Daniella Nowicki Photo

Daniella Nowicki

Nurture Nature Doula Services

Athol, MA Service range 80 miles


Birth Fee

$0 to $2000

Birth Fee

$0 to $2000

Medicaid and Third Party Insurers

Currently approved to receive payments from the following programs:

Birth Doula Experience

13 years and 352 births attended

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, June 2017

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 2 to 3

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • Childbirth education services
  • Community health worker
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Newborn care and parenting classes
  • Photography - Birth
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Stillbirth and infant loss support
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Accompany Doula Care Doula Girl Scout leader

Fee Details

My fees are negotiable for special circumstances. I am very open to discussing any client's particular needs.

Service Area

Athol, MA Service range 80 miles

Certifications for Daniella Nowicki

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Daniella Nowicki

Post a testimonial for Daniella Nowicki



Daniella was exactly what I needed for my prenatal and delivery experiences! Having had a pretty traumatic first pregnancy and delivery, I was looking for an experienced doula who could guide me mentally, emotionally and physically through my second experience. I would also like to point out that she was instrumental in my first nursing experience as soon as delivered the baby which led to a successful nursing journey. In summary, cannot thank her enough for her gentle and knowledgeable care. 

Jennifer Wong


I love Daniella - as simple as that, and I'll tell you why. My husband and I went through the IVF process and when I got pregnant, I know that I wanted to have an experienced doula by my side to support, empower, and guide me through the birthing process. She was not only an extra set of hands, but also an expert. Daniella taught us SO much. Each time she came to our house, she gave us her full attention and time, nothing felt cut off...she taught us a lot which led us to be empowered during the birthing experience and IN CONTROL! 

I'll talk about the birthing process...in short, I could NOT have done this without Daniella. I went through a 28 hour labor and 4 hour delivery. Daniella didn't sleep the entire time and helped me be as comfortable as throughout the labor. I'd spent 6ish hours without medication, and Daniella helped me through EACH contraction and poured her heart and energy each time. We had hiccups with baby position, potential c section, and had to game plan. She was a trusted partner and consultant between my husband and I - we were like a team! She got along great with nursing staff as well and made the delivery room so relaxing and calming.


For the delivery...I spent 4 hours pushing...every contraction, Daniella was there to hold my head during the push...she was there to lay my head back down after the push, and she was there to wipe sweat off my forehead, fanned me, and massaged the pain away as I waited for the next contraction to hit. This was 4 hours straight! My husband helped hold my leg up and the nurse helped to hold the other. Daniella really gave it her all in helping me in this birthing experience and was genuinely invested in me. 

Her personality is also VERY warm...and I have no regret hiring her for my first and second births.





Every birthing person deserves a Daniella! I was lucky enough to have Daniella supporting both my births. There's so much to say but first, she absolutely transformed my experience during labor. When she walked in the whole room shifted and she put me in the best mindset even while having a really light touch. She has a serene, gentle manner but a powerful effect. No way I would have lasted without an epidural for the second birth without her. She knows how to strike up great rapport with the nurses and doctors which helps too. For pregnancy and postpartum and breastfeeding, she's an incredible resource, 100% supportive and responsive, and always growing her knowledge. She's truly the best and I'm forever thankful!

Yunji Davenport


The universe brought Daniella into my postpartum experience with my second child. After a less-than-ideal birth with my first, I wanted someone in my corner during postpartum recovery - especially overnight, when I wanted to make sure my partner could stay home with our daughter while I recovered in the hospital from a repeat C-section. I can say without a doubt Daniella is the person you want in your corner for any aspect of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. She is a guardian angel of mothers with a keen intuition, never missing a beat, but has an aura about her that radiates calm, capability, respect, and also incredible warmth and comfort. She tended to my and my baby's every need, giving him plenty of love and attention while giving me a chance to rest and heal. She advocated for me and made sure the nurses were doing what was best for me and baby. I had a wonderful, healing birth and postpartum experience this time due to Daniella's presence and the tone she set for the type of care I now know I deserve to receive. Daniella also treated me to a personal massage and decorated our room with wonderful fairy lights. She truly made the experience as good as it could be. After we left the hospital, Daniella once again stepped up for me with an urgent referral to a gem of a lactation consultant, and helped me navigate a situation when I could feel something was wrong - again, due to the tone she sets with her thoughtful care for mothers, I finally got a sense for what "right" feels like and start to advocate for myself. If you are looking to finally get the support that you deserve, I wholeheartedly recommend Daniella for any aspect of the pre, during, and postpartum experience. 



