Hilary  Witcher, PCD(DONA), CBS Photo

Hilary Witcher, PCD(DONA), CBS

New Family Needs

Needham Heights, MA Service range 40 miles



Postpartum Rate

$50 to $60

Availability Remarks: In person postpartum daytime and overnight support all over the greater Boston, MA area and virtually.

Postpartum Rate

$50 to $60

Medicaid and Third Party Insurers

Currently approved to receive payments from the following programs:

Postpartum Doula Experience

5 years and 100 families served

Postpartum Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Postpartum Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, March 2019

Type of practice: Doula agency owner

Clients per month: 1 to 15

College Education



Special Services Offered

  • Antepartum doula support
  • Babywearing education
  • Childbirth education services
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Newborn care and parenting classes
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Parenting consulting
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Sleep educator
  • Sleep support consulting
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

La Leche League Leader

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

Ever since having my babies, I've had a passion and desire to support families during this amazing time! I am a Dona International Certified postpartum doula, certified breastfeeding specialist, trained birth doula, childbirth educator and sleep consultant. I run an agency of wonderful postpartum doulas, newborn care specialists, breastfeeding professionals and sleep consultants. We are here to help make your transition to parenthood as smooth and beautiful as possible. We offer postpartum support from newborn care assistance and education, help with feeding and resources, help around the home, emotional support etc. Support times include daytime, evenings, overnight and some weekends. We offer group and individual prenatal childbirth and newborn classes as well as postpartum new parent groups, special events and workshops where you can spend time with your baby, learn and connect with other new parents.

Service Area

Needham Heights, MA Service range 40 miles

Certifications for Hilary Witcher, PCD(DONA), CBS

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Hilary Witcher, PCD(DONA), CBS

Post a testimonial for Hilary Witcher, PCD(DONA), CBS

Ilana L


Our experience with New Family Needs was great! Hilary was very responsive and warm and checked in with us regularly. Kathy, our night nurse, was the best! She came out first night home from the hospital and, as new parents, made us instantly more comfortable! Kathy was extremely prompt, provided valuable resources and was very supportive!!

June Anzalone


My husband and I recently took Hilary's Grandparents Newborn Refresher Class and found it to be extremely informative and helpful. Hilary is very knowledgable and we learned how best to be of help to our daughter and son-in-law when our first grandchild arrives. Hilary brought us up to date on new baby equipment, as well as parenting practices that have changed since we became parents thirty years ago.  I highly recommend that all new grandparents-to-be take Hilary's class!

Claudia ORegan


I wanted to take a minute to highly recommend Hillary to anyone who is looking for a Doula!  I've just taken a class with Hilary and I would love to do another one. Her years of experience, kind disposition, and techniques are so valuable to parents, grandparents and the whole family:). Hillary makes everyone she works with feel like they are the most important priority. Thank you for all the guidance and help Hilary!

Kirsten McHugh


We worked with Hilary as our postpartum doula for our first child. She is an incredible source of information, and was so supportive prior to the baby arriving and then extremely valuable once baby arrived. Hilary has a wealth of knowledge in the lactation field, as well as her own experience as a mother. Not only is she supportive in a physical sense (helping with needs around the house, holding baby, making sure mom is rested/fed), but also emotionally. She's an incredible human being and I couldn't recommend her more to any parents out there looking for some support in their baby journey! 



Having Hilary by my side was the best decision I made for my postpartum period after having my second baby. She is compassionate, non-judgmental and down to earth – she is REAL. You can have a real conversation with her immediately, she’s so personable and a great listener. Her presence was so comforting and she was so sweet with my baby, in addition to being a huge help with all that comes with those first weeks post birth. She is also very professional and knowledgeable – I have learned more about breastfeeding from her in 1 virtual hour than from my previous lactation consultant in 2 in person visits after the birth of my first baby and I was able to apply those learnings immediately. I highly recommend Hilary – and make sure you contact her ahead of time – great professionals like her get booked fast (I learned that the hard way when I had my first baby :)). Hilary is one that puts her heart into what she does and it shows. Even though our postpartum support is over, I feel like she’ll always be there!



