie was unbelievable, and I will absolutely work with her again when it comes time for baby number two.

During my pregnancy, Jackie was fully available to answer questions and provide advice. She was particularly helpful in walking us through a birth plan.  There was so much we didn't even know we had to decide, and she explained everything expertly. She also pointed us to evidence-based resources when we wanted more information. And she taught us comfort techniques that we put to good use during labor.

In the last weeks of my pregnancy, Jackie made many suggestions about things to try to get the baby to come.  More importantly though, she was there for emotional support while I was struggling with the end of my pregnancy. She was a real comfort as I prepared for an induction when baby decided she was just too comfortable to leave on her own.

My labor turned out to be very long and exchausting (about 40 hours), and I'm not sure how my husband and I would have gotten through it without Jackie. She came quickly when we called her, even though it was 2am on Thanksgiving Day.  Once with us, she was  positive and immediately got to work massaging me and helping me work through contractions.  I actively labored unmedicated with my husband for about 5 hours using comfort techniques that Jackie taught us.  Jackie, my husband, and I actively labored together unmedicated for another four hours. She also made suggestions about positions to help get the baby lower in my pelvis that my doctors agreed with and used.

Once my water broke, about 10 hours into active labor, things became much more intense. I was screaming in pain and unable to really communicate. Jackie was an expert and remained calm throughout. She was a huge help to my husband during this time when he was really distrssed.

She also took beautiful pictures of our new family. Jackie gets our highest recommendation.

Steve Huber


From the moment we met Jackie, we knew she would be the perfect Doula for us! Jackie’s knowledge, temperament, and approach was amazing. My wife and I are first time parents. We knew we needed someone to help us pre-birth, during labor, and postpartum, and Jackie provided impeccable support through all three phases. Jackie let us know what to expect, how to prepare for labor, and thoroughly answered all of our questions. Jackie was always supportive and provided a nonjudgmental environment. During labor, Jackie was attentive to my wife and always anticipated her needs. Jackie made the entire pregnancy experience wonderful. I would highly recommend her.

Zeehan Mirza


Both my husband and I would highly recommend Jackie as a doula. We had Jackie during the birth of our first baby in a hospital. When I first found out I was pregnant, I wanted stay with my OBGYN and did not think about having a doula. It was when my husband and I decided to go into the Midwifery program at our hospital, we started our journey on natural birth and understood the value of having a doula during pregnancy and delivery. When I met Jackie, she listened to me without any judgement and she reminded me that she would be my advocate and I am empowered to make my choices. She was very knowledgeable and experienced of the entire birthing process, which made me trust her throughout this journey. At the beginning of my pregnancy, I was very nervous about my birth. By the ed of my 3rd trimeter with Jackie's guidance, I became more comfortable and empowered and was looking forward to the birth of my baby. My husband was also very nervous about the actual delivery, and having Jackie there was a relief for him as we were able to rely on her during stressful times. I went to the hospital preparing for a natural birth, but I also mentally prepared myself for emergency cases. I knew, in any case, Jackie would be my advocate. I'm happy to say that I had a wonderful experience of natural birth.

Marciela DeGrace


We can't say enough good things about Jackie! Jackie provided both birth and postpartum support for us. As a first-time mom, I found the process of preparing for birth daunting, especially since I wanted an unmedicated birth. Jackie's support in sessions before the birth provided me with great resources to prepare for the birth I wanted and made me feel confident. They also helped my husband - she provided us a lot of information on ways he could support me and it made him feel more prepared. Jackie provided excellent support at the hospital and, when things didn't go as we had planned and I had to be induced, helped me remain calm and in control of our birth experience. I have such great memories of our birth process in a large part because of Jackie.