We hired Daniella to be my birth doula and it was a great choice! From the very first meeting I felt like my opinions and desires were the most important part of shaping the birth experience. I would describe Daniella as a type A personality; she showed up to our first meeting with a binder for her and a binder for me and I loved that energy! She has resources and answers for any questions you might have about pregnancy, childbirth or about raising a baby. She has book recommendations and product recommendations if you need them. She teaches childbirth classes, she is trained in spinning babies and was able to assess my baby's latch in the hospital. As a first time mom I was so grateful to have her there during my birth she knew what to say and what to try. And her bag of tricks was great, when all I wanted was a fan, she had one. She also took a few photos of the first few minutes of my babies life which I cherish. I would highly recommend Daniella as a doula. 

Alexa K


We chose Daniella to be our doula TWICE for two precipitous, unmedicated births. Daniella made me feel safe, supported, and confident through both pregnancies and both really intense, tornado-like births. I couldn't have done any of it without her.

Daniella’s skills and knowledge are impressive and she has unbelievable intuition! Daniella saved me from having an unplanned home/car birth the first time around! When I got to tell my OB about my first birth (we had to take an ambulance to a different hospital and I gave birth in the ER) and I recounted Daniella’s role, he said that she was “worth every penny.” I already knew that, but coming from an OB, it speaks volumes.

Daniella radiates light, has such a calming presence, and a fantastic sense of humor. Daniella is an incredibly special human and anyone would be lucky to have her as their doula!

Elizabeth Walsh


Having Daniella by your side during pregnancy, birth, and beyond is like having a sister that knows everything there is to know about bodies, babies and general life. She has been by my side for both of my birth journies and I am almost certain I couldn't do it without her. She is so warm, funny and knowledgeable and I love her so much! 

Marlana B


I cannot say enough wonderful things about Daniella and Nature Nurture Doula Services. From the day we hired her all the way through postpartum, she has been a constant source of support and strength for our growing family. After years of infertility treatment and loss I felt strongly that we should hire a birth doula. What I did not anticipate was how instrumental she would be in helping me manifest the birth story that I wanted and needed. Daniella was available for me day/night throughout my pregnancy, which was much appreciated as I managed the anxieties through the second and third trimesters. When I encountered some small bumps along the way (e.g., high blood pressure, failed glucose test, OB recommendations for an induction etc.) she calmed my nerves. She was extremely helpful when it came to providing me with the knowledge and tools I needed to advocate for myself particularly on the days leading up to labor. Unfortunately my induction lasted a few days longer than I had hoped it would. During this time Daniella was available 24/7 to help me navigate real-time decisions that we had previously covered in my birth plan. I can honestly say that things would have turned out very differently if it wasn’t for her. She kept the health of myself and my baby girl in mind every step of the way. She was right by my side through some really painful contractions and pushing, reminding me that “I can do this” when I said I didn’t think I could. My birth story would not be the same without her, which is why I will be forever grateful that we chose Daniella as our doula.

Christina C.


Daniella was professional, thorough, and organized as our Doula, helping us feel prepared with resources and exercises. Probably her biggest contribution for us was knowing the local hospital systems very well (we had just moved to the area) and referring us to an amazing NICU hospital after our first hospital failed to catch our daughter's abnormalities until week 28. We didn't even think we would need a NICU at that point, but it was a great call because we ended up having to stay almost 8 weeks there and we were so glad we were in the best facility possible for that, with the most caring and educated doctors and nurses. I went into labor almost 7 weeks early and because we had just switched hospitals we didn't even have the phone number or process figured out yet. Thankfully Daniella picked up the phone right away when I called her after my water broke and she guided us to the right people to call and where to go at the hospital. An emergency C-section was needed due to breech placement and early labor. She was also very helpful for recommendations for other service providers, such as a wonderful massage therapist she referred us to. She was also very compassionate during the very hard time we went through after finding out about our daughter's differences due to an unknown genetic disorder. Highly recommend!