Hilary demonstrates a strong sense of knowledge and compassion for expecting and current moms. She strives to connect them with the resources which I can attest to. I genuinely appreciate Hilary's individualized support and follow-up via text and email communication. She is a genuine person and a true expert and seasoned doula that I highly recommend.



Hilary is extremely supportive, friendly, and knowledgeable and I would highly recommend working with her if you can. You can tell she really loves what she does. I liked how she offered advice (both evidence based and anecdotal) in a non-judegemental way and provided reassurance at the same time.

I participated in one of Hilary's new parent groups this spring and it was one of the best things I did for myself and baby postpartum! Meeting other moms in the same stage was extremely valuable, and it was so nice to have something to look forward to each week where I could show up with the baby no matter what was going on. The group was a mix of socializing and sharing relevant information whcich I liked. I also liked that she offered workshops with other professionals (CPR, starting solids, art with baby) and took a CPR course she hosted as well. 

Erin & Nathaniel B.


We could not imagine our first few months as new parents without Hilary. As first-time parents with premature, NICU twins, our early days with our babies were stressful and exhausting.  Working with Hilary as our postpartum doula was the best decision we made for our family.  We were immediately at ease with Hilary (as were our twins).  Hilary provided both critical overnight support and day time help, and quickly became a trusted extension of our family.  In addition to providing excellent care, Hilary has a wealth of knowledge that she integrates into her interactions, without pressure or judgment.  We learned so much from Hilary; from baby soothing to breastfeeding techniques, she is a wonderful resource for all things related to baby and maternal care.  Hilary goes above and beyond to help you or your babies address any issues you may be experiencing, including leveraging her own professional network.  

In addition to being an incredible doula, Hilary is a fantastic educator and facilitator.  Even after our time working with Hilary ended, we continue to attend her events, including meet-ups for new parents and a session on baby-led weaning, which prepared us to confidently start our babies on solid food. 

Hilary was there to support us during challenging times, as well as celebrate milestones and little victories.  We cannot recommend Hilary enough and will be forever grateful for the impact she had on our family!


Julie Hundley


We took a Newborn class with Hilary and it was one of the best decisions we made. The course was intimate which allowed us the comfort of asking questions and meeting some expecting parents in the area. Each week we learned value information that is making our first few weeks with the baby so much easier.

As a first time parent I felt like I had absolutely no clue what to do when we brought the baby home. I think a lot of people focus on labor, which is a huge part of it however knowing what to expect in the first few weeks home helped me to wrap my mind around what postpartum/newborn care would look like. The material that Hilary prepared was thoughtful, helpful and easily digestible for both the birthing parent, support partner. Now that we are home, I refer back to the material she prepared for us and feel so lucky to have a support group already established with the couples from the group.

I would absolutely recommend this course to any expecting parent! It was so incredibly helpful and really nice to have a support system! It was also something we really looked forward to every week!

Amanda Broderick


Hilary is a fantastic postpartum doula. She is a natural with both parents and babies and provided my wife and I with much-needed support during the early days with our daughter. She is responsible, caring, responsive, and an expert at what she does. Highly recommend!



Hilary is amazing!  Having a baby is a blessing, but it's hard!  Even knowing it would be - I didn't know really.  But Hilary does - and boy does it help to be "in it" with someone so warm, compassionate and fun. Because it should be fun!   As my doula she was there for me and my baby when I had "stupid" questions, just needed a break, or a totally non-judgmental friend.  The other thing that was amazing was the parents group.  5 months in and the group is a huge part of my support village.  I'm not a joiner and couldn't have immagined just how helpful this group would be - it's almost fair to say lifesaving and certainly sanity-saving.  Best thing you can do for yourself is join this parents group.  Thank you Hilary!!!! 



I participated in Hilary's Summer 2022 new mom group.  She offered a nice mix of in-person meetings and zoom sessions so it was accessible to people ready to get out but also to those not quite ready to travel.  She checked in with everyone throughout the week and always sent out notes from each meeting with a list of what was discussed, resources, etc.  Overall a very positive experience!