The postpartum support was even more valuable to us than the birth support! Taking home a newborn, figuring out breastfeeding, and trying to know if we were doing things "right" - it was hard! Having Jackie provided lactation consultant support and daytime and overnight support helped us stay sane in those early weeks as we learned how to care for our baby and support each other. I know my husband felt better about his return to work knowing that Jackie would be able to stop in and help me for daytime postpartum shifts. Her tips for getting our baby to nap and sleep well at night are still so helpful. I've gone to a few moms groups since having our child and can see how lucky we were to have such early support from such a knowledgable and supportive person - it really helped us start parenthood out right.



We highly recommend working with Jackie.  We've already recommended her to others.  Jackie is very experienced and was great at striking a balance between professional yet familiar.  She's good listener and was very responsive to our needs, calls, and texts.  We were impressed with her ability to smoothly work with hospital staff at Walter Reed where we had our baby without ruffling feathers but still helping us advocate for our needs and desires.  We had a long birth with unusual circumstances and Jackie made it a much better experience than it otherwise would have been.  We'd be happy to work with Jackie again.

Kayla Roberts


Working with Jackie was fantastic. She was very knowledgeable and reassuring throughout my pregnancy and labor. From the first meeting, I was confident that we would have a great experience with Jackie - she was able to answer questions and explain things easily to my husband and I. When creating our birth plan, she was able to talk us through our options and was not judgmental at all (for example, I knew I wanted an epidural, and while a lot of Doulas try to discourage it, Jackie had no such reaction; she just made sure I was aware of my options and knew what comfort measures to use until I was ready to ask for one). We were able to text/email her any time with questions and she was quick to respond. When she didn’t have the answer right away, she researched it for me and got back to me quickly.

When I went into labor in the middle of the night, Jackie talked me through laboring at home (according to our plan) for as long as I could. When I finally went to the hospital, she arrived shortly thereafter and immediately sprung into action making sure I had everything I needed, reminding me to eat and drink to keep my energy levels up, and being there for my husband and I as we made decisions along the way (explaining options and talking us through what it all meant without pressuring us in any way). She stayed with us until about an hour after my daughter was born and scheduled our home visit for shortly after we left the hospital. She was also a great resource as I struggled through breastfeeding early on and was always very supportive and responsive. I highly recommend Jackie and could not be happier with my birth experience. (My husband also sings her praises and felt so much more comfortable and confident having her with us; it was huge for him to have the support as well so that he was not stressing about making sure I was being taken care of).

Beth Miller


Jackie is INCREDIBLE! She was such a great resource during my pregnancy, labor & delivery and postpartum. Jackie made us feel at ease with each meeting and interaction. My husband and I moved to DC 6 weeks before my due date.  Jackie quickly and comfortably helped us get up to speed on our birth plan and comfrotable with the birthing process.  We both felt comfortable asking questions at all hours.  She is very responsive and we never felt judged on our choices.  During the labor process Jakcie supported myself, husband and family members. Everyone had a taks to support me. She worked in tandom with the nurse and doctor to help move the baby down. Without Jackie, I am sure I would had a C/Section and other complications(he was a big baby!).

We are so happy to have had Jackie by our side during this process.  We are looking forward having her support during our next pregnancy.

Ainsley Cohen


Jackie was our doula at the birth of our son, our first child. She was an incredible help both to me and my husband through the pregnancy and delivery. In the planning stages she was able to make things seem a bit less scary and was always able to explain what our choices would be without pressuring us one way or another. We both really felt that she listened to us.

I had a 40 hour labour and Jackie was present with us the entire time, first on the phone and then in person when we asked her to join us. Having her with us continuously in the hospital was extremely comforting as the nurses and doctors came and went. While everyone else was asleep she was there to talk to me!

I credit Jackie with helping me to avoid a cesarian, something I really didn't want and was very safely able to avoid. I was feeling pressured to 'get a move on' and go that way, but Jackie kept suggesting other things that I was able to relay to the doctors, who agreed.

In the end my son was born very healthy and without a cesarian section. I cannot say enough good things about Jackie -- and my husband gushes about our experience with her!

