Portia Carter Photo

Portia Carter

Niobe Natal Doula Services

Jacksonville, FL Service range 20 miles


Birth Fee

$100 to $800

Black Doula

Birth Fee

$100 to $800

Birth Doula Experience

2 years and 6 births attended

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, July 2023

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 3

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Urgent or last-minute doula care is offered upon availability.

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

1. **Essential Birth Support Package - $800:** - 30% Retainer Fee Required Up Front - 2 Prenatal Visits - 1 Partner Prenatal Session (optional) - Custom Birth Plan - Birth Support - Call, Text, and Video Chat Support - 2-Hour Immediate Postpartum Support (Hospital Births Only) - 1 Postpartum Visit *Payment Details:* - **Retainer Fee:** 30% ($240) due upon booking. - **Remaining Balance:** Due before delivery. *Additional Services:* - **Virtual Doula Support (per session) - $50:** - For remote consultations and support. - **Extended Postpartum Support (per hour) - $40:** - Additional postpartum support beyond the initial 2 hours.

Service Area

Jacksonville, FL Service range 20 miles

Client Testimonials for Portia Carter

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Birth Availability for Portia Carter

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-31-2024