Vasundhara Sharma


I joined Hilary's new parent group that she runs for new moms and it was truly the best decision I took for my postpartum self! It was a valuable experience meeting other women in the same life stage and also gaining access to Hilary's wisdom on childcare and postpartum care! Hilary's conducted these groups so well and helped us with so many big and small issues. All in all highly recommend to all new moms! 



Hilary is a gem. It’s rare to meet someone who loves their job as much as Hilary does—whether she’s snuggling a baby or supporting a new parent through a tough time, it’s clear that this is her calling.

Like many first-time parents, I underestimated how challenging life with a newborn would be and didn't hire a postpartum doula ahead of time. Hilary fit me into her schedule on short notice when my daughter was a few weeks old, and it's hard to express how big of an impact she had on my mental health and wellbeing in the early days. She's warm, kind, and understanding, and felt like a trusted friend right off the bat. Whether she was holding the baby while my husband and I ate a meal together, washing bottles, helping us figure out life with a newborn, or just listening, the amount of care and love we felt in her presence was so healing and exactly what we needed. 

In addition to postpartum doula visits, I joined Hilary's new parent group and it has been the most welcoming, supportive, and fun way to meet other new parents. Hilary shares her incredible expertise on all things baby-related with the group, but also gives us space to come as we are and share our experiences in an open and non-judgmental environment. We’ve discussed everything from tips to avoid diaper blowouts to the emotional and mental health impacts of breastfeeding/pumping/formula feeding to who we are outside of being parents. The group seriously made the newborn days so much more bearable!

Michelle Drolsbaugh


I love Hilary! I'm a first time parent and had very litttle knowledge about caring for an infant or myself during the first few month postpartum. Hilary was accessible by text and helped me with practical questions (Do infants wear pajamas?) and came to my house for hands-on support. She just knows what to do and joining her parent group was the BEST! I love the people I met and learned so much from her and everyone else. Five stars. 



We used Hilary's education and postpartum services and found her to be an incredible resource to our family throughout the birth preparation and postpartum stages. Every interaction with her left us feeling educated, empowered and more confident in our roles as new parents. She strikes the fine balance between thoroughness and not leaving you overwhelmed or judged - a rarety in the "birth industry" today. In addition to equipping us with practical tips for bringing baby into the world and into our home, she provided a supportive sounding board as we contemplated topics like how to navigate family visits and prioritize our own mental health in those early days. She instantly inspires instant trust and has a genuine passion for new moms and newborns. As an added bonus, she is extremely responsive and easy to work with. I highly recommend her! 



I participated in Hilary's virtual New Parent Group and was so happy I did. Hilary is such an expert, which led to her being an amazing moderator for this group. It was perfect to virtually connect with new parents/moms in the Boston area. During these crazy pandemic times it's so nice not to feel isolated - Hilary brought together this little community for us. She also infuses the group with her experiences and expertise when it comes to all baby things. Our conversations ranged from talking about baby "gear" to lactation support to tips on soothing your baby...Hilary gave her "professional" opinion so to speak and all of us moms shared our experiences as well. I highly, highly recommend Hilary and her NPG!



Work with Hilary and you won't regret it!  Hilary helped me after I had my first child. I thought I was prepared, having read lots of books, blog posts, app articles and taken plenty of classes. Oh was I wrong! I was so lost as a new mother. None of reading translate to actually raising a tiny human being, while healing from birth. I was so lucky and fortunate to have Hilary. She listened to me and anticipated my needs. She stepped in without me asking directly what I wanted her to do. From the moment she enters my door, she took care of my little one, soothed him and ensured all his needs were met, while also caring for my wellbeings and providing me with supports that I am not getting anywhere else.  She would ask whether if I had slept or would like to take a nap or shower while she rocked my son to sleep.  She would put my needs as a priority, knowing I also needed the time and care to get better.  She was amazing with my son.  He never cried with Hilary and would happily do tummy time and babble with her.  Like many new moms, I had a lot of trouble breast feeding and Hilary helped me through all that as well.  She provided suggestions that my OB and baby's pediatrican had missed.  Hilary was so supportive, kind, and encouraging.  She provided only suggestions, no judgements whatsoever, and worked to make sure I raise my son and do things that I am comfortable with.  Honestly, it's like having my best friend in the house who took care of my son and I the way we wanted to be taken care of and felt comfortable with.  With her help, motherhood seemed easier and more pleasant and I felt like my self and more confident.  I would highly recommend Hilary to any new mom.  She'll be your best friend, your nurse, your baby's nanny, and so much more while you go through the most difficult time of your life.