Laura Kelly


We LOVE Jackie! We had a natural water birth planned at a birth center and we got all those things, but Jackie really made our experience comfortable and comforting! Firstly, she is always available before and after birth for lots of prenatal and post partum questions. She has great tips and her answers are very direct, informative, and gave my husband and I confidence and understanding. She taught us how to swaddle, car seat, and helped me so much with breastfeeding : latching and overall questions while baby and I tried to figure it out. At the birth, Jackie used counter pressure on my back for HOURS. It was physically demanding and she never quit! Every contraction she pressed down hard and made it so much more manageable and gave me comfort (which my husband appreciated bc this allowed him to maintain eye contact with me and hold my hands and face-which I needed emotionally!) It may be a couple of years before we decide to have another baby, but we know we will call her immediately! She is the best and we can’t imagine this experience without her. We’re so grateful to her !

Sydney Schneir


I cannot say enough about Jackie.

If I'm being honest, I was very skeptical about having a doula during my pregnancy. After meeting Jackie, my opinion changed and I knew I wanted her on my side. She quickly understood me and my husband, and knew how to work with us to help us have the experience we wanted.

For those of you who are Type A personalities, love science-based information, and appreciate straightforwardness from your team, Jackie is the one for you. As someone who is less "emotional" and more data-driven, Jackie is exactly who I needed. She let me and my husband make our own decisions, but helped us navigate the information we were getting from the nurses and doctors while we were at the hospital. She also stayed with us during an epic labor and delivery (about 36 hours!).

After our daughter was born, I couldn't thank Jackie enough. Would I have made it through a tough delivery without her? Sure. Would I have wanted to? Absolutely not. Having her by my side every step of the way was invaluable.

Noel Cooney


Jackie went above and beyond throughout our birthing experience (before and after).  She  gave us peace of mind during every aspect and helped us to make the best decisions to keep baby and mommy safe. Her expertise made tough decisions easy and her techniques helped to take our minds off the scary procedures (Epidural placement and c-section). Jackie was kind, respectful, and fun to work with! We could not have done it without her. We will definitely be using her when we have our next child.

Catherine Shelley


My husband and I made a last minute (38 weeks) decision to hire a doula for the birth of our second son. We could not have been more pleased with Jackie's confidence and committment to helping our family. She made herself completely available to us despite the short notice. She immediately provided us with reminder tips and tricks in the event I went into labor before scheduling a session to fully discuss our hopes/plans for the birth. Luckily we did get to have that session, which left my husband and I ready for the big day. I appreciated Jackie's approach to discuss what we wanted, but also to review scenarios that were not part of our plan. It gave me a clear sense that whatever happened on my son's birthday, we were prepared.

On the big day, Jackie was the perfect addition to our birth team. During my quick labor, Jackie provided a peace and calmness to the room. She gave my husband ideas of what to do as well as giving my physical support during contractions. I highly recommend Jackie!

Rita Gonzalez


We had a wonderful experience with Jackie! I instantly felt comfortable with her upon meeting her. Her years of experience and confidence in her abilities made choosing her an easy decision. She offered help and guidance in a nonjudgmental way and was willing to do anything she could to help ease our transition to life with two kids. She was always on time and focused 100% on our family while she was here. She was proactive and took initiative to get things done without me having to ask. It was as if I had cloned myself when she was here - helping pick up around the house, feeding and entertaining my older child, helping me with caring for our new baby. During quiet times in the house she was also a great person to talk to about the daily struggles of motherhood. She is the whole package! Would choose her again in a heartbeat!

Shana Gerber


"She's the one!" That's what my husband and I said to each other after we met with Jackie for the first time.

Jackie was both our Birth and Postpartum Doula. She is an extremely calm and levelheaded person, she provides sound advice and doesn't make things overly complicated. Always supportive, she is extremely knowledgeable and has many resources to share. Jackie is also a certified Lactation Consultant, which was extremely helpful to me. She is everything we could have asked for in a Doula and more!

Erin Blasco


Jackie took incredible care of us during and after the birth of our daughter. She took our preferences and personalities seriously and warmly tailored everything to us--we really felt like individuals, which is important because hospitals sometimes feel very anonymous and cold.