Joanna and Alejandro


I don't know how we would survive the labor if not for Daniella. She's been amazing support from the day we started working together. She made us educated, comfortable and at ease with what was ahead of us (this was my first pregnancy). She provided guidance on how not to allow the pregancy affect my life more than needed - yoga and exercises which made me feel less achy and more happy with my body. She had a trick for every little issue I encountered. When it came to actual labor, I trully cannot imagine going through it without her support and guidance and I am speaking for my partner here too. She was a rock for both of us and made me feel safe and as comfortable as one can be given the circumstances. Working with Daniella was the best decision ever! If I was pregnant again I would not think for a second - she'd be our doula again. 



Daniella is amazing. She has hepled me with both of my pregnancies and delivery. She is a wealth of knowledge, never judgemental! She is a calming presence! I want to have another baby because I know I can do anything because of her help! She is a truley amazing and caring person! I cant say enough good things!!



If feels impossible to overstate how important Daniella was to my birthing experience. After our initial interview, I knew I found the right person. She provided the most wonderful emotional and physical support during labor. I remember at one point I was vomiting, and Daniella was next to me with an emesis bag and bottle of peppermint oil. She is always prepared with the exact thing you want in the moment. I feel so lucky to have found her. My labor was also much longer than average- I'm not sure how she managed with no sleep! She is superhuman. My advice is to hire Daniella early before she gets booked. Best decision I ever made!



I cannot speak highly enough of Daniella. Right from our first conversation, she offered genuine care for me, my husband, and our baby. Her presence is so calming and she gave me so much confidence that I could handle anything the pregnancy and birth threw at me. I apprecaited that her advice is heavily evidence-based but that she also has so many years of experience as a doula and a mother to draw on.

Daniella is so organized too which is super helpful in the hectic times leading up to the birth of a baby. She offered so many great resources in our prenatal and postnatal check ins and always followed up with detailed emails and links to anything we had discussed. Much appreciated!

During the birth, Daniella was an exceptional advocate for me. When I was no longer coping with the pain of back labor and transition, she made sure that my needs were communicated to nurses based on our prenatal conversations. She also had lots of tricks to help me get through the most intense contractions. It was quite a traumatic birth with a long pushing periosdbut Daniella made it manageable. She was also wonderful at following up with me after the baby was born, right from the first day through to several weeks postpartum. 

Thank you so much Daniella! We will never forget the exceptional support you gave our family in one of the most intense 24 hours of my life!

Jessica Fujimori


Daniella is an absolute treasure! In the months leading up to our daughter's birth, we had several virtual meetings with Daniella that left us feeling prepared and confident. During our 14-hour home birth, her knowledge, warmth, and calming presence made me feel so safe and comfortable. Daniella always seemed to know exactly what would make me feel more relaxed, from setting up pretty lights around the dark room to gently stroking my head during contractions. We feel so lucky and grateful to have had Daniella to guide us through the birth of our first child!



Daniella is a truly special soul and she couldn't be better suited for helping other souls enter the world . Her knowledge and experience are invaluable and seemingly endless. But more importantly for the birthing person (and any other support people along for the ride), her amazing energy, kindness, patience, authenticity and humor. As a first timer I cannot imagine my birth experience without her and neither can my husband. Like most births, it didn't start off at all how I hoped or expected, and it was a long twisty turny adventure, but with Daniella by our sides I felt so confident, comfortable and safe. I know with certainty that I would not have felt empowered or nearly as safe without her presence, despite the fact that I had a wonderful hospital team. I also noticed how she brought adorable thoughtful little gifts for the nursing staff. That really captures her essence - very thoughtful, generous and full of light and laughter. A true professional with amazing experience and wisdom, and also a fantastic human = rare gem.

Kimsley Avalo


I will forever be grateful for Daniella! She is so knowledgable in her field and offers so much helpful information in helping to plan an ideal birth experience for your own wants and needs. I felt much more comfortable making decisions and advocating for myself after all of our prenatal meetings with Daniella. She made herself available to us by text and email and was always very prompt with her responses. We felt so supported and cared for by her throughout pregnancy, labor and delivery. Once she arrived at the hospital for labor the whole vibe of the room changed. She calmly guided me through breathing exercises and offered words of reinforcement. Not only did she support me but she also supported my husband and taught him ways he could help me. If you are questioning if you want or need a doula, YOU DO! I cannot recommend Daniella enough, you will not be disappointed. 