Carly Kunkler


Hilary is a reliable and trustworthy postpartum Doula for our family from day 1. We arrived home from the hospital and shortly after she started coming and helping us navigate the first few weeks of being new parents. Hilary helped me do everything from learning to breastfeed and swaddle to helping us choose which bottle was right for our baby... she even helped us learn how to properly change a diaper! Our son loved her warmth and compassion that she arrived with and you could tell they had an instant bond. Hilary also helped us with overnight care which we were so grateful for and were able to get some rest after a lot of sleepless nights! I honestly could not have done the first two months without her. She continues to help our family when we are in a pinch and we are so grateful for her!! Hilary is a mom herself and knows what its like to navigate the vulnerable stages of coming home with a newborn. I could not recommend her enough and we will be calling her again once we have another baby! 

Nataliya Potapenko


When my daughter was two weeks old, I joined a mommy support group led by Hilary. Hilary is an incredible doula - she is warm, knowledgeable, and made it comfortable for us to open up about the good and the bad of the early days with newborns. Having a community who understands what you are going through, gives advice, and a safe space to just talk it out was crucial for my emotional and mental wellbeing. It's been five months, and we still meet up with moms and babies from the group for playdates. Joining Hilary's group was one of the best decisions that I could've made in my early motherhood, and I'd recommend it to every new mom.

Elizabeth Yennaco


The new parent group played a crucial role in my journey to becoming a new mom. I loved meeting and connecting with other new moms with babies right around the same age as my daughter. It was so helpful to share experiences and challenges with each other and provide insight, advice, and support in a safe and nonjudgemental environment. Hilary was a wonderful group facilitator and provided helpful resources and weekly recaps from the prior weeks meetings. I am so grateful I joined the group and for the mom friends I've gained. Even after the group has ended, we continue to keep in touch and support each other through all things we are experiencing - both bad and good. Becoming a parent is life changing and having the support  during the transition was a necessity for me. 

Hayley Germack


I joined Hilary’s New Parent Group after a respected friend recommended it. I was about 6 weeks postpartum with my son, coming out of a cold and isolated winter. I was so relieved to naturally fall into step with a mama tribe experiencing newborn reality at the beginning of the end of a pandemic. I was very grateful for the calm and welcoming camaraderie that Hilary helped foster.

Alex B.


Hilary was my post-partum doula and led a virtual group for new parents that I joined after the birth of my daughter, Joanna. I knew I wanted a post-partum doula to help me nagivate the overwhelming information, feelings, and decisions of a first-time mom. I interviewed several doulas and Hilary stood out immediately. She has knowledge and resources at her fingertips for any question under the sun. She loves to learn and is always educating herself in new ways. But above all, she is a compassionate, kind, and encouraging person who LOVES babies and is truly passionate about her role helping families. I remember a time days after my daughter's birth when I felt defeated and depressed about breastfeeding. My husband reached out to Hilary who Facetimed with me that night in her pajamas, sat with me while I cried, and gave me the support I needed most. She always met me where I was and never pushed any specific agenda or way of parenting — her philosophy is all about doing what is best for you. I really trust and respect her and I would recommend her to anyone. Thank you Hilary!

Lexi M


We used Hilary as both our birth doula and for post-partum support. Hilary was incredibly easy to work with and made pregnancy, birth and recovery in a pandemic so much easier for us. From the very first email, I felt comfortable with Hilary. She was responsive and informative without any judgment about our birth plan or choices. Hilary provided me with much needed education and confidence and allowed me to advocate for myself throughout my pregnancy. Hilary helped me feel comfortable with the induction process and was in constant communication until she arrived at the hospital. Hilary helped us create the best possible environment for labor and delivery and worked seamlessly with the L&D nurse and my partner to support me.

