Christina  Deleon, MS, IBCLC, CD/PCD(DONA) Photo

Christina Deleon, MS, IBCLC, CD/PCD(DONA)

Latch onto Health, LLC

Charleston, SC Service range 50 miles Willing to travel and offer virtual services too!

Birth Fee

$950 to $2900

Postpartum Rate

$35 to $65

Black Doula

Birth Fee

$950 to $2900

Postpartum Rate

$35 to $65

Medicaid and Third Party Insurers

Currently approved to receive payments from the following programs:

Birth Doula Experience

10 years

Postpartum Doula Experience

11 years

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula

Postpartum Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Postpartum Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, March 2012

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 0 to 4 births and 0 to 2 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Aromatherapy
  • Baby-led weaning
  • Babywearing education
  • Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
  • Birth pool rental
  • Cancer patients and survivors
  • Child passenger safety technician services
  • Childbirth education services
  • Cloth diapering education
  • Elimination communication education
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Monitrice services
  • Mother blessing celebrations
  • Mother roasting
  • Newborn care and parenting classes
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Parenting consulting
  • Perinatal wellness coach
  • Placenta encapsulation
  • Prenatal & postpartum fitness services
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Sleep educator
  • Sleep support consulting
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • TENS units rental
  • Therapist or counselor
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Spanish

Service Area

Charleston, SC Service range 50 miles Willing to travel and offer virtual services too!

Certifications for Christina Deleon, MS, IBCLC, CD/PCD(DONA)

Click a certification thumbnail to view the full size image.


Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

Report any issues or concerns with certification images.

Client Testimonials for Christina Deleon, MS, IBCLC, CD/PCD(DONA)

Post a testimonial for Christina Deleon, MS, IBCLC, CD/PCD(DONA)

Bailey Allen


Christina’s education, support and compassion for her work made the biggest difference in my pregnancy, birth, and nursing journey. My husband and I trust her expert option not only because did her experience as a doula,
consultant, and childcare expert, but because she keeps up with current studies concerning these areas. I had dreamed of a holistic birth with the safety net of modern medicine and she helped me successfully have a spontaneous natural birth by educating both me and my husband during pregnancy and providing every comfort measure relentlessly during labor in the hospital. She worked flawlessly with my OB and the hospital staff, advocating us by reminding the staff of our birth plan and making sure we had been presented with all options. She is at the top of her field and is a fantastic human being. Her services are worth it from penny.

Jordan Allen


I didn’t know what a doula was before my wife suggested we get one for my son’s Birth. After doing research about what we wanted, and interviewing with multiple doula’s, LoH is the obvious choice!

Thank God for LoH and Christina Deleon!

If you want someone to help with pregnancy, birth preparation, birth and lactation. Christina is the one you want!

She’s educated, motivated and dedicated to making the hard parts, about birth and motherhood, easy.

Also any birth partners reading this. I am now under the impression that everyone needs a doula. During pregnancy, you and you’re wife are going to have question that you won’t find the answer to on google, but Christina will (if she doesn’t she’ll find the answer). I promise you, once the day is done, and the birth has come and gone, you won’t regret have hiring her.

Britt B


Our family is so grateful to have had Christina as our doula for my first birth. I was very unprepared and nervous about becoming a new mom. She gave me the education and support I needed to advocate for myself and baby during medically necessary induction. I love that she was available after the birth to answer my lactation and baby care questions. She really knows her stuff. I wish everyone had access to great doulas like Christina.

Eleanor K


Christina was THE most important piece of our birth prep and first labor/delivery experience. Hands down, she transformed our experience and we can’t sing her praises enough! My husband and I not only were extraordinarily prepared, but also empowered due to her expertise…especially as first time parents with very little experience in childbearing/rearing.

The confidence and support she provided me before and during the birth gave me the strength and mental fortitude to have a completely unmedicated vaginal birth. She not only took the best care of me, she also  ensured my partner was equipped with the knowledge and tools as my support person during labor and the first weeks of our son’s life.

We are so thankful we invested in her expertise and can’t recommend her services enough!!



Christina helped me so much before during and after my birthing experience. She helped me prepare for natural birth and knew all of the tricks during and after as well. She’s also a lactation specialist and has become my go to for all things mom related questions. I truly could not have gotten through this without her??

