Kate Wood CD(DONA) Photo

Kate Wood CD(DONA)


Big Rock, IL Service range 40 miles

Birth Fee


Birth Fee


Birth Doula Experience

1 years and 11 births attended

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, July 2023

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 3

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals
4 of my 5 kiddos were born at a hospital with midwives

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers
My first child was born at a birth center

Attends home births? Any Home Birth
I do not attend planned unassisted home births.

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Antepartum doula support
  • Cloth diapering education
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Russian

Fee Details

I believe every woman who wants a doula should have a doula! My fee includes one prenatal meeting, continuous labor support, immediate postpartum and breastfeeding support, one postpartum meeting and email/text/phone support throughout the pregnancy. I'd be glad to set up a free consultation with you!

Service Area

Big Rock, IL Service range 40 miles

Client Testimonials for Kate Wood CD(DONA)

Post a testimonial for Kate Wood CD(DONA)

Lisa Grahn


Kate was an absolute blessing to have for our baby boy's birth on May 21, 2024. What was supposed to be a routine, scheduled 40 week non-stress test and appointment in the afternoon after a work day quickly became evident that labor was progressing. Kate was able to quickly arrive at our birthing center in Burr Ridge just in time to assist with breathing strategies, comfort measures, and emotional support for me. She worked side by side with my husband, our midwife, and nurses to help make our birth such an empowering one. Her level of care is superior and her demeanor brings peace during a very physically taxing time of childbirth.  I would undoubtedly recommend Kate as a doula to any mother who is wanting a knowledgeable advocate and additional support person during birth. She went above and beyond to meet my family's needs. I am forever grateful for her being there for me for my first childbirth and I hope to have the pleasure to work with her for subsequent pregnancies in the future. 

Sara Kenzie


Kate was my doula for my second child, born in December 2023, and I could not be happier with my experience, from our initial meeting, to the actual birth, to the follow-up. She was recommended to me by my first doula, and in turn, I would absolutely recommend her to anyone looking for a doula.

My labor began at home on Christmas day, and we headed to the hospital about 1am that night. Once I got there, I immediately started the process to have an epidural placed. Around 5:30am, I asked Kate to come to the hospital. When she arrived, I was not in pain, just very tired, excited and nervous. She did a phenomenal job of meeting me where I was at, and what I needed was just to talk and be distracted while we waited for labor to progress. Without having to explicitly tell her that, she seemed to know what I needed, and chatted with me for a long time, and then sensed when I was getting sleepy and encouraged me and my husband to get some rest before things picked up.

After a few hours I started having stronger and more painful contractions. Kate was amazing, and calmly talked me through them and encouraged my husband as he did the same. She knew when to step in and take the lead in order to give him a break, and when to let us have some time together.  Even when I stopped verbally responding to her, she continued support me, intuitively knowing the right balance of intensity and calmness as I progressed into the pushing stage. In addition to continuing to encourage me while I pushed, Kate also was able to take a ton of photos and videos, which I had told her ahead of time was really important to me. 

I am so grateful for Kate's role in ensuring I had the birth I wanted, and I am so happy that I'm able to look back on this birth as a completely positive experience. Kate's entire demeanor and personality is ideal for a doula. She is so calm, patient and has such a relaxing presence. I truly think she has found her calling as a doula.

Bruce and Kenia


Having Kate as our Doula made a huge positive impact in our birthing experience. As a first time mom and dad, we had so many unknowns with giving birth. With Kate we really were encouraged and supported throughout labor and birth. She truly was amazing in helping me find the right position to push and suggesting ways to get me to be the most comfortable. I know for a fact that my birth story would have been completely different if we did not have Kate by our side. In all the frenzy during labor, there is just so much to try to remember and keep traxk of and Kate was the calm and full support that we really needed at that time. We would very highly recommend using her as your doula. We will forever be grateful to her for her service on the day we brought our first son into the world. She is fantastic! 