Just as Hilary was incredibly valuable leading up to birth and throughout the labor and delivery process, she was just as critical to helping me have a healthy post-partum recovery. Hilary knew exactly how to support us as we navigated the hazy newborn days. She provided emotional support and helped with all of the mundane tasks like getting the dishes done and sorting baby clothes. Hilary is a wealth of knowledge about newborn care and early  breastfeeding challenges. Most importantly, Hilary has incredible intuition into what would be helpful for brand new parents and she made our transition to parenthood as smooth as possible.

I cannot imagine navigating this journey without Hilary and I am so grateful to the support she provided. 



I worked with Hilary during the birth of my first child in September 2020. She met with me and partner before the birth to understand our priorities and goals during labor as well as providing a good amount of education and suggestions based on our conversations. In the weeks leading up to labor, she was attentive and helpful with recommendations around increasing late pregnancy comfort. We felt as prepared as we could be by the time we got to the labor, although I'm not sure anything fully prepares you for that experience! She was a great support during labor and delivery, and checked in on us in the first few days postpartum to make sure we were doing okay transitioning home. We also worked with her for 10 weeks postpartum and she helped with childcare so I could sleep, dishes, laundry, and made sure we got out for walks as often as possible. She was a great help and I definitely plan to work with her again for my second child (eventually!).

Haleigh Regan


One of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life was choosing Hilary to be my doula. It’s hard to put into words how impactful she was in so many areas of my pregnancy and birth experience. From our first meeting, I could tell she was a smart, caring, encouraging woman and instantly made me feel comfortable. She helped us prepare for the birth of our baby, and also just got to know us as people and as a couple, which felt so important too. Anytime I had a question, she was always there to help, and just supported me as I approached my due date. When I started early labor, she was in constant contact with my husband, which he said was incredibly helpful. I told her I wanted a “mom type” comfort during labor, and she did exactly that. She was my cheerleader when I thought I couldn’t go on, my comforter when I felt overwhelmed, and my advocate when I needed help making decisions or making requests. She was so selfless during the entire experience. As labor went on into night, Hilary kept me going when I truly thought I couldn’t. She knew how to give the perfect balance of encouragement with a little bit of push that I needed without being overbearing. Both my husband and I still say to this day that choosing Hilary as our doula was worth more than we ever could have imagined. She will always be so special to our family, and we are so grateful for her!



Hilary was a wonderful resource throughout my pregnancy and a great support during my unexpected c-section. As first time parents, it was a great relief to my huband and I to know that she was there to answer questions and help us think through our birth plan. And when our baby had different plans, Hilary was right there with us, in the middle of the night, even though it was 3 weeks ahead of my due date. She continues to provide caring, nonjudmental support for us post-partum. She is a thoughtful, well-informed doula with a calming, reassuring presence. Hilary is fantastic and I strongly recommend her!

Sidonie Granadillo


Hilary is WONDERFUL. We had considered hiring a doula for the pregnancy and birth of our first baby, and as soon COVID-19 hit, we were certain we wanted (and needed!) the additional support. We were both so comfortable with Hilary during our initial zoom introduction call that we confirmed we wanted to work with her while on the call. Childbirth is perhaps the most personal thing that a couple goes through, and it was very important to use that we were comfortable with whoever we would be working with. Hilary is warm, compassionate, incredibly knowledgeable, attentive and has a great sense of humor. It is obvious Hilary is very passionate about what she does. The support and guidance she provided over the last two months of my pregnancy were invaluable. She helped us really think through what type of birth we wanted, and why. She provided resources and suggestions to educate ourselves, as well as various checklists to make sure we were prepared. We never felt judgement about our decisions, and she often said that she is just one of many resources we should use. She made herself available to us outside of our standard calls, and was constantly checking in. The unprecedented times of COVID-19 made it impossible for her to physically be with us at the hospital, but we still felt very supported.