Jackie was so helpful at the hospital. She had dozens of tricks up her sleeve as far as comfort measures, helped my husband implement new and better ways to support me, assisted in translating some of the confusing moments, liaised exceptionally well with hospital staff, and made the whole thing go much more smoothly than it would have otherwise. She anticipated what we might need before we could and provided it before we'd think to ask. At a time when you're very overwhelmed, that is priceless.

After our daughter was born, Jackie stuck with us. It was HOURS that she stayed by our side. I needed to chat and process what had just happened and she totally got that, keeping me company with her positive-but-realistic attitude. In the recovery room, we only got occasional visits from hospital staff, so we needed to be quick and efficient about making requests, asking for more information, and getting what we needed from them. Jackie helped us strategize how to verbalize all of this in a to-the-point kind of way that the staff could act upon. "Next time she comes back, let's figure out what you want to say to get what you need," she said a few times. She didn't speak FOR us to the staff, which I think is important--she empowered US to be our own advocates, which can be tricky after an exhausting experience like the one we'd just had! So her support was vital. I've spent so little time in hospitals that I would have been totally lost trying to navigate all that on my own.

We had a great experience with Jackie and highly recommend her.

Paul Voosen


It's hard for my wife and I to imagine a better doula than Jackie! She played such an incredible and invaluable role in the birth of our son; we honestly don't know how we would have done it without her. From our first meeting, Jackie exhibited a calm, empathetic behavior. She listens and engages with your needs and personality. While deeply knowledable and experienced, Jackie never let her own birth experiences shape our birth. She prepared us and helped us think through our desires. She was communicative on phone, email, and text. And when the day came, she was a rock, a calm head who helped us emotionally and intellectually, always there through a long 24 hours of labor. And her visit afterward to guide us in our care was a joy -- and sorely needed!

You can't go wrong with Jackie. She has our full endorsement!

Melissa Ruseler


Jackie is warm, supportive, focused on her clients' needs & wants, and knowledgeable - we are so glad she was our birth doula and highly recommend her!

Jackie was very responsive and supportive of our birth 'philosophy' (aiming for unmedicated birth, with a focus on evidence-based decisions). In the lead up to birth (via home visits + text/email/calls whenever we needed them), working with Jackie gave us the info, tools and most of all confidence to face the birth with excitement. She treated us very much as individuals - giving us advice & info tailored to our needs, desires & circumstances, not based on her agenda or just generic advice (e.g. she prepped me on what to expect for myself & baby after birth given my gestational diabetes; she recommended a great app when she found out I was interested in hypnobirthing etc). On the big day things were more fast-and-furious than expected: with Jackie's coaching (via my husband via phone/text, & in person) we were able to labor calmly & confidently at home despite this, and she also made sure we made it on time to hospital (when Jackie was firm we needed to get moving!). Once at hospital things went "off plan" (surprise breech baby resulting in c-section), but Jackie's support & prep - including helping us think through "what if" scenarios like a c-section - enabled us to ask questions and make decisions quickly & confidently, and advocate for what we wanted (e.g. we successfully lobbied for early skin-to-skin in the OR). After birth, her lactation counselling skills were especially helpful to get a successful first feed, and also in subsequent days (postpartum visit + via text/calls).

Throughout the whole process Jackie was caring, reassuring, positive, interested in us and our baby, and focused on helping us have the best possible birth... Even though the birth didn't go to plan, it was a very positive experience and Jackie was key to helping us acheive that.

Joan Xie


It was a great experience to have Jackie as our doula.  She is knowledgeable, accountable, and responsive.  On top of that, she has a sweet and nice personality, which makes the communication easy and pleasant.  I had an induced labor with Pitocin.  My contraction started strong and was consistent.  Her massage techniques helped me survive without epidural for seven hours.  After my child was born, she stayed a couple hours to help us situated and got a hand on breastfeeding.  The postpartum visit was extremely helpful, filled with tips about baby caring, from holding, feeding, burping to calming the baby.  I can't say enough about how awesome Jackie is!