Erin Sizemore


Christina is an absolute gem! I asked her for her help as a postpartum doula and it was one of the best decisions I made for myself (and my new little one). Christina has a huge depth of knowledge about all things postpartum including lactation, sleep schedules, issues with baby fussiness, and more. I also love how understanding and flexible Christina is when it comes to schedule changes. She truly understands how to best serve mamas and their newborns.

Alyse S.


My husband and I had an amazing pregnancy and birth experience and we owe so much of that to Christina! This was my first pregnancy and I felt so overwhelmed with all of the information out there. Christina shared so much knowledge and information with us that made navigating this new journey for us so much easier. She also taught us how to make informed decisions for ourselves and our baby. I felt confident enough to stand my ground when I was encouraged to induce when there was no need to and it went against my wishes for an unmedicated birth (Christina also helped us create our birth plan!). We had such a positive birth experience because Christina prepared us so well for that moment. Even in our postpartum journey, she has been checking in and showing care for us. She is really exceptional at what she does and I can't recommend her enough to any family considering doula services or unsure if they could benefit from a doula.

Abigail Stedman


Christina was extremely helpful in providing resources for pregnancy, labor, birth, and breastfeeding. She was always available during my pregnancy to answer any questions and was extremely attentive to every text and call as my due date neared. However, Christina's most valuable quality was how she helped me through labor and birth. Although my birth plan did not go exactly to plan because I was induced, Christina's knowledge, tools, and guidance throughout my labor allowed me to birth my son without an epidural as I had originally wanted. Her energy helped keep me calm but still empowered while I was at my most vulnerable. She was able to guide my husband on how to support me when I was in pain which helped my husband and I bond during such an intimate time, and she knew when to recommend changing positions or work with us to discuss our options at each step in the labor process. I attribute our wonderful birth experience to her support of me and my husband throughout the whole process. I would absolutely recommend Christina for anyone looking for a doula!

Eva Brownell


I worked under Christina for a few months helping her with various projects, she was an absolute joy to work with. We had very open and honest conversations which allowed for both personal and professional growth. Additionally, Christina is extremely passionate about her work.

Stephanie Stephens


I always knew that when I got pregnant I wanted to have a doula because I wanted someone that would help support me during labor, but I didn’t really know what all I would be getting. Working with Christina from Latch onto Health was one of the best decisions that me and my husband made. Not only did she support us during labor but we met monthly to get better educated/ informed on various topics from pregnancy, nutrition, labor, delivery, breastfeeding, and baby safety just to name a few. She never forced her views on us but made sure that we were educated on the pros and cons of everything before we made a decision. Christina was always available to answer any questions that we had. Our original plan was to have our baby at the birth center but do to some unforeseen circumstances we had to be induced and deliver at the hospital. Even though this wasn’t our plan I wasn’t too upset about it because from day one of working with our doula she told us that she was going to make sure that we were prepared to have the baby no matter where we delivered at.

With COVID still going on we weren’t able to have any family members at the hospital with us so having our doula with us was super special because we didn’t feel alone. Not only did I feel supported by Christina during my labor but my husband felt supported by her as well!

Working with Christina made us feel empowered about the decisions we made and to ask questions to the medical staff to make sure we made the best decisions for us!


Olivia W


The Latch onto Health team is incredible. Christina, Priscilla, and Kadija are some of the kindest and most encouraging people I’ve met, and they were all an invaluable part of our birth team. With their education, emotional support, and physical preparation, my husband and I were able to have the natural hospital birth we hoped for. While I found the support to bring an amazing amount of peace leading into my first birth experience, my husband felt their services were even more helpful in teaching him, as a birth partner, what to expect and how to help me through contractions and pain management. Christina is a wealth of knowledge and is always willing to share her wisdom - all questions are valid and if she doesn’t have the answer, she takes the time to do research and share the resources she finds. She also shares her incredible local network through referrals to chiropractors, pelvic floor PTs, massage therapists, etc. Hands down - choosing to work with Latch onto Health was the best decision we made with regard to pregnancy and birth!

Amber Adams


I was very fortunate to find Christina when I did. My area doesn't have many doulas or midwives, and thankfully Christina was willing to drive nearly 2 hours to be with us through my birth! I finally found her just a week before my due date, so we didn't have much time for prepping throughout the pregnancy. She did an amazing job on catching up and preparing with the little time we did have. She's very knowledgeable and has a great compassion that keeps everyone at peace. She helped me through an unassisted home water birth, and it's something that would do all over again in a heartbeat! Best experience ever! I highly recommend Christina for any portion of your pregnancy, pre and/or post! 