We had only planned on having a birth doula, but day one postpartum we decided we wanted her continued support. For a few weeks we did social distant and virtual visits, then we started in-person support. I can’t say enough how much we have appreciate having her here, whether it is for information sharing and talking through baby questions, helping with light housework, going for walks, and just being here with us. She has become a friend. Hilary wants all of her mommas to feel supported, and she has arranged social distant meetups, Facebook groups and connections for all clients, past and present. My family cannot recommend Hilary enough.

Ellena and Andrei


We had an amazing experience working with Hilary as our birth doula. As a first time mom, I knew I wanted additional support during the birth of our daughter. Hilary went above and beyond before, during and after birth-- providing support in a nonjudgmental way, answering questions, offering resources, advocating for our wants/needs and helping to create a positive and calm environment to welcome our daughter. She met with us multiple times before our due date to help us create a birth plan that we were comfortable with. Our due date was December 25 and despite the holiday season, Hilary was there for us every step of the way. She joined us at the hospital during labor, even though it meant sleeping on the floor on a yoga mat! After birth, Hilary continued to check in often and offer support with breastfeeding, tummy time, anything that we needed. Her encouragement and support gave us the confidence and comfort we needed and eased anxiety as we entered this journey of parenthood!

Jennifer C


Hilary worked with us as a postpartum doula in December 2019 when my daughter was a few weeks old. My partner had gone back to work and we asked Hilary to come for these first few weeks when I was the primary caregiver during the day. Hilary was incredibly helpful with tips for breastfeeding and bottle feeding, and the bottle we use now is the one that she recommended we try. She also helped me organize the second hand cloth diapers we had gathered before the baby was born and gave suggestions on how to begin with cloth diapering. We still follow her advice about cloth diapering during the day and disposable diaper at night as a balance to reduce our usage of disposable diapers but also make things a bit easier for ourselves. Hilary was such a calming presence and her visits really helped me get through those first few weeks of being alone during the day with a newborn. I highly recommend working with Hilary, especially during the newborn phase! 



Hilary has played a crucial role in my transition into motherhood! When I reached out I heard back that same day! From our very first meeting, it was clear to me that Hilary was the perfect fit for our family! She's really easy to talk to, incredibly knowledgeable, and so passionate about doula work! She answered countless questions and always did so promptly, going above and beyond, sending resources and ensuring any doubt or concern you have is eased. As my due date approached, I had complications and Hilary was very reassuring and did everything she could to keep me calm. Although my goal was to have an unmedicated birth, I had to be medically induced and ended up requesting an epidural. Before the epidural, Hilary and my husband helped me manage the pain in numerous ways. She knew so many techniques and continuously changed things to keep me as comfortable as possible. Once I was medicated, she stayed with us and made sure I was hydrated and prepared for the delivery of my baby. Hilary was my cheerleader and did a fantastic job coaching me through the delivery of my son. She took beautiful photos and captured my son’s birth. Hilary was able to take a scary and unexpected birth and make it peaceful and one that I will always think of fondly! I feel so blessed to have had Hilary as my postpartum doula as well! She was able to help me process my birth story in the weeks that followed. She’s one of the few people I trust to watch my baby boy while I take a nap. She always found ways to lighten our load and it was wonderful to have someone to chat and laugh with! Due to COVID, we had to cut our in-person time together short. However, she instantly set up virtual ways of supporting me! She started a virtual mom’s group which is the highlight of my week! Although she hasn’t been able to be with me in person, she has been just as present as before via video, calls and texts! It honestly feels like she’s part of our family!

Laura R.


Hilary was wonderful during our delivery and continues to be a great person of support for my husband and I post-partum. She is a tremendously grounded and passionate doula who not only provided us with the techniques and encouragement we needed to get through our complicated delivery but she also carried with her a calm presence that gave me a sense of security that I needed so much during that time. She is one of the most caring and thoughtful people I know!

Andrea J


Hilary was a great source of support and information for me and my husband during the first few months of parenthood. She was patient and kind, great with our newborn son, and helped educate us both in a non judgmental way about things like breastfeeding, tummy time, returning to work, and overall newborn care. She provided helpful info and resources and was also enjoyable to chat with along the way. I highly recommend her services!