Stephan Neville


Daniella was absolutely amazing. During all the pre labor visits she put my wife and I at ease with her knowledge and her ability to explain the intricacies of what we were going to experience throughout the pregnancy and the birth. She noted all of the things we envisioned and helped us to tailor our birth preferences to best communicate with the hospital.
During labor is where Daniella showed she was a true Rockstar 10 out of 10. We got to the hospital around 1AM and Daniella followed shortly after. Active labor went on at the hospital for nearly a full 24 hours and Daniella was there every step of the way. She eased my wife into positions to aid with contractions. She gave great advice when presented with different options as minor complications arose. She was translator when nurses and doctors would spit medical jargon at us. And when things took a turn in a direction that went against our birth preferences (due to medical necessity) she helped walk us through our options so we could make the best choices for Mom and baby.
Daniella stayed through the birth and a couple hours after until we were settled with our newborn. She always made us feel like we had a knowledgeable super birth expert on our side throughout the entire process. I cannot recommend Daniella enough.

Christine N


I could not possibly advocate strongly enough or express how invaluable Daniella was during the birth of our son and months leading up to.  She is absolutely incredible at all things pregnancy/labor/birth/postpartum/babycare but also at knowing her clients and what they need.  She is exceptionally gifted at reading people and taking the correct action for that person in that moment. For anyone who is reading and not sure if a doula is "necessary" or "worth it" I would love to tell them 100% yes. Daniella met with my husband and I 3 times before delivery, was an amazing sounding board and expert as my due date was approaching and the doctors were talking about inducing me. With Daniella's help I went into labor 2 days early!  During labor she was with us the entire time.  In that room Daniella is a magician.  She transforms the room into a calm space, she always has an idea/ position change/ or calming technique.  She is attentive to you- your comfort- and also your partner so they can best support you.  In delivery she was holding one of my legs and was who I turned to (over any nurse or doctor) to help balance what my body wanted to do and what the medical staff was telling me to do. She is extremely professional and respectful of the medical staff- providing help but not presuming to speak over them.  For me, having fostered that relationship before the delivery room was so comforting- to have someone who knew and could advocate for me while giving me directions and translating doctor speak. In postpartum I cannot stress enough how comforting and necessary she was.  There are so many questions that happened to us over the course of a day once home where we'd wonder is this normal, and we have a great pediatrician but to get able to text and get an immediate response has been an incredible surprise for us. Daniella is amazing- 100% will enhance and improve this beautiful joruney for you! 10/10 recommend!




Words cannot express how incredibly grateful I am to have had Daniella as my doula. This was our first child and I went into the process feeling scared, not knowing anything about birth. I was so afraid of the pain and how labor/birth would be. From the beginning when we met I knew she was the one. In her presence I felt safe, calm, and understood. She is extremely professional, organized, has great communication skills and provides you with everything you need to rock your birth story!  During the entire process I could reach her LITERALLY at any time.  The day I went into labor she was available 24/7.  I was so excited for her to be there with us. I felt empowered in her presence. I started this review saying that I felt scared about childbirth when I first found out I was pregnant.The day of birth, during transition and pushing, I have never felt more empowered, badass, and feminine in my entire life. Daniella helped me reach this stage and without her I wouldn’t have had the birth I planned for. It was magical. It was almost pain-free. She kept on reminding me what to do and between those strong waves I was able to completely relax and forget about everything. Our baby arrived only after 45 minutes of pushing and I had so much encouragement with her by my side. It was the birth I always dreamt of and the best day of my life. Daniella held a mirror up for me when I doubted myself the most, she helped me see how strong I was and how strong my body was. She helped my husband and I have the most memorable day of our lives, and helped us grow and love each other even more through this amazing experience. I will be forever grateful for her and needless to say she will be at my next birth as well.  One last note: From my baby’s birthday moving forward, I keep on looking at myself in the mirror and thinking” You are such a badass. A badass at birth”. Thank you Daniella for everything!