Khadija Brown


Christina’s Doula Mentorship Program is THE BEST!!! I’ve learned so many great skills and techniques that have prepared me for my doula career. Christina is very knowledgeable in the birthwork world. She is also very professional and passionate about her work. I highly recommend Christina as a doula mentor. ??

Kristen Nyampong


I had the opportunity to learn with Christina as an intern for 7 months. Christina is very knowledgeable in her profession and her passion for birth education and rights is infectious. She has great expertise within the field of birth working, lactation, nutrition, and more! But most importantly Christina is very kind and understanding, I loved getting the opportunity to see her flourish in her commitment to health and wellness. I highly recommend Christina as a doula, nutritionist, lactation consultant, or mentor. You will be thankful for getting the opportunity to work with her.



Christina assisted me as a doula with the birth of my second son which was a VBAC. My first sons birth was a nightmare and I wanted things to be different for this delivery. Christina was there with me all the way from the beginning to the end and she was just fabulous. At the hospital she advocated for me at a time where I could’ve been another African American woman statistic, she informed me of my choices which then helped me with my decision making(I WAS ABLE TO AVOID AN EPISIOTOMY which would have been recovery hell), and she helped me go into my delivery with confidence and that not of fear. I would not have been able to endure an unmediated VBAC without her virtual services! Thank you so much Christina for helping me achieve my dream of a physiological birth!



The holistic doula training was AWESOME!!! Being a first timer it was eliberating to know the "secrets" of being a doula. The techniques and strategies used for supports given to the mommies and daddies during birth and post-partum. I really enjoyed the training. My only wish is to have met my fellow doula collegeaus in person. That darn COVID-19!!!! But the virtual training was just right and convenient for me since I live in the islands. So kudos to a successful holistic doula training.



A big thank you Christina for all the support she gave me before, during and after my labor. I am so grateful that I decided to go with a doula and that I found Christina. She was wonderful throughout the entire process. Even the doctors and nurses at the hospital gave her tons of compliments on how supportive, efficient and helpful as a doula she was. My labor lasted 42 hours from early labor until the birth of my daughter. Christina was on the phone with me during the first part of Early Labor and then she came over to my home and we did some preparations for Active Labor and then she spent another 24 hours at the hospital during Active Labor and Transition. I wanted a natural delivery and without Christina it would not have been possible. For all women who are hesitating to hire a Doula, Don’t hesitate. It’s totally worth it!!!

Carmen Diaz


Christina was a god send to my wife and I. We interviewed several Charleston doulas before selecting her and we could not have been happier! She was with us every step of the way, super nice, professional and most importantly knowledgeable. We ended up with not only a doula but a new friend. My wife said that she could not have made it through her (almost 48 hour) labor without Christina's help. We will be forever grateful to her for everything she did to guide us through the delivery. I highly recommend her services.

Alicia Barksdale


I can't really say enough about Christina as my doula. She made herself available to me 24/7, and always worked around our schedules to make sure we were able to meet. She put me in touch with so many great resources, including books, nearby classes, placenta encapsulation, and my counselor who I absolutely loved and continued to see during pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond. She answered any and every question I had, and made sure I was prepared for my birth and executing our birth plan. She not only made sure we had back-up doulas in place, but she arranged so we could meet with them and feel comfortable just in case. I can't say enough what a calming presence she during my 55-hour labor, 19 of which were spent at the birth center. She and I were in constant contact from the moment I went into labor. She came to check in on us and bring us dinner after Lucy was born and showed us how to properly use our Maya wrap and Tula carriers, and she started a Meal Train for our friends and family to easily help out. We are still in touch and she gets regular updates on my Lucy. Christina's knowledge and involvement in the birth & baby community is unparalleled and I cannot recommend her enough. Thank you for EVERYTHING!



I don't even know where to begin with how much we just adore Christina! She truly calmed my husband and I's nerves as we prepared for a VBAC. I loved her confidence, her listening ear and her sincere support for my health and well being. My only regret is not hiring her sooner in my pregnancy! Best doula ever! 

