Krista Sullivan Photo

Krista Sullivan

Monumental Beginnings Doula Services

Providence, RI Service range 60 miles

Birth Fee

$950 to $2300

Postpartum Rate

$30 to $40

Birth Fee

$950 to $2300

Postpartum Rate

$30 to $40

Birth Doula Experience

5 years and 50 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

5 years and 60 families served

Doula Training

  • Warm Welcome Birth Services, November 2016

Type of practice: Doula agency owner

Clients per month: 1 to 3 births and 2 to 4 postpartum families

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Acupressure
  • Antepartum doula support
  • Aromatherapy
  • Baby sign language education
  • Babywearing education
  • Birth counseling for survivors of childhood sexual abuse
  • Cancer patients and survivors
  • Childbirth education services
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Infant massage education
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Mother roasting
  • Newborn care and parenting classes
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Parenting consulting
  • Perinatal wellness coach
  • Prenatal or postnatal massage
  • Reflexology
  • Reiki
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • Sleep educator
  • Sleep support consulting
  • Surrogates and intended parents
  • TENS units rental
  • Therapist or counselor
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Cape & Islands Maternal Depression Task Force, Doulas of Rhode Island Member Founder of grant-funded community doula program on Cape & Islands to allow all residents to receive 3 3 hour postpartum doula home visits at no cost to them

Languages Spoken

  • English

Service Area

Providence, RI Service range 60 miles

Client Testimonials for Krista Sullivan

Post a testimonial for Krista Sullivan

Allyson Rollins


I dont even know where to begin because Krista was so so amazing during my entire pregnancy and birth experience, we are so thankful for her support and knowledge. Krista made sure we were educated in all options so we could form our own opinions. She had lots of resources and was able to answer any questions we had. We loved having someone that we knew was on our side and was genuinely there to support us and our needs. Having a doula was the best decision we made and i would highly recommend Monumantal Begginings Doula!

Caroline Buccino


I was very fortunate to have Krista Sullivan as my doula during the birth of my first baby this past summer, 2021. Having to be induced, I spent three days in the hospital just working through different induction procedures. Without Krista’s positivity, support and knowledge, it would have been a difficult and stressful experience and I would have probably been pushed to having a C-section. Krista helped me tremendously using spinning baby techniques, massage, body positioning and then for the birth more positional strategies and emotional support.

She coached my husband and I prior to our induction in a class setting teaching us techniques we could use together during labor that we implemented and found extremely helpful and unifying. I am so incredibly grateful to Krista for her thorough knowledge, kindness and incredible talent at her craft as an doula and would highly recommend her!

Julie Marie Ables-Playl


I don’t think there are words enough to express how much Krista has helped in our story, and how integral she was to the birth of our little bundle of joy. Krista is a HUGE part of our tiny family - I am forever grateful she has been a part of our lives.

??Krista’s patience forever astounds me. As a mother who suffers from depression and anxiety, finding a doula who could navigate those rough times was very important. Not only did Krista help me stay calm and collected before my birth, but she was also (and still is!) a fountain of information and kindness. As an adopted child, I didn’t have the resources from my family to prepare me for birth. Krista guided us through all the preparation, stayed patient when I needed space, and always has let her kind presence been know.??

I was 41 weeks when the doctor decided to induce labour. After 48 hours of getting nowhere, Krista was right beside me when I decided to go in for a C-section. She calmed me down in the operation room and made sure that we were able to have the best possible birth we could.

She is the person you can depend on to go through the ups and downs, scary and beautiful times of becoming a mother. Her genuine passion for what she does is one of a kind. Krista has been so amazing to work with - I cannot express how grateful I am that she has been here for me, and understood my needs when we went through a rough post-partum depression.

??Krista is a one in a million - I cannot imagine a better doula to share an amazing journey with!

Amber Vayo


Krista was the doula for my second daughter who was born at home after a C-sectio with my first (HBAC). It was her first time (and mine) with a home birth, and she was absolutely the best. HBACs can be tough, but she was right there with me despite a really fast and intense pushing phase. At one point, due to back labor (OP baby) and because my water broke first, I felt like my spine was going to burst. Krista reached into the tub and did some doula magic with my pelvis, and I felt the first relief I had felt all day.