Jessica Valeriano


I am beyond grateful to have had Daniella as my doula during my first pregnancy/labor/delivery. She was a shining star from the moment we met, during delivery of our baby girl and postpartum period. From the very beginning she made sure we were always comfortable while having our meetings as well as during labor. Before labor, we got to know her and ask her all the questions we had. She always gave us her undivided attention. She went above and beyond w/ preparation and useful knowledge for us to have during the labor + delivery process, fully present and energetic as well as responsive the entire time to both myself and my husband. I felt amazed at how much support she provided. It was incredibly relieving to know I was not alone. She was able to provide me with guidance, specially as a first time mother who did not know what to expect during labor. I felt confident in my choices and decisions but also empowered because of her help, knowledge and support. She has a wonderful sense of humor in the midst of me feeling fearful or uncertain. Above all she is a true professional. When I say my labor experience wouldn't have been the same without Daniella, I mean it. She already knew how I was feeling and what was coming before I expressed it. She had multiple pain management tools at hand and definitely helped labor by using them at the right time to calm down, relax or to help me not focus on the pain. Her verbal/physical support with constant positive reinforcement helped me get into the mindset that I was more than capable of birthing my child. Daniella being there also gave my husband ability to rest so that when it came time to push he was able to support me. She gave us space for that intimate moment but made sure to let us know she was still right there to give us guidance/support as needed. Postpartum, she continuously checked on us and helped incredibly w/ breastfeeding (she is also a lactation counselor) I truly cannot recommend her enough!!!



Daniella was such an amazing support person throughout my pregnancy. She was there whenever I needed her or had a question about anything. She was a great match for me. I learned new things from her. She has always been so thoughtful. I had an amazing birthing experience thanks to her! It was a dream come true. After going through an induction in my first delivery, I wanted my second time to be better and Daniella helped make this happen for me. I had an all natural birth in a hospital setting which was my dream all along and during my long labor there were times I thought of giving in to pain medication but Daniella's support helped me through. All those encouraging words and the massages and everything was just wonderful. After my birthing experience, I kept going over it in my head for days with a smile on my face. It was truly AMAZING! I feel like telling everyone about my delivery unlike my first one where things hadn’t gone the way I wanted them to. Thank you once again Daniella for giving me this beautiful experience, making my dream come true! 



I have no words to describe Daniella and how magnificent she is. What she does goes so far beyond “services provided”. She is a Godsend that was my guardian angel during my entire birthing experience, before, during and after. My water broke and I started having contractions about 42 hours prior to giving birth to my beautiful baby boy. I experienced excruciating back labor and Daniella was attached by my side being my advocate, soothing me, coaching me, and basically allowing me to truly have a joyous experience despite how difficult it was in the moment. At one point I remember opening my eyes and instantly becoming terrified thinking she had left my side, but she was just on the other side ready and willing to do anything to help me through it all. I would have never been able to do half of what I did without her by my side. Even after the birth she shared so much love, compassion, and knowledge and insight with us at a time when we were needed her much more than we had realized. Did I mention her incredible photography skills?? This woman has it all. Our son was born a day before her birthday. We would be the luckiest to have him take after her, even just a little bit ??. Daniella is so much more than just a doula. She is a first and foremost a compassionate and beautiful human being, inside and out. It would be a blessing to have her by your side.



I have been meaning to write this review for months now! Of course, everytime I sat down to organize my thoughts, something came up. As I approach my daughter’s first birthday, I feel a huge need to share with everyone how impactful Daniella was for my pregnancy and overall birth experience. I knew I wanted a doula from the very moment I realized I was pregnant. I researched so much about the overall benefits of having doula during birth, and the data was mind blowing. I knew I wanted the emotional support and the knowledge to guide me through my first pregnancy and birth. Daniella was everything I could have asked for and more! From the very moment we met, she made me feel so comfortable, I knew I wanted her by my side through this journey. Daniella answered all our questions. She always provided the information and allowed us to make our own decisions. She is so caring, funny, skillful and wise! When COVID hit she was the ultimate resource! She was there when my fear of birthing alone was sky high. She helped me find a birth center in NH that was the best fit for me. I not only was able to have the water birth I wanted, but that birth center was exactly the place I envisioned. It was extremely private, calm, and “home like”. If it was not for Daniella, I never would have found that place, transferred my care and had her and my husband in the room with me. Daniella provided her endless physical and emotional support during my labor. She kept me and my husband calm and informed. I attribute my entire positive birth experience to her.  She also captured the most precious photos of the birth. Along with her support and expertise during my pregnancy and birth, she was there for me postpartum as well. She answered all my texts  AND provided breastfeeding support.  Hiring Daniella was by the far the best decision I made. Daniella, words cannot express my appreciation! If I have more children, I will be calling you! :)