Vilma Perez-Munoz


I am a breast cancer survivor and there's no way I could have been able to breastfeed from one breast my miracle baby girl, without Christina's help. Her passion for supporting and giving comfort is inspiring. Today at my baby almost turning 22 month I am still here breastfeeding my baby with one breast. Thank you Christina I hope your magic to help other in their breastfeeding journey never ends.

I got pregnant very quickly after finishing my radiations for breast cancer so my pregnancy was very full of emotions, more than normal. Christina doula knowledge was crucial for me to survive and make it a precious journey. If I ever have another baby I would not think twice before hiring her as my everything lady. Her magic is priceless.

Briana Grosicki


Christina served as our doula and was well-worth the investment. Her knowledge, advice, and experience was reassuring for us as first time parents. My husband is a researcher so her evidence-based approach was appreciated.

When our birth turned out differently than we hoped, Christina was right there with us talking us through our options. She even held my hand during my unexpected c-section. My husband says, "it was great having her at the birth. It made me feel not so guilty about shutting my eyes for a quick nap."

When baby wouldn't latch the night we got home from the hospital, she Facetimed us to help and put us in touch with a nearby lactation consultant who came to our house the very next day.

Hiring Christina as a doula to help us with the birth was great, but her network of related birth-and-baby professionals she has connected us with postpartum has been huge as well.

Bobby North


Christina was a life saver when I hired her to make nutrition plans for me. I needed to lose ten pounds for a boxing match and Coach Christina really came through for me. We walked  through  my kitchen and  I swapped the foods that would hinder me during my workouts and replaced them with better alternatives. Her guidance kept me in peak physical condition while I was training and made me feel full when I was cutting weight. I am definitely hiring her again for my next fight!!!! ??????



Christina is awesome! We cannot thank her enough! She was our doula for the birth of our daughter. This was my first birth and I was very nervous. She has such a calming effect which is exactly what I needed. She met with us three times before the birth and even attended a tour of the hospital with me. She is so informative. I was stressed when I was unable to attend a birthing class but Christina was there to give me all the education I needed. She helped prepare me for every step of labor and helped me create my birth plan. And when things did not go as planned, she was right there next to me, reassuring and comforting me. She even stayed and held our daughter so we could get a little rest after the exhausting birth. I feel so fortunate to have had Christina there. My doctor and nurses were also wonderful but they can’t be there every minute of labor. Christina was there the entire time. I am so incredibly grateful to her. So if you are looking for a doula, look no further, she is the best!

Jennifer Donan


Christina is so amazing! As a first time mom, she answered so many questions I had and made me feel at ease. She was quick to reply to my questions and even come over when I needed her last minute. She really helped me get the hang of breastfeeding and made my overall experience more comfortable!! I DEF recommend her:)

Mili Minick


Dancing for birth class was super fun and educational! Christina is super knowledgeable and easy to work with! 



Christina is awesome to work with we have worked side by side at the Savannah Baby Cafe, she is a joy to providers and parents!


Everlea Bryant


Christina was such a huge support to me in my birthing story! She was available to speak to me from several states away during my birth planning, and she was there for me after my twins were born as a postpartum doula. She was and continues to be a huge support to us and invaluable resource. I can't recommend her enough. She is compassionate, charming, soft-spoken, knowledgeable, and beautiful inside and out. If you were looking for a doula for yourself or for a loved one, look no further. You don't even have to be in the same state to take advantage of her services!

Rebecca Ashberry


Christina is amazing! Our kids absolutely love her. She is knowledgeable and incredibly warm and relatable. We are thankful she was placed in our lives and we will continue to recommend her services, always.



I'm very grateful for all the help Christina has been to me. When she wound up being unavailable to be my doula because of a previously-booked client, she helped me to find one that was available, who was also wonderful. When I needed to have a second set of hands for a work trip, Christina joined me and my kids and was able to help me navigate a new city and to keep an eye on the young ones while I worked. She truly is gifted with babies and children and is a joy to be around.