She kept me focused on pushing slowly during the pushing phase, and after my daughter was born, she stayed with us (and brought me food) until we were comfortable. When my 5 year old came home, she asked to see the placenta (which I didn't want to see), and Krista helped the midwives show her.

She is professional reliable, and has the business side of it down. But she is also kind, understanding, and a calming presence. No matter how many times I have kids, I would never want a different doula.

Julia Kemp


Nothing fully prepares you for the birth of your first child, but having a doula is like having a secret weapon...or professional angle-astronaut guide on an epic journey to the moon. There are so many unexpected challenges. Even though we knew there was a good chance I would have to go the cesarean route, I am so very grateful we signed up with Krista Sullivan specifically! Her doula style is that of a humble hero. We benefited greatly from her guidance before, during and after the birth of our child. She provided me and my husband with countless insights and tricks along the way. Her presence is so comforting and supportive.

Just one of the many examples: Breastfeeding was among the hardest challenges and when my milk supply suddenly plummeted unexpectedly, I could have fallen into despair. Our baby was born at 10lbs, but was struggling to grow fast enough to maintain his percentile - the pediatricians had us on high alert. Krista showed up at my door with a whole power pumping regiment to jump start me back. She either knows the answers or can pull in the experts who cover a whole range of services. It is 5 months later and thanks to Krista’s support in the early days, our sweet little babe is growing well and still breastfeeding today. Do not delay! Reserve Krista as you Doula, angel-astronaut guide to the awesome out of this world adventure of becoming a parent.

Jennifer Hayden


I highly recommend Krista.  She did a great job preparing me for my birth and helping pull together my birth plan.  I had to have a c section and she was in the OR with me making sure everything went exactly how I wanted it to and stayed with me for my first day of recovery. She will also be helping with getting my sea legs over the coming weeks! Highly recommend her for anyone on the Cape or in Boston delivering!

Brandi Terrell


It was such a wonderful experience having Krista as our doula. I don't know what we would have done without her! She was great at checking in with me throughout the pregnancy, seeing how I was feeling, helping to allay any fears I was having about the process. I truly cannot thank her enough for how wonderful she was to us throughout the pregnancy and intrapartum experience. She also helped me to put together a cohesive birth plan so I would be ready for the big day.

I went into labor suddenly a day before my due date, and Krista was at our side within minutes of our calling her. She was indispensable as I experienced incredibly strong contractions (arrived at the hospital 6cm dilated and was to 10cm within an hour, and this was my first baby!) and a very long time of pushing to get baby girl out. She was unbelievably respectful of my wishes, and so supportive of whatever intervention I was requesting or needing. She worked seamlessly with my doctor, husband, and the nurse to form a supportive care team that had the best interests of myself and our baby girl at heart. And in the end I got the unmedicated, natural birth that I had hoped would be possible for my baby girl!

After the birth she has been wonderful at checking in to see how both myself, my husband, and baby girl are doing. I have always gotten a strong sense of how much she cares for her clients, and how passionate she is about ensuring that they have the best birth experience possible.

You will not go wrong with choosing Krista to be your birth doula. I couldn't think of anyone I would have rather had by my side (besides my husband) in making me feel as supported as possible for the birth. Don't hesitate to contact her for more information!

Olivia Gird


Where do I begin to tell you how AMAZING Krista was as my doula!?! Half way through my pregnancy, I was unsure of what a doula did and whether or not I even needed one. After all, this was my second child and my boyfriend planned on coaching me throughout labor and delivery. I had given birth before but my gut told me to hire a doula this time. It was the best decision I could have made for my family!!! Krista was amazingly caring, calm, thoughtful, organized and informative. She was always available to answer my questions, calm my fears and help me plan.

My labor was a 29 hour whirlwind of strong, intense back contractions. I am so happy to have had Krista working as a team with my boyfriend at home and in the hospital. I needed them both on either side of me, one for counter pressure and one to hold my hands. I needed them both when I could no longer communicate with hospital staff. I am beyond grateful for everything Krista has done for my family before, during and after my daughter's birth!

Lee-Gray Boze


Krista was great!  She was able to help us with our questions and assist us with the birth process!  She was able to meet us for our late night labor and has been able to visit us after our baby was born.  Plan to use her again for our second baby...!

Lee-Gray Boze

Birth Availability for Krista Sullivan

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-30-2024

Postpartum Availability for Krista Sullivan

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-30-2024