Daniella is an amazing doula!
She is extremely knowledgeable, professional, patient, and kind; and she was a tremendous help to me before, during, and after the birth.
My daughter Tracy Jane was born in the middle of the pandemic(May 2020), when in the hospital only one person was allowed to accompany me. My husband had to stay home with our 2yo son and having no other family members here( we moved to the USA in March from Italy), Daniella didn't hesitate to offer herself as my partner during the delivery and the 3 days after the delivery. She helped me to ask the right questions and to make sure that I knew what was going on at each point in the process. Her calm presence and her helpful suggestions were extremely valuable. Having her there gave me the opportunity to rest and know that I was in good hands. I as well as my whole family were so grateful to have her there and to not feel alone. She even took pics of Tracy Jane and stayed in contact with my husband from the beginning. Last but not least she wore a face mask all the time.

I highly recommend her to anyone, she was a perfect stranger to me though she turned out to be an angel.


Micaelah Morrill


I met Daniella when I was about 6mos pregnant with my 2nd child. I was a little on the fence about hiring a doula but I had had an unplanned c-section with some complications with my 1st child & was very adamant about doing everything in my power to have a natural childbirth with my 2nd & last planned pregnancy. Right off the bat, Daniella made me feel good about the decision to hire a doula. She is so passionate about people having the births they want that she had me ready to sign the paperwork right there. But she also wanted to chat with my partner and make sure we all fit. Once he spoke with her, he was hesitant (about doula's in general, not Daniella) but on board. Because this was Jan. 2020, we met with Daniella once at our house & she showed me some extremely useful stretches and began the "here's how you help process" with my husband. After that, she was an amazing resource for all my questions & "ouch why does this hurt this time?" complaints. Quick to answer she was truly an amazing prep resource. And then Covid-19 hit & everything got wild. Through high blood pressure, pressure for an induction, hospitals with policies about delivery changing by the hour and ultimately delivering on the peak day of the pandemic - Daniella virtually held my hand and guided me through what was as close to the birth I had envisioned & wanted that I think was possible. What she truly excels at is empowering mothers to own their birth experience - whatever it is. And helping demystify what seems like it should be so much simpler - but is very complicated by hospitals etc. I am 3mos post-partum and Daniella is still an incredible resource. She looks out for the whole family - even bringing a gift for my 3yr old. She is amazing and anyone who gets to work with her should count themselves lucky. Daniella rocks. 



If only every woman could have a Daniella by her side. Daniella did not even get to attend my birth in person due to pandemic restrictions and even so, having her care was such a gift. Any one of the three stages, pregnancy, birth or postpartum, would have made it more than worth it to have her as our doula. From first meeting, Daniella was clearly genuine, skillfully supportive and experienced. Now I know that she is also incredibly wise. Every piece of her advice was delivered with a light touch but proved to be absolutely true. She made a huge difference in my pregnancy comfort, my ability to get through a natural birth, my postpartum recovery AND breastfeeding (she is a lactation counselor!). It's so hard to sum up her impact-- it's a hundred little things that just add up, from making a joke that helped me lighten up at the right moment, to recommending a chiropractor who saved my back, to advising me how to treat my body for the fastest possible recovery. She worked so well with me and my partner and helped strengthen us as a team. Her expertise is physiological, logistical, mental and emotional. Not only did she support body, birth and baby, but she helped me process, own and celebrate my experience. I honestly can't wait for my next local friend to get pregnant purely so I can recommend Daniella to them. I initially didn't think I wanted a doula, and now I can't imagine not having Daniella's care!



Daniella is a fantastic, caring, loving, calm, and fun person all around!! We loved our experience with her. She was so accommodating to our busy schedules when visiting pre-natal. She always spent a little more time than expected with us- working on some stretching and massage in combination with her spinning baby knowledge. In the hospital, we called her a bit sooner than perhaps we should have, but she stayed with us over 24-hours. She guided us through some positions to help the baby drop (stubborn boy!) and helped us work through some decisions as induction and pain management became reality. We loved that she was my husband’s support so he could support me.