Each birth experience is different and usually involves unexpected decisions and changes along the way. Having Hilary there as a guide as those changes came up was incredibly helpful to my husband and me.
She accompanied my husband and me with patience, grace, and humor for more than 34 hours of labor. She is knowledgeable, professional, humble, respectful, passionate, and reliable; she made such a connection within the first two meetings that felt we had known her for ages. Hilary is a fantastic doula, and I highly recommend her.

Rachael Hager


Hilary was absolutely amazing! We had two meetings before the labor to practice different positions, to discuss the different birthing options, and put together a birth plan. She was an awesome reasource of information and was wonderful for referring further videos and readings for topics on labor positions, breast feeding, and tummy time to name a few. My labor was a bit longer than average, but Hilary was so dedicated and came around 9 pm which is when I went to active labor and spent the night with us, and didn’t leave our side until our little Hannah came into the world the next day at 6pm. She is just such a positive and sweet, caring person to have around, I was so happy she was our doula. She kept suggesting different positions, and was constantly adapting to what I was able to do, and was also super critical to setting a calming mood with vanilla scented wipes, battery operated candles, and helping with playing music from our playlist. We highly recommend Hilary!

Adrianne Schaefer-Borrego


We had such a great experience working with Hilary. Before meeting with her my husband and I were feeling really nervous and unprepared for the birth of our second child. Even though I had been through birth before, I had been induced and had a pretty intense experience the first time, so had a lot of questions to ask, and processing to do in order to get ready for #2. After having our prenatal meeting (where Hilary came to our house), we felt so much more equipped, and at peace! More than just a conversation, Hilary sent some questions in advance, and had some materials for us to review - and since I'm a visual learner, I loved having things to look at. In addition to the information, we talked about expectations, and what I might find helpful during birth. My labor and birth ended up being really quick - 3 hours. Hilary got to the hospital quickly early in the morning when we called her, was super helpful during active labor and delivery, and her position suggestion is what got my baby out. She was there for my initial breastfeeding with the baby, as we let the baby crawl to the breast. I am a true introvert (my husband is too) so was nervous about having a doula during such a personal time - but we immediately felt comfortable with Hilary, like we had known her for longer. We also felt like she really brought a really customized approach in following up with additional articles and resources after our meeting, and texting to check in both before and after the birth. She also let us know when she was going to be away or out of touch and we had a backup doula in place, which made us feel at ease as well. We would definitely hire her again if we have another child, and we have been passing on her name to family and friends. 

Molly Tavares


I just gave birth a month back and Hilary joined in with another doula to tag - team at my birth. She was great, and even though we hadn't gotten to meet in person before, it was like she could read my mind! She joined my team at the last minute since my original doula had Hilary as a doula and they both wanted to come - I couldn't have survived without both of them. Hilary was super supportive and asked all the right questions of our midwives and nurses as the process went along to make sure my wishes were honored and wasn't afraid to "get physical" with counter pressure, etc! She checked in with me multiple times after the birth and answered any questions I had with great resources. I was so very thankful to have her on my team! Highly recommend =]

Nicky H.


Hilary has been my postpartum doula starting the day after we arrived home from the hospital. She has made the transition from pregnancy to being a mother feel seamless and much less scary than I had anticipated. From day one she has helped me immensely without me having to always ask for help, including, but not limited to: support with breastfeeding, generally baby care questions, diaper changing, company during quiet times when I needed company, watching the baby when I needed quiet time, support during walks to get some much needed postpartum/c section exercise and fresh air and other support when needed. 

It's been great having someone around who has not only had doula training, but also two kids of her own. She really cares about me and my baby in such a way that has really lowered my stress and anxiety levels. Not to mention my husband really appreciates her help, too! He doesn't have to worry about me and the baby as much while he's gone back to work because he knows I have great support at home. He's even recommended a postpartum doula to his friends who are currently expecting based on our great experience with Hilary. 

Postpartum Availability for Hilary Witcher, PCD(DONA), CBS

= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-01-2024