I cannot imagine having my first child over again without the help and knowledge from Christina.  She is not only well versed in the ever-changing world of Nutrition (with a Masters and years of experience), but she is also down to earth and so incredibly giving that she would give you the shirt off her back to make you feel better.  Christina was our post partum doula and visited my husband, daughter and I in the NICU several times when my water broke at 34 weeks.  She was a true supporter of everything I wanted to do and gave me the pros and cons.  She was available via text, phone call and email at all hours and was attentive to my questions and knew “the rules of the road” in the hospital, especially the medical terms, vaccinations, “do’s” and “don’ts” and why.  Just like taking driving lessons before driving a car, it is helpful to learn the ropes of the maternity ropes course in small doses instead of all at once!  Christina helped my husband and I navigate breast feeding and “let-down” with videos and support and she was a great listener, therapist and cheerleader for me!  She helped me BE ABLE to feed my child when most nurses recommended formula; even though my baby was vomiting it.  Christina helped my husband and I get that thick honey like colostrum needed for strong antibody build up for my baby’ s strong immune system.  I would say I will not have another baby without her! ~Proud Mama


Catie Mudd


As first time expectant parents, we knew that we would value the help of a doula during our delivery. We came across Christina after receiving several recommendations. We knew when we met her that she would be a wonderful addition to our birth team. Her personality is the perfect combination of bubbly and upbeat mixed with calming and reassuring. She was very helpful before baby arrived with giving us techniques to work on and answering all of my questions. Her presence at our birth was just what we needed! Most people that I told that we were having a doula thought it was a bit odd or had never heard of doulas before. Even my parents questioned why one was needed. After my delivery my husband and parents were singing Christina's praises. I knew I would love having her by my side but having her there made their jobs much easier as well. They were very thankful that she was so helpful in keeping me calm and focused. She even took pictures for us which I loved! She truly helped give me the confidence that I needed going into labor and delivery and she provided the needed support to help me through the natural labor and delivery that I was so hoping for. When people ask me how I managed an induced labor with no pain interventions, I say call Christina!

Christina's support did not end when our daughter was born. She continued to check in on us and came to the house to help me ease into new motherhood. She has continued to answer my questions and just knowing she is there continues to bring me peace. We have not used her childcare services just yet but I would feel 100% confident in trusting her to care for our daughter.

Annie Sevel


Christina was amazing! She went above and beyond before and and after I had my baby! She’s very knowledgeable and had many ideas for me to try! She was a HUGE help during labor and birth! She even stayed with me at the hospital overnight because my husband was unable to! I would recommend her to anyone!

Sharon Varasse


Christina was amazing! It was my first baby and things didn’t go as planned, for reasons beyond our control. She helped to make my birth as much like what I had planned as it could be. She was very supportive, not only of me but my husband as well! Having her there helped me have peace and confidence in my decisions I made through out labor and delivery. I would highly recommend Christina to anyone wanting a doula, and we will definitely be using her again as well!

Carty Powers


First of all, I highly recommend that everyone hire a doula for their birth- they are amazing. Christina was a life saver for us. She met with us several times prior to delivery, helping us come up with a birth plan. During the actual birth of my daughter, she helped provide necessary support for myself and my husband so we could stick to our birth plan. Christina was caring, professional and knowledgeable throughout the whole process. After the birth, she helped us initiate breastfeeding (it's a major plus that she's a lactation consultant as well). She also provided help with questions when we got home and provided a post-partum visit. Thanks to Christina, we had the best birthing experience I could imagine. I HIGHLY recommend her to anyone looking for a doula.

Barrington Harvey, Jr


Christina has been extremely helpful to my family during the birth and development of our 2 children. She has consistently offered helpful expert advice regarding breastfeeding and other baby topics. She has been comforting and helped put my wife at ease during stressful times as a mother. She has also given my wife confidence as a mother . We are grateful for her!

Sydney Battle Harvey


Christina has been an outstanding support for the births of my two children. She has always been available and eager to offer expert professional advice, specifically on breastfeeding. However, she has also provided great input about infant sleeping and adjustment to Motherhood overall. What I appreciate is her positive outlook and constant encouragement . I felt her sincere concern even though we mostly  communicated via  phone calls, texts, and email. With my first child I was so close to giving up on breastfeeding and I prayed for God to help me make it. She was an answered prayer! She has a true passion and gift for nutrition and all baby matters!

Birth Availability for Christina Deleon, MS, IBCLC, CD/PCD(DONA)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-11-2024

Postpartum Availability for Christina Deleon, MS, IBCLC, CD/PCD(DONA)

= Available. Calendar last updated: 06-11-2024