Janelle Benitez


Jackie was my doula for my first child born November 2017.  She was great from the start!  She came over to my house and went through what to expect, it was so thorough I regretted signing up for a childbirth prep class because she covered a lot of the information. She was very available to me through email if I had any questions leading up to delivery day.  On the day I got admitted to the hospital things were not going as I planned and Jackie talked me through the options and what to expect.  She was great at giving guidance while not making feel pressured to do anything specifically.  I truly felt that she was most interested in doing whatever is best for me and supporting whatever decision I made.  Finally, where I think Jackie helped me the most was in her postpartum support.  I was so overwhelmed w/breastfeeding, panicked in fact.  I called her and she took the time to talk me through the issues I was having, she even planned to visit the next day.  It really was a lifesaver.  She brought some supplies to help with the issues I was having with breastfeeding and gave me tips.  I can't tell you how relieved I was to have her there to answer questions.  She has so much experience I feel she could handle whatever comes her way calmly and gracefully.

Stephanie Ciechanowski


We used Jackie for the birth of our first son - simply put, Jackie was wonderful! She met with us several times in advance of the birth, and we learned a lot about preparing, packing our hospital bag, making a birth plan, and different comfort techniques.  She even gave us information on products we needed to have on hand after the baby was here - we definitely felt prepared going into the birth. On the day our son was born, Jackie was responsive to my text inquiries early in the morning when I started having signs of early labor.  She checked in with me regularly, and coached me over the phone on different techniques to help my baby settle into the proper positioning and for my contractions to gradually get longer.  My husband and I both talked with Jackei throughout the early labor stages, and when we asked, she promptly came to our home.  After laboring together at our house, she helped us decide when the best time was to head to the hospital, considering traffic and distance and my labor.  We definitely were more successful in our transition to the hosptial thanks to Jackie! I wanted a natural childbirth experience, and Jackie was great about supporting that. I labored at the hospital for nearly 12 hours before my son was born, and Jackie was present and engaged the entire time.  She was patient, encouraging, helped us into new positions when needed (and understanding when I said I didn't want to move at all!), held my legs when I needed counterpressure - and in the end, helped me achieve the childbirth experience I wanted.  We also used Jackie for her lactation consultant services, and she was a great coach for helping me ensure my son latched early and we had a successful breastfeeding experience.  It was great to have a continued relationship with Jackie after we got home to make sure we made a smooth transition.  I would highly recommend Jackie to anyone who wants an expeirenced, calm, and supportive doula.

Hanna Chouest


My husband and I had the pleasure and luck to have found Jackie and have worked with her for the past year throughout my pregnancy and recent birth of our first daughter.  Jackie supported us as we put together our birth plan and helped us recognize what was important for us during the pregnancy and at the birth, without judgment.  For us this ultimately included a change in providers at 31 weeks, a stressful experience. Jackie was with us the whole way.

We selected Jackie because of her openness, her nonjudgmental stance on all birthing options, her experience both as a mother herself, as a doula, a lactation consultant, and as a former emergency services provider.  Her experience meant that no question was too out there and she brought with her a sense of calm and assuredness that was so helpful to us as first time parents. She has always been available to us via phone and email for any question or concern that arose. She is very responsive and always had a positive attitude about any of my questions.

At the birth itself, Jackie was a calming influence. She ensured that the hospital providers supported our birth plan and brought with her many tricks and tools to help me get through the physical and mental challenges of a natural birth. She also helped my husband be an active participant in the birth of our daughter.  Her presence and reassurance was so instrumental to my having a positive birth experience.

Since the birth of our daughter, Jackie has checked in routinely and has helped address breastfeeding challenges.  She is wonderful with our daughter and demonstrates care for both me and our daughter on a regular basis. I can't recommend Jackie enough and would absolutely ask her to be present at the birth of our next child.