My wife and I went back and forth on hiring a Doula. We ultimately hired Daniella and in retrospect it was a complete no brainer. I would now recommend a doula to any couple having a baby. More importantly, I would recommend Daniella. My reasons for recommending Daniella are several. She is responsive. Daniella responded to our  communications almost instantaneously. She is knowledgeable and experienced. If Daniella didn't know an answer to one of our questions, she researched and quickly got us an answer. She is passionate and dedicated. Daniella never made us feel rushed. She was with us for every minute of what turned into a three day labor. 

Ashley Blackburn


Hiring Daniella was one of the best decisions of my pregnancy. My husband and I made the decision to hire a doula pretty late in the game.When we met Daniella for the first time, I still remember looking at my husband after she left and explaining that I really liked her, but it just occurred to me that I hadn’t really thought through what personality traits I was really looking for in a doula. My husband, who is far more decisive than I am, told me that the decision was mine to make but at the end of the day he wanted to feel like he could be a “straight shooter” with whoever we hired. He wanted to be sure that his interactions with the doula felt natural. Daniella was that person for us. 

Although Daniella was only with us for a few weeks of the pregnancy, she was so helpful in my final weeks as I faced decisions about an induction. She certainly knows a lot about labor and delivery and she’s seen it all, but she doesn’t try to steer you in any one direction; she helped us make our own decisions and supported us along the way. 

When the big day finally arrived, Daniella was over at our house as soon as my husband called and she curled up on the couch with me and we watched Gilmore Girls (turns out we are both obsessed) while she discretely monitored my contractions. There was no panic or worrying about when to go to the hospital because we knew that Daniella would tell us when! At the hospital Daniella and my husband were a dream team. They effortlessly moved from hand holding to back rubbing to moving me from one position to the next. I honestly don’t know how anyone labors without an epidural for an extended period of time without a doula! If you’re looking for a down-to-earth person who feels like having a family member in the room with you (the kind of family member you actually want in the room haha), then Daniella is your doula! 



Words fall short in expressing how thankful I am to have had Daniella as my doula. She was everything I needed to make the birth of my son the most magical and empowering day of my life. I met Daniella through a community event and knew right away that her bright energy was exactly what I needed. Daniella was born to do this work and her positivity is beyond infectious. Daniella met with my husband and I in our home multiple times before my due date and postpartum--every visit was educational and gave us time to talk about our expectations/anxieties and how to deal with them. She was completely present and so attentive to our every question/concern--she made us feel like we were the most important thing going on in her day. I had trouble with anxiety throughout my pregnancy and Daniella helped me come up with some coping strategies and relaxation exercises. I was induced a week after my due date, and although I didn't go into spontaneous labor, I was determined to still have a natural birth. Daniella was by my side every moment during my labor. She was my coach and a pillar of calm reassurance for my husband and I. My husband lovingly called her our birth sherpa and he was right. During labor, she literally anticipated my every need whether I needed to change positions, a drink of water, or some extra words of encouragement. Her ability to do this so seamlessly is remarkable. Daniella's interaction with our care team was incredible. I had MULTIPLE people at the hospital come up to me to tell me WONDERFUL she was to work with. And she was :) She is a true professional. My son's birth would have been beautiful no matter what, but had we not had Daniella with us, I don't think I would have ended up with a natural birth. It would have been different, and I am so grateful things went the way they did. As first time parents, we didn't know what to expect during this amazing journey, but hiring Daniella was the best thing we did for ourselves.

Anahita Taheri


Everyone should have a doula! And everyone who can should get Danielle as their doula.
We were pretty new in Boston and I was looking for a person who could help me postpartum, similar to the midwife services in Germany.
We met Dee at a doula evening and she was from the beginning very kind and sympathetic.
We decided pretty quickly to have her as our doula and never regretted it.
Dee help us with everything: she help me to find a midwife, answered all my questions about pregnancy, birth and the first days with our newborn,
She is highly experienced and every time we met she was really well prepared, and always had the answers and information we needed.
I’m so thankful that Dee was with us the whole time of the birth. She made this special moment more special.
She also took pictures and made us a video of our birth pictures and I can’t be more thankful for that.
I really can say that I wouldn’t had this great birth without dees support.
I highly recommend that everyone who can have a doula should do that and Dee would be a great choice.