Diane Tabilo


Kate was my doula for my 4th baby -- and I sure needed her there! As a doula myself, and this being my 4th birth, I wasn't quite sure how much of her support I would need, especially because I have a super supportive and engaged husband who has been my number one coach at my other births. Even so, I wanted her there knowing how much good support can make a difference, even if she just kept the space for my husband, ensuring he can stay at my side. Well -- I needed SO MUCH of her support. While this wasn't my first rodeo, this birth did have many firsts -- it was my first hospital birth (my other 3 were born at home) and it was a planned vaginal breech birth (my other three babies were head-down). So there were definitely some fears/anxieties going into this one that I didn't have with my others. Kate supported me through these unknowns throughout pregnancy and labor. She supported me physically as this labor was the most intense labor I have had (contractions were so intense in my pelvis, down my thighs, and in my back). I needed my husband to rub my shoulders and her to apply counterpressure on my thighs. She also supported me emotionally as I needed reminders through each contraction that it would end and that I could do this. She worked so well with the hospital staff -- they had only but wonderful things to say about her. Having a doula who's a team-player is so key! She was by my side the whole time, stepped in wherever she was needed, took my feedback of where I needed the counterpressure so graciously, and even took pictures throughout (which is so great even if just for the timestamp to be able to piece my birth story together). She also got some videos of after the birth of my reaction and of me holding my baby which are so special. Kate is an amazing doula and you won't be disappointed hiring her! I'm so glad that she was at this birth and can't imagine have getting through it without her!

Ashley Adkins


Kate was our doula for the birth of our daughter and I am so thankful for her help, skilled knowledge, and support she provided before, during, and after the birth. I met with Kate prenatally and we discussed our birth plan and how she could come alongside my husband to support me in labor. Kate helped support me physically with counter pressure during contractions, breathing, recommended different positions, and her calm presence helped keep the environment perfect for labor.  Kate is an incredibly skilled doula and I could not have done it without her help and support. If you are looking for a birth doula, I highly recommend her to you!   

Victoria Meeks


I am so grateful to have connected with Kate and hired her as my doula. I had a natural, unmedicated vaginal delivery of my first child, and having Kate present was by far one of the best decisions me and my partner made. During my pregnancy, Kate was available to answer questions and provide resources. Something I especially appreciated is that if she wasn't sure about something or needed to get additional info, she would always follow up later and also check in with me just because she cared. During labor, Kate was an invaluable support for not only me as the birthing person but also my partner. She used helpful affirmations and encouraging statements that were labor-specific-- things that I needed to hear at the exact moment I needed to hear them. She has such a solid intuition and a nurturing calmness that positively impacted me, my partner, and others on the birth team. Kate clearly has a natural gift and passion for this work, and I would refer anyone to her for doula services, whether it's their first baby or fifth. 

Patrick Mahoney


Working with Kate for the delivery of our first baby was comforting and easy, to say the least. She provided tremendous support for my partner and me during labor. She was a crucial part of the team. Her nurturing and calm presence alongside her use of labor-specific affirmations to my partner added to the positive experience of our son's birth. I highly recommend Kate as your doula for anyone reading this. Thanks, Kate!

Diane Tabilo


As a fellow doula, when Kate asked to shadow me for some of my births, I immediately said yes! I was her doula for her last two births -- for which she was a rockstar! As she has shadowed me, she has stepped into doula-ing with such confidence and calm and I've witnessed firsthand how wonderful of a doula she is! Her passion for birth shines so brightly and she steps right in to meet needs when she sees one. Not only does she know birth, she knows women, and she's able to perceive exactly the support and encouragement they need. The support she provides is hands-on, intentional, attentive, and knowledgeable. She is attuned to the birthing mother at every moment. I'm having my baby #4 in December and I've already asked her to be part of my birth team! I wouldn't have it any other way! You truly won't be disappointed in hiring Kate!

Hannah Flex


Kate was an absolutely amazing support during my birth expierience! She was so attentive, never left my side, and was quick to anticipate my needs whenever I needed new ways to cope. I had a water birth and really appreciated the way that Kate held my head so I could relax the rest of my body and float in the tub for an extended period of time. It was something I didn't know I needed, but Kate took the initiative to provide me with that support. It definitely made my contractions much more manageable and allowed my body to completely rest and recover. I think that was a major key to how well my labor progressed. I would love to have Kate be apart of my birth team again one day! 

Birth Availability for Kate Wood CD(DONA)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-16-2024