Amanda Shulak


Jackie was an amazing addition to our birth process. I had a high risk pregnancy and was very nervous about the delivery. Jackie fully prepared us for everything that would happen and helped us make decisions ahead of time, which made me feel more confident. From the moment I went into labor, Jackie was there to support us and answer questions. At the hospital, she helped us follow through the plan that we had made in advance. Also, she was invaluable in helping translate what was going on with the doctors and nurses. After the delivery, Jackie came once a week and helped with everything we needed - breastfeeding, my recovery, caring for a newborn. Anyone would be lucky to have Jackie as part of their birth experience.

Heather Tompkins


My husband was initially skeptical of the cost of hiring a birth doula, so the fact that he leaned over to me to whisper, “worth every penny” as we were walking out the door to the hospital is probably the best endorsement of the support and guidance we received from Jackie.

When we first met Jackie, we were impressed by her calm and matter-of-fact demeanor, and I knew that was the type of presence I wanted around me during my labor and the delivery. When the day came for our daughter to be born, Jackie’s calm attitude gave me reassurance that I was in control and could handle everything to come. Even before she made it to our home, she gave my husband specific instructions on how to help me through the contractions in a way that allowed him to have confidence and be an active participant in the process.

We also greatly appreciated Jackie’s extensive knowledge and responsiveness to our questions before the birth. She facilitated our creation of a birth plan by providing pros and cons of different interventions, educating us on what to expect at the hospital, and helping us to define our priorities and goals for the birth. She did this all with an unbiased and nonjudgmental attitude that was respectful of our preferences.

Most of all, we recommend Jackie as a caring, compassionate advocate for her clients. When our daughter ended up in the NICU a couple days after the birth, Jackie was in touch to provide us with emotional support. The fact that she reached out even though this was outside of her contractual obligations meant the world to us, and we are so grateful.

Alexandra Kane-Weiss


Jackie embraced our family the minute she started as our postpartum doula, days following the birth of our son. She provided invaluable support, whether helping take care of our infant, providing assistance to keep things going and organized in our house, or engaging our toddler. Her compassionate and caring nature, calming influence and ability to anticipate and meet the needs of our family were indispensable. We feel very fortunate that Jackie was our postpartum doula. Any family that has Jackie's support is extremely lucky.

Debbie Parnes


Jackie’s presence was very calming. The moment she arrived at our door, we took a deep breath and felt more at ease. As first-time parents, we questioned every decision we made, and she helped us feel more confident in decisions we made. The same way we felt about the nurses in the hospital, we immediately felt about Jackie – we could trust her to watch our son. When I woke during the night to nurse our son, Jackie sat with me and we talked the entire time. That helped me stay awake and alert during the nursing sessions. She also educated me greatly during these times. I picked her brain about everything and anything. I also felt comfortable sharing how I was feeling in those moments, and I truly feel being able to speak with her overnight about my emotions helped me successfully “cope” with those first days of motherhood in a way that I’m not sure I would have been capable without her. For me, those nursing sessions were the most important part of the support I got from her. For my husband, it was probably the full nights of sleep he got. And for our son, he had someone taking wonderful care of him and helping his parents figure out what to do with him!!

Leona Blustein Binnfeld


After giving birth to my second son about 4 months ago, I was filled with hopelessness, exhaustion, and overall anxiety having to balance a full household with my already active 3 year old son and knowing that I'm going back to work in 6 weeks! After seeking help from others, I was SO lucky to have found Jackie. She has truly been the glue that has kept it all together for us. Initially I felt quite embarrassed that I wasn't able to handle taking care of my newborn, but what I found was that I was making the best decision for the entire family by having Jackie help us during the evening/overnights. I can actually function the following day after she's been with us and can provide quality time for the entire family. Jackie is professional, passionate in what she does, and extremely knowledgeable. I trust her completely with my baby boy and know he is in good hands (literally!)

Birth Availability for Jackie Prescott

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-17-2024

Postpartum Availability for Jackie Prescott

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-17-2024