Colleen May


I met Daniella through a free program offered by my Midwife at Brigham and Women's hospital about a month before the due date. She met us after one of our appointments so we could meet her and go over our birth plan together. She was extremely informative and offered a lot of insight from her experiences both as a mother and a doula and was very open to the decisions I had made about my birth plan. She also offered a book to give me more information on the birthing process and gave plenty of different positions and tips on how to handle pre-labor contractions and pains. She gave us her cell phone number and told me I could call or text her any time. We reached out to her a few times with questions and concerns sometimes very late at night and she always answered very promptly and was happy to help. When contractions started the labor moved very quickly and she was able to meet us at the hospital just as we finished checking in. She was with us throughout the entire process from the waiting room to the recovery room. She made sure I had all the pillows, blankets, drinks, and anything else I needed. Every contraction she was by my side calming me down helping me through breathing exercises and putting me in different positions to ease the pain. She also offered a massage to me and my husband! I decided to deliver all natural and she got me a room with a birthing tub which helped a lot when my contractions got stronger. As I got into the transition period where the pain was at the highest she kept me motivated to continue without medication and did everything she could to help me through the pain. Once we got into active labor she was right by my side helping me again with breathing and pain relieving exercises handing me a cool wet towel between every push. After the delivery she still ran to get anything me or my husband needed with no hesitation. 7 months down the road she still answers all my emails and helps me with any questions I have, she is amazing!!!

Stephanie Biancardi


I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for having Daniella in my corner during my labor&deliveries.
Although the first l&d Daniella attended was uneventful, she&my husband took turns giving me encouragement. Daniella really shined during the l&d of my youngest son. She saw my needs even though I was unable to communicate them. Soon as my water broke my temperature rose rapidly. Daniella effectively communicated w/ hospital staff  I was experiencing complications.He was delivered vaginally despite the complication, but I don't think I would've survived wo Daniella's talent&experience.When I finally came to, I was informed I delivered a baby boy&we were both being treated for chorioamnionitis w/ iv antibiotics. My midwife was so seriously impressed w/ Daniella's capabilities. She literally sang Daniella's praises, saying how lucky I was to have her&"everyone should have a Daniella." At my post partum physical it was discovered I broke my pelvis.I became pregnant again&right away I began experiencing SPD.Even though my midwife wouldn't be attending the delivery Daniella's familiarity&presence eased my anxieties&gave me confidence I was strong enough to give birth again.Things came fast&furious, but slowed down after the epidural. Daniella suggested I rest&less than 40 minutes later I woke to intense pressure.W/ a couple of pushes I delivered my daughter's head & hand sunny side up.I pushed a few more times&made no progress. The midwife decided to perform the McRobert's Maneuver. Daniella&a nurse worked together to rotate my hips by pushing&holding my legs up by my ears. My daughter was delivered w/ the next push. If it wasn't for Daniella's verbal & physical support I surely would have been traumatized.Having Daniella as a doula&an advocate will enhance & ensure  your own experience is everything you want it to be.

Lucy Meyers


My birth experience was amazing and I consider myself extremely privileged to have had Dee's support and expertise on that special day. She is not only knowledgeable and clearly passionate about her important role in the labor and delivery room, she also has the personality and endurance for the time and work it requires. I don't know how she does it, but throughout the afternoon and night (birth at 3am), I felt she was taking me and my birth very seriously and at the same time, kept up a very light and necessary sense of humor!
Dee arrived very soon after my husband and I got to the hospital. She was prepared to jump on the labor train right away. She was confident in the techniques she offered and keenly aware of the ones I was asking for and needing. I felt very comfortable and also comforted with her presence. Her warm personality made it natural for her to connect with the medical staff, which I think further reassured me. I didn't realize how important it was to have such a strong and proficient advocate at such a vulnerable time for me and my partner. Dee was also consistently paying attention to me either from close or further away. She made sure to leave space for me and my husband to navigate this experience together, but she was relentlessly reading and interpreting my cues and provided exactly was I needed situation after situation. Dee's support was also essential during times of complications, changes of plans, and adaptation. I benefited not just from my doula's words, but also the input and backing of a mother of four, and most importantly a friend! As a matter of fact, Dee's work was so impeccable that it didn't feel like she was working as a doula, rather it felt like having a sister or a lifelong best friend by my side, lifting me up, as I went through the most important endeavor I ever engaged in. I highly recommend Daniella, she is a rockstar doula whose support any mother deserves while laboring and birthing.

Birth Availability for Daniella Nowicki

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-20-2024